- This idiot doesn't realize that there's people like me who pay taxes to Finland (gladly) who could be doing their j… https://t.co/KiEcAgBgzY ->
- Why do I care? Because no matter what they say, Persut and such don't make a difference between me and any other ty… https://t.co/EIeQesiCCD in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @LeChouNews: Emmanuel Macron Visibly Loses His Appetite After Seeing Frikandel, Raw Herring With Onions And Heineken On Menu For Meal Wi… ->
- Plus, even if I were not directly affected, their rhetoric is just plain wrong and dangerous to a successful, open society like Finland. in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @ask_aubry: Shark dance break might be the only way to get people back into the offices. https://t.co/8WvRmOS4iz ->
- RT @jwherrman: amazon is optimizing itself into oblivion https://t.co/LB5IKhuy3x ->
- RT @redesunidosmx: ¿Qué buscan imponiendo el destructivo Plan B? Aquí algunas pistas, texto de @CiroMurayamaINE https://t.co/JjPW2gMaU7 ->
- Opin Venn-diagrammit ala-asteella Meksikossa kauan sitten. Persut eivät edelleen osaa käyttää. Mamu 1-0 Persut.… https://t.co/9yl4sceOsl ->
- Looks like a joke, it isn’t 😬 https://t.co/xjuxoicueR ->
- RT @A01326719: Tuve que dejar 2 noches a mi perro en pensión … y me mandaron esto : https://t.co/KOxdNGxZ62 ->
- RT @virtaava: Retired FDF intelligence officer Colonel Martti J. Kari
This, as always, is an interview you should read. -> - RT @virtaava: The Russians are angry, but that doesn't matter.
– The West should never be afraid of Russia's reaction. On the contrary, now… -> - RT @Empty_America: No one understands Argentina.
Every 5 to 10 years they have events that Americans imagine would be the collapse of a… ->
- RT @krp_poliisi: Psykoterapiakeskus Vastaamoon kohdistuneesta tietomurrosta epäilty 25-vuotias suomalaismies on otettu kiinni Ranskassa tän… ->
- Minulla on vaativa työtehtävä ja olen insinööri, mutta saavuin Suomeen ns. kehitysmaasta opiskelemaan (eli, olin si… https://t.co/Et2UoNgjAe ->
- RT @year_progress: Twitter is closing its doors to hobby bots like this one. They tell us a week before this happens.
There's been a lot o… ->
- RT @PipitoneUgo: Según el Democracy Index, entre los mayores países de A.L., México es el único con un régimen híbrido (entre autocracia y… ->
- En pysty ymmärtää tyypit jotka vastaavat että näitä tarinoita mitä @mariaca2307 jakaa pitäisi olla keksittyjä koska… https://t.co/HAHf63Y2N2 ->
- RT @MariaCa2307: Muuten voi tulla olo, että ei kuulu joukkoon.
Näiden perheellemme tapahtuneiden esimerkkien vuoksi olen ehdottomasti anon… ->
- RT @CapitanaBotitas: nos llegó nuestro nuevo refri y nos dijeron que no podemos instalarlo hasta que descanse unas horas. no entendemos muy… ->
- RT @RosiAvento: Kiitos @MariaCa2307 kun ja'at tarinanne. Samaistun monilta kantilta ruskeana naisena, jotkut olettanut että
– olen tyttäre… -> - RT @aleroi: End the pronoun wars and just adopt the Finnish way:
We assume nothing and refer to everyone casually as it/its.
Including pe… ->
- Sambialainen opiskelukaveri muutti pois Suomesta juuri tuon takia. Pahin tilanne mitä muistan kuulleeni hänestä alk… https://t.co/7EpaDRoESE ->
- RT @AlanSalehzadeh: Kun mamu ei juo🍺 hän ei ole omaksunut "meidän kulttuuria", kun juot "tämä ei ole integroitumista", kun teet duunia tai… ->
- RT @FinAmbSthlm: Glad Runebergsdag! Idag firar finländare nationalskalden J.L. Runeberg och äter saftiga Runebergstårtor på café. Här i Sve… ->
- RT @jojalonen: Runeberg Day! Day of the Finnish national poet, also an important figure in Sweden. This used to be a major holiday; before… ->
- RT @hpdailyrant: This woman talks through how she taught her son how to clean the toilet. In essence she taught him how to think about how… ->
- You may not understand this image, but in a way it defines me and other Mexicans in Finland. It’s a cranberry tamal… https://t.co/Nyp0rbx34d ->
Un niño japonesito llega a México y el papá lo inscribe en la escuela.
El… ->
Weekly tweets from 2023-01-23 to 2023-01-29
- RT @parismartineau: I spent the last 2mo talking to 20+ employees at the tech unicorn Patreon. They described a mission-driven startup crum… ->
- RT @eadamson91: Certainly a creative solution to the NATO deadlock: “We should just join Finland instead.”
Thoughts on getting the gang ba… ->
- RT @YaroslavConway: Since Western Right has lost its own mind and decided to crown Vladimir Putin as the holy protector of the free market,… ->
- RT @futbolgeek_: Esta es información que todo futbolero debe conocer 🤓. https://t.co/LuVfnUFzJZ ->
- RT @spargles: https://t.co/dSGsHCliie ->
- Stuff of nightmares https://t.co/wRIBHU4Uhz ->
- RT @ianbremmer: finland's got one of europe's largest standing armies
& it's not to defend against sweden… - RT @pmakela1: Live footage from Ukrainan logistics hq when they hear that there will be two 120mm shells that aren't compatible. https://t.… ->
- RT @LeChouNews: Olaf Scholz Phones Zelenskyy, Asks When He's Going To Come Pick Up His Leopard 2 Tanks https://t.co/HnHjrTM1qe ->
- Jajajaja, yo antes de las 9 o después de las cinco, jajajajajajaja https://t.co/E8c5aWkhc7 ->
- RT @SarahNEmerson: Every line of this profile is extremely quotable but I think my favorite is: "He wants to have the brain, heart, lungs,… ->
- RT @WBHoekstra: The European Court of Human Rights has confirmed Russia's involvement in the downing of flight #MH17. An important mileston… ->
- RT @BadBalticTakes: The Koran burning protest that infuriated Turkey and derailed Sweden’s NATO application was organised by Russia.
Here’… ->
- Oh the memories https://t.co/48SzjYrCOw ->
- RT @dcposch: microsoft has a generational opportunity to reintroduce Clippy as a gpt5-based god-paperclip that finishes your thoughts and d… ->
- RT @DanteAtkins: Nobody in the "West" talks about occupying Moscow. Moscow talks about occupying Berlin and Paris all the time. That tells… ->
- RT @sakarirokkanen: Perussuomalaisten ajama EU-ero on tässä maailmanajassa ja tällä maantieteellä totaalisen vastuutonta ja epäisänmaallist… ->
- RT @jmkorhonen: #CeterumCenseo, I believe Russia must lose. If Putin can outlast democracies by cynically driving barely trained reservists… ->
- RT @FIIA_fi: New FIIA Briefing Paper 📝
@lauritahtinen discusses #Mexico's democratic decay and the deteriorating US-Mexico relations.
🇲🇽… ->
- RT @HighyieldHarry: https://t.co/NMYBgNez6x ->
- RT @PetteriOrpo: Euroopan unionin jäsenyys on Suomen tärkein ulko- ja turvallisuuspoliittinen ratkaisu. Myös teollisuutemme ja vientimme ta… ->
- RT @martindelp: ¿Por qué eligieron a Ares de Parga? ¿Qué candidato a DT tiene más posibilidades? ¿Quién manda en selecciones? ¿Y Bielsa? De… ->
- RT @franceintheus: I guess this is us now… https://t.co/LrKvgjiw1X ->
- Esto y 🧠n't me parecen extraordinarios. No sabía que existían, pero son muy lógicos. https://t.co/sT9F9uzvYn ->
- RT @oscarlopezgib: “Through music, I started researching more about the Maya, and I began to see great things: philosophies, traditions, cu… ->
- RT @alovelydai: I am so angry by the accuracy of this tok. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/8aDXbVl02Z ->
- Y pensar que yo tengo familia en Hermosillo que seguido va a Arizona 😬😬😬 https://t.co/m5JDnFy3C2 ->
- RT @pablo_majluf: Estamos atestiguando la acapulquización de la Riviera Maya. Destrucción, corrupción, crimen, violencia, pobreza, fealdad.… ->
- RT @azamatistan: “Countries with relatively recent experience of Soviet occupation, see no benefit in holding what they have in reserve unt… ->
- RT @mariorz: Look, I love the remote worker boom taking over some neighborhoods in Mexico City. We went from pandemic ghost town to "vibran… ->
- RT @toni_groth: ……jonnet ei muuten tiedä mitä mainostettiin ja mikä oli firma😂😂 https://t.co/kmFVfyilSB ->
- RT @Garcimonero: Esto es s peor que el Fobaproa , acaban de convertir la deuda de Pemex en deuda pública, ahora todos tenemos que pagar los… ->
- RT @NasimaRazmyar: Sanoin tämän viime viikolla, ja toistan edelleen. Maahanmuuttovastaisuus ohjaa niin vahvasti perussuomalaisten toimintaa… ->
- RT @VesaHeikkila: Riikka Purra kehottaa tänään Hesarissa ottamaan mallia Japanista maahanmuuton lisäämisen sijasta. Ei kai sentään? Japanin… ->
- RT @P_Kallioniemi: In today's #vatnik soup I'll be discussing about Finland and how it fights Russian disinformation and propaganda. I'll a… ->
- Cómo hacer amigos e influir en los demás, por Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Una protesta anti OTAN en Finlandia con… https://t.co/JDy7rkYWFs ->
- RT @ABarbashin: Still one of the best explainer as to why Putin made the decision to invade Ukraine in 2022.
https://t.co/zJRH5s8mlt -> - Pet peeve: Every time I hear Europeans say Mexico is in Central America I remember they tried to get to India and e… https://t.co/sGQW4kBOTE ->
Weekly tweets from 2023-01-16 to 2023-01-22
- ROTFL https://t.co/t7OKeaaS4E ->
- RT @frangaos: Estaba leyendo un reporte de Barclays sobre el “near-shoring”
México tiene una oportunidad enorme de ~$147B
Se habla de pro… ->
- RT @xruiztru: This map highlights the extent of wealth inequalities across Europe. https://t.co/eIWKd75ByE ->
- RT @anicronia: Ayer en mi pueblo mágico, se realizó la bendición de los animales por ser el día de San Antonio Abad y como es tradición, ta… ->
- RT @mattround: Absolutely brutal https://t.co/5exzYzZyhp ->
- RT @sw_holocron: 💜 https://t.co/ZxhmyPo3NP ->
- RT @emilkastehelmi: Suomen on harkittava äärimmäisen tarkkaan, missä määrin sen kannattaa tehdä enää puolustusmateriaalihankintoja Saksasta… ->
- RT @ThatDarnSteve: Try explaining to a non-Finn that this is a delicious lunch. https://t.co/TJjrwdb942 ->
- RT @IanColdwater: So who *is* hiring in tech right now, and what are you hiring for?
Asking for several tens of thousands of people ->
- RT @jcbehrends: I am not sure Berlin understands the lasting loss of trust and the damage already done to our reputation – not only in Ukra… ->
- RT @NotoriousPBG: Twitter is debating how the pyramids were built again so I’m just gonna bring back this gem https://t.co/SmJlLpt2Xu ->
- RT @JuanGBarba: 1/9 Algunas grandes guerras aceleran procesos transformadores de la identidad de los beligerantes. Ucranianos y rusos, cuan… ->
- RT @wingcommander1: Thankyou to everyone who has messaged me about my "goodbye" piece to Japan. The response has been truly overwhelming. I… ->
- RT @minna_alander: An incredibly bleak read. Sometimes the reality of the Bundeswehr is worse than the nastiest bashing…
No wonder the sta… ->
- RT @solarrsystem: It is INSANE that NASA had talks with the Sesame Street production crew to send Big Bird into space. In the end since his… ->
- RT @Ariasvilla: Las muletillas del periodismo son una fuente de posibles nombres de bandas de rock. Imaginen un festival donde se presenten… ->
Weekly tweets from 2023-01-09 to 2023-01-15
- RT @CanoFootball: Quite possibly the most Guardiolian goal of all time:
- RT @tanayj: Fascinating chart https://t.co/nu3Zu0RNxJ ->
- RT @bctallis: 1. What is Neo-Idealism?
(seeing as many of you have asked)
It’s a new approach to Grand Strategy & International Relations t… -> - RT @MishiChoudhary: Nobody told me but the hardest part of adulting is watching your parents grow old. ->
- Update: my body and brain are here. My soul hasn’t quite arrived yet. #jetlag #discombobulation… https://t.co/E2phJcSZH6 ->
- RT @AdamCSharp: What they call pedants (people who can’t resist correcting you’re spelling and grammer) in different countries….
5. Comma… ->
- RT @mariatad: ! Goldman Sachs no longer predicts a recession in the euro area – upgrades GDP forecast to +0.6% for 2023 vs -0.1% prior per… ->
- RT @BNOFeed: 3 years ago today: A man in Wuhan, China becomes the first confirmed death from COVID-19. Since then, at least 6.7 million peo… ->
- RT @pablo_majluf: Imagínate que eres México.
Se derrumban China y Rusia.
EU y Canadá te dicen: "vente pa' acá güey, aquí es el siglo XXI… ->
- RT @LakotaMan1: Pro tip.
If you’re going to publicly call COVID a hoax — please don’t end up dying from it. ->
- RT @artsila: Finnish daycare transportation at its best
Commuting with pulkka!😍
Easy vertical parking! https://t.co/oaPoHocvK6 ->
- Yo empecé a los 19 años y aún así estuvo súper cabrón. No son enchiladas tampoco. https://t.co/VYoOcLiDfX ->
- RT @fawfulfan: I can't believe this has to be pointed out: the reason cars are designed to crumple, rather than be indestructible, is to di… ->
- RT @cbctom: Remembering that little kid in the “Temple of Doom”? Ever wonder what happened to him?
This happened tonight.🥲 #GoldenGlobes20… ->
- RT @aleerick2282: Les dejo está joya a ver si reconocen al sr del piano… @cronicas_ciudad @barcenairene https://t.co/O3JW6rl11m ->
- RT @ShapedInternet: https://t.co/x7UEm9xwQH ->
- RT @MarkHamill: George's wallet. ->
- RT @Reycholosimeone: También te digo que Shakira no ha inventado nada. Imagínate lo que le hicieron a Paquita la del Barrio. https://t.co/4… ->
- RT @danwaterfield: Airbus: ‘Hey you’re back from your intercontinental flight early’
Turkish airlines: ‘aircraft’s conscious’
Airbus: ‘what… -> - City I dislike: Frankfurt
City I think is overrated: Paris
City I like: Oslo
City I love: Tokyo
City I feel most m… https://t.co/rrmGJ00QKY -> - RT @ianharveyOT: Why do so many companies struggle with OKRs?
Exhibit A: Terrible examples to learn from.
Let's look at a few examples I… ->
- RT @Doc_Hannibal: Menos mal que la reina Sofía no es cantante. ->
- My non-Spanish-speaking followers are missing the drama of the century (and it has a good beat, too). Heaven has no… https://t.co/jpuLuYIoNk ->
- RT @AriLehtoranta: Seuraavat 5 lahjoittamaamme bussia ja niille 10 uutta sankarillista kuskia lähti tänään kohti Ukrainaa. Lapset on saatav… ->
- RT @alan_estrada: Pero de Paquita la del Barrio nunca se quejaron. ->
- RT @RafalcorS: Sin duda la mejor parte de la session de BZRP feat Shakira 🤘🏼 https://t.co/32ng0gmVp7 ->
- RT @franco_esca: Lo de la sesión de @shakira con @bizarrap es una genialidad.
La mitad de la raza crítica a Shakira, la otra mitad la apoya… -> - RT @PaveloRockstar: Ahora sí, hablemos duro contra el muro de la tiradera en la que Shakira DESTRUYÓ a Piqué.
Para entenderla del todo… ->
- RT @BadLipReading: Secret congressional codenames revealed during roll call #politics https://t.co/s1zPFBrnMW ->
- RT @itziaroltra: Un resumen de las marcas que han decidido subirse al carro del tema del día: el beef directísimo de Shakira a Piqué en su… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: All of us, listening to Shakira’s #Bizarrap collab https://t.co/MofLKqrwWi ->
- Esto está interesante. https://t.co/qsW6UWVXOS ->
- I love that there’s a party (not in government) whose program, communications and actions are openly racist but whe… https://t.co/aU0DWayS3W ->
- Cowards in more than one way too: their proposals are not about building a better country for all within the realm… https://t.co/iSfHNIMEyB in reply to chivacongelado ->
Weekly tweets from 2023-01-02 to 2023-01-08
- RT @JosephPolitano: The climate crisis alleviating Europe's energy shortage is the polycrisis version of that Simpsons bit where Mr. Burns… ->
- This is worse than when foreign media write about Mexico (and that’s saying something) https://t.co/JfCbx0P6we ->
- https://t.co/6YHD2ZPJhb https://t.co/c2uB23FILg ->
- RT @Gavlebocken: It's time for me to hit the hay-sack. Thank you for this season and remember – I'll be bock! 🐐 https://t.co/zFYfvX7R8K ->
- RT @Brieyonce: LMAO https://t.co/mr1ljDWnGf ->
- RT @BuffaloBills: The thoughts and prayers of all of Bills Mafia are supporting you, Damar. 🙏 https://t.co/lDWNAOEPX4 ->
- RT @nochaveznada: Ya en serio: ¿qué estamos haciendo con estos vatillos solitarios y confundidos además de ridiculizarlos y arrojarlos dire… ->
- RT @BuffaloBills: Damar Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest following a hit in our game versus the Bengals. His heartbeat was restored on the… ->
- RT @LauraHuu: ”Fun” facts from Finland. Gennady Timchenko’s and Herman Simm’s names have popped up. A late night thread. 🪡 ->
- RT @flaviocopes: Web3 devs turning into AI devs https://t.co/wAWuDuM7s5 ->
- RT @radoshi: An epic battle between the growth PM, the revenue PM, and legal. https://t.co/n3Z5xnMigx ->
- RT @porktendencia: "Oviedo":
Porque la dislexia se apoderó de Twitter. -> - RT @ExChavitaBien: Estoy hasta la puta madre de cómo se trata la problemática de las drogas en primer mundo vs en tercer mundo.
Hasta la p… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: No hay palabras para describir la valentía de los periodistas sinaloenses en un día como hoy. ->
- RT @NBA: CAREER-HIGH 49 PTS FOR LAURI MARKKANEN 😳 https://t.co/WY0bAqekQw ->
- Who’d guess that Russians are escaping by giving birth to their children in Argentina 🤷🏽♂️ https://t.co/Dr61CgJG8C ->
- https://t.co/ijtc80FbnA https://t.co/DnYhausspt ->
- RT @krides: Sending Sisu APCs and other valuable equipment to Ukraine and never mentioning it to anyone is the most Finnish thing that has… ->
- RT @FinitePhysicist: Fun math fact: the equation x^5 = 1 has *no* solutions! This is because there is no formula for solving quintics, like… ->
- Russia picking a fight with Mexico at the UN and I immediately feel like this https://t.co/7cQBhALATl https://t.co/LQpcRrJnhj ->
- RT @Marederia: En esta última visita me di cuenta que México tiene todo lo que amo y extraño menos la tranquilidad y seguridad que he encon… ->
- RT @klaasm67: On this day in 1940, a numerically superior Soviet division was defeated by the Finnish during the battle of Raate Road. The… ->
- RT @rufianmelancoli: Cuidas el metro, estás cuidando el pulso interno, el ritmo, el flujo intenso y cotidiano del Chilango.
Te vale madres… ->
- RT @BadLipReading: Everything changes once you know what McCarthy and Gaetz were actually saying
- RT @andyblarsen: NBA players with 70 dunks and 70 3s this year:
1. Lauri Markkanen
2. nobody else -> - Teniendo en cuenta que en México la gente les da propinas a los viene viene para que se encarguen de, entre otras c… https://t.co/DhmHPrJPuh ->
- RT @SportsCenter: LAURI MARKKANEN, SHEESH😤 https://t.co/ZZzsfGAYfv ->
- RT @lesalfredsson: 📢🌎Los MEXICANOS en el EXTRANJERO tenemos la obligación de renovar nuestras credenciales del INE, ASAP, no olvidemos que… ->
- RT @UniformesSelec1: Siente tu liga… https://t.co/zWq2NapJHd ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-12-26 to 2023-01-01
- RT @StobiesGalaxy: Name this band. ❤️
#StarTrek #StarWars https://t.co/hFrgQtAiyY -> - RT @KaySlominator: @StobiesGalaxy Force: Engage
Top songs:
~I Have a Very Bad Feeling About This
~My Star, My Sun, My Number One
~Make It… -> - RT @nocontextfooty: https://t.co/SiUqAFa3UQ ->
- Quém é o menino con a bola no pé? E O Rei, Pelé https://t.co/o1qBd6oDcr ->
- RT @rannnda: i am begging y’all to stop getting english words tattooed on you in arabic omg i was wondering why this girl had the word “ref… ->
- RT @ashtaf130: @rannnda @katdotfasta Dude apparently someone did brat pit as براد بيت (home refrigerator) ->
- RT @FedericoMXSud: El Coco Basile hablando sobre Pelé https://t.co/H21F11qOnh ->
- RT @LuisOmarTapia: 🕊 🕊 🕊 https://t.co/awh67vXAzz ->
- RT @luisantespino: Viendo esto, resulta increíble que Pelé viviera hasta los 82 años 😳
- RT @brucebatman007: Hoy os traigo un hilo de curiosidades de una auténtica obra maestra del género bélico, una película que marcó un antes… ->
- RT @nottheanakinway: This thread has been sitting in my drafts for months so here we are at last… let’s end the year with great and funny m… ->
- RT @beltrandelrio: Habiendo tantos temas importantes que resolver entre México y Estados Unidos, es increíble que López Obrador haya conver… ->
- RT @ce_tracey: A Mexicanism that i believe has no English equivalent: “echar lámina” ->
- RT @sw_holocron: Iconic Star Wars lines of 2022
“Like a bantha.”
“Hello there.”
“Never more than 12.”
“One way out.” https://t.co/R0gNo… ->
- RT @numetal_moment: Rob Zombie has words for Babymetal haters (2016) https://t.co/3fwy0kO0q1 ->
- RT @felipekieling: O que o Pelé representa ao mundo muitos brasileiros não fazem ideia. https://t.co/JH97gnAfEq ->
- RT @TrungTPhan: The last three years, explained https://t.co/folDJaHy8g ->
- My wife wasn’t but after half of our lives together she’s a Star Wars fan too. This kind of “alpha male” posturing… https://t.co/fHmy5IZPdr ->
- Don’t only read stuff that confirms your biases https://t.co/56JtHgBSLR ->
- RT @_alice_evans: If you’re on the political Right
And want your priors Rocked:
– Begin with a crash course in Moral Error theory
– Stu… ->
- RT @gajush13: @_alice_evans @holland_tom @hoovlet @prof_ahmetkuru On the last one, would highly recommend these by Amin Maalouf https://t.c… ->
- RT @tony_magoni: The movie “Zardoz” takes place in 2023, so get ready for everyone to start dressing like this https://t.co/fi8xbiAXSZ ->
- Instead of listing my learnings of 2022 I wanted to focus on something I’ve been thinking for a while now but final… https://t.co/U6ohKExBoO ->
- I believe that the pace of change of society, markets and everything else is accelerating in some (many) ways in di… https://t.co/QjfX7xY8J8 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- However, our reactions are still guided by our psychology, which is in the end based on human biology. Therefore, w… https://t.co/XyRVNfsAsZ in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Resilience is not about “taking it in the chin without complaining”, but about building the necessary mechanisms fo… https://t.co/ivVlBbPX0G in reply to chivacongelado ->
- or ridicule, common understanding of direction and how to measure progress, guidance to have enough shared context… https://t.co/vfdTcoHJBJ in reply to chivacongelado ->
- This requires healthy doses of humility, courage, curiosity and good will.
All of this is as much an art as it is… https://t.co/YtkavbIcMl in reply to chivacongelado ->
- I’m currently on holiday in Mexico with my family for the first time since the pandemic started and enjoying every… https://t.co/n9Y8z5VSc2 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Here’s wishing for a better 2023 for everyone. Happy New Year!
8/8 https://t.co/GKv3ycicez in reply to chivacongelado -> - RT @sw_holocron: Luthen’s speech in Andor was breathtaking https://t.co/iJEi24HKYL ->
- RT @sabakarimm: Startup Idea: Twitch for Figma. Yes, I want to watch people design live. Tell me this exists already. ->
- RT @VilleKinaret: 6v: Onko Suomessa ollut dinosauruksia.
Minä: Kyllä varmaan joskus on ollut.
6v: Varmaan T-Rexejä.
Minä: Miten niin?
6… ->
- RT @FARED_ALHOR: Some advice from me one nation under Russian siege to another: as a Syrian who lived through the hell of the Russian bombi… ->
- RT @bad_histories: In celebration of the coming new year and the many bad history takes that it will bring with it, I made myself a Bad His… ->
- ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Hyvää uutta vuotta! https://t.co/cRDtSH9w9Q ->
- As Mexican born and raised I find this weird and hilarious. Habaneros are LIFE, I tell you. 😜 https://t.co/hHey1pNPij ->
- RT @noclador: The most surprising thing for me in 2022 was that Italian fascists are more ethical, honest, clear eyed, realistic, and empat… ->
- RT @sw_holocron: “I burn my decency for someone else’s future…” https://t.co/ffycFBawuD ->
El 16 de junio de 2023 inauguramos la exposición ANCIENT MEXICO: MAYA, AZTEC, AND TEOTIHUACAN.… -> - Damn. I was wrong yesterday. https://t.co/qEHyz2UV27 ->
- RT @TheSpaceshipper: Stories set in 2023.
Avengers: Endgame (2019) / Crysis 2 (2011) / Perfect Dark (2000) / Gunbuster (1988) https://t.co… ->
- RT @SahlstenTimo: Hurjaa. https://t.co/O9rPhvvxF6 ->
- RT @MiroPalm: "While Russian troops curse their shortages and lack of hot food, Ukrainian troops are now benefiting from supplies of insula… ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-12-19 to 2022-12-25
- RT @AndrewPerpetua: This is @elonmusk Publicly admitting that he is having a total meltdown over his catastrophic failure at running twitte… ->
- RT @the_transit_guy: Mexico City’s subway system has a unique icon for each station, what do you think of this practice? https://t.co/JW2aK… ->
- RT @pstionalplay: Scaloni’s strategy, for me, was incredibly risky but worked very well. Knowing France would keep 2 defs from the back 4 o… ->
- RT @cwodtke: Sometimes you need to slow down and simplify. https://t.co/YANOyiq4as ->
- RT @brianMedeiros: @BriannaWu Maybe the Tesla board should send an email to Musk asking if he’s willing to work hard core. ->
- RT @NumidianPrime: Shoutout to my favorite recurring gag in almost every recent live action Star Wars project https://t.co/bj6AtSHwmc ->
- RT @maijasalmi: Buenos Airesissa 30 astetta ja 3,5 miljoonaa ihmistä juhlii kaduilla. En ole ikinä kokenut mitään vastaavaa, en työssä, en… ->
- RT @TrungTPhan: Buenos Aires celebration packed with ~5m people. The Argentina team bus couldn’t drive through, so they had to call in heli… ->
- RT @lapetitemachine: alguien hizo el chavo del ocho al "estilo wes anderson" en midjourney. los sueños de la IA engendran monstruos. https:… ->
- RT @GergelyOrosz: The problem Twitter will have on the engineering side is they would need to hire experienced *software engineers*, going… ->
- RT @LatamData: (1/9) In the first half of this year, Mexico's beer export value exceeded that of the next three markets — Belgium, the Neth… ->
- RT @SMarttinen: Elämäni parhaita lahjoja:
– Maksuton peruskoulu, lukio ja maisterin tutkinto
– Sairauspäiväraha ja lähes maksuttomat hoido… -> - RT @Maromas: Por qué le pusieron “AVATAR: EL CAMINO DEL AGUA” cuando AGUATAR estaba justo ahí. ->
- RT @daraobriain: Here is my annual reminder that if Santa is bringing a games console, Santa might want to plug it in and turn it on and ge… ->
- RT @jmkorhonen: Here's a great interview from the former head of Finnish defense intelligence, @PToveri . In Finnish, so I'll summarize the… ->
- RT @bitfield: I once worked with a manager who asked “Why do we all need these SREs when the site never goes down?”, and I think about that… ->
- RT @rovasque: 4. Para muchas familias migrantes la Navidad despierta el duelo y activa lealtades familiares a través de las tradiciones. M… ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: A very small but very welcome sliver of solstice sunlight between Finland's immensities of sky, lake and winter
Or, to… ->
- Dear @EmmanuelMacron, @Bundeskanzler, @EU_Commission : get your shit together now! https://t.co/PguoFu6vnw ->
- RT @jmkorhonen: Funny thing, this.
Too many anti-imperialists don't understand this yet. They correctly denounce the evils of Western colo… ->
- RT @sommervilletv: 2022 has been a lesson in never judging a book, nor a country, by its cover. At the end of February, while the city of K… ->
- RT @hofunghung: heart-breaking and in-depth report on Chinese who "run"/escape from China — getting to Ecuador visa-free, then going onto… ->
- Culture shock right here https://t.co/0vhPaKUfV8 ->
- RT @clairevo: Loving the TikTok trend of young women dressing their moms like their themselves (they all look FAB), especially compared to… ->
- RT @MarkoMaunula: Miksi amerikkalainen populistis-nationalistinen oikeisto vihaa Zelenskyia? Loistava kiteytys! https://t.co/B6MVraBu1k ->
- RT @LatamData: (1/9) Mexico welcomes nearly half of all international arrivals into Latin America + the Caribbean each year.
A thread on t… ->
- RT @lisetmachado: Santa ya partió de su oficina en Rovaniemi para su viaje anual por el mundo🎄✨
- RT @Rick_Bayless: As a practitioner of ephemeral art (yes, you have to eat my cooking to fully appreciate/understand it), I am a huge fan o… ->
- RT @UKDefJournal: 🚨 BREAKING NEWS – Two Royal Air Force Voyager tanker aircraft have been scrambled and are now in the air, heading north. ->
- RT @natwrotewhat: My child is desperately wiggling a loose tooth so she can force santa and the tooth fairy to meet and fight ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-12-12 to 2022-12-18
- RT @martindelp: Maldigo a Brasil. Nos privó de una semifinal épica y nos dio esta arrastrada. ->
- RT @PosadaAparicio: Mi hermano tiene 22 años y acaba de volver de cita con el cardiólogo con una miocarditis por culpa de vapear.
A riesg… ->
- RT @Forever_Wario: A few weeks ago someone said that Elon is terrified of reliving the fall of apartheid, and it’s totally changed the way… ->
- RT @SpiderVerse: The next Spider-Man movie is coming to theaters June 2023. Watch the new trailer for Spider-Man: Across the #SpiderVerse n… ->
- RT @Katerinaabu: One just has to love Finns. They are in the middle of Nato process, but the minister or defence is taking a paternity leav… ->
- RT @WajahatAli: If you have the means, go watch the #MoroccoVsFrance game tomorrow at an Arab restaurant or Hookah lounge. You will have a… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: Thank you @marina_ef for writing this 🌹https://t.co/xEi9Z8fP4F ->
- RT @Miss_Grape_: «Eso es un padre».
Lo de Leila Guerriero. https://t.co/KyjIrR8nVt ->
- RT @RAMONRAYA23: Para los impacientes a los q se les hace eterno q empiece la otra semi!
https://t.co/zLMadXi009 -> - RT @isosavi: Kannattaa lukea tämä. "Työperäisen maahanmuuton kritiikistä iso osa on itseasiassa epäkannustavan sosiaaliturvan kritiikkiä. S… ->
- RT @martindelp: Por primera vez, Marruecos se enfrenta a la adversidad. Vamos a ver ahora si Regragui tiene un plan B o se mantiene así y b… ->
- RT @scottygb: It has been quite the year, so as a distraction from all that here are my WTF TV news moments from 2022 ✨ ->
- RT @anto_dlt: Qué torneo de Griezmann. Ahora más sin balón que con él. Con puros movimientos por dentro ha descolocado un par de veces a un… ->
- RT @johncutlefish: If you order milkshakes for everyone attending a meeting you can call them shakeholders ->
- RT @Angel_katharsis: ¿Dónde está Francia? / ¿Y Marruecos? https://t.co/tAXPnvsAtW ->
- RT @nahuelzn: Quizás desde acá no se aprecia, pero que un equipo africano le juegue así a un europeo es tremendo eh. Jugarle sin complejo d… ->
- RT @martindelp: LINDÍSIMO partido. Quizá el mejor del Mundial. La valentía de Marruecos será recordada por años. Vaya espíritu. Al final ga… ->
- RT @skamille: One of the things I get most pedantic about is OKRs. I cannot believe how many KPIs I see labeled "OKR." If the objective is… ->
- RT @trizzlor: Musk in a twitter space hosted by Ian Miles Cheong and Seb Gorka, talking about how making twitter profitable is "so easy a b… ->
- RT @themaxburns: NEW from me for Substack: Elon Musk is having so much fun, he just can't be bothered to run Twitter. Now the entire compan… ->
- RT @martindelp: Antes de que se me olvide, extraordinario arbitraje, otra vez, de César Ramos hoy, quien cierra así un magnífico Mundial. E… ->
- Hilo 👇🏽 https://t.co/0MfjhhR61m ->
- There is a loneliness crisis in seniors in the developed world nobody talks about. It’s horrible. https://t.co/Lt8dXTVFkr ->
- RT @anuka_9568: Olen saanut satoja viestejä, että olen juuri semmoinen maahanmuuttaja, joka on Suomessa tervetullut. Kokemukseni Suomessa k… ->
- No dé por qué me recordó al grupo parlamentario de @PartidoMorenaMx 🤣😂🤣😂 https://t.co/yaxawzMZ9t ->
- RT @bbcweather: Skiers on the streets of Tallinn in Estonia last night! ⛷️ https://t.co/DpAqWsDSPe ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: With the latest round of permanent bans for journalists, the future of this platform looks bleak. ->
- RT @CubicleApril: perhaps the greatest display of leadership weakness ever https://t.co/68A8jbZbi6 ->
- RT @Carnage4Life: If links to Mastodon are being blocked, I guess that answers the question on whether usage metrics are declining. ->
- RT @Carnage4Life: Twitter has a bug where suspended accounts could still use Twitter Spaces. Since everyone who knows that codebase has bee… ->
- RT @goldman: I guess they were banned for revealing the location of where all the Twitter users are going. https://t.co/7wcfdksrpr ->
- RT @TheSpaceshipper: Six years ago today…
We were hitting the Imperials like nails. https://t.co/zQ8TY4xcvp ->
- RT @thomasthecat: The hyperspace ram is only useful in very specific tactical and strategic situations and it doesn’t break Star Wars canon… ->
- RT @SenorWargo: Hace 6 años, los fans de Star Wars caímos rendidos ante una de las mejores escenas de toda la saga y para mí la mejor pelíc… ->
- RT @pabl0hidalgo: This was a fun one. And I appreciate Tony Gilroy working in the falsified records angle for #Andor when he really didn't… ->
- RT @nocontextfooty: https://t.co/xmQOjs8eHY ->
- RT @UniformesSelec1: Desde su formación, la Selecciòn Mexicana siempre ha tenido una buena cantidad de carencias.
Sin embargo una de las po… -> - That’s going to be the view in a little over 24 hours 🤟🏽 https://t.co/MNmvH5Tk3p ->
- Nothing quite like xc-skiing for the views on a crisp winter morning. #helsinki #finland https://t.co/ioQcmzGXUv ->
- RT @WUTangKids: Sounds of Buenos Aires after Argentina won…absolutely mind blowing
Weekly tweets from 2022-12-05 to 2022-12-11
- RT @christogrozev: Season Finale 2022: 25 arrests, incl 22 members of a terrorist organization plotting to overthrow the German government… ->
- RT @DavidChilds: Some wild World Cup stats for you:
Italy haven’t won a knock-out game since the 2006 final.
Spain haven’t won a knock-ou… ->
- RT @MezahiMaher: Morocco's secret to success in Qatar?
Player family members have been invited to Qatar and stay in the team hotel
As a r… ->
- RT @peedutuisk: Today is the 🇫🇮Finnish independence day.🎉
I wrote a poem for you that can be hopefully read both in Finnish🇪🇪 and Estonia… ->
- RT @carlosbravoreg: Los datos económicos que trae hoy la columna de @E_Q_ son brutales… https://t.co/2Lo1o0XoEZ ->
- RT @veronicalderon: @robinrobado El PRI autoritario (¡ahora con más militares!) ->
- RT @osegundovolante: With the whole fallout after Spain’s game and Morocco’s so-called “anti-football”, this video is more relevant than ev… ->
- RT @minna_alander: Differences in communication cultures, expressing displeasure:
🇺🇸: “This is not great. I don’t love it.”
🇫🇮: “This is h… -> - RT @MiguelAngelBris: Bendito Dios se acabó este mame. HOLANDA y listo, lo dijo De Boer, ya está.
https://t.co/I57wxIMQbs -> - By far THE BEST movie of 2022 https://t.co/vi0O9AWNGR https://t.co/APGpP1LCg2 ->
- RT @madscienceskill: Now that Andor has given us a glimpse inside the Empire’s bureaucracy and military industrial complex, I want a “Penta… ->
- RT @vc: 1/ Here is how the abomination that is the AT-ST came about. Spoiler alert, it comes down to compromises & mission creep.
"Initial… ->
- RT @B_Estefan: En Alemania 🇩🇪 ayer, en lo que se convirtió en la mayor operación policiaca de su historia, se movilizaron 3,000 policías pa… ->
- RT @titwave: NEWS 🚨: Unidentified Oumuamua interstellar object is just now RE-ENTERING THE SOLAR SYSTEM WITH A STEEL CHAIR https://t.co/LQm… ->
- https://t.co/CEXHmnfbAM https://t.co/enWL1Dy20q ->
- RT @Both_Coasts25: @TheTreyinator @BittrScrptReadr Luke Skywalker projected himself across the galaxy to confront an entire army and embrac… ->
- No puede ser que falleció @GrantWahl . Mis condolencias para sus deudos. https://t.co/XqY9n0WRvc ->
- RT @JuanHeribertoMF: ✍🏻 @GrantWahl colocó casi 40 portadas de Futbol en @SInow
¡Imagínense! ¡Lo hizo en la tierra del Soccer!
En 2011 in… ->
- RT @oula_silver: Sanoin tänään #yleaamu ssa, että perussuomalaiset on oikeistoradikaali puolue, jolla on dokumentoidut yhteydet myös väkiva… ->
- RT @Olichebo: Le fils de Perisic qui vient consoler Neymar. Quoi de plus beau ? https://t.co/f98UUdTjin ->
- RT @martindelp: Recapitulemos en un hilo lo que pasó ayer después del #NEDARG porque no fue tan evidente como parece, y los héroes no son h… ->
- RT @anuka_9568: Tää on mun oma näkökulma tarinaani ja lisäykseni käynnissä olevaan keskusteluun Migristä. Part 1 https://t.co/mohxXlEQP8 ->
- RT @martindelp: Cada que Mbappé la toca se nota que es distinto. Al buen comedor se le nota desde que agarra el taco. ->
- RT @Stiff: @davidmacdougall If Finns ever had to use Migri it would change overnight ->
- RT @jazayerli: Morocco, 732 Morocco, 2022
IBERIAN PENINSULA AND A… -> - RT @FionaSDaly: I just overheard a woman say she uses her boyfriend's laptop to Google Christmas presents she wants so that he gets targete… ->
- RT @Stiff: @villecantell @anuka_9568 Note: “conversations and hopefully changes” is the Finnish version of “thoughts and prayers” ->
- Tan tan taaaaaaaan https://t.co/cPeyxT7NXw ->
- Lo que está en la mente de más de un aficionado mexicano en este momento… https://t.co/4cL1O9ZLQb https://t.co/EhaYKcVHSi ->
- RT @NoContextBrits: England in the second half. https://t.co/Hiyq5uniGo ->
- RT @alexjohnsonc: No dejemos morir uno de los mejores comerciales de la historia, "Mañana tengo que ir vestido de Castor" https://t.co/n3fe… ->
- RT @spikebrehm: Thank you ChatGPT https://t.co/Pgrvg1rADk ->
- RT @Frogs_Albatou: @aguaardientes This was the reference right? https://t.co/OonuB4teDn ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-11-28 to 2022-12-04
- RT @veronicalderon: ¿Soy la única que piensa que el video del mexicano rompiendo la tele es por ganar visitas o, como dicen los jóvenes, “c… ->
- RT @acosmiclove: brasso’s actor posted an edit of the riot scene with “killing in the name” over it and it’s amazing https://t.co/Ok90N8wvxU ->
- Que Japón pase primero en un grupo donde también están España y Alemania está cañón y genial. Igual que Marruecos.… https://t.co/H77uxAz47N ->
- En este momento Japón y Costa Rica dejan fuera a España y Alemania. Esto se esta descontrolando jajajajajaja. ->
- RT @PepedelBosque: Jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja ¿qué carajos es esto?
¡Qué locura por Dios! ->
- RT @martindelp: 7 titulares japoneses de 11 en ligas top europeas. De los 4 que no, uno es el portero, el otro está en el Celtic, el otro e… ->
- RT @arielmou: Embajador de Japón en México.
Nació en México y ha estado adscrito 3 veces en México como diplomático.
🇯🇵 🇲🇽
👇🏼 ->
- Ese soy yo pensando en la maestría en Bruselas hace 15 años https://t.co/e3dCnErtg8 ->
- When you’re in Mexico and eat tacos with cutlery… https://t.co/G3auElySJD ->
- RT @Okonomiyakiguy: It looks like Japanese people are already enjoying “Torille” celebration in Tokyo🤣 It’s 6 AM there.
https://t.co/KcCUT… -> - RT @hels: r/askhistorians continues to be the absolutely best subreddit https://t.co/Zn613hz1Bj ->
- RT @onejasonknight: Another week, nearly done! If you're a PM who has had to override someone, be overridden, do too much planning, not eno… ->
- RT @juliovacacela: El técnico de Dinamarca le mandó un mensaje en un papel a Christian Eriksen en el momento de una sustitución.
La nota p… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: The piñata of #TataMartino is 👌🏽 https://t.co/UilvtR13L3 ->
- RT @sytelus: ChatGPT was dropped on us just bit over 24 hours. It's like you wake up to the news of first nuclear explosion and you don't k… ->
- RT @nahuelzn: La pirámide cada vez se le achica mas a Sudamérica (y México). Asia y África están creciendo. Europa está teniendo seleccione… ->
- RT @gregolear: My wife has given me the greatest of all advent calendars. https://t.co/4VX1jfe8DU ->
- RT @maxleibman: Boss: Were you able to troubleshoot Joe's issue with the status report?
Me: Yes, it has been troubleshat.
Boss: … ->
- RT @futboltrotters: Asia metió tres equipos en octavos de final (🇰🇷🇯🇵🇦🇺). Conmebol solo dos (🇧🇷🇦🇷).
Algo está cambiando en el mundo del f… ->
- RT @RAMONRAYA23: Aboubakar expulsado por quitarse la camiseta..justifiquen como sea..sigue siendo una estupidez. 🤦🏼♂️🤦🏼♂️ ->
- RT @historyinmemes: BBC reporter asking what they thought was a random guy if he remembers the 1967 FA Cup match and he was actually the Li… ->
- RT @andresn: Australia jugaba en la OFC por su ubicación geográfica, solicitó cambiarse a la AFC para subir su nivel de futbol sabiendo que… ->
- RT @Troll__Footbal: This is brilliant
- RT @martindelp: Conclusión de la tercera ronda de partidos de la fase de grupos de Qatar 2022: siempre será mejor enfrentar al poderoso en… ->
- RT @hankgreen: I was not concerned about AI last week and I am concerned about AI today.
Not in the "they're going to kill us" way, but i… ->
- RT @martindelp: Va un último hilo sobre el Tata Martino, con algunos mitos y realidades. Contra lo que se dijo mucho en México, el Tata no… ->
- RT @sidlowe: Looking at this and all sorts of previously unthinkable possibilities look suddenly very real https://t.co/BG1sImkvpu ->
- RT @RAMONRAYA23: Gran foto.. los franceses usando la camiseta del equipo donde jugaban de chavitos! https://t.co/ukQNYKeYYj ->
- RT @saeedwkhan: AI impact on schools.
EVERY high school and possibly university prof will have to figure out a way to ensure that ANY res… ->
- November is over but it was not completely terrible. #finland #sweden https://t.co/7l1uaWA0JT ->
- RT @PeterZeihan: France and Germany are not used to Finland saying…anything. Now that neutrality is formally over, Europe is having to deal… ->
- RT @garciabassino: ¿Se acuerdan cuando pensábamos que lo de Argentina y Arabia Saudita era algo inédito? No teníamos idea de los diez días… ->
- RT @Dan_Lande: No puedo más. Alguien en Instagram sugirió que como gesto de reciprocidad arme el grupo “argentinos fanáticos de la selecció… ->
- RT @luisrha: https://t.co/zYhWFcHhTO ->
- RT @Borja_Pardo: Ganar un Mundial no es fácil. Es mucho más sencillo perderlo. De hecho 16 de las 32 selecciones ya se han caído por el cam… ->
- RT @GraceOnFootball: Is someone going to write an article about how both these sets of Japan and South Korea players are the generation who… ->
- RT @beeforcow: @Botanygeek @REISS I tell them that I came from a country far, far away.
Then, to reassure them, I say in hushed tones, “bu… ->
- RT @anttiyr: 🧵 Finland has been named the world's happiest country for the fifth year running. To celebrate and share our joy I though to s… ->
- RT @poiThePoi: If anyone at Twitter is looking for a simple, high-impact way to not get fired next week, I have one. https://t.co/rBnVX2HsZz ->
- RT @rjgarzaleal: No importa que jugada haya hecho tu jugador favorito….. Pelé la hizo antes
El Rey. https://t.co/rgHIYdTlhX ->
- RT @martindelp: Terminó. #FRA 3 #POL 1, con un Mbappé ESPECTACULAR. Está siendo el mejor jugador del torneo hasta el momento y parece estar… ->