- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-11-04 to 2013-11-10: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-10-28 to 2013-11-03… http://t.co/1KiHhhTCNA ->
- Finns invent it, Danes built it, Swedes market it and Norwegians buy it. ->
- Egypt writes, Lebanon publishes, Iraq reads. ->
- You know you're in Dubai when you get to the office and a dude is dropping his wife off in a red Corvette… ->
- Customer service rep at DEWA asked me how to have a career in CRM. Gave him a couple of pointers 😉 . ->
- Shock them to tears: http://t.co/1pK03QMRI6> ->
- RT @universityaalto: Finland's Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen opening #slush13 @SlushHQ @Ulkoministerio http://t.co/9arPPQW5TW ->
- RT @kittikatti: The Finnish PM Jyrki Katainen kicks off #slush13 on behalf of @teamfinlandfi. Hoodies eat suits in #slush. http://t.co/m4p4… ->
- Have a great #slush13! Sad not to be there but duty calls ;-). Some photos from last year: http://t.co/ruIGbxln7q ->
- RT @spongefile: Full coverage for #slush13 in Hesari. I remember a time when the media had to be begged to come, and even then next to no o… ->
- RT @maldinisport: La calamidad defensiva de Nueva Zelanda junto a una mínima mejoría mexicana hizo que se rozara una goleada de época. La s… ->
- RT @sallesino: Bueno, ya no necesitaremos esto (: http://t.co/xVBsSuVcvF ->
- RT @hglezvillalba: Y los fanáticos neozelandeses no se fueron sin festejar algo. @Laaficion http://t.co/02Q8E4tG4s ->
- RT @martindelp: Ahora hay que completar el trámite en Wellington y reconstruir. Que hay mucho trabajo por hacer y enseñanzas que aplicar ->
- RT @ThinkMexican: Who's happy that #Mexico is one step closer to Brazil? The many corporations with more than $600M invested in El Tri: htt… ->
- México vs Nueva Zelanda (5-1) Repechaje Mundial Brasil 2014 TV Azteca http://t.co/qKK6QoqgVY via @youtube ->
- RT @HuttunenMarkus: Parhaita suomalaisia digimarkkinoijia ovat yritykset, jotka myös myyvät verkossa #suomendigimenestyjät http://t.co/oxZ7… ->
- RT @Janne404: Suomen Digimenestyjät 2013 tutkimus – Magenta Advisory http://t.co/Ox3IXUAWEM ->
- Weekend beats 😉 : Saudis in Audis http://t.co/IJIEYeZZyJ via @youtube ->
- RT @SultanAlQassemi: What an article, read this on a journalist's experience in Aleppo, Syria http://t.co/0R8eiDmuFN by @francescaborri for… ->
- RT @SultanAlQassemi: Philippines embassy in Abu Dhabi has details on how you can donate http://t.co/bCeoxARhiW please share with others ->
- RT @ceronne: We wish you a … http://t.co/l2ag7aP1ek ->
- 3 of 5 stars to Los Señores del Narco by Anabel Hernandez http://t.co/CYp8gzQxcI ->
- RT @heleneauramo: Finding your digital sweet spot http://t.co/Z2QFroE1eG via @sharethis ->
- RT @ChelseaClinton: Amazing story: how an Argentinian mechanic discovered a breakthrough in childbirth that can save thousands of lives: ht… ->
- RT @RussB: Give the kid a party. He's 5. A good magic show and it'd be the best day ever. Then donate time to some of the bazillion other k… ->
- RT @SRE_mx: ¿Viajas a Nueva Zelandia o conoces a alguien que viaje? @EmbaMexNze tiene unas recomendaciones importantes: http://t.co/ojGLUXf… ->
- The Somali experience in Europe. The Helsinki ones made me so sad: Meet the Somalis http://t.co/aD0tmNLfhl via @opensociety ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Mexican Institute of Sound (2), Los Amigos Invisibles (1) & Brazilian Girls (1) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-11-04 to 2013-11-10
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-10-28 to 2013-11-03: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-10-21 to 2013-10-27… http://t.co/3CIzWebUoa ->
- Here we go… (at @DigitasLBiMena) http://t.co/HkKoW25ljW ->
- Good bye Netherlands, Bangladesh, Paraguay… Rising Seas: If All the Ice Melted—Interactive Map http://t.co/lo9deifJu3 via @NatGeoMag ->
- RT @Leon_Krauze: Juventud, divino tesoro. Hasta que llega el tío Tuca, que es como Smaug. ->
- And I still only know a couple of words in Swedish / How to be Finnish in Swedish – thisisFINLAND http://t.co/8kSNAMy0GU ->
- RT @Pajaropolitico: ¿Pues qué pasó? El 'Mexican Moment' nos pasó de noche: #ColumnaInvitada http://t.co/PWFV5xgzeW ->
- Biblioteca filosófico-política para descargar http://t.co/qfIvqEw0tF ->
- The Russians start space programme training really early it seems 😉 http://t.co/hLWift3w6R ->
- Mexico is trailing Nigeria 2-0 in the U17 WC Final here in the UAE and no channel is showing it on TV. Buaaaah! :'-( ->
- RT @goaleric: Big Nigerian party in the stands. As @Evaldez1986 points out, Nigeria outscored Mexico 9-1 in this tournament. ->
- RT @PedroLampert: Nigéria tem quatro títulos mundiais sub-17. Não é atoa. Se destacam nessa categoria. Formam bons times e são superiores f… ->
- RT @padaguan: Nada que reprocharle a un equipo que despachó a Italia, Brasil y Argentina y buscó refrendar el título hasta la última instan… ->
- RT @SanCadilla: ¡Se acabó! Nigeria supera a México ampliamente en la cancha por 3-0 y es campeón del mundo Sub 17 ->
- RT @mexicoworldcup: Nigeria U-17 World Champs! Mexico runners-up. Good tournament from El Tri. Confirmation of the good work going on at yo… ->
- Wow. The great middle class identity crisis: http://t.co/idBksGPvtj ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Nat King Cole (1), Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass (1) & Banda Machos (1) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-10-28 to 2013-11-03
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-10-21 to 2013-10-27: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-10-14 to 2013-10-20… http://t.co/BNjHgWAwUq ->
- Shit just got real 😉 http://t.co/VK7DHBmjNw ->
- Both were B or C teams, Mexico made a lot of mistakes, Finland was too innocent. Let's see against NZ http://t.co/1NbLD8Kd6z via @youtube ->
- Facepalm / “@EPN: Muchas felicidades a @miseleccionmx por la victoria de esta noche frente a Finlandia.” in reply to EPN ->
- My Top 1 #lastfm Artists: Alondra de la Parra (1) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
- “@EganRichardson: #sanoma's strategy gets a bit of a roasting from @JukkaOksaharju: http://t.co/xMYVJp5zbz” #sanomassacre in reply to EganRichardson ->
- “@pohjanka: Sanoma Redesign: following advertisers into the digital world. Read my story: http://t.co/5DqW3HoCTg” #sanomassacre in reply to pohjanka ->
- I really hope that after the S-ryhmä, Nokia & #sanomassacre news I will stop hearing that digital is only tactics, not strategy. ->
- Dear Finland, quoting MacArthur: "I'll be back". 😛
Thank you for the experiences.Stop being afraid.You can rock! http://t.co/X42Xyt67zU ->
- I'm at Dubai International Airport (DXB) مطار دبي الدولي – @dubaiairports (Dubai) w/ 45 others http://t.co/Xn1DsvwP0v ->
- The Blade Runner shot 😉 http://t.co/jBs3rwAprU ->
- The tallest building in the world… http://t.co/UVFml4reut ->
- The Palm at night #Dubai #pureview #twittographers http://t.co/4zJqnoBJTa ->
- RT @qz: Best of the week: Chinese students try to explain to American students why they don’t party http://t.co/RDskprSOR0 ->
- RT @tofu_product: @chivacongelado Seuraavaksi digitaalisuus muuttaa. Mexico is not a new job. ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-10-21 to 2013-10-27
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-10-14 to 2013-10-20: Mulle ei käynyt niin huonosti kuin näillä tyypeillä, m… http://t.co/VY5Tl8LKpI ->
- RT @JussiPullinen: NSA murtautui Meksikon presidentin sähköpostiin, kertoo Spiegel. http://t.co/EdTdzNntrc ->
- RT @ArabianGazette: Years of spying on Mexico govt gave US investment benefits http://t.co/n4CyGv7cNT ->
- RT @jeglobalcitizen: If you missed it: A new teaching method unlocking students potential: http://t.co/aJPK4bgJtf – cc @mariaacaso @redmatr… ->
- RT @SPIEGEL_English: NSA hacked into Mexican president's email, document leaked by Edward Snowden shows: http://t.co/EuB9UZpeNa ->
- RT @SinEmbargoMX: Der Spiegel revela que Obama autorizó hackear a FCH y la respuesta de México es apenas un breve boletín http://t.co/wLr4x… ->
- RT @SRE_mx: Posición del @gobrep sobre informes adicionales de presuntas actividades de la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional de EUA http://t.co… ->
- The future is here: Finland needs an official policy on robotics (in Finnish) http://t.co/i1nW7udp2y ->
- RT @El_Universal_Mx: En el abandono, escuela de niña genio: funciona en condiciones lastimosas y mantiene sin comida a alumnos http://t.co… ->
- RT @PandoDaily: A “Grand Theft Auto V” actor reveals what it’s like to act in history's best-selling video game: http://t.co/NfRcgGPJbZ by … ->
- Finnish words for snow – http://t.co/JLrp6gJaz4 / yes, some of these sound ridiculous to me too 😉 ->
- The highly unusual company behind Sriracha, the world’s coolest hot sauce http://t.co/i7OALx42qi / love your product ->
- En México no hay racismo pero no nos gustan los morenos O_o / Nexos – Quién no es quién http://t.co/y7pAxQDm5w ->
- RT @jeglobalcitizen: From New York to Atlacomulco: In which cities should you be investing in the American Continent and why? – http://t.co… ->
- RT @jeglobalcitizen: Un artículo corto y amigable sobre la idea de circulación de cerebros que vengo defendiendo desde hace varios años: ht… ->
- RT @SanCadilla: Pues será el sereno pero se está cumpliendo aquel viejo adagio que dice que cuando @Chivas anda mal también la Selección ->
- RT @SanCadilla: Brutalmente honesto el análisis futbolístico de lo que pasa en @Chivas #Imperdible http://t.co/Y2XXx9HSlI ->
- I could so have a Monte Xanic red… / The Mexican Wine Revolution – Wine Enthusiast Magazine – October 2012 http://t.co/ALp7n0JUY6 ->
- If you are not white, even if you are educated you might bump into this in Finland http://t.co/JFOLNZvfc3 ->
- RT @yousifabdullah: @seetu Very much true. E.g. if I go solo, it's almost impossible to get into clubs. Always need to go with “white frien… ->
- RT @yousifabdullah: @seetu If I'm out alone at night, the likelihood of cops asking for my ID on the street is 2000% higher than if I was w… ->
- .@yousifabdullah @seetu Sadly you have to be more Catholic than the pope 😉 within my circle of acquaintances it is great, outside varies. in reply to yousifabdullah ->
- RT @AnttiTimonen: FT on Finnish start-ups: Nokia says it has helped set up 1,000 new companies http://t.co/ZU89IMtMal Happy to see @TiinaZi… ->
- El crimen no paga / Gatopardo – Reportaje: – Un narco sin suerte http://t.co/QLDsKGAEwD ->
- RT @juanllaneza: Many people ask what is the ROI of investing on UX?
Answer: What is the cost of not having a good UX?
Then keep silenc… ->
- RT @elpais_america: Tribuna: Cumbres iberoamericanas… ¿para qué? http://t.co/ugFyUDppyJ España y México tienen que redefinir los intereses,… ->
- Now I have a name… / Thanks to the “mancession,” metrosexuals have become “manfluencers™” http://t.co/WAYO2eNAYG via @qz ->
- RT @timoreilly: Why the Government Never Gets Tech Right http://t.co/PYHHctYGw1 @harper and @cjoh put healthcare. gov problems in a broader… ->
- RT @FT: Baltic scramble? Helsinki's attempt to attract more overseas investors & entrepreneurs http://t.co/4mqWZ5n55L – @FT_HouseandHome ->
- Suomi on kuningas ei 😉 http://t.co/y0XDgtyUss ->
- RT @jeglobalcitizen: Football as the ultimate metaphor: “Every World Cup team reflects its country’s social model” reflects @JuanVilloro56 … ->
- Shirin Namiq: Työnantajille kotoutumiskoulutusta nyky-Suomeen | Nelonen.fi http://t.co/SoGkr6ScF0 ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-10-14 to 2013-10-20
- Mulle ei käynyt niin huonosti kuin näillä tyypeillä, mutta kyllä on ollut rasismitapauksia mua kohtaan #silminnäkijä http://t.co/SeO2AlBsLH ->
- RT @martindelp: Mi columna de hoy en @mediotiempo, "Nos volvimos todos locos" http://t.co/VsEYkdeINN ->
- RoboCoffee http://t.co/4bYrSFEgrl ->
- RT @ylenews: “What a bubble I've been living in": Discovering multicultural Finland: Investigative journalist Sam Kingsley … http://t.co/… ->
- RT @ylenews: Yle discrimination exposé spawns police investigation: Finland's Ombudsman for Minorities Eva Biaudet has file… http://t.co/… ->
- RT @ylenews: Researchers: Yle documentary results “not surprising”: It’s not surprising that colour and perceived nationali… http://t.co/… ->
- I am kind of surprised that people are surprised to find out there is discrimination in Finland. Duh. ->
- I don't think I've had it as bad, but I've encountered it too. Zambian friend of mine got tired & left, finished her PhD elsewhwere. ->
- I've been hit, shouted at, spat at or just plain refused service, but thankfully not in the last few years. ->
- Jobhunting is a challenge if your name isn't Finnish, even if you are well educated and speak the language. Especially in this economy. ->
- The best one was that a couple of kids started calling me the n-word. It was only after they left I realized they were referring to me O_o ->
- RT @spongefile: Days like this one make sauna seem like such an obvious invention. ->
- RT @Setok: One of the reasons @supercellgames is so successful is ease of payment in the iOS ecosystem. Imagine if it was as easy to pay on… ->
- RT @qz: This is a better predictor of your success than IQ or EQ http://t.co/itgMVvSsJj via @StanfordBiz ->
- RT @Jon_Ferrara: Why I hate #marketing funnels. – http://t.co/PjDIE4G4Qb #CRM #SocialSelling ->
- RT @martindelp: Mi opinión de la conferencia de prensa: http://t.co/bXsrCW9R43 ->
- Autumn… #Cycling 4.6 km in 00:16:57 http://t.co/qJaZzEkYYM tracked with #sportstracker ->
- Autumn… #Cycling 4.2 km in 00:16:49 http://t.co/auoKWaJNME tracked with #sportstracker ->
- I know @jyrkikasvi is so going to love this 😉 http://t.co/nnivOGR2k0 ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Alondra de la Parra (20), Los Cojolites (3) & Lila Downs (1) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-10-07 to 2013-10-13
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-09-30 to 2013-10-06: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-09-23 to 2013-09-29… http://t.co/Y8f7q3NQjs ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Luis Miguel (14), Fernando Delgadillo (2) & Edgar Oceransky (2) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
- RT @mpkangas: 😀 RT @EsaMakinen: Finland today: in city called Nokia a prankster has been replacing road signs with Microsoft. http://t.co/… ->
- Got a new job. Moving to Dubai next month. I guess I never cared about extreme weather. 😉 ->
- “@SanCadilla: Adidas estrena hoy el uniforme que México usaría en el Mundial… Claro, en caso de clasificar” Pinche playera de Power Ranger in reply to SanCadilla ->
- RT @SanCadilla: Y así vivieron en TV Azteca los goles, con todo y el "no maa…" en plena transmisión https://t.co/tw5pNQmwnt … ->
- RT @ylenews: Foreign-speaking population of Helsinki set to double: One out of every eight residents of Helsinki now has a … http://t.co/… ->
- RT @SanCadilla: Luego de que el Tri quiere jugar en Toluca a mediodía, Nueva Zelanda propone jugar la vuelta en Mordor, revela @ugesaurio ->
- Creo que me voy a sentir muy a gusto en Dubai con estas narraciones http://t.co/bQf0AKKlMQ via @SanCadilla in reply to SanCadilla ->
- Interesting article on the Maker economy http://t.co/rnmzAPgP8N ->
- The product is the service is the marketing. “The tyranny of digital advertising” by @hondanhon https://t.co/YCjTegBl1h ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-09-30 to 2013-10-06
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-09-23 to 2013-09-29: My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Acerina Y Su Danzonera (11),… http://t.co/gVx3qVa8LG ->
- RT @TheAtlantic: The 10 hidden economic trends that rule the world—and will shape the future http://t.co/EUKFxONDAC ->
- Into town… #Cycling 8.6 km in 00:25:32 http://t.co/P71O0oPmRO tracked with #sportstracker ->
- Muutoksen pelko nähtävissä: Kuluttajan ääni hukkuu digimainonnan hypeen http://t.co/YREBJGXIOs ->
- Back… #Cycling 9.4 km in 00:27:27 http://t.co/ULnUZCiUrP tracked with #sportstracker ->
- RT @blackbeak: CPA is wrong. VPA (value per acquisition). In other words customer lifetime value. #gasummit ->
- RT @Huddersfield247: America was not shut down properly. Would you like to start America in safe mode, with free healthcare and without the… ->
- RT @NormaPensado: Pequeño Oliver, bienvenido como nuevo miembro de la comunidad mexicana en Helsinki! ->
- .@NormaPensado Acabamos de ver su tuit. ¡Muchas gracias Sra. Embajadora! in reply to NormaPensado ->
- RT @Digiday: Oreo envy has made real-time marketing go down the drain. http://t.co/TDRaWUlre5 ->
- I'm now ranked Dedicated (top 40%) in Grand Theft Auto IV on Raptr! http://t.co/P4JL1Su7Wo ->
- Nokia & Finland: when it was time to break up it hurt like hell, but it was still an affair to remember http://t.co/JqwMFcb8A0 ->
- RT @brainpicker: So great: If Shakespeare had written Star Wars http://t.co/d3hqo2tn9R ->
- RT @KinStockholm: Crucial analysis and advice for all leaders in the digital age. #ceo #finland #leadership @haydn1701 @forbes http://t.co/… ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-09-23 to 2013-09-29
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Acerina Y Su Danzonera (11), Israel Lopez "Cachao" (8) & Alejandro Cardona (3) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-09-16 to 2013-09-22: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-09-09 to 2013-09-15… http://t.co/KlkWN6qaJf ->
- Somebody please explain what "becoming as much as Finns as possible" means. Seems it doesn't matter how hard you try: http://t.co/0JAEp6FHlx ->
- RT @AP: Colombian poet and author Alvaro Mutis, one of Latin America's most important writers, dies in Mexico: http://t.co/QOGpUTQHjm – VW ->
- RT @RobertPicardo: If you have not read this, please do!
http://t.co/aoscRovnmg -> - RT @CantsayitinEng: Estrenar (Spanish): To put something on for the first time. #estrenar #spanish #archwaywithwords #cantsayitinenglish ht… ->
- I'm now ranked Hardcore (top 20%) in Grand Theft Auto V on Raptr! http://t.co/P4JL1Su7Wo ->
- Finnish media: Nokia pleads with Elop to accept smaller bonus – Elop claims he needs full $25M http://t.co/KxPft5ZfT4 / What a telenovela! ->
- RT @auaurelija: hair! "…social crisis in Greece is beginning to have biological effects on the residents of the country"
http://t.co/Aa… -> - Do The Math http://t.co/ecgHxm4ink / Le va a gustar a @memobarba ->
- RT @regandersong: “@arcticstartup: Finnish Gaming Companies Content to Grow Slowly, But Must Look Outside for Talent http://t.co/9EQ91TsznO” ->
- Interesting Finnish place names translated to English, maybe NSFW: http://t.co/CeBdNkyC6e ->
- Flowers in Muurala http://t.co/EJCIVH3r9l ->
- RT @brainpicker: THIS. “The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.” Carl Sagan http… ->
- Good profile of @selop in @hsfi: http://t.co/3VgnDlpf1p. "Easy to blame the foreigner, but the problems @Nokia started under OPK & Ollila " ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Mexican Institute of Sound (14), Mexicumbia Pros (3) & Klezmerson (2) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-09-16 to 2013-09-22
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-09-09 to 2013-09-15: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-09-02 to 2013-09-08… http://t.co/jYzxGnRVkG ->
- I'm now ranked Experienced (top 60%) in Grand Theft Auto IV on Raptr! http://t.co/P4JL1Su7Wo ->
- RT @HuttunenMarkus: Nyt uskalletaan Suomessakin tunnustaa, että kansainvälinen verkkokauppa mullistaa koko toimialan. http://t.co/lW26xlu0BY ->
- RT @AngryBirds: If you play one blockbuster sequel this fall play GTAV, but if you play two, play #AngryBirdsStarWars2 @RockstarGames http:… ->
- I'm now ranked Dedicated (top 40%) in Grand Theft Auto V on Raptr! http://t.co/P4JL1Su7Wo ->
- If you're playing #GTA5 & like the tunes in the East Los station, thank @camilolara. "Autos, moda y rocanrol" in a cop chase is genius! 😉 ->
- I'm now ranked Hardcore (top 20%) in Grand Theft Auto V on Raptr! http://t.co/P4JL1Su7Wo ->
- I'm now ranked Elite (top 10%) in Grand Theft Auto V on Raptr! http://t.co/P4JL1Su7Wo ->
- Tired but happy after coaching @appcampus teams on digital marketing. Thanks @ymb! ->
- Mad Men in trouble: The Definition of Advertising Has Never Been More Unclear | Adweek http://t.co/qBH18Dt10V ->
- Mexico is not a problem for the US, but a solution 😉 http://t.co/LQxPiD0JtY ->
- RT @WIRED: The ride is winding down. BlackBerry nears its end as jobs disappear and losses mount. http://t.co/KVbeLDLLd2 ->
- In other news, Nokians and ex-Nokians get screwed / Stephen Elop to receive $25m pay-off http://t.co/VevvcMAjXx ->
- Seuraavaksi digitaalisuus muuttaa vähittäiskaupan http://t.co/hninhPqWAV / Suomalainen tietoyhteiskunta on myytti 😉 ->
- Anger at Elop’s Nokia pay off spreads: http://t.co/LhvgPzxJvY #FT / Why am I not surprised? ->
- RT @vxmiran: Por qué la propuesta de Reforma Hacendaria es regresar a los 70s, efectivamente, provocar una recesión http://t.co/1wiGP5hsWj ->
- RT @ChumelTorres: ¿Quiere bajar esos kilitos de más sin ir al gimnasio?
¿Quiere adelgazar sin hacer dietas ni ejercicios?
No se puede (có… ->
- RT @eperea: "Mexico is attractive because it feels disorderly, a work in progress, the blueprints of success still being drawn." http://t.c… ->
- RT @sallesino: ¿Alguien en Twitter te reclama por lo que tuiteas? Compártele esta imagen: http://t.co/9qCQviUwyk ->
- I'm now ranked Hardcore (top 20%) in Grand Theft Auto V on Raptr! http://t.co/P4JL1Su7Wo ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-09-09 to 2013-09-15
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-09-02 to 2013-09-08: RT @HLemmetyinen: Ex-työntekijän jäähyväiset entiselle… http://t.co/TZ6tu53Rsq ->
- RT @FIBA: Dominican Republic, Argentina and Mexico join Puerto Rico in qualifying for #Spain2014 | http://t.co/KNEZVcU1ZD http://t.co/yvFMe… ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Heartwrenching read. 🙁 But awareness needed. "Americans use the Internet to abandon children adopted from overseas" http:/… ->
- RT @kevinmccauley: Good riddance to the most woefully oblivious manager I can remember, Chepo de la Torre #FMF http://t.co/FKTV3a5y6O ->
- Good play from Finland. Still 0-0 in Tblisi. ->
- RT @caro_milanesi: First generation iPads will not be running ios7: parents that handed those down to their kids prepare to spend some mone… ->
- Looks like next summer I will be more focused on basketball than football. Sufro, sufro. 🙁 ->
- RT @Becsywecsy: Classic! Boozy feral pig steals beer, gets drunk and starts fight with a cow http://t.co/ZRLCQvYYgF ->
- A Mad Men classic: Things real people don't say about advertising http://t.co/1SSltBoMgJ ->
- RT @sallesino: Qué hacer en caso de que su país no vaya al Mundial: http://t.co/47iC382YSy ->
- RT @sallesino: Así va hasta ahora la Clasificación al Mundial: http://t.co/afawpXaNdL ->
- RT @FIBA: RT if you think Finland will qualify for the 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup #EuroBasket #RoadToSpain2014 http://t.co/Q3WWS16kYC ->
- RT @FIBA: @FIBAAmericas – Day 12: Mexico v Argentina (highlights): http://t.co/kOyHLhm2xg #FIBAAmericas #Caracas2013 #RoadToSpain2014 ->
- RT @AyonGustavo: “@Meroltron: "@AlejandroGomezA: Les dejo, ahora sí, la portada de http://t.co/OE5e4EasGp http://t.co/CMdtQqBpTn" @RealMata… ->
- “@SalCamarena: "El insoportable Donovan", por @SalCamarena | #Ciudadela http://t.co/nnRAReu3zm Buen jueves” cc @biggfill in reply to SalCamarena ->
- RT @andreslajous: A Plea for Caution From Russia http://t.co/Khl6lyV1Jo < ò-rale con el artículo de Putin en el NYT ->
- Five Digital Issues Every Board Should Be Focusing On | LinkedIn http://t.co/T0FFhJHKfS ->
- Meksikon itsenäisyyspäivän juhlat Suomessa / Fiesta de la independencia de México en Finlandia http://t.co/oGvlkjhGmi ->
- Autumn dusk http://t.co/kOQdgYpvkc ->
- Lloro con @JuanVilloro56 “@SanCadilla: "Futbol suicida", imperdible texto de Juan Villoro sobre la crisis del Tri http://t.co/FAek0wSInG” in reply to SanCadilla ->
- RT @Kasparov63: I hope Putin has taken adequate protections. Now that he is a Russian journalist his life may be in grave danger! ->
- "Meet the Empowered People" via @jowyang http://t.co/8l4zZQFAh9 ->
- RT @coccco: Why are cities so keen to host the #Olympics? http://t.co/PAZ9EGlHv4 http://t.co/4rB6AxUfJY Good read in the @TheEconomist ->
- RT @SanCadilla: Dicen que las comparaciones son odiosas, peeeerooo… http://t.co/p5KHcm6hdr ->
- RT @Leon_Krauze: Here's something I wrote for @BloombergView on Mexico's soccer team. http://t.co/tJMo1OZtEZ ->
- RT @damiencave: So PBS is doing a big documentary on how American history and Latino-American history are intertwined … http://t.co/o4Qap… ->
- Seven Reasons Why Africa’s Time Is Now – Harvard Business Review @HarvardBiz http://t.co/oAgihFKb14! ->
- RT @SRE_mx: RT @JoseAMeadeK: Los invito a ver una noche mexicana en la Plaza Roja de Moscú. Se llevó a cabo en el 2011 http://t.co/5eE0QNQ9… ->
- RT @adage: most commented story: How Agencies Can Fend Off the Threat of Marketing Services Moving In-House http://t.co/Oau3oCDfxX ->
- RT @barrychurchwood: OK internet. You can retire now. Nothing will ever beat this. http://t.co/wR53Fc3BqQ ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Ella Fitzgerald (12), Miles Davis (11) & Café Tacvba (6) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->