Weekly tweets from 2014-02-17 to 2014-02-23

Weekly tweets from 2014-01-06 to 2014-01-12

Weekly tweets from 2013-12-30 to 2014-01-05

Goodbye 2013

In January I started at a new company and I was very excited.

In February our second son was born.

In March I was focusing on work while our sons kept on growing.

In April I had my first business trip in the new job to Copenhagen

May was Vappu and merryment

In June I went again to Copenhagen

Unfortunately, in July I had to start looking for new professional challenges again but since everyone else was on holiday in Finland we traveled to Mallorca to relax a bit.

In August I was full-time focused in finding a new position

The same in September

But the kids always made it worth it

By October, I knew what was in our future

By the end of the month we were ready to move

And since the beginning of November, we have been living in Dubai

Where the work has been very interesting. World-class stuff in an encouraging environment surrounded by digital experts in their fields who also know how to have fun.

In December, we visited Finland for Christmas

All in all we can sum up 2013 like this:

Personally: wonderful.
Professionally: challenging, but ending on a good note.

Weekly tweets from 2013-12-23 to 2013-12-29

Weekly tweets from 2013-12-16 to 2013-12-22

Weekly tweets from 2013-12-09 to 2013-12-15

Weekly tweets from 2013-12-02 to 2013-12-08

Weekly tweets from 2013-11-25 to 2013-12-01

Weekly tweets from 2013-11-18 to 2013-11-24

  • RT @Wiscoosi: Kassassa oli ilmeisesti niin vähän kesällä rahaa, että Nokialle neuvoteltiin MSFT:n lainat ehtoina neuvotteluiden jatkamisell… ->
  • Listo desde la oficina para seguir el Nueva Zelanda – México. ¡Vamos muchacheees! ->
  • RT @reformacancha: FOTO: El apoyo de los mexicanos no podía faltar en el Estadio Westpac.
    (Vía L.H. Echeverria) http://… ->
  • Slush 2013: The trends and standout companies at Northern Europe’s biggest startup event http://t.co/WcyYN8prsV via @thenextweb ->
  • RT @cboehm: @mexicoworldcup Your 2014 best-seller: "Piojo's Progress: How a humble superclub manager proved timing is everything in world f… ->
  • RT @gonzalopolis: Cómo estarán las cosas con los comentaristas de Televisa, que Cuauhtémoc Blanco suena maduro y mesurado. Jesús nos ampare. ->
  • Y gol del Hermoso Oribe… omaigod. #nosvamosalmundial Global México 7-1 Nueva Zelanda. ->
  • This is a massacre. 3-0 in NZ, 8-1 global score. 1st half is not even over. #Nosvamosalmundial . ->
  • RT @SanCadilla: ¿Alguien sabe si se cayó el internet en Centroamérica? No los leo troleando por acá ->
  • Me dan ternura los Kiwis. Tan nobles los muchachos. Siguen aunque no tienen con qué. ->
  • RT @CCLegaspi: Los Kiwis todavía aplauden a su equipo, con el gol que le sacaron a Jiménez ->
  • RT @tedr: Email -> Flickr -> Facebook -> Instagram -> SnapChat. Whoever controls where photos are uploaded, controls the spice. The photos … ->
  • RT @nexosmexico: La irracionalidad del fútbol http://t.co/9I9zFfDn1H ->
  • RT @mexicoworldcup: Fair play to the Kiwi fans. They still seem to be getting behind the team. Doubt that would happen in Mexico under same… ->
  • Gol de Nueva Zelanda. Al menos que se lleven algo. Global 8-2. ->
  • Goal New Zealand. Did they wake up? 😉 3-2 in Wellington. ->
  • RT @seleccmexicana: Todos los neozelandeses festejaron unidos sus goles aun sabiéndose eliminados. Mientras en mi país no a todos les da gu… ->
  • Gol de México. 4-2 en Wellington. 😀 ->
  • #NosVamosAlMundial 😀 ->
  • RT @StephLauren: Can Snopes please partner with Facebook so that when people post something blatantly false it automatically tells them the… ->
  • RT @FIFAcom: QUALIFIED: MEXICO (@FEMEXFUTOFICIAL) reach their 15th #WORLDCUP finals #WCQhttp://t.co/7oqw3cfr1r http://t.co/hthJPGHbxc ->
  • RT @mexicoworldcup: Hoping the fact Mexico has achieved its main goal of 2013 doesn't mean the failings are forgotten. El Tri's setup still… ->
  • RT @SanCadilla: ¡Gracias Piojo Herrera por salvar el barco! ¡Gracias @Sbanos! ¡Bien Peláez! #MisionCumplida ->
  • RT @NZ_Football: NEWS l Brave #AllWhites fall short in 4-2 second leg playoff loss to Mexico in Wellington http://t.co/frt6kFCJZS #NZLvMEX ->
  • In other news, not a single Nordic country qualified to the World Cup. Ouch. ->
  • RT @tuomaslonka: Instagram: 55m daily image shares. Facebook: 350m daily image shares. Snapchat: 400m daily image shares. https://t.co/FQY5… ->
  • What If Adults Had Tantrums Like Toddlers? http://t.co/ljEGtH6Gz6 ->
  • RT @dubizzle: BREAKING NEWS!!! We've just released the most awesome property app for iPhone! Check it out here http://t.co/RKP0zgodl1 #Duba->
  • The sorry state of marketing in Finland. Why am I not surprised? 😉 http://t.co/pfMxPE72eB via @mktgclinic ->
  • RT @ArabianGazette: Current Weather in #Dubai #photo #awesome #UAE http://t.co/D7PrLVhx26 ->
  • Keskiluokasta on hienoa lukea sanomalehteä – Paperilehdistön buumi Latinalaisessa Amerikassa | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/2cB2LXRb44 ->