- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-04-21 to 2014-04-27: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-04-14 to 2014-04-20… http://t.co/vmKTTlV40o ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Air (10), Iron & Wine (4) & Freddie Hubbard (2) #music http://t.co/R0Z20XEv0Z ->
- RT @jowyang: At first glance on earth, an alien astronomer may think cars are the dominant species. ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-04-21 to 2014-04-27
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-04-14 to 2014-04-20: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-04-07 to 2014-04-13… http://t.co/eRQsJzAp92 ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Gustavo Pimentel (8), Zoé (6) & Celso Piña y su Ronda Bogotá (5) #music http://t.co/R0Z20XEv0Z ->
- Advertising for African-Americans, where spelling goes out of the window / The Golden Arch Of The Universe Is Long… http://t.co/VCpeytJqug ->
- RT @HHShkMohd: Today I concluded a constructive economic discussions with the Mexican president http://t.co/cxnKmMw4vg ->
- RT @HHShkMohd: أنهيت اليوم محادثات بناءة مع الرئيس المكسيكي .. تناولنا خلالها أهمية بناء علاقة اقتصادية مستدامة بين بلدينا http://t.co/zB8v… ->
- The Rise and Fall of AIM, the Breakthrough AOL Never Wanted http://t.co/NGuivQEhKj ->
- RT @ahope71: ¿Por qué García Márquez se fue a México? http://t.co/mANdpNHWQT via @elespectador ->
- RT @io9: Everything You Need to Know to Rebuild Civilization from Scratch http://t.co/fTZQYlAIRZ ->
- RT @SinEmbargoMX: Activistas, artistas internacionales y hasta Kim Dotcom se unen a la protesta #EPNvsInternet http://t.co/KarWNsEWxD ->
- RT @cnnexpansion: 5 intentos del Gobierno de Peña Nieto por censurar la Web. #EPNvsInternet http://t.co/gU9zGqDbCZ ->
- RT @KathiaCarrillo: ¿En qué consiste la ley de censura a internet de Peña Nieto? #EPNvsInternet : http://t.co/Kx6Ql98aS3 via @YouTube ->
- #EPNvsInternet https://t.co/vi3EKERxlt ->
- RT @gomezpickering: Origins of chilli pepper traced to Mexico
http://t.co/zy8edO83tx -> - RT @mieky: "Every CEO is in fact a Chief Cultural Officer. It's his actual behavior, not the list of values, that defines what the culture … ->
- Ten (Possibly) Absurdist Truths About Belgium http://t.co/9q7YAU4I9v via @Adgenius ->
- RT @Jack_Ashman: The backlash on #MyNYPD campaign is another great example of completely misunderstanding social & public perception ~ http… ->
- RT @tanelitikka: As Mark just said: most of net use is mobile. Phones have handwritten char recognition, so Chinese is fast & easy to type … ->
- Not-PC: back in Europe for the second time after six months in Dubai and thinking everyone is so white. The lack of variety feels weird. ->
- Being in Europe, part two: oh, the streets are filthy but there's so many layers of history and monuments and stuff on top of each other. ->
- I'm at Hotel Parador de Chinchón – @paradores (Chinchón, Madrid) http://t.co/SfF56c0FVY ->
- Being in Europe, part three: no wonder Finns talk about holidaying in Europe. There's not a lot of visible history, even in Helsinki. 😛 ->
- “@FotografiaEsp: Impresionante selfie en Dubai @hacerfotos http://t.co/z2D4dIDmzi” Mi chamba y mi chante se ven en la foto 😉 in reply to FotografiaEsp ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-04-14 to 2014-04-20
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-04-07 to 2014-04-13: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-03-31 to 2014-04-06… http://t.co/moc7y8Nisx ->
- Skynet in 3, 2, 1… / Äly hoi Kehitämme niin älykkäitä tietokoneita, että ne saattavat kaapata vallan ihmiskunnalta http://t.co/9pxnxUQfaX ->
- “This is your brain on mobile” by @jgvandehey https://t.co/xL5iPFYh8K ->
- RT @alangomez: This would be a second straight year. Mexico: Homicides Decline Near Border, Report Says http://t.co/OFI5wPl6IT ->
- LOL / Mystique allied with the Zapatista rebels in Mexico, 1994. #XMen http://t.co/zuctMW0vHL via @xmenmovies ->
- RT @camilolara: Mi compadre @toyselectah y el @IMS_MIS estamos haciendo un disco juntos. Es una aventura titánica! ya les contaremos más… ->
- RT @ToySelectah: El disco que estamos haciendo Don @camilolara y su servilleta es de NOSOTROS! I.M.S + Toy Selectah ! ->
- RT @atmasphere: Netflix Is Eating Up Cable Subscriptions – http://t.co/Fr1WCvdHDJ ->
- RT @JesusOfNaz316: Just another Maundy Thursday. I wish it were Sunday. 'Cause that's my fun day. ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Suggest you add this to today's reading list. MT @KimberlyMarten Terrific piece by @anneapplebaum on maskirovka http://t.co… ->
- Astronaut Chris Hadfield and Chef Traci Des Jardins Make a Space Burrito http://t.co/U3qkAn7DRA via @youtube ->
- 4 of 5 stars to The Second Machine Age by Erik Brynjolfsson http://t.co/t0G0OEHDgN ->
- RT @robferdman: "Gabriel Garcia Marquez's works outsold everything published in Spanish except the Bible." http://t.co/rOaAmT0u7G via @AP ->
- RT @NewYorker: In memory of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who died today at 87, a look back at @jonleeanderson's Profile of the writer: http://t.… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: García Márquez, el colombiano más mexicano. http://t.co/rTZ6sEoUtn Maravilloso texto de Carlos Monsiváis sobre #Gabo. ->
- RT @erikbryn: I say it's #2 — NYT:"Kepler-186f is the 1st Earth-size planet found in the habitable zone" http://t.co/IFilr4zhvF http://t.c… ->
- RT @arenkrn: "La vida no es la que uno vivió, sino la que uno recuerda, y cómo la recuerda para contarla". R.I.P. #GabrielGarciaMarquez ->
- RT @io9: 100 Years Of Solitude Author Gabriel Garcia Marquez Was Irreplaceable http://t.co/k2YpRdbmrD ->
- RT @BBCWorld: Obituary for Gabriel Garcia Marquez, he "wove imaginary magical elements into real life" http://t.co/d4GA9vOCyq http://t.co/I… ->
- RT @garcosc: Para los que quieran leer un rato a #GABO aquí están 27 cuentos para leer en línea http://t.co/1lcYj4Phzx #GraciasGabo ->
- RT @espnmx: El día que el escritor Gabriel García Márquez se convirtió en hincha. http://t.co/22pjnhIvvi #AdiosGabo ->
- RT @Pajaropolitico: Qué mejor manera de recordar y despedir a Gabo que leyendo sus obras, entrevistas y textos periodísticos http://t.co/Xh… ->
- RT @fersch_espn: Por @TheChips_Futbol frases futbolera de Garcia Marquez. http://t.co/Yq2T2LikCa ->
- RT @tordotcom: A goodbye to Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who masterfully blurred the line between solid reality and amorphous truth. http://t.co… ->
- RT @Dios_Padre: En estos momentos le estoy dando la bienvenida a Gabriel García Márquez. ->
- RT @ChilangoCom: Contaba Gabo que un día estaba en el Bosque de Chapultepec, y entonces comenzó a llover con sol. Se perdió http://t.co/wJX… ->
- RT @TheAtlantic: Gabriel García Márquez: "Surrealism comes from the reality of Latin America" http://t.co/aLSaKmv7xl ->
- RT @el_pais: RT @elpais_america: Así era la vida de Gabo en México, su ciudad adoptiva. http://t.co/lvCBKmgxnG Llegamos a la ciudad en un a… ->
- RT @yayitsrob: Here’s HD video of what the Burj Khalifa looks like from space: http://t.co/Ukbl5sq3I5 The best pictures from @SkyboxImaging… ->
- RT @RevistaSemana: Gabo, el profeta de América Latina, por @jvolpi –> http://t.co/zu9utz1Qlj
- RT @soyanimal: “De saber que se inventarían las pendejas "Selfies" mejor ni me muero por ustedes”.
—Cristo. http://t.co/EQuJPOIGxh ->
- RT @andreslajous: "This is a book that will change both the way we think about society and the way we do economics” http://t.co/kXhi7vIht9 ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-04-07 to 2014-04-13
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-03-31 to 2014-04-06: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-03-24 to 2014-03-30… http://t.co/8nvMKWkuPl ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Nirvana (17), Foo Fighters (16) & Los Panchos (15) #music http://t.co/R0Z20XEv0Z ->
- Darwin award candidate https://t.co/59nJ7KS20Z ->
- BBC News – Aggression from video games 'linked to incompetence' http://t.co/wHkx9NJ5cQ ->
- RT @CCCMexico: La mejor película de cada país latinoamericano, según IMDb. http://t.co/DOehmPl4Bk http://t.co/LRUynVMizg ->
- RT @Leon_Krauze: Últimamente, el catálogo de ignorantes de la humanidad lo encabezan los que se oponen a vacunar a sus hijos. Incomprensibl… ->
- Apps can access deeper handset functionality than mobile web, I'm guessing that's why: http://t.co/v4cpujkfft ->
- RT @AfricasaCountry: #Twitter: "Nigeria supplanted South Africa as Africa's largest economy. But I've not had light for seven days, so it m… ->
- RT @juuuso: Companies get what they measure. Setting a bad target is the fastest way to get everybody doing exactly the wrong thing. ->
- RT @juuuso: Target setting should always be quantity + quality. Sales + margin. Traffic + conversion. Share of voice + polarity. ->
- RT @Pajaropolitico: En #ExpedienteAnimal: “La iniciativa de Telecom es la más regresiva desde que internet existe en México” http://t.co/Af… ->
- Chistes de policías gordos con donas y café en 3… 2… 1… / Padece la Policía Federal obesidad http://t.co/ejojoyGqCn ->
- La censura planea sobre la regulación de Internet en México http://t.co/gHIXfyMyWG ->
- Looks like tacos al pastor, but it's camel shawarma.
Dorothy is SO not in Kansas anymore 😉 . http://t.co/F4gbcMfLwI ->
- RT @vilpponen: “Wahlroos paha, Räikkönen hyvä”, loistava kirjoitus suomalaisten epäloogisuudesta. http://t.co/XijFxeS355 ->
- RT @Heavenbounding: Olipa raikas juttu tämä: Täältä tullaan, elämä http://t.co/slwNQ4urAn #maahanmuutto #islam #monikulttuurinen ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Guns N' Roses (19), Sacbé (17) & Velvet Revolver (7) #music http://t.co/R0Z20XEv0Z ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-03-31 to 2014-04-06
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-03-24 to 2014-03-30: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-03-17 to 2014-03-23… http://t.co/ucNpCMr10X ->
- Estúpidos cínicos. Ni la burla perdonan. ¡Que se vayan todos! @Chivas: Más fuertes que nunca, la historia continúa. http://t.co/mNVQRsl9e0 in reply to Chivas ->
- RT @SAS: Houston, you no longer have a problem! SAS launches Stavanger – Houston August 20th! @iah http://t.co/VuFFc57X1d http://t.co/roDWR… ->
- RT @williamready: More #mobile eating the world: “@BenedictEvans: The platform wars are fun to talk about, but this is what matters. http:/… ->
- The key to success? Grit http://t.co/msvzPktTFp ->
- Paras aprillipila tänään. / Hae työpaikan heti: http://t.co/8PYIrHZexm ->
- CERN to switch to Comic Sans: http://t.co/cR9qC7Stfg cc @Koggi @viljux ->
- RT @SAS: SAS wants to increase SocialMedia exposure. Now all passengers must hence take a Selfie at boarding and post online. http://t.co/z… ->
- RT @MiguelCarbonell: El nuevo Primer Ministro de Francia nació en Barcelona, España. En México no hubiera podido ni ser diputado. Estamos f… ->
- Where everyone in the world is migrating—in one gorgeous chart http://t.co/8herUGLyNu via @qz ->
- RT @Adweek: April Fools' Day 2014: Our list of the best brand hoaxes. http://t.co/V7h4N28yDK http://t.co/W6BLdv9CYP ->
- RT @martindelp: Mi columna de hoy en @mediotiempo, "10 conclusiones del México-EU" ojalá les guste. http://t.co/AsPrUQH13t ->
- RT @MRdzEs: @SanCadilla Harris y Munez, Fabián ya estaba tirado en la barra. http://t.co/rpzDibERVW ->
- Millenials y mileuristas… / El órdago de los ‘millennials’ http://t.co/OaYQCjY7UO ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-03-24 to 2014-03-30
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-03-17 to 2014-03-23: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-03-10 to 2014-03-16… http://t.co/yE7VcB75OU ->
- RT @asymco: Shares vs volumes of smartphone ecosystems. http://t.co/czTBy8146i ->
- RT @io9: #Cosmos Chronicles How Knowledge Conquers Fear http://t.co/hZrr2fvFLC ->
- Ouch / 80 % verottajalle – http://t.co/qfMFdk1nqd via @nordeamarkets http://t.co/ZAUQtNbnLw ->
- A wake up call to all those helicopter parents. The Overprotected Kid – The Atlantic http://t.co/p7FdJJNzv9 ->
- Exclusive: Flappy Bird Creator Speaks http://t.co/4jRkY3r4AS via @rollingstone ->
- BBC News – Afghanistan's first spaceman returns home http://t.co/ok8eQFqFsO ->
- BBC News – What medieval Europe did with its teenagers http://t.co/HnR1XvxCBv ->
- RT @Pizu: OUCH.
#GreatSEO, #BadTiming http://t.co/oizH6r1C52 -> - RT @evankirstel: BREAKING: Yahoo buys ViewMaster http://t.co/dbMtDq6rTd ->
- Bayern München just won the Bundesliga… in March! Mandzukic will play against Mexico in Brazil… #AyNanita @martindelp ->
- Superstition about travel may be gone—but our respect of it shouldn’t http://t.co/ycZL1sVAEh via @qz ->
- Title of this post feels like back to the 90's, but maybe this time they're right: VR is going to change the world http://t.co/MNqyF58H6F ->
- The vision behind the purchase of Oculus / Greetings from Planet Facebook http://t.co/pv0jRpWeiT via @verge ->
- Happy Africans http://t.co/DgRoBuqthJ ->
- Este muchacho nunca vio a su padre como inspiración… : http://t.co/pp3LH1xAON ->
- This Is a Generic Brand Video: http://t.co/3xNx1NbiDm ->
- Finnish conversational skills at their finest / Jimmy Kimmel Chats with His Studio Audience (Guys from Finland): http://t.co/2A8b1jw8x9 ->
- With a mention of Omnichannel in retail to boot 😉 / Facebook, identity and throwing sheep http://t.co/TWLuhzaEgo ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Reforma educativa. @Patriciomonero #México http://t.co/ZljJSSBvJl ->
- Man Ray: A man in love with a woman from a different era. I see a photograph! Luis Buñuel: I see a film!
Salvador Dalí: I see rhinoceros! -> - RT @villetolvanen: Harvardin bisneskoulun käynyt suomalaisnainen: Älä häpeä menestyä http://t.co/sqVGp1h71L ->
- Dubai Marina at night https://t.co/h3SP4ADplD ->
- This @htc ad http://t.co/BNYouhkhNW reminds me a lot of this old @nokia ad http://t.co/4pLwt6MpGF 😉 ->
- RT @NewYorker: “The story of Oculus VR … has the shape of a contemporary fairy tale.” @SimonParkin on the virtual-reality company: http:/… ->
- RT @danigranatta: Si Microsoft hubiera comprado Oculus Rift en vez de Facebook podríamos tener una app que nos permitiera ser Clippy, el ay… ->
- Acabo de ver el gol de sombrerito de Carlos Vela y dueke que el tipo no vaya al Mundial por telarañas mentales @martindelp ->
- 4 of 5 stars to The Rapture of the Nerds by Cory Doctorow http://t.co/QciE4KbjW1 ->
- Can the last person to leave the world of brand advertising turn off the light? The moment ad agencies gave up : http://t.co/RX7ksXvR77 ->
- I'm at 'At The Top' Observation Deck (Dubai) http://t.co/eiULkJjSfO ->
- RT @arzE: do high school foreign language textbooks have sections on texting yet? u won't make any friends abroad if u text like an abuela ->
- LEGO turned itself around by analyzing overbearing parents http://t.co/m4sgPfu0nx via @qz ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Cri Cri (21), Miles Davis (4) & Duke Ellington (3) #music http://t.co/R0Z20XEv0Z ->
- Dubai from the Burj Khalifa http://t.co/iQHC26Ol1q ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-03-17 to 2014-03-23
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-03-10 to 2014-03-16: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-03-03 to 2014-03-09… http://t.co/4yMKO6D2H0 ->
- Who is the bully? Russia & the US http://t.co/ypYUZVx8fk ->
- Drones will cause an upheaval of society like we haven’t seen in 700 years http://t.co/CSFAmuxxN8 / …the smell of dystopia in the morning. ->
- RT @TheEIU: Dubai #Mexico trade is expanding at 30 percent annually says Irene Mia @TheEIU_LatAm from #Dubai ->
- RT @WIRED: That signal from the beginning of time could redefine our universe http://t.co/A4bUznkVeD ->
- Hoy no circula / BBC News – Paris car ban imposed after pollution hits high http://t.co/0aJ2NpD4zi ->
- RT @el_pais: La otra cara de la inmigración.¿Y si dejan de llegar inmigrantes? http://t.co/c2GTkIM1gY Seguimos las rutas de los migrantes @… ->
- RT @LosCavernarios_: @brozoxmiswebs Falleció Jorge Arvizu "El Tata", pero las voces de los personajes a los que dobló vivirán por siempre. … ->
- RT @elnocturno: Españoles: Jorge Arvizu fue la voz de Pedro Picapiedra, Maxwell Smart, BugsBunny, Benito Bodoque, Cucho, Daffy y muchos más… ->
- RT @CaroMendozaM: ¿Cómo es que una serie con tan sólo 30 episodios como "Don Gato" pudo dejar una huella tan profunda en tantas personas? ->
- RT @sopitas: Ay nooo! Muere Jorge Arvizu 'El Tata', voz de Benito Bodoque y Pedro Picapiedra entre muchos otros 🙁 http://t.co/LyPnKU9hN8 ->
- RT @SPACEdotcom: Cosmic Inflation and Gravitational Waves: Complete Coverage of Yesterday's Major Discovery http://t.co/6hdyfTjBcK http://t… ->
- RT @AlejandroOtaola: Jorge Arvizu 'El Tata'…
Que en cocol descanse. http://t.co/6FWo79q2SS -> - RT @vpkivimaki: Simple & plausible explanation for #MH370: electrical fire onboard & plane started heading to the nearest airstrip. http://… ->
- I'm offline for a couple of days and Twitter gets blocked in Turkey… WTF? ->
- RT @cosmicJunkBot: RT @ManceraMiguelMX: El centro comercial Santa Fe se teletransportó al Estado de México, donde fue asaltado. ->
- We live in the future… mobile telepresence at TED / Snowden selfies: Edward Snowden roams TED2014 http://t.co/u6ZL3HwZKk ->
- How the internet works, and why it’s impossible to know what makes your Netflix slow http://t.co/pR7QAsLpYJ ->
- What Pakistan Knew About Bin Laden http://t.co/hlD86FeJb0 ->
- Absurd Creature of the Week: The Incredible Critter That's Tough Enough to Survive in Space – Wired Science http://t.co/aIoQtwM2Gz ->
- That Signal From the Beginning of Time Could Redefine Our Universe – Wired Science http://t.co/JeTBJGfKCA ->
- Rockin' Nun Shocks 'The Voice of Italy' http://t.co/zy7AiaZYCY via @mashable ->
- Tear-jerker in 3, 2, 1… The Grandparents Frame by JOHNSON'S® Baby: http://t.co/d8IHJCTK8B ->
- Mexico 2014 jersey #fail. Bold design gone wrong. / Designers hunting down inspiration for WC football jerseys: http://t.co/cQj23AubKn ->
- PHD Comics: Cosmic Inflation Explained http://t.co/HHIzKbVwYU ->
- I found my #FirstTweet: https://t.co/nu1gHIqBT2. What was yours? http://t.co/QKo6kEqxLP ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Daft Punk (9), The Rolling Stones (2) & Queen (2) #music http://t.co/R0Z20XEv0Z ->
- RT @warkentin: la (in)tolerancia social en México: http://t.co/DvM18gStnN <– por ciudades. interesante (y preocupante) ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-03-10 to 2014-03-16
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-03-03 to 2014-03-09: My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Paco de Lucía (93), Bersuit … http://t.co/enBAlRI1Nu ->
- The Earth has traveled another 940 million km around the Sun with me on it. Less hair, busier life, growing kids, lots of love. Blessed! ->
- Are Computers Making Society More Unequal? http://t.co/g3P6qSiWHU via @NewYorker ->
- http://t.co/H5ADGDsk0Y #OBTF ->
- Acabo de ver un albañil pakistaní con una gorra de las @Chivas. Ni idea tenía de qué le estaba hablando. #SóloEnDubái ->
- BBC News – Tove Jansson: Love, war and the Moomins http://t.co/eBam9H8rvd ->
- Russian Companies Find Market and Stepping Stone in Finland | The Moscow Times http://t.co/IAwr460dmo via @MoscowTimes ->
- Yle poll: Many Finns admit not stepping in to stop racist abuse | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/n6ViOWhHoK ->
- RT @aeonmag: The invasion’s already in progress: the only question is when, not if, humanoid robots will work play & war beside us http://t… ->
- CACARO GUMARO TRAILER FINAL (1080p) HD GÜEPEZ POWER http://t.co/AleOngqM3t via @youtube ->
- 3 of 5 stars to Accelerando by Charles Stross http://t.co/n1OaHjRhIT ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: La Sonora Santanera (17), Sonido Dinamita (14) & La Sonora Dinamita (13) #music http://t.co/R0Z20XEv0Z ->
- RT @GiveMeInternet: Gandalf checks his emails (behind the scenes in the set of the Hobbit) http://t.co/Aw6ZJH4UAb ->
- RT @Amazing_Maps: What's on the other side of the Earth?
– http://t.co/KR3C8DkMZx ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-03-03 to 2014-03-09
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Paco de Lucía (93), Bersuit Vergarabat (13) & Ricardo Modrego (12) #music http://t.co/R0Z20XEv0Z ->
- RT @CNNMex: "He visto que se pelean mi nacionalidad, pero yo soy keniana y mexicana al mismo tiempo", aseguró @Lupita_Nyongo http://t.co/c… ->
- First Lupita, then Lubezki, now we're just missing Cuarón for a Mexican night at the Oscars 😉 ->
- RT @NASA: And another win for #Gravity for film editing…here's the #RealGravity w/ real space — no edits needed: http://t.co/HEs5qvMRj8 ->
- RT @ClorofilaNortec: … and I'd like to thank Alfonso Cuaron and Emmanuel Lubezki for saying the word "Cabron", Mexico's equivalent of "Moth… ->
- RT @WIRED: Congrats to Gravity's Alfonso Cuarón for winning Best Director! Here's our interview w/him from the October issue: http://t.co/N… ->
- RT @Leon_Krauze: A universal Mexican. #Cuaron ->
- RT @PatiJinich: Alfonso Cuaron just made his wife (and so many Mexicans) so very happy and proud: and in Spanish. ->
- RT @Mileniohey: "Esto es gracias a ti mamá. Si yo estoy aquí es por ti, te amo", agradece Cuarón en español a su madre. http://t.co/elAx8tW… ->
- RT @ajcorchado: Ayyy wey, gano #Cuarón #Mexico y Mama en #Oscar. Mexico needed that! ->
- RT @damiencave: Just to linger a bit on Cuaron, he's another example of a detail many Americans forget: Hollywood is more international beh… ->
- RT @earcos: .@BostonGlobe “Latino”. Are you fucking kidding me? People outside the US also have nationalities. Not joking. He’s Mexican. ->
- RT @tonomoreno_w: POR MI RAZA HABLARA….CUARON http://t.co/XQGLXQ4JsH ->
- RT @arturovaldemar: Felicidades #AlfonsoCuarón Ahora dame chamba. Te cobro bara bara. ->
- RT @MsTaraDowdell: The original @nytimes article that inspired '12 Years a Slave,' Feb. 12, 1853 http://t.co/IcuYDvfo48 h/t @taneshia ->
- RT @NASA: Space exploration isn't fictional. It's real. Follow & see #RealGravity as we work towards an asteroid & Mars. http://t.co/PwJBop… ->
- Todella liikkuttava tarina: Arman Alizadin perhe pakeni islamisteja Suomeen http://t.co/rJ2RBcfQYp ->
- Product placement a million miles away / Ellen's preplanned Oscar selfie: a Samsung product placement http://t.co/u94LVwDFbN ->
- Some Isaac Asimov almost totally unrelated to Ash Wednesday: http://t.co/4ocku7S86s 😉 ->
- RT @AdFreak: If you've ever wondered how a Porsche would handle a ski slope, watch this. http://t.co/pFZNdKMHPI http://t.co/rB6a6zHD66 ->
- RT @mims: Weaponized capitalism made Putin blink. http://t.co/R5gLUe9ZmV ->
- RT @io9: "Save the Children" Makes a Dystopian Short Film http://t.co/mITsQ0uXzr ->
- RT @Huuhkajat: Ottelu on päättynyt. Suomi voitti maalein 2-1. Pohjanpalo ja Eremenko maalintekijät. #Huuhkajat ->
- Stereotypes & all, not only has she got the ear, but her mouth can reproduce the sounds / What Languages Sound Like http://t.co/cIrSu9kVZ2 ->
- ¡Muchas felicidades @CuaronAlfonso @emmanuellubezki ! Estábamos siguiendo el play by play de los Óscar desde Dubái. Sigan haciendo lo suyo. ->
- Ese uniforme de Charlie Brown nomás no. ¿Qué les costaba dejar la playera negra? ->
- RT @charliebhoy72: This clip of Neymar and David Luiz with the little South African kid who went on the pitch tonight is a heart-warmer htt… ->
- The way it's going Russia Today will soon have nobody left to broadcast the news in English… ->
- Not your standard science fair project / BBC News – Young scientist Jamie Edwards in atomic fusion record ->
- RT @AcademicsSay: Shit just got real. via @SciencePorn http://t.co/uLvfWcXAtX ->
- RT @Leon_Krauze: Cómo he disfrutado los comentarios al texto de ayer sobre el humor. Complemento perfecto a mi argumento. http://t.co/iKFbJ… ->
- RT @juhaf: "If you're a publisher and not thinking of #mobile, you probably should get out of the business." #atlsxsw #sxsw #media #publish… ->
- RT @SanCadilla: Y en #LaDominguera de hoy: "Por la sangre de Abdón" http://t.co/PqS8TcKxGl ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-02-24 to 2014-03-02
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-02-17 to 2014-02-23: RT @RawHamed: How guys notice #makeup : "Did you.. do … http://t.co/A9ydiTYgOS ->
- Trojan Horse strategy./ Nokia Forks Android In Mobile Services Push — $122 Nokia X Will Also Be Lumia “Feeder” http://t.co/Bnv0R8kPWE ->
- Most of them are banks / Revealed: UAE’s top 50 companies http://t.co/bbo3ZhiYFh ->
- Will the capture of the world’s most powerful drug trafficker change anything? http://t.co/Sfcf9VSktj via @qz ->
- The family that WhatsApps together stays together—even across four continents http://t.co/ewKdTF7RdV via @qz ->
- I am officially old / Kraft Macaroni & Cheese – Go Ninja, Go: http://t.co/xwejko6H5e ->
- The Forgetful Age – are mobiles replacing our memories? | Marketing Magazine http://t.co/MjqiDmjIfm ->
- RT @eskimon: "Facebook assured Jan and Brian that WhatsApp will remain ad free; they will not have to compromise their principles" http://t… ->
- RT @SEP_mx: #EsMiBandera Día de la Bandera http://t.co/933nV2mKMR ->
- RT @Kiosked: Great findings @eMarketer especially for #MWC14 'Mobile is the must have shopping accessory' http://t.co/cwqfIMqWMm ->
- RT @io9: Why hipsters are all the same: http://t.co/jUa2MnQklU ->
- RT @io9: A lost city reveals the grandeur of medieval African civilization http://t.co/1UozUPuhWr ->
- RT @io9: Exclusive look at William Shakespeare's The Empire Striketh Back http://t.co/sOVFGGaw7t ->
- RT @LaughingSquid: Hilarious Unnecessarily Censored Version of Disney Pixar’s ‘Finding Nemo’ http://t.co/PICB7dqG5n ->
- Cómo Finlândia sobrevivio a caída da Nokia: http://t.co/YqDO2UuCK3 ->
- Chapo Guzmán, CEO | Nexos http://t.co/MgqUF8ziSC ->
- How Miikka Kiprusoff & Tuukka Rask were trained: The Oracle of Ice Hockey – The Atlantic http://t.co/TWkU0hBNOs ->
- You know you live in the UAE when one of the promoted accounts on Twitter is @AbayaWorld, even if you are a guy O_o . ->
- Ulkouussuomalaisena tämä oli aika koskettava / Kansalaiset feat. Medborgare: Olen suomalainen: http://t.co/Q15VdHA8od ->
- RT @alliwsj: Remember the image of N. Korea at night? 10 yrs later, contrast is even more stark (Reuters) http://t.co/kaPpk0f9aM http://t.c… ->
- RT @cecisaia: Oh, Netflix, ¿Qué has hecho? http://t.co/yyFqTPqMt9 ->
- Recordando a un grande que acaba de fallecer. 🙁 QEPD / RIP Paco de Lucía / ♫ Paco De Lucia http://t.co/x9XgietPeq #NowPlaying ->
- RT @EFEnoticias: Muere Paco de Lucía de un infarto en México #PacodeLucia ->
- RT @CNNMex: Muere Carlos Gracida, la leyenda mexicana del polo, tras un accidente http://t.co/WdZHei586c ->
- RT @gomezpickering: #Mexico mourns polo player Carlos Gracida, great friend of the #UK and exemplary sportsman ->
- Entrevista a Carlos Gracida antes de su fallecimiento/ El mexicano que conquistó con su talento a la realeza – Forbes http://t.co/logWDcpe9v ->
- The Dawn of the Age of Artificial Intelligence – Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee – The Atlantic http://t.co/zYtm5USiBK ->
- Repeat after me: intenet access is a utility, just like water or power / The internet is fucked http://t.co/QQgJj37Xux ->
- NSFW, bit hilarious / Ali Jahangiri – mamu-sana http://t.co/SKN6NwnyPC ->
- Very NSFW, but hilarious / Ali Jahangiri – Musta Mannerheim http://t.co/nUTqRtr0X7 cc @philschwarzmann ->
- RT @Annaleen: What if we've completely misunderstood our place in the universe? http://t.co/jHcgOebvNm ->
- Climate change is here now and it could lead to global conflict | Nicholas Stern http://t.co/FI5pbGl0DA ->
- RT @alt1040: MWC 2014: 5 aspectos claves del mayor evento de móviles http://t.co/I01I2j32wX ->
- RT @wadhwa: The Science Is In: Elephants Are Even Smarter Than We Realized [Video] http://t.co/WUfrWiQmAC >Why they need to be free ->
- Minäkin olen suomalainen http://t.co/ARHBcICxC4 ->
- Putin's War in Crimea Could Soon Spread to Eastern Ukraine via @tnr http://t.co/TXjHFz4FzJ ->
- RT @JoseAMeadeK: Inicio este domingo visitas oficiales en Emiratos Árabes, Kuwait, Arabia Saudita y Qatar. #MéxicoGlobal ->
- RT @E_del_Rio: El canciller @JoseAMeadeK se reúne en Dubai con el primer ministro de Emiratos Árabes, Mohamed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. http:/… ->
- RT @E_del_Rio: El canciller @JoseAMeadeK se reúne en Abu Dhabi con el comité editorial del diario @TheNationalUAE #MéxicoGlobal http://t.co… ->
- RT @NTelevisa_com: #México promueve acercamiento con Emiratos Árabes Unidos http://t.co/jgQfWZEhNd ->
- UAE and Mexico are united by more than shared ideals http://t.co/qRiGXGAeLe via @TheNationalUAE ->
- RT @JukkaRelander: Se kannattaa muistaa, että Venäjä on valtio, jonka ruotsalaisen perustivat Ukrainaan ->