- RT @RawHamed: How guys notice #makeup : "Did you.. do your eyes more today?" Me: "Umm, Yes… Thank you??" @chivacongelado ->
- I'm probably the only guy I know who notices makeup, haircuts or what women actually wear, even if I say it a little awkwardly. @RawHamed in reply to RawHamed ->
- Good music for working for when jazz is too slow. 😉 ♫ José José, Un Tributo 1 & 2 – Various Artists http://t.co/Q6M5ryg2dD #NowPlaying ->
- Rock me Hubertus / Meksikon ainoa urheilija Sotšissa on 55-vuotias poptähti ja prinssi http://t.co/nbwlTBCjHc ->
- Ya sé que estoy llegando tarde a la fiesta, pero después de ver "Hecho en México" acabo de descubrir a @CarlaMorrisonmx y me encantó. ->
- Somebody had too much time to build a way to express a common feeling RESTfully http://t.co/bKgyrgJamn cc @foaas ->
- Omnichannel vs multi-channel and the 80/20 rule http://t.co/u7hAFoPAh7 ->
- A review of Her by Ray Kurzweil | KurzweilAI http://t.co/bYXsaN4Wuv ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Un gran reportaje. Punto. Un extraordinario repaso de la historia argentina, en @TheEconomist. http://t.co/bjBZvyHXBB h… ->
- WhatsApp’s anti-ad philosophy is really a broad new vision for mobile http://t.co/W42afyHfLr ->
- 😀 Finns, the gremlins of the Olympic games (ilonpilaajat): http://t.co/oM4Oj64xM7 ->
- RT @BenedictEvans: WhatsApp message volume growth is still accelerating. May have overtaken global SMS. http://t.co/KsR85Mplrt ->
- RT @brianacton: Got denied by Twitter HQ. That's ok. Would have been a long commute. ->
- RT @brianacton: Facebook turned me down. It was a great opportunity to connect with some fantastic people. Looking forward to life's next a… ->
- Mark Zuckerberg: "I have installed Whatsapp. It said free for the first year then you have to buy it!" #LOL ->
- RT @9GAG: GTA woman version http://t.co/SI5r4Zzufa http://t.co/i8HgKk5q9s ->
- RT @ThisIsAmerica: "What is Mexico's Peña Nieto Hiding from U.S. and Canada?" http://t.co/JRT4Fbm6ER #ThisIsAMERICA ->
- RT @Digitas: 2014 will see a greater focus from brands on omnichannel experiences. @tamarabousquet explains why in @eMarketer http://t.co/k… ->
- Honest Trailers – Gravity http://t.co/scsseb0TjZ via @youtube ->
- Honest Trailers – Robocop http://t.co/zFlA5jxWNP via @youtube ->
- Another interesting piece on the Whatsapp valuation: http://t.co/NoHxhkOl4l ->
- RT @fredwilson: when in doubt, ask @BenedictEvans to explain it to you http://t.co/w9HSi3nz5b ->
- RT @Moochava: Yearly reminder: unless you're over 60, you weren't promised flying cars. You were promised an oppressive cyberpunk dystopia.… ->
- RT @MotherJones: How US Evangelicals Helped Create Russia's Anti-Gay Movement http://t.co/cWx7jt65AC ->
- http://t.co/BBd1vPIttF ->
- RT @TiempoReal_mx: #VIDEO ¿Te lo perdiste? Mexicano Hubertus von Hohenlohe sufrió caída y se despidió de #Sochi2014 | http://t.co/AjDQ1k0LxW ->
- RT @Arturo_Sarukhan: If this is for real, a big win “@AP: BREAKING: US official: Sinaloa drug chief 'Chapo' Guzman arrested by US, Mexican … ->
- RT @leijonat: 21:38 Suomi jo 0-2-johtoon! Maalintekijä Jussi Jokinen ja ainoaksi syöttäjäksi Jorsti Lehterä! #leijonat #sotshi ->
- RT @salutfinlande: Rask est le Chuck Norris du hockey : quand il n'arrête pas les buts, il demande à son poteau de le faire. ->
- RT @CarlosLoret: En Culiacancito la semana pasada estuvieron "a minutos" de agarrar al Chapo. Tenía 7 casas interconectadas por túneles. ->
- RT @Leon_Krauze: Joaquín Guzmán se fugó de la cárcel hace 13 años. Ahora va de regreso. ->
- RT @alexsimon: "Mejor hubieran dejado al Chapo. Ahora si se va a armar el desmadre" Este pensamiento es lo que nos tiene jodidos en todos l… ->
- RT @EPN: Reconozco la labor de las instituciones de seguridad del Estado mexicano, para lograr la aprehensión de Joaquín Guzmán Loera en Ma… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: La captura del #ChapoGuzmán deja al descubierto el profundo escepticismo (para todo) de la sociedad mexicana. Es como l… ->
- RT @jorgeramosnews: Mexican President confirms via Twitter @EPN the capture of the biggest drug lord in the world, "El Chapo" Guzman ->
- RT @reclu: Las noticias ahorita, our very own House Of Cards. ->
- RT @Foro_TV: #ImagenFOROtv #Ahora Presentan en el hangar de la @SEMAR_mx a #ElChapo Guzmán http://t.co/pDHaJeRfNG ->
- RT @TheMexLondoner: The Guardian – El Chapo Guzmán: Mexico's most wanted drugs kingpin arrested – http://t.co/H0mvtrEONo ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Frédéric Chopin (15), Carla Morrison (11) & Miles Davis (8) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
Weekly tweets from 2014-01-06 to 2014-01-12
- Aaand bingo! B2B companies have to adapt to digital too, and Finnish ones seem to be behind: http://t.co/0byxMSJmIm! ->
- I would have never thought people stowaway in planes / BBC News – The final episode of a stowaway's story http://t.co/Fh2fVwAkaO ->
- Atlantic vs. Pacific: Latin America's fateful face-off http://t.co/9wb4Q0t5vn ->
- RT @WSJ: Facebook's revenue from mobile ads rose 429% in one year. http://t.co/Kb4jpYRO9S $FB http://t.co/wiMjR77hOk ->
- RT @jussipekka: Winter is coming. http://t.co/A6QrIdgBL6 #talvi #hiihto #lumi ->
- Social networking=killer app for smartphones / New data show where Facebook has (and hasn’t) made the shift to mobile http://t.co/GNs2rtqn9C ->
- Net neutrality in trouble? / The internet could suffer if companies start paying your wireless bill http://t.co/rTR0UpiMIW via @qz ->
- Ya me veo con @viljux y los #bebesaurios / Vamos Castores: http://t.co/EfYBUTnCVx ->
- Extreme Finnish social skills… LOL http://t.co/hmctyaVN5G ->
- The Bridge that has a Loyalty Program http://t.co/yWhQD6k7jV ->
- Winter dusk over Dubai http://t.co/0RKDr4Gwwc ->
- From Angry Birds to Nokia castaways, Finland's startup scene has huge ambitions http://t.co/2On2SU0VIH ->
- El mundo ya no es Eurocentrista http://t.co/LSn6eciBif ->
- One follower away from one thousand… And here I was thinking tweeting was just shouting to the void. ->
- RT @tanabustos: RT @Milenio #NoEsBroma: El "Vampiro Canadiense" entrenará a la policía de Tlalnepantla http://t.co/UfM8bGZnmV // bien lo d… ->
- Pakistani teenager stops a suicide bomber attacking his school and dies. Saves hundreds. Dad works in UAE. http://t.co/S3uOrqA2JL ->
- O_o / Why You Should Test Your Mobile App With Drunk People By @JennaKagel http://t.co/mHVXh7cUe8 ->
- Niall Ferguson & Pierpaolo Barbieri writing about Mexico (in Spanish): http://t.co/Qlxv4lGjP7 ->
- Interesting facts and figures: Social, Digital & Mobile Worldwide in 2014 http://t.co/SxQuaS8vkL ->
- RT @mariocampos: "Los peligrosos extranjeros" // mi texto en @El_Universal_Mx http://t.co/2kF7cxGAfB ->
- NAFTA And The Future Of Canada, Mexico And The United States http://t.co/vn6ZKwkLRi via @forbes ->
- Con dinero baila el perro / Steller: Arizona's stance on Mexico lurches from slap to embrace: http://t.co/I3pKbYiXqo ->
- Sarcasmo e ironía genial / Han vendido al país http://t.co/jjdu8dqOE1 ->
- Showing the advances of ancient Islamic Astronomy at the Ibn Battuta Mall http://t.co/xUVK5YOim6 ->
- Oh so true: Asian food in a small town – The Oatmeal http://t.co/hToBrV6Btm ->
- Finally. I want #babychiva & #babystarwars to play with it / Snow line creeping southwards | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/7RKUEAMgFf ->
- Learning Finnish 101 / Sounds familiar? It’s because it’s an English loan word | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/GWqXHpGmdH ->
- RT @TheWookieeRoars: Celebrating Sir Alec Guinness's birthday in Southern Tunisia. April 2nd, 1977 I believe. http://t.co/hjgx7FK4yK ->
- RT @TheWookieeRoars: "Really? The dark side has cookies?"
"Yes, Luke. So many cookies." http://t.co/KN195oFI6F -> - Confirmation I am not crazy? 😉 / New Path Leads to Marketing Suite: Degree in Engineering http://t.co/HmWoBH5yeE ->
- RT @HamillHimself: Excellent work from someone with way too much time on their hands! “@DavidJBradley1: @HamillHimself https://t.co/2Sl1THQ… ->
- The feedback you've been waiting for / Applause is great, but won't help you grow: http://t.co/MLp7Px6XvJ ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Café Tacvba (12), Sacbé (10) & Anamanaguchi (6) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
- Software Is Reorganizing the World | Wired Opinion | http://t.co/ZjBMMfhpKY http://t.co/0bbNSTLh8S ->
- Libero Football Magazine » "Lunch with your father in law" (+playlist): http://t.co/JkUiUz4Hfc käyttäjältä @youtube ->
- Libero Football Magazine » "Taking out the trash" (+playlist): http://t.co/ErAGjlLXfl via @youtube ->
- Libero Football Magazine » "Relationship isn't going anywhere" (+playlist): http://t.co/Dqbyari5Ls via @youtube ->
- Libero Football Magazine » "The Ab Machine" (+playlist): http://t.co/YZorL1dTRO via @youtube ->
- Be ready to be hypnotised: http://t.co/P3b4sn2WxE ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-12-30 to 2014-01-05
- Erinomainen kirjoitus! / Aina vain paranee http://t.co/iNZV5QvUai ->
- Ulkomaalainen osaaja, haluasitko työskenellä Suomessa? / EK: Suomalaiset havahtuvat eläkeongelmaan vuoden päästä http://t.co/PeKuRE50Qu ->
- RT @pippuri: Official end of an era. Thanks everyone! // RT @SymbianSigned That was it; we are officially closed. Thank you all for the pa… ->
- Another one bytes the dust / BBC News – Nokia gives deadline for Symbian apps http://t.co/ZyYZ4topEZ ->
- Ya van varios medios mexicanos que con lo de Letonia se confunden entre la Unión Europea y la zona euro… re güeyes. ->
- RT @spongefile: The countries you need a visa to visit, on a nice interactive world map. Try how changing citizenship affects things. http:… ->
- 2014: Advertising industry to see massive disruptions by Bob Greenberg of @rga http://t.co/xPPB3fBLnJ ->
- For Data junkies, this is wow 😉 / How Netflix Reverse Engineered Hollywood – Atlantic Mobile http://t.co/8jE7ecy22i ->
- The first astronauts from Finland (sort of) 😉 / Near Space Tuusula – max altitude 28.9km: http://t.co/AEETXuD4Me ->
- RT @asymco: There are two types of people in the world. http://t.co/OmhBqFXEgU ->
- The other day I tried to explain to my mom what I do for a living… I failed miserably, had to leave it as "marketing in the internet"… ->
- RT @NormaPensado: El proyecto mexicano-finlandés del EcoHostal en Calakmul, Campeche logró el fondeo necesario. Enhorabuena! ->
- RT @wonderhelm: @chivacongelado Here the picture you should have painted: http://t.co/cmrPHKga1z ->
- RT @AlArabiya_Eng: While #Dubai thrives, religious extremists destroy other #Arab nations. @FaisalJAbbas writes: http://t.co/foQgutBlzJ htt… ->
- RT @varundhanwantri: Instead of 140 characters, tweets should be limited to your IQ. ->
- I'm at Embajada Mexicana http://t.co/lRqd2A5aQj ->
- Rosca de Reyes en la Embajada de México en Abu Dabi http://t.co/cO7qzrmzyB ->
- RT @Digiday: If you can't be a startup, help grow them: Inside R/GA's Drive to Play the Startup Game http://t.co/7zXTPfmG38 ->
- RT @alexstubb: Kiitos @hsfi pääkirjoitukselle, joka puolustaa ihmisten vapaata liikkumista ja maahanmuuttoa. Toimivan yhteiskunnan peruspil… ->
Goodbye 2013
In January I started at a new company and I was very excited.
In our blog @chivacongelado explains the changes that marketers need to drive due to the massification of digital: http://t.co/XtpQOL35zy
— Marketing Clinic (@MktgClinic) March 8, 2013
In February our second son was born.
In March I was focusing on work while our sons kept on growing.
In April I had my first business trip in the new job to Copenhagen
May was Vappu and merryment
In June I went again to Copenhagen
Unfortunately, in July I had to start looking for new professional challenges again but since everyone else was on holiday in Finland we traveled to Mallorca to relax a bit.
In August I was full-time focused in finding a new position
The same in September
But the kids always made it worth it
By October, I knew what was in our future
Got a new job. Moving to Dubai next month. I guess I never cared about extreme weather. 😉
— Luis Orozco (@chivacongelado) October 9, 2013
By the end of the month we were ready to move
And since the beginning of November, we have been living in Dubai
Dear Finland, quoting MacArthur: "I'll be back". 😛
Thank you for the experiences.Stop being afraid.You can rock! pic.twitter.com/X42Xyt67zU
— Luis Orozco (@chivacongelado) November 1, 2013
Where the work has been very interesting. World-class stuff in an encouraging environment surrounded by digital experts in their fields who also know how to have fun.
In December, we visited Finland for Christmas
All in all we can sum up 2013 like this:
Personally: wonderful.
Professionally: challenging, but ending on a good note.
Weekly tweets from 2013-12-23 to 2013-12-29
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-12-16 to 2013-12-22: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-12-09 to 2013-12-15… http://t.co/DQzNWitZre ->
- #NowPlaying la playlist Navidad en Español en #Spotify http://t.co/Z5woOFAu9V ->
- RT @DLin71: May all of your Christmas gifts be signals of high-quality relationships. #EconChristmas ->
- RT @mims: Christmas has become huge in Asia—never mind the whole birth of Christ thing http://t.co/E8NftQKdAs ->
- RT @mims: Mash-up of every available picture of a Google Glass user reveals mathematically average glasshole http://t.co/MwSrgDmSeK ->
- RT @HubbuchNYP: "Die Hard" holiday cookies, FTW. RT @kentbabb: http://t.co/uJbAz2OhRt ->
- RT @io9: Why good triumphs over evil in Middle Earth: Evil has a Vitamin D deficiency http://t.co/4tMCVuH5VM ->
- There is conflicting evidence about Santa Claus’s travel schedule this Christmas http://t.co/HNAgcR6YjZ via @qz ->
- RT @ipaananen: Yhteishenki on aina tiukan paikan tullen ollut suomalaisten vahvuus. Me olemme olleet se paras joukkue. @f_martela http://t.… ->
- 'Star Trek' Version of 'Let It Snow' Hits Warp Speed [VIDEO] http://t.co/ibRuswmceU via @mashable ->
- The history of drinking: Uncorking the past | The Economist http://t.co/rSFeeXQTpt ->
- RT @neiltyson: Born on this day, long ago, was a man who showed us all a way to know the Cosmos. Isaac Newton, Dec 25, 1642 Lincolnshire, UK ->
- RT @BrookingsInst: As we near the 100th anniversary of World War I, today's world looks very much like the one in 1914: http://t.co/HBElvjC… ->
- Ouch / 2013 was a lost year for tech: http://t.co/YlUpontUYr ->
- In-flight wi-fi. It rocks. ->
- Tactical review of 2013: Strike partners in crime is bad news for defenders | Jonathan Wilson http://t.co/yT7YivESd0 via @guardian ->
- The 24 Most Valuable Christmas Lessons From Calvin And Hobbes http://t.co/a9Cl9xaV2b ->
- No chance to ski 🙁 /Month of December unusually warm – temps above average for the whole year | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/YxXErYMhLq ->
- Asia: From baby boom to bust | The Economist http://t.co/Jcg9ExEwcz ->
- I'm at Dubai International Airport (DXB) مطار دبي الدولي (Dubai) w/ 58 others http://t.co/uXt6gLzU4A ->
- Why Christmas is an agonizing time for app developers http://t.co/PgLikyNUBX via @qz ->
- Onko Suomen työkulttuuri valmis tähän? – Suomi ei elä vain vientikysynnästä http://t.co/8TluDGJ7rH ->
- A veces las noticias mexicanas dicen puras…. / Mangas del Chaleco del 27 de diciembre de 2013: http://t.co/2rH0r3AXwR via @youtube ->
- Not bad 😉 #Pureview Dubai Marina at night http://t.co/eMY6aeaxCd ->
- The best article you will read about how the mobile industry was / The Day Google Had to 'Start Over' on Android http://t.co/mFBn5IMDOA ->
- RT @nokia: Ha! Commuting.. #BeforeAndAfter http://t.co/xBODQ0BhyU ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-12-16 to 2013-12-22
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-12-09 to 2013-12-15: Why Are Upworthy Headlines Suddenly Everywhere? – Robi… http://t.co/UB0FKnG3US ->
- Congrats to @Rovio buddies @saara @biggfill @kaister191 @pvesterbacka @iburattini on a great launch for @AngryBirds Go. #1 app for iOS! ->
- Left my mango for a moment and I find it half eaten and full of chili powder. #MexicanProblems #parenting #babychiva ->
- RT @auaurelija: Lol…thinking out-of-the-box "38 Test Answers That Are 100% Wrong But Totally Genius At The Same Time" http://t.co/HIfLrgM… ->
- RT @emeequis: Los mexicanos en 2013: menos democráticos, más corruptos y mal educados. Por Juan Luis Hernández http://t.co/cBUn8VNHOM ->
- Andreas Raptopoulos: No roads? There’s a drone for that http://t.co/RwzNaxsgZB #TED #Matternet ->
- MENA smartphone addiction 😉 http://t.co/BRX9eT76bR ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Abu Hanna does not regret what she wrote, says Finns are still in denial about diversity http://t.co/Tq5CdcD1FQ #Finland ->
- RT @Adgenius: Publicis Groupe: Maurice Lévy's 2014 Greeting. #themorethemerrier #nice http://t.co/FO76zyYaTr ->
- Google Zeitgeist 2013 http://t.co/iRsGUS0T8L ->
- RT @sergioaguayo: De @DoliaEstevez, los 10 mexicanos más corruptos del 2013. Un texto sin desperdicio en @Forbes http://t.co/qO95eCw5jq ->
- RT @DoliaEstevez: Mexico’s Pride, Its Oil, May Reopen to Big Multinationals http://t.co/IsScjztgTx ->
- RT @ahope71: Welcome to the Mexican Oil Rush of 2014 http://t.co/AelerXJqho via @slate ->
- RT @ahope71: Country of the Year? Try Mexico. http://t.co/5FklpZXfhJ ->
- RT @Reuters: Analysis: Mexican president races through reforms but risks loom http://t.co/27feAvKUSY ->
- RT @WIRED: Google Glass' tech lead on the paradox of wearables: They get tech *out of our way*. http://t.co/ZTnmJmeMIb ->
- No wonder most Latin American agencies have Argentine creatives. This ad is wonderful. http://t.co/fMYxm6Pnwx ->
- RT @jowyang: Sign of the times. Drug Mafia into social media selfies. http://t.co/KO8LzgvSR6 ->
- LOL / “Águilas del América" cambian de nombre tras fracaso – El Deforma http://t.co/M1uLewVORT ->
- Reportaje especial de Finlandia en la televisión Mexicana http://t.co/7tq62ySj2I ->
- Christmas in Madinat Jumeirah http://t.co/LAytB5jcNM ->
- Good concept, terrible planning / Matkahuolto "surprised" by gingerbread frenzy | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/ZLlOGju3IS ->
- . @DigitasLBi Global predictions for 2014: http://t.co/bLfzMK2a11 ->
- Qué buen comercial de Apple – Holiday – TV Ad – Misunderstood: http://t.co/QsGmLeeTPT ->
- Many households are skipping the PC altogether. Don't treat mobile as a broadcast channel.
http://t.co/sU6szZnXdz -> - RT @SatuTuominen: Lehdistötilaisuus käynnissä @Taavi Heikkila #SOK kysymyksissä: kaupan murros, digi, verkkokauppa ja bonukset http://t.co/… ->
- Tercera parte del reportaje de la televisión mexicana sobre Finlandia: http://t.co/6ylJR0SWzl cc @blajuti @lopezdoriga ->
- RT @Digiday: The mobile ad world has become one of haves and have nots. http://t.co/hXjkSXxyLA ->
- RT @aeonmag: This film is a love letter, to Sagan and Druyan, and to the transcendence and heartache of the space age #aeonfilm http://t.co… ->
- RT @HannaManna: On winter solstice we have 3h 35min of daylight in #Oulu and 5h 49min in #Helsinki. #Finland #winter #WinterSolstice ->
- #FreeChicharito cc @RozeenMuasher ->
- Some holiday magic from @DigitasLBi http://t.co/4LRzMZVxub ->
- When too much is too much: Master of His Virtual Domain http://t.co/vqhVvtCTf7 cc @bilbeny ¿Administra tu pasión? 😉 ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Mexican Institute of Sound (11), Esquivel (4) & Beegie Adair (4) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-12-09 to 2013-12-15
- Why Are Upworthy Headlines Suddenly Everywhere? – Robinson Meyer – The Atlantic http://t.co/8H52EQedul ->
- Behind the App: App Marketing Strategies from @saara http://t.co/JerhoaXe5o! ->
- No girls allowed: Unraveling the story behind the stereotype of video games being for boys #longreads http://t.co/GyWQJQqLfF via @Polygon ->
- Totalmente de acuerdo / Los 7 Hábitos del Expatriado Feliz: http://t.co/jESoHtBiFI ->
- RT @proyectopanenka: El fútbol es una religión en Argentina. El spot de @TyCSports muestra la analogía. #Panenka25 Argentina grita fútbol. … ->
- The builders of Dubai #twittographers #PureView http://t.co/F709YBX6Bx ->
- En Dubái Marina le van al Tri 😉 http://t.co/gEgHvkQAHF ->
- RT @jessostroff: “You are more likely to survive a plane crash than to click on a banner ad.” #VisualRevolution ->
- Ouch / amsung's response to a customer whose phone caught fire only made things worse http://t.co/w1w0UwNJGP #Business via @dailydot ->
- Reuters photos of the year 2013 http://t.co/Sxrgn9Jybn ->
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-12-02 to 2013-12-08: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-11-25 to 2013-12-01… http://t.co/n8PVS3rYRM ->
- Sell more chips! / Step aside iBeacon, Qualcomm has low-cost Gimbal Proximity Beacons http://t.co/uEbzzIfnJF ->
- If they do it for footballers… 😉 / More malls and retailers use tracking technology to observe shopper patterns http://t.co/XgLEIMe5QW ->
- Add pain and they're Yuuzhan Vong 😉 London designer creates 3D-printed, regenerative running shoes from protocells http://t.co/JWW3TWcvzA ->
- Gotta love Bruce Oreck / The US Ambassador To Finland Sent A Great Holiday Card http://t.co/70uglSlybZ via @bi_politics ->
- RT @DigitasLBiMENA: Welcome to class 10 Making Mobile Happen at the #digitalacademy http://t.co/JSMbRZ6Xpy ->
- RT @DigitasLBiMENA: Guests at the #digitalacademy networking meeting like minded people. http://t.co/2BJXF0e2c0 ->
- RT @DigitasLBiMENA: Global head of mobile @Ilicco preparing for the Making Mobile Happen class at #digitalacademy http://t.co/0h3BKudgsB ->
- RT @DigitasLBiMENA: Head of mobile @Ilicco: 47% of emails are opened on #mobile first. ->
- RT @DigitasLBiMENA: Head on mobile @Ilicco: Brands no longer decide what device website should be adapted to, we do #digitaslbiacademy http… ->
- RT @DigitasLBiMENA: Head of mobile @Ilicco: Mobile site is the first site you see as a consumer. ->
- RT @DigitasLBiMENA: Head of mobile @Ilicco: make your emails more friendly make your content mobile friendly. http://t.co/eeB8B5BKOm ->
- RT @DigitasLBiMENA: Head of mobile @Ilicco gave us a challenge to design our own responsive site, let's wait and see who the winner is! htt… ->
- RT @mxmajid: Don't redesign your desktop site, redesign your mobile site first. Most likey it's the first site your audience will see. #Dig… ->
- RT @Running_chick1: It's all about mobile! Great session underway with @DigitasLBiMENA #digitalacademy ->
- RT @DigitasLBiMENA: Team Digitas LBi Mena would like to thank everyone for coming to the #digitalacademy, what a great crowd! http://t.co/v… ->
- Lots of stuff to be grateful for this week, and today is Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe #MexicanModeON 😀 ->
- Six million worshipers! / Virgen de Guadalupe: Thousands Gather In Mexico City To Celebrate Patron Saint's Birthday: http://t.co/lQyM0veFHR ->
- Lucrative? We'll see / Mexico Reverses History And Allows Private Capital Into Lucrative Oil Industry http://t.co/CwdreOElgY ->
- SEO is not what it once was / DigitasLBi UK — Multi Signal Search: http://t.co/HasRN0fWsM ->
- Interkulttuurisilla nuorilla on normien tuomien rajoitusten lisäksi myös paljon mahdollisuuksia: http://t.co/bStZc9TljX ->
- RT @EdouardThurotte: #leweb different growth paths http://t.co/3JWUtTIrDn ->
- 4 Reasons Why Apple's iBeacon Is About to Disrupt Interaction Design | Wired Design | http://t.co/ZjBMMfhpKY http://t.co/pIuTNqqlbM ->
- The Santa brand book: http://t.co/w3DI4HKGWN ->
- Our favorite charts of 2013 http://t.co/ZFzTCyBNQ3 via @qz ->
- RT @AnttiJPeltonen: Winter is coming. Not in Helsinki but in Cairo. For the first time in 112 years, it snows in Cairo. #starks #lumi http:… ->
- RT @spamremix386: Mario Kart's "The closer to 1st place you are, the less useful power-ups you get" system is an ideal model for how our ec… ->
- RT @pochaquito: La Dominguera. Qué pedazo de columna @SanCadilla. De guitarras y balones #leer http://t.co/csGbQrkYqB ->
- Why we chose Pope Francis as TIME's Person of the Year 2013 #TIMEPOY http://t.co/qKt3zBEuId via @TIME ->
- What makes us human? We have a gazillion neurons and we cook. http://t.co/6aFPo643UE #TED ->
- 4 of 5 stars to Earth by David Brin http://t.co/ZXlYZdz6XR ->
- How iOS7 is forcing a redesign of Montessori education http://t.co/tAFINtbDz4 via @qz ->
- The pics of snow in the Middle East might look cool, but spare a thought for the Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon http://t.co/rbjXq6i6iz ->
- El fantasma del racismo recorre otra vez Europa http://t.co/9uVr1dVrAz ->
- Just tried Supernauts and Angry Birds Go. The Finnish game industry is still on a roll. Next on the list: Kapu Blocks! ->
- The problem with using Wi-fi as an aid to GPS is when your router moves places your gadgets still think you are in the old one. ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-12-02 to 2013-12-08
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-11-25 to 2013-12-01: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-11-18 to 2013-11-24… http://t.co/TJaYacfwkd ->
- Old Dubai Souk http://t.co/GLPmGIv2mK ->
- Tatooine http://t.co/VsBpyST6Kf ->
- Not a joke: Amazon gives a sneak peek of #PrimeAir. Future deliveries in under 30 mins by unmanned aerial vehicles http://t.co/4HuDy032Iy ->
- RT @mims: People in Europe and Latin America are choosing Windows Phone over Android. Small but significant uptick: http://t.co/hE68HKaiE9 ->
- Bluetooth Man Google Glass Edition: http://t.co/xJMrMbyQQ5 ->
- Gymkhana six by Ken Block http://t.co/imb9yT2ixL ->
- Jajajaja, lonol con la pedrada / Un mensaje para la Selección: http://t.co/Hw27JXf09s ->
- “Imagining the Post-Antibiotics Future” by @FERNnews https://t.co/vgJNPkzCBR ->
- En Dubái y en el mundo la cerveza es… Corona #twittographers #Pureview http://t.co/AQBHSEo3Cl ->
- RT @EYlajarvi: Guardian hehkuttaa maksalaatikkoa, joka kuulemma on suomalaisjoulun ytimessä. Kuvan laatikko aika eksoottinen. http://t.co/N… ->
- Wearing blue and white today at the office. Tomorrow is weekend anyway and we won't be able to go to the Embassy. #itsenäisyyspäivä ->
- Sinivalkoinen #itsenäisyyspäivä http://t.co/eG9JBah3A8 ->
- RT @thisisFINLAND: Moms and Dads working at #Finnish company@supercellgames donate one million for a #childrens #hospital http://t.co/k99Yf… ->
- Ouch: McKinsey’s Dirty War: Bogus ‘War for Talent’ Was Self-Serving (and Failed) http://t.co/VWRhBYXgpU via @newyorkobserver ->
- RT @wifsten: National mourning as Finland drops in both corruption and #PISA education rankings http://t.co/Ek8ijX26At http://t.co/Oo4WpFN4… ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Lots of good #PISA links about. Here a Finnish teacher goes to Wales and is horrified by their school system: http://t.… ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Finnish education guru @pasi_sahlberg told me how the country's school system might be the 'new Nokia': http://t.co/sff… ->
- See you there next week! http://t.co/afZ9V0mWs5 #DigitalAcademy @DigitasLBiMENA ->
- Vaihtelee kovasti paikasta toiseen jopa pk-seudun sisällä, mutta valitettavasti totta: "Suomi on rasistinen maa" http://t.co/Fz1xAcFOmx ->
- RT @anne_lindfors: Miten #itsenäisyyspäivä än pitäisi suhtautua? Onko Suomessa #rasismi a? #VilleKivimäki #MaryanAbdulkarim http://t.co/hzz… ->
- RT @thisisFINLAND: Happy 96th #Independence Day #Finland! Read more on Finnish #history here: http://t.co/QHAMT7hOC5 ->
- Jean Sibelius – Finlandia op.26 【HD】 http://t.co/K0Ns9Spfq8 via @youtube ->
- RT @ecyrd: Some celebrate their independence by getting together. We Finns celebrate a country WITH NO PEOPLE IN IT! https://t.co/hwWirCkQiS ->
- RT @davidmacdougall: Perhaps the most patriotic #Finland Independence Day photograph ever taken. 100% no Photoshop. #linnanjuhlat http://t.… ->
- RT @Stende74: This game is for all Finns watching our president Sauli Niinistö's Independence Day reception on TV. #LinnanJuhlat http://t.c… ->
- Enrique Peñalosa: Why buses represent democracy in action http://t.co/E7ZkJVoOwG ->
- RT @StephenKing: On Twitter at last, and can't think of a thing to say. Some writer I turned out to be. ->
- Alfonso Cuarón's "IKEA" – Official Trailer: http://t.co/NGqY0kvEcV via @youtube ->
- Still walking to work, but the commute is totally different from what it was in Finland. 😉 http://t.co/AKEVNpLp8z ->
- RT @tiessalo: “Finland is a racist country” http://t.co/F10HaQRhe5 via @HelsinkiTimes ->
- I wouldn't say Finland as a whole is racist, but people with such behaviours get away with it shamefully often. ->
- RT @jeglobalcitizen: Married to a Mexican and would like to take the nationality? you're required to pass a test like this: http://t.co/Q3z… ->
- The best comebacks to sexist comments http://t.co/jrMle0bqdW via @guardian ->
- UAE-Finland ties excellent for trade, business partnership: Ilkka-Pekka Similä – Khaleej Times http://t.co/gLCBQPCwsX via @khaleejtimes ->
- "Miksi elää maassa maan tavalla, jos tämä ei minkään ajan kuluessa muutu sinun maaksesi?" http://t.co/CZn9CATaRr via @Maija_Aalto ->
- RT @funktio: Joseph Stiglitz: "Only an inveterate optimist would say the worst must be over for the eurozone." http://t.co/uvNeEjZ32y ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-11-25 to 2013-12-01
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-11-18 to 2013-11-24: RT @Wiscoosi: Kassassa oli ilmeisesti niin vähän kesäl… http://t.co/1VJCo7vjHy ->
- This morning from our place: http://t.co/vh6GleyHi2 ->
- Why Finnish apps are killing it in the App Store: http://t.co/DqBqwQfHd7 ->
- Mikko Hypponen: How the NSA betrayed the world's trust — time to act http://t.co/6cZgms7PTs ->
- Franchising organizations, social enterprises, integrated multinationals: the Mexican drug cartels http://t.co/QOt9LYhRo6 ->
- There's crazy and then there's Japanese TV ad crazy: http://t.co/R62WFQOWSU ->
- RT @jamesburland: Whoever approved this ad is nuts: New Nokia video targets the iPad in comically bad web ad http://t.co/uV5HjovJTt ->
- Dubai: It's bouncing back / The Economist http://t.co/090nz1ehbk ->
- RT @SultanAlQassemi: Good read: “Two a half years into the revolt, opposition-held Syria is Mad Max meets The Sopranos” – @MalikAlAbdeh htt… ->
- Why’d Oswald Do It? It May All Come Down to a Party in Mexico City. #longreads http://t.co/V5ftBFapBD via @slate ->
- RT @ggreenwald: NEW: Top-Secret Document Reveals NSA Spied On Porn Habits As Part Of Plan To Discredit 'Radicalizers' http://t.co/bRDmreMm… ->
- Because in this day & age you decide what a brand stands for, not a deluded CEO #fitchthehomeless http://t.co/hyhseSTzLA ->
- RT @magibiz: #Expo2020 It's Dubai the winner http://t.co/dlEj72uVNK ->
- I'm such a recent arrival I don't quite get what's the fuzz with Dubai #Expo2020, but congratulations anyway. Was in Shanghai for #expo2010. ->
- RT @JollaHQ: A new beginning is here. #hauskinjono #Jolla http://t.co/3tCxFisQtD ->
- RT @pkim: "'We're cautiously optimistic.' You're also an oxymoron." Things Finance People Say. http://t.co/KbqR3MOEwT via @photomatt ->
- RT @DNA_fi: Ensimmäinen #jolla vaihtaa omistajaa! the first #jolla is sold! @Kuuskutonen #hauskinjono http://t.co/gMITnCDs9b ->
- RT @Miremara: Prensa mundial cae en broma de http://t.co/EawpbwaN4n sobre grupos del mundial – El Deforma http://t.co/OavilFEB4d ->
- RT @SultanAlQassemi: Everyone is asking if it's a holiday tomorrow in the UAE … ->
- RT @benwood: And so it was born. First 450 customers receive phones as #Jolla sets sail at global launch in Helsinki @JollaHQ http://t.co/5… ->
- RT @iankennedy: Two tear-jerker posts illustrate the power of technology to connect over distance. Watch and marvel… http://t.co/g0Wm0UAbwG ->
- BBC News – Jolla: Ex-Nokia employees launch smartphone http://t.co/sTI7QCQ7Dt / Lots of former colleagues there, hope they hit a home run. ->
- Finnish. Easy peasy. Lesson #1: https://t.co/ixvo0ATf3K ->
- Suomalaisten kunniahimon puute vaivaa 😉 http://t.co/fbpTJ9xNf0 ->
- Mexican-American focused, but still hilarious / 29 Signs You Grew Up In A Mexican Household http://t.co/O5twAKufu8 via @buzzfeeders ->
- 20 Digital Marketing Trends for 2014 http://t.co/rSz4wk0q01 ->
- RT @wilhelm_taht: You've been in excel for too long when you hit enter in the middle of a sentence in a text editor in order to get to the … ->
- RT @MiguelCarbonell: Para este fin de año regalen libros y contribuyan a formar mejores ciudadanos. ¡Nos urge! ->
- How we suppress genius and create learning disability: Scott Sonnon at T…: http://t.co/Crwy53KsaN via @youtube ->
- RT @bilbeny: Por cada tres esquinas de Lagos, una se ve así. Esta ciudad será completamente otra en 3 años #EmergingAfrica http://t.co/Q42g… ->
- RT @qz: Why cities still vie to host costly and potentially crippling events like the World Expo http://t.co/nRnLLLjQpX ->
- RT @martindelp: RT @hanelly: "All this technology is making us antisocial" http://t.co/Jito48PuMo ->
- Dambisa Moyo: Is China the new idol for emerging economies? http://t.co/ocug6FyJ9P ->
- Charles Robertson: Africa's next boom cc @bilbeny #EmergingAfrica http://t.co/9ScR75RFF5 ->
- RT @NormaPensado: #MexicoGlobal launched the Digital National Strategy http://t.co/EFY4Ftnv6d. That's opportunities of cooperation w #Eston… ->
- RT @io9: This video of people taking the American dialect survey is fascinating http://t.co/jeuIcY2Gur ->
- RT @emeequis: La casa de los niños genios. Ahí, cientos de menores mexicanos comparten algo: son sobredotados. Por @Antimio http://t.co/NVn… ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Do Finns know how to deal with Russians? http://t.co/NvY9MpeQyJ ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Finns got to vote on TV2's Independence Day schedule this year. Result? Win v SWE in hockey, Lordi, Tarja Halonen: http… ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Nice article about Jolla here by Techcrunch: http://t.co/5BgWHz2jXA ->
- Unfortunately the Finnish Independence Day reception at the Embassy in Abu Dhabi is adults only. What about families with kids? =( ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-11-18 to 2013-11-24
- RT @Wiscoosi: Kassassa oli ilmeisesti niin vähän kesällä rahaa, että Nokialle neuvoteltiin MSFT:n lainat ehtoina neuvotteluiden jatkamisell… ->
- Listo desde la oficina para seguir el Nueva Zelanda – México. ¡Vamos muchacheees! ->
- RT @reformacancha: FOTO: El apoyo de los mexicanos no podía faltar en el Estadio Westpac.
(Vía L.H. Echeverria) http://… -> - Slush 2013: The trends and standout companies at Northern Europe’s biggest startup event http://t.co/WcyYN8prsV via @thenextweb ->
- RT @cboehm: @mexicoworldcup Your 2014 best-seller: "Piojo's Progress: How a humble superclub manager proved timing is everything in world f… ->
- RT @gonzalopolis: Cómo estarán las cosas con los comentaristas de Televisa, que Cuauhtémoc Blanco suena maduro y mesurado. Jesús nos ampare. ->
- Y gol del Hermoso Oribe… omaigod. #nosvamosalmundial Global México 7-1 Nueva Zelanda. ->
- This is a massacre. 3-0 in NZ, 8-1 global score. 1st half is not even over. #Nosvamosalmundial . ->
- RT @SanCadilla: ¿Alguien sabe si se cayó el internet en Centroamérica? No los leo troleando por acá ->
- Me dan ternura los Kiwis. Tan nobles los muchachos. Siguen aunque no tienen con qué. ->
- RT @CCLegaspi: Los Kiwis todavía aplauden a su equipo, con el gol que le sacaron a Jiménez ->
- RT @tedr: Email -> Flickr -> Facebook -> Instagram -> SnapChat. Whoever controls where photos are uploaded, controls the spice. The photos … ->
- RT @nexosmexico: La irracionalidad del fútbol http://t.co/9I9zFfDn1H ->
- RT @mexicoworldcup: Fair play to the Kiwi fans. They still seem to be getting behind the team. Doubt that would happen in Mexico under same… ->
- Gol de Nueva Zelanda. Al menos que se lleven algo. Global 8-2. ->
- Goal New Zealand. Did they wake up? 😉 3-2 in Wellington. ->
- RT @seleccmexicana: Todos los neozelandeses festejaron unidos sus goles aun sabiéndose eliminados. Mientras en mi país no a todos les da gu… ->
- Gol de México. 4-2 en Wellington. 😀 ->
- #NosVamosAlMundial 😀 ->
- RT @StephLauren: Can Snopes please partner with Facebook so that when people post something blatantly false it automatically tells them the… ->
- RT @FIFAcom: QUALIFIED: MEXICO (@FEMEXFUTOFICIAL) reach their 15th #WORLDCUP finals #WCQ – http://t.co/7oqw3cfr1r http://t.co/hthJPGHbxc ->
- RT @mexicoworldcup: Hoping the fact Mexico has achieved its main goal of 2013 doesn't mean the failings are forgotten. El Tri's setup still… ->
- RT @SanCadilla: ¡Gracias Piojo Herrera por salvar el barco! ¡Gracias @Sbanos! ¡Bien Peláez! #MisionCumplida ->
- RT @NZ_Football: NEWS l Brave #AllWhites fall short in 4-2 second leg playoff loss to Mexico in Wellington http://t.co/frt6kFCJZS #NZLvMEX ->
- In other news, not a single Nordic country qualified to the World Cup. Ouch. ->
- RT @tuomaslonka: Instagram: 55m daily image shares. Facebook: 350m daily image shares. Snapchat: 400m daily image shares. https://t.co/FQY5… ->
- What If Adults Had Tantrums Like Toddlers? http://t.co/ljEGtH6Gz6 ->
- RT @dubizzle: BREAKING NEWS!!! We've just released the most awesome property app for iPhone! Check it out here http://t.co/RKP0zgodl1 #Duba… ->
- The sorry state of marketing in Finland. Why am I not surprised? 😉 http://t.co/pfMxPE72eB via @mktgclinic ->
- RT @ArabianGazette: Current Weather in #Dubai #photo #awesome #UAE http://t.co/D7PrLVhx26 ->
- Keskiluokasta on hienoa lukea sanomalehteä – Paperilehdistön buumi Latinalaisessa Amerikassa | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/2cB2LXRb44 ->