- This is the new Nokia http://t.co/LDQQ8NDHHq via @verge ->
- Forty years ago, Lego explained to parents why some boys like dollhouses and some girls like spaceships http://t.co/ZYBZ89grtA via @qz ->
- This list of broken records shows how insanely good Lionel Messi is http://t.co/Zh15bwqaHK via @qz ->
- RT @TarekFatah: CNN Eclusive! #ISIS declares JIHAD on two 'Fonts.' Insiders suggest one is ARIAL and the other is TIMES New Roman. http://t… ->
- Freakonomics » Should the U.S. Merge With Mexico? A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast http://t.co/7ZWbbRqT28 ->
- RT @Zonal_Marking: Copa America 2015:
A: Chile, Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia.
B: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Jamaica.
C: Brazil, Colombia, Pe… -> - RT @UnvirtuousAbbey: Amen, Jon Stewart. http://t.co/YLQCBKCVOh ->
- Machine vision finally becoming reality? / Computers Wrote the Caption for This Photograph, and Changed Everything http://t.co/oMPGBh9ay7 ->
- Are you raising nice kids? A Harvard psychologist gives 5 ways to raise them to be kind http://t.co/Sdo2Qmy6JK ->
- I know you're going to enjoy this one @biggfill @dagood / The Hoop: http://t.co/OKapVakeSS via @YouTube ->
- Intro al sistema educativo finlandés en @lanacioncom / El secreto de Finlandia http://t.co/dnzuulqQ2Y ->
- Kuulostaa melkein vitsiltä, jos ulkomaalaistaustaisena ei saa työtä / Suomen työmarkkinat tarvitsevat maahanmuuttajia http://t.co/2UOz5VuRJD ->
- RT @conradhackett: Muslim populations are often a lot smaller than the average person would guess
- RT @DanielPink: The Hard Data on Being a Nice Boss . . . https://t.co/8KWRsQvD1K (via @HarvardBiz ) ->
- RT @mkvesala: Tuttua opetusmateriaalia 90-luvulta… Toivottavasti ei nyt eikä koskaan todellista. http://t.co/3ACPBOr196 ->
- RT @PeqCerdoCap: Así como este cerdito ayuda a los mexicanos a estirar su quincena, está listo para aconsejar a mogollón de españoles: http… ->
- RT @mexicodelfuturo: "La violencia es el último recurso del incompetente"
-Isaac Asimov
#MXdelFuturo -> - Juan Villoro – El reino de Oz http://t.co/RILkQIUJpL ->
- RT @cesarsalazar: Desde su fundación en el ’88 el PRD sólo ha podido presentar a 2 candidatos a la presidencia. Ahora no cuentan con ningun… ->
- RT @SanCadilla: RT @Angel_0602: @SanCadilla los del ame ahogando el dolor por la derrota http://t.co/WP1u8jlmSl / Jajajaja ->
- Acabo de ver el noticiario de Televisa después de años de no verlo. Sólo el punto de vista del gobierno, cero crítica ni investigación. ->
- Mis amigos mexicanos en Facebook se dividen en dos: los sommeliers y los corredores / Curso de pedantería enológica http://t.co/lpIBIHApyN ->
- Suddenly your iPhone 6 can go all Minority Report on you: http://t.co/JEAwQwN4Xl ->
- #Byroslavia needs to get its act together / Investing in Finland? Prepare for red tape and political indecision http://t.co/t892laXCWA ->
- RT @ipvanala: Huh huh. Enpä ollut tätä vielä Suomifutiksessa nähnyt, käsittämätön nousu. Onnittelut @hjkhelsinki, #bana, @akiriihilahti & c… ->
- RT @Kymppipaikka: HJK:lle uskomaton voitto Eurooppa-liigassa http://t.co/qaVUr8qKi5 #UELfi #HJK ->
- RT @JmsGoldberg: So my friend bought a new 500GB hard drive and decided to open it up… http://t.co/9w2YoKotpr ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Finnish retailers starting with Black Friday sales. What. If we're making Thanksgiving a global thing, priorities: WHERE'S … ->
- RT @Reactor105: Listo el cartel del #VL15: http://t.co/OJMFoo3bld ->
- RT @Gifurama: El Trailer del Episode VII !!!!!!! http://t.co/WgqbDOyOfa ->
- Richard Scarry's Busy Town in the 21st Century http://t.co/b5HIpI6dTC ->
- It's here / Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens Official Teaser Trailer #1 https://t.co/AIbl3MoINh ->
- RT @io9: Everything you might have missed in the new #StarWars trailer http://t.co/5tzR89LVJf #TheForceAwakens #EpisodeVII ->
- RT @el_pais: Muere a los 85 años Chespirito, el actor mexicano que dio vida al Chavo del 8 http://t.co/6Wd7lbyarS http://t.co/RYhYnYsFmt ->
- RT @nabaniruiz: Estás con Dios, seguro harás felices a todos sus Ángeles. TQM #ChespiritoPorSiempre Besos al cielo @ChespiritoRGB http://t.… ->
- RT @leozuckermann: Si les gustó el pasado del funeral del Chapulín Colorado, este también está bueno. QEPD #Chespirito http://t.co/ibaZ6PVK… ->
- RT @leozuckermann: Otro que también está bueno: http://t.co/IX7RjjqlhG ->
- RT @leozuckermann: El Chapulín Colorado recibe el funeral que se merece. QEPD #Chespirito http://t.co/QPCQZtLJEY ->
- RT @alantacher: “@TabascoHOY: #Colombia ilumina su torre más alta en honor a #Chespirito http://t.co/N9bVSppJOV http://t.co/bdAKQcAX3N”/gra… ->
- RT @el_pais: La muerte de #Chespirito, el actor que encarnó al Chavo del Ocho, sacude las redes sociales http://t.co/4MAaD0gsDR http://t.co… ->
- RT @REFORMACOM: La muerte de #Chespirito plagó portadas de prensa de AL y se hizo hueco medios a nivel global http://t.co/zgJxrd80re http:/… ->
- RT @jorge_guajardo: Mexico’s law-and-order crisis: Missing the point http://t.co/IWE1fe4H8y The president has lost all moral authority to s… ->
- RT @jorgeramosnews: It'll be hard to understand for the English language networks the importance of the death of Chespirito…starting with… ->
- RT @ChespiritoRGB: En nombre de la familia, gracias por tanto amor. Los esperamos mañana en el Estadio Azteca a partir de las 12, para desp… ->
- A look into how soccer has paid tribute to the late 'Chespirito' http://t.co/LglezJtmjK via @soccerly ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Nortec Collective (6), Bostich+Fussible (6) & Queen (2) #music http://t.co/veIGuoVbgt ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-11-17 to 2014-11-23
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Radiohead (43), Trio Ellas (21) & Foo Fighters (16) #music http://t.co/veIGuoVbgt ->
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-11-10 to 2014-11-16: La doble vida de los otros de @JuanVilloro56 http://t…. http://t.co/hUxc1hXtH5 ->
- I wonder how many Persut would spill their coffee on this / This is why kids in London do better in school http://t.co/ybzd0V2Lpu ->
- “Why Japanese Web Design is NOT so different” by @mariosakata https://t.co/ZfbFhJ1EB8 ->
- “The Three Essential Skills You’ll Need to Survive the Future of Work” by @jessicalawrence https://t.co/OH7haXcrxr ->
- RT @Viri_Rios: Que triste que ante la adversidad la gente pida renuncias y no resultados #YaMeCansé #PorEsoPropogo #PorEsoExijo ->
- Not surprising in the slightest / Facebook Makes It Harder (Again) for Brands to Advertise for Free http://t.co/4vAR1YDfOT ->
- RT @wonderhelm: Time for the Supercell party! #Slush14 Finally some return on our son's Clash of Clans addiction.. ->
- RT @ACKristiina: Tästä ei tule kiva esitys. Monikansallisten yritysten investoinnit vuotavat Suomesta Ruotsiin kuin seula. #ilonpilaaja #mi… ->
- Feeling sad it's November and you're not in Finland? It must be #slush 😉 ->
- RT @alexstubb: Thank you #Slush. You bring light to #November. Great job. ->
- Why my child will be your child's boss http://t.co/U7Koe87zk3 via @cbsnews ->
- Finland back on red alert over expansionist Russia http://t.co/hX8b8pdFSx via @guardian ->
- We are *shooting* star stuff // BBC News – Comet landing: Organic molecules detected by Philae http://t.co/sD20tyCARD ->
- Hmmmm, interesting / Dubai ranked world's #1 city to live and work in http://t.co/KDWAtsGGuf ->
- RT @jorgesuarezv: ¿Qué resuelve Rivera "traspasando" la casa? Ahora tendrá los mismos millones en cash. Me preocupa mucho la pésima reacció… ->
- RT @jaaksi: I'm happy for @Nokia. Finally, they are free to try new things. No worries about What Would Microsoft Say or Would This Jeopard… ->
- RT @roberto_charvel: This is a detailed plan of what Mexico needs right now http://t.co/1sWontKb21 by @shannonkoneil ->
- Los memes de la Casa Blanca vía @chilangoCom http://t.co/4uILgtO4Xt ->
- Finnish game designers unveil ‘IronDanger,’ a giant fantasy film trilogy they’re doing in their ‘spare time’ http://t.co/loypsDMEGq ->
- RT @honorharger: Your regular reminder of just how exceptional Tesla was. This is him in 1926 as if he was describing now. Via @cdixon http… ->
- People power: turning customer experience into a marketing tool http://t.co/Q2S60VNZCs #CX ->
- Lahti 14.11.2014 – Olemmeko jäämässä digijunasta #digitaalisuus #johtaminen http://t.co/umIclJHYIl cc @mktgclinic ->
- Kommentti: Uber tulee – Suomalainen taksi on kaksi vuotta myöhässä – Uutiset – Talouselämä http://t.co/9xpDut5v49 ->
- Andreessen Horowitz's @BenedictEvans on Mobile Technology http://t.co/xFEAe5xwVc via @BloombergTV ->
- RT @BenedictEvans: Looking at data suggesting WhatsApp is 5-10% of all mobile traffic in Latam ->
- “Where the Fuck Is Princess Leia?” by @GlynnMacN https://t.co/ud2HlC0ZBF ->
- RT @HazelMcKendrick: An anatomical explanation of video game cameras (via @rotational): http://t.co/S9LNFg8jqP ->
- RT @ahope71: Mexico on the brink: thousands to protest over widespread corruption and student massacre http://t.co/Wl7fbzg8px via @guardian ->
- Y es que todo se puso tan feo, por @warkentin http://t.co/C5p0klSFZf ->
- RT @ChumelTorres: Todos somos diferentes. Pero todos somos hermanos. Y nos faltan 43. http://t.co/OwpZFyiDUn ->
- RT @ADELAREGUERA: Chale…Para que me fui a Azteca y despues a L.A. si en Televisa pagaban tan bien. ->
- RT @rotch: rompo mi promesa de no tuitear links de sopitas porque esto está padre -> crónica fotográfica del #20NovMx http://t.co/usuHswwxGC ->
- Spreadsheets, Annual Reports, and Terror: How #ISIS built a business with lethal efficiency http://t.co/ERSBG59LtZ via @BW ->
- RT @guardian: Si estás participando en las protestas en México, queremos saber de ti. Comparte tus fotos e historias http://t.co/Uu84ad01g9 ->
- RT @SergioSarmiento: Dice @EPN, en un festejo de la Revolución Mexicana, que la violencia es inaceptable. ¿Pensará que la Revolución fue pa… ->
- RT @FootballFunnys: Barcelona players trying to send Messi back to his planet.. http://t.co/zwQZuV4pyw ->
- Inspiring, they've already raised 1M / Help make it happen for Jolla Tablet – world's first crowdsourced tablet http://t.co/j3dIFB4Db8 ->
- La acción por Ayotzinapa se vuelve global -FOTOS – emeequis http://t.co/viXtTHzWWu #AcciónGlobalporAyotzinapa ->
- RT @ecyrd: It says something that Finnish has a word for "it is not raining anything". #marras #pouta ->
- The Future of Wearable Technology | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios: http://t.co/AdQjjl6oVQ ->
- RT @VakevaRii: Asioiden suhteuttamista suomalaisittain. Hyvä @samisillanpaa @hsfi http://t.co/WHFc1wj1Ia ->
- RT @SanCadilla: Hoy en #LaDominguera, Lupillo Castañeda y el misterio de su calcetín http://t.co/gwRU8L8WzF ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Leningrad Cowboys (23), Nirvana (4) & Soundgarden (4) #music http://t.co/veIGuoVbgt ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-11-10 to 2014-11-16
- La doble vida de los otros de @JuanVilloro56 http://t.co/VEqhg5tNCG via @RNegraTinta ->
- En todos lados se cuecen habas / ‘Crunch’ y su desventurado tuit sobre el caso Ayotzinapa http://t.co/SmIHmA7PaT via @roastbrief ->
- Opening of the Dubai Tram #mydubai https://t.co/F3MtYRikkP ->
- Cars watching the new Dubai Tram #mydubai https://t.co/w5iz7n6H5I ->
- Dear Senator Ted Cruz, I'm going to explain to you how Net Neutrality ACTUALLY works – The Oatmeal http://t.co/JLZYgzjQwu via @Oatmeal ->
- Oops, @EPN failing Mexico / Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto faces outcry over £4.4m mansion http://t.co/iGAAGFo7v7 via @guardian ->
- ¿De qué está hecho @EPN? Bello: A test of Peña Nieto’s mettle http://t.co/cnobQJck13 ->
- #NoEraPenal #MexVsNed “@miseleccionmx: ¡Buenos días! http://t.co/VfbOHnTqW4” in reply to miseleccionmx ->
- RT @Leon_Krauze: Aquí la entrega de la camiseta de #NoEraPenal a Robben , cortesía de @UnivisionSports http://t.co/oZOCkJ9E76 ->
- RT @Philae2014: It’s me… landing on a comet & feeling good! MT @ESA_Rosetta: I see you too! #CometLanding http://t.co/DjU0J1Ey4H ->
- “What It Takes To Be The French Jennifer Lawrence” by Mac McClelland https://t.co/OW1rTPYqYl ->
- Gooool! Donde estaba Vela en el Mundial carajo… ->
- RT @kicks4geeks: Qué golazo acaba de hacer Carlos Vela!!!!!!! https://t.co/imeoHSONgA ->
- RT @Econsultancy: Download @mitchjoel's free "Why Brands are Stuck on Like and Failing at Love": http://t.co/rF19AwW6Kq #MastersofCX http:/… ->
- Ya le estan dando llegues a Carlos Vela caray. ->
- RT @Leon_Krauze: SI por años critiqué a Vela por no venir era PRECISAMENTE por su notable calidad. Y no le quito ni una coma a esas crítica… ->
- Me matan de risa los comentaristas de @AztecaDeportes. Al menos @martinolimx y @GarciaPosti se divierten. ->
- Nos apedrearon el rancho para el final del primer tiempo, pero la verdad @miseleccionmx no ha jugado mal. ->
- RT @eldeforma: Miles de mexicanos aseguran que siempre defendieron a Vela http://t.co/btKmwe03Tn ->
- Golazazazo de Snejder. Wow. ->
- RT @mexicoworldcup: Goal Sneijder in the 49th min. A Dutch goal has been coming. Mexico now need to react. Game slipping away. Netherlands … ->
- El segundo de Vela chingao ->
- Hmmmm / Why we need to end the War on Drugs http://t.co/JVqmeyLMX5 ->
- RT @fersch_4: Otro ángulo. Vela ríe. Sonríe. Y se carcajea https://t.co/QuAMTDvWKb ->
- RT @Philae2014: .@ESA_Rosetta See for yourself! ROLIS imaged #67P when we were just 3km away! Glad I can share. #CometLanding http://t.co/b… ->
- RT @FutbolIntellect: Everything is right with the world. http://t.co/BmbVGyhQ9S ->
- Asi tenian que jugar el mundial chingao. Gol del Chicharito. Nederland 1-3 Mexico… en Amsterdam. ->
- RT @juanfutbol: ¡GOOOOOOOOOOL DE MI @CH14_! http://t.co/A2VqGbEOwd ->
- RT @arturovaldemar: México se retracta con @11carlosV en 3… 2… 1… ->
- RT @JRehling: Fox: "Why did America waste money landing on a comet?"
Scientist: "This is a European mission."
Fox: "Why didn't America get … -> - Tiro desviado y Holanda se acerca. Nederland 2-3 Mexico. ->
- RT @jsuvela: 5 things digital marketers should know about user experience http://t.co/ar9UMQud6Y ->
- .@yosoy8a tiene que salir del Malaga. Con la que le saco a Wijnaldum no se que hace en la banca en su club… ->
- RT @qz: Why the US is breaking the drug laws that it has forced the world to live by http://t.co/LeZ3sAKrYg ->
- RT @martindelp: Se tiene que entender la dimensión de este triunfo de México. Ganarle a una potencia europea como visitante no nos ha pasad… ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Kun @LauraHuu jutteli suomalaisen insinöörin kanssa. http://t.co/7a7xETUgtJ ->
- RT @thisisFINLAND: Following the logic of #word associations in #Finnish: http://t.co/bIqcQlqdpF #finnishlanguage #Finland via @DiscoverFin… ->
- RT @sallesino: Puente.
Buen Fin.Bienvenidos al Apocalipsis Chilango. ->
- RT @ElinaLappalaine: Supercellin brändääjä perusti erilaisen sijoitusyhtiön http://t.co/RlKIPPp1F5 ->
- RT @ylenews: Helsinki-based tech company to bring facial recognition to cafes in 2015
http://t.co/b81my6nJCy @uniqul_inc #contactless #buyi… -> - RT @jeremyjustice: This pretty much covers my first year in China. “@Calvinn_Hobbes: Really think about this. http://t.co/3W3P7AQkx5” ->
- RT @ceronne: Taquería conquista más paladares http://t.co/aDQoFEQiQI »» una feliz historia ->
- RT @jowyang: Just saw a beauty commercial that claimed it was "an instagram filter in the bottle" for an airbrush effect to your skin. Sign… ->
- RT @KinStockholm: #NeelieKroes created a series of must read articles on our #digital future in #Europe. #eudigitalminds. https://t.co/7JB… ->
- RT @Creatuluw: I'll keep tweeting this one. Best #dataviz of #2015 #graph #chart http://t.co/l7nPs7NJmj ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-11-03 to 2014-11-09
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-10-27 to 2014-11-02: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-10-20 to 2014-10-26… http://t.co/i5tcynJHPo ->
- Alreadya year feels like wow / A decade in Dubai – a lifetime anywhere else – http://t.co/fOM3DZ1vua ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Soda Stereo (12), Nortec Collective (9) & Bostich+Fussible (9) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
- Creo que tiene que visitar Colorado / "Legalizar mariguana no acabará con el narcotráfico" http://t.co/ZX530kOIGv via @El_Universal_Mx ->
- This video of @alexstubb is going viral in Finland. Meanwhile in Mexico, @EPN can barely speak Spanish. #TVNewsroom http://t.co/UpSQoxo7zj ->
- 4 of 5 stars to The Next 100 Years by George Friedman http://t.co/7P2CQuSXeO ->
- RT @Ornamo1: Blanca Juti, Rovio: Brand is not about control, its about letting people live your brand. #IPRhuippu http://t.co/8WbSBOcQvB ->
- Presentation: mobile is eating the world. http://t.co/ulVhgAeCUU / @benedictevans does it again ->
- RT @teppo: Service Design Achievement presentation of Red Dot winner @Pivo happening at right now @Nordkapp http://t.co/jSJud8VFuo ->
- Somebody tried to pull the Armani suit scam on me in Media City. Thankfully I still have my old chilango spider sense http://t.co/WIJkAL7PdB ->
- For this region to prosper it must embrace change | The National http://t.co/TjtvFABeOr via @TheNationalUAE ->
- Ouch / EU Commission: Cyprus the only EU economy worse than Finland's | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/torHmVGg8V ->
- bcg.perspectives – Decoding Global Talent https://t.co/Epx0kvlZyz ->
- RT @conradhackett: One year of international phone calls, mapped
- RT @BenedictEvans: Apple competes with Google. Google competes with Amazon and Facebook. Amazon competes with physical retail. Facebook? ->
- RT @liisaeerola: Näin #sponsorointi jakaantuu Suomessa. Joukkueiden sopimussummat 2-45k €, kulttuurikohteilla 2-60k € #foorumi http://t.co/… ->
- RT @Econsultancy: International #SEO: A beginner's guide: http://t.co/cO2OUx3D3k http://t.co/Wou8O9266o ->
- Tonight being Mexican hurts. #Indignación / Mexico’s missing students: A gruesome mass murder http://t.co/zHRjpefDLh via @TheEconomist ->
- RT @miguelrcabanas: Must read:“@wef: 2015: The year geopolitics bites back? http://t.co/LOUiy1HXuG #outlook2015 http://t.co/PMlDLoYLy3” ->
- RT @roblesmaloof: ¿Qué cosecha un país que siembra muertos? #Ayotzinapa http://t.co/bfeESd54Me ->
- RT @ChumelTorres: TODO LO QUE QUERÍAS SABER DE AYOTZINAPA PERO TE DABA MIEDO PREGUNTAR (porque qué puto miedo preguntar, se entiende)
http… ->
- RT @CindyRevolucion: Ésta es la imagen importante de hoy, no las de la puerta del zócalo #YaMeCanse #AccionGlobalporAyotzinapa http://t.co/… ->
- RT @AlvaroEnrigue: Felicitamos a la banda sicótica que cree que quemar cosas ayuda: disolvieron una manifestación importantísima. Le hicier… ->
- RT @pasi_sahlberg: This Sunday is Father's Day in Finland. Guess what is the best gift to dad? A book! Happy Father's Day all dads in Finla… ->
- RT @Enrique_Acevedo: Buen momento para dejar el país, Sr Presidente http://t.co/KbueWGek0R ->
- RT @PandaFeroce: Hay mucho ciego que cree que en México se respira paz. Incapaces de ver lo peligroso de un país donde la inseguridad ya es… ->
- RT @arturovaldemar: Habíamos artistas, niños, padres de familia, profesionistas, estudiantes. Los vándalos NO pertenecen a la marcha. #YaMe… ->
- RT @HamillHimself: #EpisodeVII @OfficialWars The Force Awakens-(in a Kansas farmhouse only to discover it was all a dream)
Did I get to thi… -> - RT @albertoserdan: 1. La violencia de 22 mil desaparecidos y los 43 de Iguala no es violencia equivalente a una puerta de Palacio Nacional.… ->
- RT @mariocampos: Las portadas del día #Ayotzinapa http://t.co/ldoLQAJKnN ->
- One of the main advantages of living in Dubai is having the beach nearby… https://t.co/F0NFfByzKQ ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-10-27 to 2014-11-02
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-10-20 to 2014-10-26: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-10-13 to 2014-10-19… http://t.co/HPXxoZQw0E ->
- The Cheapest Generation http://t.co/mzVmCyJPab ->
- RT @darth: “just a…little bit of turbulence” MT @qz: Windowless planes are coming, and they look amazing http://t.co/W4fTIXbooI http://t.co… ->
- RT @ornikkar: Vague d'arrestations de clowns en France. http://t.co/qpaMBL6JCf ->
- Halloween at DigitasLBi: El Santo y Blue Demon vs Powerpoiint #mydubai #dubailife 😉 cc @adgenius https://t.co/PgY2tRIPa9 ->
- RT @WiredUK: Pope Francis says 'Evolution is right': http://t.co/F0Scds8eDN ->
- RT @_youhadonejob: You had one job. http://t.co/yP0sDLe5xm ->
- For Halloween, the 10 scariest economic charts in the world http://t.co/hu4qKNkKuB via @qz ->
- RT @webcamsdemexico: RT @CibernautasMich: Con mucho orgullo vivimos nuestra tradicional #NocheDeMuertos en Michoacán. http://t.co/A15Ga7u4Ta ->
- You might have the best analytics, but if you don't use them they're worthless / Case Tesco in @HBR http://t.co/uCLWY20oyh ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-10-20 to 2014-10-26
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-10-13 to 2014-10-19: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-10-06 to 2014-10-12… http://t.co/YyygKt3fx2 ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Silvério (33), Bostich+Fussible (22) & Boards of Canada (18) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
- And this is why usability matters: https://t.co/ZVopGIAQlW ->
- RT @NickMiroff: If you need something to remind you why Mexico is still awesome, try these: http://t.co/76Gzj3cVMp A love letter to #Dorilo… ->
- RT @Pijamasurf: En México 43 estudiantes desaparecidos por la policía desde hace 24 días
#RegresalosEPN #EPNBringThemBack http://t.co/K09… -> - The Nine Elements of Digital Transformation http://t.co/s6W5WoOhK9 via @mitsmr ->
- RT @DaGood: Isaac Asimov on #creativity http://t.co/TOeSLwSkkX ->
- Massacres in Mexico: Outrage, at last http://t.co/JfFiQEmjgx via @TheEconomist ->
- Meanwhile in Finland / Jobless say employment system broken | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/1AsIjbNjfk ->
- Six things CEOs want from their marketing teams in a digital age http://t.co/ZkNg4u7gvI via @guardian ->
- RT @expatexplorer: Our new Expat Explorer survey reveals the best places to live & work abroad: http://t.co/oBmC7wzVLC http://t.co/SW6ixOPO… ->
- El ‘boom’ tecnológico mexicano http://t.co/wWj4tFzaCO via @el_pais cc @cesarsalazar ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Bostich+Fussible (28), Nortec Collective (22) & Terrestre (7) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-10-13 to 2014-10-19
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-10-06 to 2014-10-12: My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Luis Miguel (15), Claude Deb… http://t.co/ZdBgQoBUQf ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Café Tacvba (32), Foo Fighters (22) & Banda El Recodo (4) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
- Ouch / Finland is in trouble, and it blames Apple for everything http://t.co/5AfjlA98PM ->
- RT @sallesino: Pues ya aquí completa: http://t.co/E7TcJ55Bip ->
- Xiaomi, Not Apple, Is Changing the Smartphone Industry – @HarvardBiz http://t.co/SaacFmsQs6 ->
- RT @apisanty: Mad Max? it was only a matter of time. Dutch bikers vs ISIS: http://t.co/1EqK9FnoWd from @ForeignPolicy cc @maurimm ->
- Hey, CMO: Larry Ellison and Oracle Want Your Business
http://t.co/oEkSuwFtPg -> - Sitran trendilista 2014-2015 by @Sitrafund #ennakointi #eriarvoisuus http://t.co/whOGhsT83I via @SlideShare ->
- How the world orders and delivers in 10 charts http://t.co/7JwIpIh6Cp via @qz ->
- RT @IBMExpOne: Happy #FunnyFriday to all our old and new followers! Enjoy the chuckle! #FF http://t.co/grpTN8pIJI ->
- RT @dcapuan0: Great infographic from @btemkin showing the economics of customer experience http://t.co/eWuvHXMilI #NCSW14 #cx ->
- RT @WhatTheBit: can't believe it took this long for someone to make this photo http://t.co/60mQQL8n71 ->
- RT @voxdotcom: NFL players have gotten enormous: http://t.co/pUoERZWkPn http://t.co/KUakzVWDVX ->
- #NowPlaying el álbum Motel Baja (Nortec Collective Presents) de Bostich+Fussible http://t.co/svqJj4ASUe ->
- RT @ceronne: Expat Insider 2014: The Best & Worst Places for Expats http://t.co/ipDMzJ2ErP »» muy interesante #mexpats @mexpats @chivaconge… ->
- Hmmm / The western model is broken | Pankaj Mishra http://t.co/zosXwzxBPD ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-10-06 to 2014-10-12
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Luis Miguel (15), Claude Debussy (13) & Sergei Rachmaninoff (6) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-09-29 to 2014-10-05: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-09-22 to 2014-09-28… http://t.co/jNQoTeN67d ->
- O_o / Espoosta pyhään sotaan – islamistinuoret kertovat http://t.co/Ke7ISPgUOn ->
- RT @PresidenciaMX: Se cumplen 405 años de los primeros contactos entre México – Japón http://t.co/4DbGbhjnaX #JapónEnMéxico ->
- RT @mims: Are you a maximizer or a satisficer? Always blows me away when people don't know this about themselves. http://t.co/NgpPrWzPlc ->
- RT @natrobe: What NOT to do with a multi-billion dollar fortune: amazing reporting by @Clare_OC on the Rollins family feud http://t.co/rJtO… ->
- RT @jorgeramosnews: Dos masacres en México (Tlatlaya e Iguala), decenas de muertos, nadie pierde su puesto y @epn ni siquiera responde una … ->
- RT @joaoluisc: New Finnish book: Microsoft's Elop was no Trojan horse, just a terrible boss http://t.co/WZcpLRj12a via @yleuutiset ->
- Yo nomás estoy esperando cuándo van a salir con la cumbia o el corrido del ébola. #Región4 ->
- Understanding the Arab Digital Generation http://t.co/jv6lt6PY7E by @google & @BoozAllen ->
- RT @randal_olson: Analysis of the total property damage Calvin caused in ‘Calvin and Hobbes’. #dataviz
Source: http://t.co/IB5650RovA http… ->
- RT @TheMexLondoner: All In London – Shaped In Mexico – http://t.co/iMO1nb6K9X ->
- RT @TheMexLondoner: Independent – The 'other' Latin American bloc is quietly getting on with the job – http://t.co/DIVKdCrNJI ->
- RT @sallesino: Si el argumento de la propina es que los meseros ganan mal por el servicio que te están dando, ¿por qué no le dan propina a … ->
- Vanjoki was right / Samsung's Future Is Bleak Because Phones Themselves No Longer Matter | WIRED http://t.co/FsCKcT0fVG ->
- RT @BBCHARDtalk: Finland's PM @alexstubb says it would be "travesty" for #UK to leave #EU
http://t.co/XJVUpToU1o -> - RT @missanabeem: Where I suggest @satyanadella gives a raise to all his female employee tomorrow, without them asking. Because #karma http:… ->
- RT @SamiHonkonen: Don't worry about career, company, job. Instead ask: Who do want to spend your time with? -Jim Collins #NBForum2014 ->
- Crazy, stupid gringos “@voxdotcom: 4 Congressmen say ISIS is on America's border. We asked them for proof. http://t.co/ir4TREsNQN” in reply to voxdotcom ->
- RT @Zalorians: Not to be missed. #EmergingMarkets by @jana http://t.co/bOrl4i3VW5 ->
- RT @bmillercomedy: You're not really celebrating Columbus Day unless you're doing it in someone else's house. ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-09-29 to 2014-10-05
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-09-22 to 2014-09-28: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-09-15 to 2014-09-21… http://t.co/mBWc30giK4 ->
- RT @juuuso: "How to Save Finland". I wrote a little blog post. https://t.co/kH6alrirRQ ->
- RT @WillardJed: #Finland world's largest beneficiary of #globalization per capita – @BertelsmannFdn http://t.co/E19DNLx1ib @AnnetteHeuser @… ->
- RT @FMR_Brussels: Contains Friday-tastic Nokia meme link, @alexstubb twitter jibe, and a GIANT UNDERSEA INTERNET CABLE http://t.co/wn5RsC1f… ->
- RT @Leon_Krauze: Y tú, vives en una burbuja? Agradezco lectura y RT. http://t.co/YOFHD357hy ->
- RT @jorgesuarezv: Mi columna sobre el viaje de EPN a NY y las oportunidades perdidas: México no tiene política exterior | El Financiero htt… ->
- RT @Leon_Krauze: Buena polémica ha generado mi artículo sobre la nueva embajadora de Estados Unidos en México. AGradezco RT. http://t.co/9Q… ->
- RT @MeredithFrost: Japanese construction firm says it will have an elevator to space by 2050: http://t.co/8j5p3bML3F http://t.co/PbgzDnP7U0 ->
- RT @Miremara: The outrageous new metric for online attention that will completely change the Internet forever via @FortuneMagazine http://t… ->
- RT @cowbs: Engineers don't let engineers design user interfaces. http://t.co/XKSDUOxKHe ->
- On The Future of Apple and Google | steve cheney – technology, business & strategy http://t.co/8H3V088koV ->
- Firechat was sparking interest in India, even before it became a mainstay of the Hong Kong protests http://t.co/s0sqqFS3Ru via @qz ->
- Elon Musk puts his case for a multi-planet civilisation http://t.co/GY2ssYAiez via @aeonmag ->
- RT @TheAtlantic: "On the other side of the Shenzhen River": A man born in Kunming reflects on Hong Kong, and cries http://t.co/lj49FN1SLM ->
- RT @Finnfield: Angry Birds maker Rovio lays off 130 staff and tries to 'reignite growth' http://t.co/M2657g4HhY via @guardian ->
- Finlandia, el país que ama los libros | Babelia | EL PAÍS http://t.co/HkgZ4oP0id ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-09-22 to 2014-09-28
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-09-15 to 2014-09-21: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-09-08 to 2014-09-14… http://t.co/xOZD1UIgqO ->
- RT @Brilliant_Ads: Norlis bookstore: Unplug with a book http://t.co/lxoY6JQr59 ->
- RT @notch: We've got quantum teleportation, self-driving cars and bendable phones. We're officially in the future now! ->
- RT @jussisolja: This is how we do it in the #UAE http://t.co/FD42XgRDee #ISIS ->
- 3 of 5 stars to The Ringworld Engineers by Larry Niven http://t.co/80gmh4Mj2g ->
- Occupational Hazards of Working on Wall Street http://t.co/BPwyA944jV via @BV ->
- How Facebook and Google are taking over your online identity http://t.co/6wB7zkyaJD via @qz ->
- These numbers capture India’s historic and incredibly frugal Mars mission http://t.co/06wyWooVb0 ->
- RT @viaSimonRomero: How will this go down in Mexico? Brazil cabinet minister warns against "Mexicanization" of economy http://t.co/c0v6lqJK… ->
- RT @nunezcla: Y México cuántos migrantes deporta? http://t.co/JAg4y6E31m ->
- RT @husu78: Suomalainen tuo Tallinnasta halpaa viinaa, Afrikalainen halpaa Fantaa 😀 http://t.co/tPnUYej4LG ->
- RT @rauldsm: En Japón presentan la consulta catalana como si fuera la intro del Street Fighter http://t.co/wH2Wl2uPOl ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Tycho (34), Lost Acapulco (17) & Los Tigres Del Norte (8) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->