Weekly tweets from 2022-11-21 to 2022-11-27

  • RT @USCPSC: Happy Thanksgiving Eve! https://t.co/6at4sSVCCR ->
  • RT @maegodhavemercy: I’ve just learned that new employees on Star Trek shows who might not know some of the details get an introduction to… ->
  • RT @Mercado_Ingles: Así dejaron los japoneses el vestuario después de su victoria vs Alemania dejando una nota con el mensaje “muchas graci… ->
  • RT @PicottoAlan: El vato que no sabe nada de futbol pero le aposto a Japon porque es otaku y fan del anime https://t.co/A8Hquag4Sj ->
  • RT @unluckyfootie: https://t.co/jdbnQhcP8u ->
  • Maestro https://t.co/J0D7w84s4Y ->
  • RT @Amadoelquelolea: Lenguaje corporal de @gabrielboric https://t.co/hp6Wg2dEt2 ->
  • RT @onejasonknight: "I was wondering if you had any advice on product management of a platform versus a individual product. Any material, b… ->
  • Qué pinche golazo, o cómo dirían los brasileños: golaço. ->
  • Creo que no me voy a parar por Twitter 12 horas antes y después del juego con Argentina porque se va a poner bien t… https://t.co/u9hz18V9he ->
  • RT @dvasishtha: The PMs are back at home for Thanksgiving https://t.co/QAO9dYJhrF ->
  • RT @eperea: There are two images I keep open on my computer. One helps me make decisions and the other helps me react appropriately to even… ->
  • RT @MahyarTousi: 🚨 BREAKING: dramatic scenes during Iran v Wales

    Iranian players forced to sing the national anthem (threatened by Islamic… ->

  • Obviamente no sé si funcione, pero dadas las condiciones me gusta la idea del planteamiento de @miseleccionmx . Bás… https://t.co/TzxFXg9cl2 ->
  • RT @tancredipalmeri: Fabulous ‘Cielito Lindo’ rendition of Mexicans in a stadium and in an atmosphere this is the stuff of which World Cup… ->
  • RT @nandorvila: Haha the camera guy focused on the hot Argentine girl in the stands and she’s just saying “la concha de tu madre” over and… ->
  • RT @BeardedGenius: This little dude https://t.co/gIRDtZ2UWX ->
  • RT @emollick: New space dystopia unlocked!

    This paper finds human blood protein, combined with Martian or Lunar rock, makes a substance a… ->

  • CHATM ->
  • ¡¡¡No se pueden dejar estos espacios!!! ->
  • RT @LuisGyG: Lo peor es que sabía que iba a suceder un resultado así, pero mi corazón quería que jugaran mejor. ->
  • RT @martindelp: Y también seamos claros, se puede criticar al Tata, y justamente, pero nos ganan con dos golazos de jugadores que tienen má… ->
  • RT @martindelp: Está más que posible eliminación en 1a ronda debería poner a pensar a los directivos, aunque dudo que lo haga. No tenemos s… ->
  • RT @Jovenesfutmx: Carajo cada 4 años vamos con la misma, dejen de culpar a la federacion y empiecen a exigir que sus equipos dejen salir a… ->
  • RT @julioordz10: Ya más en frío creo que Héctor Herrera debió salir de cambio, definitivamente no estaba para los 90’ y seguir a Messi todo… ->
  • RT @anto_dlt: Lo que duele no es la derrota en sí, estaba presupuestada, es sentirte eliminado.
    Sobre todo es un golpe brutal a nuestra gen… ->
  • RT @TropiChicxulub: @pablo_majluf Tenía que tocar en este sexenio. Justo como sucedió en los 70s ->
  • RT @luisrha: El partido estuvo bien planteado hasta que la mayor calidad albiceleste hizo la diferencia en dos instantes. Y nosotros no ten… ->
  • RT @gabrielguerrac: Ojo: la culpa no es del Tata ni de los jugadores. Volteémos a ver a la Federación y a los dueños. ->
  • Traigo un par de tequilas encima después del pobre juego de hoy. Si pongo rancheras la situación es irreparable. ->
  • RT @luisrha: Con Lainez, Giménez y Erick.., probablemente pasa lo mismo. Al Tata tenemos muchas cosas para reclamarle; pero eso no cambia q… ->
  • RT @martindelp: Hora de tomarse una pastilla para dormir y tratar de caer. Está difícil conciliar el sueño. Curiosamente, yo no estoy enoja… ->
  • RT @luisrha: Opciones para que México avance:

    – Ganar a Arabia y que Argentina gane a Polonia por diferencia combinada de 5 goles (por 4 s… ->

  • RT @renacova: Quieren desquitar todo su coraje contra Martino.

    Hay que irnos atrás, mucho atrás. No tenemos talento, los equipos no gener… ->

  • RT @luisrha: Para que México llegue a 8vos:
    Ganar por 1: Argentina por 4+ o Polonia por cualquier marcador.
    Por 2: ARG por 3+ o POL.
    Por 3:… ->
  • Yo no había nacido en 78, y no era un bebé cuando el fracasote de Haití para España 82, pero recuerdo bien 86. Recu… https://t.co/6zteVDZVyb ->
  • En los 90s, cuando México pensaba que estaba a las puertas del primer mundo, México contrató a un entrenador extran… https://t.co/J1fSVrQymv in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • México empezó a hacer buen trabajo y fue muy, muy constante en sus participaciones en el mundial. Constancia (que d… https://t.co/88YR9zUNoD in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • Algo paso en el camino. No solo a nivel futbol sino a nivel sociedad. Dejamos de apreciar lo que habíamos construid… https://t.co/swVkTkcDsM in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • Ahora necesitamos un milagro para pasar a segunda ronda con un equipo que juega razonablemente bien contra equipos… https://t.co/myLAiFtI0N in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • No producimos más jugadores. No trabajamos en el aspecto psicológico. No competimos con los mejores a menudo. No ex… https://t.co/LyDReSAnnh in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • Cualquier parecido con la realidad social mexicana en los últimos 8 años, no es pura coincidencia. Menos resentimie… https://t.co/U7wkXUGpMt in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • *era un bebé in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RT @RAMONRAYA23: Ganarle a Arabia significa llegar a cuatro puntos (ojalá y ojalá se combinara con otros resultados como en otras ocasiones… ->
  • Qué bien partido este España-Alemania. ->

Weekly tweets from 2022-11-14 to 2022-11-20

  • RT @RexChapman: If this is the last thing everyone sees on Twitter then I can absolutely live with that… ->
  • RT @Mike_Laidlaw: If you’re not familiar with the term, the act of flying in, making a lot of noise, shitting on everything, and then flyin… ->
  • RT @leogarciamx: Parece que Musk jamás entenderá algo.
    Con la cantidad estúpida de dinero q tuvo q pagar hubiera comprado algo muchísimo má… ->
  • RT @revistalibero: ¿El mundial de Qatar nos horroriza a todos?

    Sí, pero en la historia del fútbol también se han cometido horrores que nu… ->

  • RT @itdeterror: Al tío Elon Musk ya le están sudando los huevos.

    Tuiter no permite la publicación de tuits que contengan joinmastodon punt… ->

  • RT @eperea: Ándenle, sigan chilloteando sobre la muerte de Twitter, y mañana AMLO va a salir en la mañanera con que lanzará su Red del Bien… ->
  • RT @espiers: I am not a management genius but if you go into a company as CEO where people already kind of distrust you, then you do a bunc… ->
  • RT @vpkivimaki: If Twitter pulled the plug, let’s go out in style. https://t.co/1LbV4UYfHC ->
  • RT @netflix: Feels like the last 20 mins of Don’t Look Up right about now… ->
  • RT @maxberger: Thank you to @elonmusk and @SBF_FTX for comprehensively demolishing the myth of billionaire competence. ->
  • RT @nazgul: Watching the MSM try to cover what’s happening to Twitter is like watching a telegraph operator report on a ping-pong game. ->
  • RT @veronicalderon: “Quería llegar a Marte pero acabó con Twitter” sería un gran título para un perfil del señor Musk. ->
  • Testing the link between Twitter and Mastodon ->
  • RT @GergelyOrosz: "A few tech startup CEOs in my country (non-US) had started saying Elon's methods are fine, site is not going down, what… ->
  • RT @erinkwoo: I am told that as the 5 p.m. deadline approaches, someone is playing "The Final Countdown" in Twitter's NYC office. ->
  • RT @DmitryOpines: Some Twitter employees didn't want to stick around working 80+ hour weeks in "extremely hardcore" mode failing to develop… ->
  • RT @GergelyOrosz: The one positive outcome of what happened at Twitter is we see what happens when you treat employees with contempt and di… ->
  • RT @veronicalderon: “De mejores sitios me han echado”.

    El mood de esta, nuestra exred social, ahora mismo. ->

  • RT @MattBinder: all the why Elon Musk bought Twitter theories are overthinking it.

    it’s simple.

    Musk is in a right wing filter bubble.… ->

  • RT @The_Law_Boy: my best guess is that elon's "either commit to working insane hours for me or resign" gambit was the result of him thinkin… ->
  • RT @NotBrunoAgain: Of all the big social media behemoths, Twitter was the only one that truly inherited 2000s forum culture. So it’s only a… ->
  • RT @veronicalderon: Me encanta que estemos todos, unidos, como hermanos y hermanas. con una idea en común.

    Más allá de nuestras diferenci… ->

  • RT @veronicalderon: Cosas bonitas de Tuiter.

    Hice mi cuenta en 2009 pero creo que no comencé a usar esta cosa hasta un año después. Marzo… ->

  • RT @MosquitoCapital: I've seen a lot of people asking "why does everyone think Twitter is doomed?"

    As an SRE and sysadmin with 10+ years o… ->

  • RT @MsKellyMHayes: For some people this is a collapse of infrastructure. Social infrastructure, of course, in obvious ways, but also organi… ->
  • RT @ahmetb: Past few weeks have been a mix of Stanford prison experiment, Squid Game, Prisoner’s Dilemma and Hunger Games.

    It will be stud… ->

  • RT @eperea: Love letter to Mexico, and a truth bomb.

    After a year and half riding her motorcycle through the country, Tammy from NYC has t… ->

  • RT @ImCaroGTZ: La noticia/ Elon Musk https://t.co/UUGhX0FCdH ->
  • RT @ruchowdh: If anyone still at Twitter is going to this stupid “code review” by El Musko I will pay you cash money to walk in there with… ->
  • RT @FarsantesG: .@martinolimx, @medranoazteca y @enriquebermudez juntos, el mejor crossover 💯 https://t.co/ONMTNcZP7d ->
  • RT @martindelp: Hace mucho que no había tanto pesimismo antes de la participación de México en un Mundial. Pero, objetivamente, no todo est… ->
  • RT @ZackBornstein: simply unforgivable that elon is forcing me to either get hot (instagram), get annoying (substack), learn what a server… ->
  • RT @VFinnishProbs: Finland hopes Elon Musk buys the Swedish ice hockey team next. ->
  • RT @RAMONRAYA23: No deja de ser patética la postura de “Ojalá me equivoque” en cuanto a su pesimismo y mala vibra! Mejor manden buena onda… ->
  • RT @astro_jaz: Michael Collins, the astronaut who took this photo in 1969, is the only human, dead or alive, that isn't in the frame of thi… ->
  • RT @natebjones: This looks like the high level architecture diagram you get as a PM in a new system on day one from the EM.

    It’s not code.… ->

  • RT @LunaFoxgirlVT: It’s kind of funny the contrast between software engineers on here who are full aware how fucked the Twitter situation i… ->
  • Mexican fans have arrived in Qatar https://t.co/cDgq2S0FjY ->
  • RT @RAMONRAYA23: Chale! Y todavía hay quien pelea esto https://t.co/qrZBvieVC5 ->
  • RT @davesuarex: Rumor spreading at Twitter HQ is that a few days ago they fried a hundred men on level 2. That's two whole shifts; an entir… ->
  • RT @Borja_Pardo: Hoy arranca el Mundial. Momento ideal para abrir un hilo estúpido con expresiones que harán que parezca que sabes muchísim… ->
  • RT @ballesteros_312: Mexico v Poland on Tuesday threatens to rupture the Chicagoland area ->

Weekly tweets from 2022-11-07 to 2022-11-13

  • I’m @chivacongelado@mas.to in Mastodon because I’ve reached the same conclusion. I love Twitter and Elon Musk is ki… https://t.co/2JXlB9j4jn ->
  • RT @davidmackau: we are witnessing one of the most spectacular corporate disasters of living memory. hulu and netflix will make competing m… ->
  • RT @sarafischer: Inside @Twitter, employees tell me that they think it's over. The departure of these two executives today, "That means it’… ->
  • RT @JHWeissmann: Here’s what I think should fundamentally scare Republicans most about this election: Imagine what the results might have b… ->
  • RT @wartranslated: This Russian TV presenter is worried about expressing his inion on the Kherson withdrawal. Reason? He'd go to prison in… ->
  • RT @golikehellmachi: i don’t know if any of us could have saved it — they had long range trouble coming before any of this started — but no… ->
  • RT @ResearchRonin: @JavierGoya7 @OsakaBenLeo @gainzy222 It's only a "Ponzi scheme" if you lose money…Until then its "an alternative inves… ->
  • RT @BCAppelbaum: I'm a little puzzled by Musk's decision to spend $44 billion in borrowed money on a boat he planned to saw in half. The pa… ->
  • RT @mattdpearce: Okay imagine all this, except you’re on Mars and there’s a limited amount of oxygen. ->
  • RT @pete_fuller_ga: @keithedwards @MikeIsaac Imagine buying something for 44B and immediately making massive structural and personnel chang… ->
  • RT @alicegoldfuss: Twitter introduces me to things I don't even know exist

    Mastodon lets me find the things I know exist

    That, to me, is… ->

  • RT @prints_ali: @eulalia_FROOM @cbotnyse @ZoeSchiffer The Musk guide to improving a social media company's productivity:

    Step 1. Overpay f… ->

  • RT @Kateryna_Kruk: It is truly remarkable that people in Kherson chose to raise both Ukrainian and EU flags right after returning from the… ->
  • RT @MikeSington: The chaos continues. Twitter pulls the plug on Twitter Blue, subscriptions and paid-for verification blue checkmark no lon… ->
  • RT @veronicalderon: De esto saldrá una película (de comedia). Al tiempo. https://t.co/T8MF5Amiml ->
  • RT @ZoeSchiffer: Lol: Twitter sent an HR email to every laid off employee acknowledging it's late getting people their separation agreement… ->
  • RT @VFinnishProbs: Every day around midnight, I’m always astonished to discover it’s only 4pm ->
  • RT @SpyTalker: Stockholm uncovers ‘one of the worst espionage cases in Swedish contemporary history’ with the arrest of two brothers who in… ->
  • RT @edels0n: The early crypto skeptics deserve more credit.

    Not only did they call all of this, they did so in the face of constant shamin… ->

  • RT @eperea: Hoy me entero que Singapur se independizó el mismo año que Cuba cayó en las garras del Partido Comunista de Cuba: 1959.

    63 año… ->

  • RT @natebjones: When I get asked if it’s possible to ship too fast I and every other PM are just gonna point to the blue checkmark until th… ->
  • RT @veronicalderon: 🤣 ->
  • It would be funny if the joke was only on him. It’s tragic that it’s messing up with the livelihoods of thousands a… https://t.co/i0R1DGYFn3 ->
  • RT @Zonal_Marking: Six lessons from the last six World Cup winners. Including: you don't need to be good in the group, or to have a prolifi… ->
  • RT @onejasonknight: The halo effect is rife in business – the idea that because someone is good at one thing they're good at everything.… ->
  • RT @GergelyOrosz: I rarely talk about crypto as I always thought it’s too risky because regulation draws in so many fraudsters.

    My advice… ->

  • RT @humanheart___: Coldplay : We're doing a world tour
    The world : https://t.co/xJUoqBNc2T ->
  • RT @patio11: Crypto, as an ecosystem, is going to be in a much worse state Monday than it is popularly believed to be today. ->
  • RT @LiamTharmeCoach: World Cup Group C tactical guide:



    https://t.co/bBrsLHGjvt ->

  • RT @martindelp: Pues hoy debuté en @AJEnglish dando un reporte sobre las posibilidades de la Selección Mexicana en Qatar. Fue en inglés y a… ->
  • He’s probably stirring in his grave 🤣😂 https://t.co/UQ4J0ozVvi ->
  • RT @90sfootball: Ajax, 1995. https://t.co/09ziVlxRSx ->
  • RT @DavidAstinWalsh: Elon Musk isn't managing Twitter any differently than any other company he's managed.

    It's just that the entire world… ->

  • Interesting, especially if Ukraine wins and the energy prices cool down next year https://t.co/XHM070bebn ->
  • RT @laikasnewlife: NETHERLANDS 🇳🇱!
    If your dream is to immigrate to Netherlands, I have good news for you. The government of Netherlands h… ->
  • RT @vpkivimaki: Kun taistellaan kansallisen olemassaolon puolesta, oman kansallisen identiteetin symbolien merkitys korostuu. Näin niitä on… ->
  • There are over 50 indigenous languages with official recognition in Mexico (meaning, with rights to education, etc… https://t.co/jRtvOLy6Ux ->
  • RT @AztecEmpire1520: The ¡Líik’ik Talokan! hand gesture is based on ones seen in many Mesoamerican codices. Here's my comparison between a… ->
  • Cuando dieron el origen de #Namor me acordé de cierta rola de @eltridemexico 🤪. Palomera la película y excelente el… https://t.co/HRHKDhDE96 ->
  • Today over 600,000 people marched in Mexico City to defend our election institutions from the federal government wh… https://t.co/qpa7xhVUdB ->
  • Ya entendí por qué nunca me tuve fe a las #criptomonedas. Me recuerdan demasiado a los panchólares de la Revolución… https://t.co/jge1ziAC7V ->
  • RT @GergelyOrosz: This is what micromanaging from the top looks like, when the CEO *thinks* they can tell the source of the problem and how… ->
  • RT @bgleib: As the former tech lead for timelines infrastructure at Twitter, I can confidently say this man has no idea wtf he's talking ab… ->

Weekly tweets from 2022-10-31 to 2022-11-06

  • RT @IamAustinYang: Pricing lessons on the verified badge fiasco:
    1. Users' perception of value don't always work in way you expected.

    2. Y… ->

  • RT @eboldy: @CaseyNewton if we live tweet the death of twitter, is it meta, or is it not meta because it’s twitter and not meta? ->
  • RT @MPaarlberg: The fact that the US government, Wall Street, international financial institutions and The Economist all wanted Lula to win… ->
  • RT @onejasonknight: We've all heard of HiPPO (Highest Paid Person's Opinion) but Elon Musk has transcended that with his new MOSQUITO appro… ->
  • RT @edbott: Elon has to pay $1 billion in interest every year on the loan he took out after overpaying for this hellsite.

    Twitter had a lo… ->

  • Bienvenidos #díademuertos en Oulunkylä, Etelä-Suomen Lääni, Finland https://t.co/3CA572qHYX ->
  • RT @izrinusic: @SEP There is one sentence you mentioned in an interview – "No company will hug you 10 years from now. I’m very clear on who… ->
  • RT @alsterfalter: As somebody who has worked in paid memberships and freemium for years, this whole discussion about “paid blue”brings up a… ->
  • This Día de Muertos the new addition to our Día de Muertos altar is my wife's late grandfather. I was quite impress… https://t.co/NLbG182M7g ->
  • RT @curious_founder: Recently I learned about a man who has trained 1,000+ people to block wind and solar projects.

    I read through all hi… ->

  • RT @davetroy: Tulsi Gabbard’s first two guests were Jeffrey Sachs and Ron Paul. Very high signal about where the overall operation is heade… ->
  • RT @RAMONRAYA23: Este tuit lo tengo que repetir para los que se lo perdieron ayer.
    Es toda una joya… goles de las finales del mundial del… ->
  • RT @kyliebytes: I have to be honest, it’s deeply depressing to watch Twitter employees work over the weekend and sleep in the office to pus… ->
  • RT @shashj: It’s really something to watch a CEO have a meltdown in real time *in his own product*. ->
  • RT @EcourtbzeEamon: #Belize is not in negotiations with the #UK or any other country to accept #migrants. We will not agree to accept expor… ->
  • RT @TarletonG: Some free advice to @elonmusk, from someone who has studied content moderation and the public impact of social media platfor… ->
  • RT @chrisgreybrexit: When did it become a thing that there's something inherently unlikely about a young, single man being an asylum seeker… ->
  • 3 of 5 stars to Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman https://t.co/RHe2Ce6i19 ->
  • RT @garius: One of the things I occasionally get paid to do by companies/execs is to tell them why everything seemed to SUDDENLY go wrong,… ->
  • RT @MaceAhWindu: The real world commentary that #Andor is making is simply unparalleled.

    Never again will you be able to argue that Star… ->

  • RT @GergelyOrosz: The Twitter layoffs set a new low in how tech employees have been let go.

    #LoveWhereYouWorked is heartbreaking to read.… ->

  • RT @IanColdwater: "Tech workers who didn't live through the dot com crash, you have no idea what's coming. Prepare yourselves."

    This isn't… ->

  • RT @nils_gilman: If you didn’t like the era of US hegemony, globalization, multilateralism & economic interdependence, you’re going to love… ->
  • RT @ReettaPuro: Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE is starting again their popular puppy-live broadcast, following a litter for the first 8 w… ->
  • If we see the GOP become a big tent party whose only ideology is power, run welfare to fish votes & become so corpo… https://t.co/6HmDdJcGPY ->
  • RT @ChrisJBakke: The layoff email from Twitter is the first email in history that should have been a meeting. ->
  • RT @GergelyOrosz: When we all collectively nodded to how a new low of layoffs was hit with the cringe the Better .com CEO Zoom call firing… ->
  • If true, this is bad with a capital B. Infra just won’t hold. https://t.co/FHJFZ2b0Hf ->
  • RT @GossiTheDog: BBC tried reaching Twitter PR for a statement about job cuts but the PR person who answered the call had just been laid of… ->
  • RT @porktendencia: "Twitter México":
    Porque informan que @elonmusk despidió a todo el equipo de @TwitterMexico. https://t.co/4NvYQW2mNH ->
  • RT @bencjenkins: Friend in Hamburg just sent me this like he'd just papped a celebrity. https://t.co/iZ9Y073hpX ->
  • RT @goldman: If you were the head of product for a small startup and announced that your product strategy was “Make Money” you should be fi… ->
  • RT @Jon_Christian: Imagine living in a Mars colony with this management style ->
  • RT @MrAlexisPereira: I thought I looked nice in my sweater but my fiancée said I look like a retired member of the X-Men. https://t.co/lHBY… ->
  • If your an ad-funded business, you simply don’t mess with brands. Established brands (those who have ad spend budge… https://t.co/fR4AVuK21n ->
  • And it’s you’re 🤦🏽‍♂️ in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RT @QuinnyPig: Okay, okay. A thread on why this is a screaming red flag as a Cloud Economist… ->
  • RT @Carnage4Life: When they make the inevitable movie about the Twitter takeover, the scene where the manager who’s been sleeping on the fl… ->
  • RT @BFriedmanDC: People who are not on Twitter have no idea how much its destruction will impact everyday life. The exchange of information… ->
  • RT @sethanikeem: @BFriedmanDC I’ve been trying to explain but I don’t think folks will realize fully until it falls apart

    I watched Fergu… ->

  • RT @RexChapman: Elon Musk is agreeing w some of the most vile folks on this platform. Where we can all see it. In his responses. Check it o… ->
  • RT @johncutlefish: This is playing out like an Ayn Rand tragicomedy ->
  • RT @albornoz_mx: 😂 https://t.co/KUcuf1Ecpf ->
  • RT @Feyenoord_ES: Fanáticos del Feyenoord coreando el nombre de Santis cuando fue sustituido, solo 1 minuto antes de que anotara 🤩🇲🇽 https:… ->
  • RT @KevOnStage: Tik Tok is a national treasure. https://t.co/zyToTs74FH ->
  • RT @OtmarLendl: @tacophan @joshtpm Yes. And success of his other ventures are driven by technical product features.

    Growing Twitter is not… ->

  • RT @Carter_AndrewJ: I can admit when I'm wrong and I was wrong about @elonmusk.

    No one was more skeptical than I – but his decisions this… ->

  • 😬😬😬 https://t.co/X9eivmQ0ee ->

Weekly tweets from 2022-10-24 to 2022-10-30

  • RT @Jeshua_Revan: "Ojalá Star Wars fuera real para vivir aventuras como Jedi o Caza recompensas"

    Tu si Star Wars fuera real: https://t.co/… ->

  • This is the kind of trauma that Western Europe or the Americas just don’t understand, and why North, Central and Ea… https://t.co/tToKl7ZjT6 ->
  • RT @ritaparada: To all friends who are celebrating, Happy Diwali! 🪔 ->
  • This is the future the Persut want in Finland if we let them. https://t.co/ABGEJiopH4 ->
  • I don’t see something like that happening elsewhere in Europe anytime soon. For all their problems and shortcomings… https://t.co/ErDefxdtHj ->
  • RT @AlanSalehzadeh: Toisen polven maahanmuuttajat ovat suomalaisia. ->
  • RT @TMattiaceHRW: Today the @CIDH had a hearing on militarization in Mexico.

    Activists explained, with facts and evidence, how the militar… ->

  • RT @Dcastro1972: Voy a compartir con vosotros un pequeño secreto. Creo que hay dos cualidades frecuentemente menospreciadas que son claves… ->
  • RT @JuhanaBrotherus: Finland is the only country on earth where school uniforms are against the law? 😲 https://t.co/yOlX6YTyQX ->
  • This does not make for fun reading but it’s not wrong either. https://t.co/FlZHY9UzVK ->
  • RT @JenniferMcClure: Currently, 14% of the jobs posted on LinkedIn are remote.

    Those postings get 44% of the views, and 51% of the applic… ->

  • My first professional job was running the CMS for publishing these logos and ringtones to sell over-the-air (first… https://t.co/RxLFGrExFm ->
  • RT @eperea: Angloparlante descubre que existen otros idiomas, capítulo 5,482 ->
  • RT @eperea: Today, the State of Tamaulipas legalized same-sex marriage.

    With this huge step, every single state in Mexico has removed the… ->

  • RT @onejasonknight: The replies to this Tweet show how far we still have to go

    No one's saying you just find any random woman and co-found… ->

  • RT @bernaliux: @infosecmx3301 @elbagutierrez https://t.co/XI4SxIMlK2 ->
  • RT @AlanSalehzadeh: Minusta yleistäminen on väärin. Maahanmuuttajat eivät ole samanlaisia, vaikka kuuluisivat samaan kieliryhmään tai uskon… ->
  • RT @KarimHarbott: I want to run a marathon in 3 hours but I don’t want to do any training, change my diet, or stop drinking beer each night… ->
  • With liquidity less freely sloshing around for returns and companies and households tightly controlling their expen… https://t.co/lRWzS3VNaF ->
  • RT @eperea: https://t.co/FeUPL2tvSR ->
  • RT @SMarttinen: Suomessa on lapsia, jotka eivät ole köyhyyden takia käyneet koskaan lomamatkalla. Suomessa on tuhansia lapsia, jotka saavat… ->
  • RT @nytopinion: On Sunday, Brazilians go to the polls to elect their next president. But at stake is something far more important than the… ->
  • It may not be great but I believe (and see) we do this better in Nordic societies regarding working parents. Equal… https://t.co/lUkn2zYFkH ->
  • There are so many things wrong here I can’t even… https://t.co/GiLR3V8Hpl ->
  • RT @pwnallthethings: Fwiw, my guess is that Twitter becomes a mess for a year, Elon gets bored, hands off to another CEO, and then eventual… ->
  • RT @eperea: I was wondering what would be a good Halloween costume, and I think I've found the perfect thing: the single scariest image tha… ->
  • Este grupo de cosas hacen que el fútbol sea tan bonito. https://t.co/V10kIfpWIe ->
  • RT @psantloki: Be prepared for the big tech mercenary PMs to start jumping ship and heading towards startups early next year

    I heavily su… ->

  • This. Many of the issues of UGC are ethical/political/business environment issues, not technology issues. I give th… https://t.co/ZnP2hEVIDP ->
  • RT @imPatrickT: this clip of @RealGDT should be on the home page of every social media app. https://t.co/gqPOrSUSdo ->
  • RT @lamonse: Una lección de Historia en 8 minutos. Pocos líderes hay hoy defendiendo a su país así como lo hace el presidente Zelensky ante… ->
  • RT @SamBendett: A DIY copter made in Yemen from sticks and a simple motor. Talk about drone proliferation – this is about as simple as it g… ->
  • RT @avestruzeterea: ¿Saben qué ha añejado de maravilla?

    El artículo de Ikram Antaki "El Bárbaro y los Cobardes".

    El principio del último… ->

  • RT @jenboseph: Andor’s great because it’s a grounded, thoughtful drama with nuanced characters who at any given moment could meet Jar Jar B… ->
  • According to some current estimates, 80-90% of indigenous people died upon contact with Europeans due to epidemics,… https://t.co/lESzONAITu ->
  • RT @caprioleio: The world's biggest Bitcoin miner is going bust. This is what happens when Bitcoin trades below its production cost for too… ->
  • RT @VFinnishProbs: Wow! Apparently, Finns have knitted over 20 000 pairs of socks for Ukrainian soldiers 👏 https://t.co/yRFopucV2c ->
  • RT @APHClarkson: The idea of Russia being a great power hegemon is so deeply embedded in narratives of Russian national identity that even… ->
  • RT @Johnny_suputama: It’s Halloween weekend and that means it’s time for everyone’s favorite Japanese festival Jimi Halloween, where people… ->
  • RT @ChrisMurphyCT: Two weeks ago, Saudi Arabia sentenced a 72 year old American citizen to 16 years in jail for tweets critical of the regi… ->
  • RT @belugasong: WHAT TO DO IN A CROWD CRUSH – an informational thread in light of the Itaewon-don Seoul tragedy

    Even if you think this wil… ->

Weekly tweets from 2022-10-17 to 2022-10-23

Weekly tweets from 2022-10-10 to 2022-10-16

Weekly tweets from 2022-10-03 to 2022-10-09

  • Ojo, eso no significa que una formación con alto compromiso social y una formación en ética y valores no sea necesa… https://t.co/gsuxhRRTdX in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • Mi mayor esperanza en este caso es que nuestra sociedad tiene tales niveles de corrupción a nivel educativo (acuérd… https://t.co/0aLsWYATfX in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • I usually say pinches gringos but today it’s time for pinches británicos. I expect tomatoes 🍅 at @UKinMexico if thi… https://t.co/xBs7HBUiDd ->
  • RT @diazbriseno: ZELENSKY: “On whose side would Simón Bolivar be in such a war that Russia unleashed on Ukraine. Who would José de San Mart… ->
  • An yeah, is goes was a typo. Edit button pleeease. in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • That’d be one of my kids and me (so far…) https://t.co/CZ4FQD75yZ ->
  • And FML in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RT @smokingpancake: @chivacongelado @UKinMexico OMG…I just read this on NPR. 👀👀

    https://t.co/3lNFb60hh9 ->

  • RT @ShitFacilitator: The leadership team announcing the latest DEI initiative: ->
  • Because obviously the way of making anything British is by wearing a top hat and monocle. Oh, sorry, Rees-Mogg actu… https://t.co/45IymrUCqh ->
  • RT @OchiofBestoon: Star Wars canon is crazy. At the same time Andor is going on a gritty heist Zeb and Ezra are trying to get a fruit ->
  • RT @LatamData: (1/8) Even though some states watch more basketball or baseball, Mexico is the only LatAm country that prefers the NFL over… ->
  • RT @onlyannamaria: why aren’t any art nerds writing their thesis on the neo-surrealist movement currently developing on tiktok https://t.co… ->
  • I’m glad my kids are right in this age group https://t.co/PHyMjPxkVx ->
  • RT @minna_alander: To illustrate the perception of Germany in Finland currently, I compiled some recent Scholz-themed caricatures by two Fi… ->
  • RT @Africa_Archives: Many African American went to Mexico for sanctuary and when slave owners demanded Mexico to send them back, Mexico rep… ->
  • RT @ChrisKempshall: This is an astonishing quote from #Andor. Would easily have made it into ‘The History and Politics of Star Wars’ but it… ->
  • RT @mrsseppala: Jussi Halla-ahon profiilin muutos tämän vuoden aikana on aikamoinen mediatemppu. Eihän siinä mitään. Ulkopolitiikan osalta… ->
  • I haven't laughed this much in a while https://t.co/rQFwCVHGRQ makes fun of LinkedIn viral cringe posts. ->
  • RT @RikhardHusu: Finnish prime minister Sanna Marin was asked about a potential off-ramp for Russia to end the war in Ukraine. Her reply: h… ->
    #nómadadigital https://t.co/noOEMKp9gs ->
  • RT @tobiasrogers: Most product execution problems are really communication problems.

    As a product manager, your first job is to communicat… ->

  • RT @Stanford: Prof. Carolyn Bertozzi won the Nobel Prize for establishing the field of bioorthogonal chemistry. What is that? Glad you aske… ->
  • Diverse science leads to better science, diverse product leads to better product. Just spent a few hours talking wi… https://t.co/SmtY3R8q8q ->
  • Few takes from a business trip to Oslo 🇳🇴

    #oslo #norway en Oslo, Norway https://t.co/Yv2JosukDe ->

  • RT @WarintheFuture: It is too early to ascertain the method of attack and the range of implications of this attack on the Kerch Bridge. It… ->
  • ¿Feliz bumpleaños señor presidente? ->
  • RT @vpkivimaki: | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |
    | VERIFY |
    | RANDOM |
    | CLAIMS |
    | _______|
    (\__/) ||
    (•ㅅ•) ||
    /   づ ->
  • RT @eperea: Behold, the Latino Alignment Chart!

    (thank you, @visakanv) https://t.co/P8s9YgQRev ->

  • RT @onejasonknight: I recently finished re-watching Breaking Bad, one of the finest shows ever put out on TV. Here are 5 lessons the show c… ->
  • RT @smokingpancake: Nordic politics are really quite interesting given the amazing number of women in leadership and how parties don't alig… ->
  • RT @liebano: Nota de @gsotomayorgva en @proceso https://t.co/6Hhfc8vEFN ->
  • RT @veronicalderon: Contexto para lo que está contando @DoliaEstevez. https://t.co/JvLdgUoHMY ->
  • Every time I hear about this kind of horrible stuff women go through I can’t stop thinking it’s our responsibility… https://t.co/7l6iGMEk49 ->
  • RT @baskunduzi: A Gastroenterologist, a Radiologist and Surgeon in the making. All 3 Afghans, all 3 former refugees. #RefugeesWelcome https… ->
  • RT @Mr_Tennis_Coach: Erling Haaland has taken the Premier League by storm.

    But contrary to popular belief he's not a robot that was create… ->

  • RT @peedutuisk: Yesterday was Finno-Ugric people's day, Hõimupäev in Estonian. Events continue on 3rd week of October.

    It's been organise… ->

  • RT @michaelcdeibert: This photo by my friend @federicorios of a little Venezuelan girl looking at her exhausted father as they desperately… ->
  • RT @shashj: I have a new piece on the state of the Russian intelligence services. Pockets of excellence, shot through with corruption. It's… ->
  • RT @UniformesSelec1: Padrisima imagen que compartio Gial en español en facebook. Tiene sus errores pero al menos ya incluyen los primeros j… ->
  • RT @onejasonknight: It's only an Epic if it's written in Old English, otherwise it's just an anthology of loosely related specifications ->
  • RT @HanneleVestola: Suomi on vaikea maa muualta tuleville. Kielemme on hankala, eikä sen opetusta tarjota riittävästi. Byrokratia on työläs… ->

Weekly tweets from 2022-09-26 to 2022-10-02

  • RT @SnarkkTank: Not everything has to be sarcasm and anger and bitterness. Just enjoy.
    #ChooseKindness https://t.co/8M7aybkxhl ->
  • RT @VeraMBergen: TIME's new cover: Inside the mind of Gen. Zaluzhny, a man who never expected to find himself leading Ukraine's armed force… ->
  • RT @charliekreuz: How it started/How it’s going https://t.co/MUxu9NDDg5 ->
  • RT @AaronDBerman: Here’s a tip to write for execs: no passive voice! If I did that at CIA they would’ve sent me back to analyst school.

    “D… ->

  • RT @P_O_Heinemann: 20 Jahre deutsche Außenwirtschaftspolitik in einem Bild. https://t.co/nV8gxl7S6o ->
  • RT @RealHughJackman: Yeah, sure. https://t.co/LaSBjDeLjI ->
  • RT @HenryJFoy: The 90km journey that changed the war in Ukraine

    Our @FinancialTimes interactive allows you to relive Ukraine's stunning co… ->

  • RT @RikeFranke: Several unidentified #drones have been sighted around Norwegian oil platforms https://t.co/x9UY8AhI7B ->
  • RT @DavidGauke: The people who dismissed the risks of Truss's fiscal policy causing a market meltdown were largely the same people who dism… ->
  • The internet is shut down in Iran because the regime doesn’t want the protests to gain more strength and foreign su… https://t.co/ecjyCK2hsD ->
  • #spoileralert #Andor

    Ghorman, Kuat, Utapau, Mimban, Rakata, ISB… my head is exploding with the number and quality… https://t.co/GEpsA5g7Uo ->

  • RT @nadinebh_: Liz Truss, 25 July 2022, when warned by Rishi Sunak that her plans would make inflation worse and mortgage rates soar and lo… ->
  • RT @alyankovic: RIP Coolio https://t.co/Z53f3n6HDU ->
  • RT @jjaron: These covers are three weeks apart https://t.co/gQ2bMcqch9 ->
  • RT @niinisto: I say this again: The so-called “referenda” do not effect Ukraine’s borders, they don’t change the map. Ukraine’s sovereignty… ->
  • RT @villecantell: Finnish border closes to Russian tourists at midnight. This includes also Schengen visas issued by others. #visa #visaban->
  • RT @RonanBrownen: Dialogue on a Finnish kids show, where two kids are discussing how to tell someone they've dropped their wallet

    K1: In E… ->

  • RT @davenewworld_2: A history teacher @antisocstudies explains the historical significance of @lizzo playing James Madison's 200-year-old c… ->
  • RT @NatGeoTravel: From post-war Scotland to 1920s Amsterdam, explore the locations that inspired the architecture of #Andor, an original se… ->
  • RT @clairevo: In my managers meeting we usually cover a leadership topic and associated articles/content.

    Instead of our usual HBR/tweet… ->

  • RT @BeataWojna: La delegación de los diputados de Ucrania llegó a México esta semana. Hoy tienen reuniones en la Cámara de Diputados con el… ->
  • RT @jmkorhonen: This is what landing on a dispersed highway base looks like to the pilot.

    Finnish Air Force has practiced the use of highw… ->

  • RT @beltrandelrio: Como este gobierno ha asumido la defensa de Assange, supongo que no tendrá argumentos para quejarse del hackeo contra la… ->
  • RT @markmackinnon: Man annexing part of neighbouring country says he's doing it to fight against colonialism. ->
  • RT @davetroy: 1/Putin’s speech today is loaded with MAGA talking points. It should be obvious now, even to the thickest American parochial… ->
  • RT @niinisto: “We have never wanted to increase tensions. But we have always made sure that we are also ready for more difficult circumstan… ->
  • RT @lijukic: "how do you do fellow members of the global south and victims of western colonialism?" https://t.co/o7YbykoXVj ->
  • RT @realchrisrufo: @KonstantinKisin @SebGorka Thank you for translating this. It's a bizarre mix of post-liberal, post-modern, and post-col… ->
  • RT @veronicalderon: Quizá uno de los mejores monólogos de la historia del cine, inspirado en la literatura de Tolkien. ¿Por qué vale la pen… ->
  • RT @yuliagorbunova_: Watching Putin's mad speech, specifically the part about Russia's "great liberation mission," all I can think about is… ->
  • RT @johncutlefish: thought on how to wean your company off NPS

    first…you're going to need to lie a lot

    you: "Oh NPS, how meaningful, ye… ->

  • RT @OkDramaretska: 1/2 Celebramos la postura de #México al votar hoy a favor de la resolución de la #ONU que condena los tal llamados refer… ->
  • RT @michaeldweiss: @ChrisO_wiki A British amusement park is just a line to get in and then another one to get out. ->
  • RT @coherenciaporf: Solamente mi generación entenderá porque la mamá reacciona de esta manera. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 https://t.co/NPKsKjFzpy ->
  • RT @itsabsaf: timothée chalamet is the new benedict cumberbatch in the sense that you can say ANYTHING and we know who you mean. tiffany ch… ->
  • RT @realPhoenixFire: The existence of Chicago-style pizza implies the existence of Austrian, Keynesian, and Marxian-style pizzas ->

Weekly tweets from 2022-09-19 to 2022-09-25

  • RT @ECedercreutz: Guardia fronteriza del suroeste de Finlandia: El tráfico en los pasos fronterizos del sureste de Finlandia es normal. Act… ->
  • RT @AmericanFietser: Finland 🇫🇮 is serious about speeding.
    They calculate your fine based on income. 💰 https://t.co/AfIaQ812X0 ->
  • RT @miblogestublog: Me: I don’t have a Mexican accent

    Also me: https://t.co/KGfcPfOwOK ->

  • RT @BudrykZack: Remembering the time the Pope used a bat-related metaphor and a pro-bat account countered with a scriptural argument in fav… ->
  • RT @EmbEspFinlandia: The Spanish Senate votes in favour of Finland joining NATO

    The parliamentary ratification process is now complete

    We… ->

  • RT @AdrienBrault: A thread with my favorite product management video memes from @onejasonknight. So much fun!

    https://t.co/jRdl36XjPw ->

  • RT @henkvaness: We invite all Russian citizens to vote in our referendum to become part of the Netherlands. #Russia #RussiaUkraineWar #Ukra->
  • That was me yesterday explaining to my wife what BBY means. https://t.co/mnCP6FmVuW ->
  • RT @SevaUT: the cyclical nature of russian history is such that soviet jokes can now easily be repurposed into putin jokes ->
  • RT @DoliaEstevez: Intentan estigmatizar a los mexicanos que no vivimos en México, como si fuera un acto de traición o pecado. Qué pronto se… ->
  • RT @CIJ_ICJ: PRESS RELEASE: #Finland files a declaration of intervention under Article 63 of the #ICJ Statute in the case concerning Allega… ->
  • RT @keldorjedii: “You just walk in like you belong.” https://t.co/5DTOducsPI ->
  • I… don’t know what to think about this one https://t.co/YFjezweQgJ ->
  • RT @aakashg0: Product team as rock band:

    Engineering – lead singer
    Designer – guitarist
    Analytics – bassist
    PM – drummer https://t.co/tlC0… ->

  • RT @WookieeNews: ¡Descubre todos los guiños y curiosidades del tres (3) primeros capítulos de #Andor!

    ¡HILO! ATENCIÓN SPOILERS ⚠️ https://… ->

  • RT @JacobDJAtkinson: Trombone Champ is the best game ever made https://t.co/GH58eHGXHV ->
  • RT @MCamerlengo: i broke down Vince Carter's 2000 Dunk Contest performance https://t.co/MA4XWVM3nz ->
  • RT @BigVanCiencia: Una cosa no quita la otra https://t.co/q1p3XQZv1f ->
  • It would be tragic that we’d have rediscovered silphion only to lose it again. https://t.co/qVtEAMih6S ->
  • Silphion / Silphium was a “super plant” that went extinct in Roman times but was used for everything. It also seems… https://t.co/qctiERaWrv in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RT @johncutlefish: Starting annual planning?

    Getting ready to do a strategy review?

    Thinking about how to deploy your strategy?

    Rememb… ->

  • RT @VictorManibo: sci-fi is when you have this karl urban; fantasy is when you have that karl urban https://t.co/Oi9tLYt9RG ->
  • RT @neil_abrams: According to tankies, the 2014 Euromaidan revolution, in which Ukrainians rose up and ousted kleptocratic dictator Viktor… ->
  • RT @yleuutiset: Suomi-somen tuntematon tähti Dmitry Gurbanov, 34, seuraa lakkaamatta putinisteja ja saa harrastuksensa vuoksi tappouhkauksi… ->
  • RT @martindelp: Twitter relacionado con la selección está toxiquísimo. Sí, ya sé que "no importa cuando leas esto", pero ahora más que nunc… ->
  • RT @KakkonenLauri: Tästä syystä rakastan internettiä ❤️ https://t.co/SO6lPWJ2Ty ->
  • That’s the face I used to get for speaking Finnish when foreign. Less of a problem nowadays in Helsinki, mileage el… https://t.co/0PwP21Qd0Q ->
  • RT @luisrha: Tras la Copa Oro dije que Tata Martino debía irse. Su desempeño como DT del Tri ha sido pobre y tengo bajas expectativas para… ->
  • RT @anto_dlt: Que un DT de la talla de Gerardo Martino me haya respondido así reconforta muchísimo para los que intentamos que se habla del… ->
  • Growing up was ridiculous and painful, but you need friends like the guy with the sign (“These aren’t the droids we… https://t.co/67BOUYOlbR ->
  • RT @stevemagness: 2:01:09 World Record for Eliud Kipchoge…

    after going through halfway in 59:51…

    It's simply astonishing what he has… ->

  • They were here and I missed it! (Anyway, I’ve been home sick all week, but still…). https://t.co/HsFmAAcScW ->
  • RT @bewgtweets: If you want to know why Gen X’ers are always mad it’s because we had to replace our record collections with a tape collecti… ->
  • RT @AlmaDeliaMC: No soy como ellos, pensé tantas veces. No venimos del mismo lugar, yo nací en Nezahualcóyotl, por mi sangre corre la pobre… ->