- RT @HLemmetyinen: Ex-työntekijän jäähyväiset entiselle maailman parhaalle työpaikalle. Kiitos kaikesta, Nokia. http://t.co/5uy4kGIvHW ->
- RT @poskiparta: Suomeen syntyi yhdessä aamussa koko joukko uusia yrityskaupan ja kansainvälisen yritystoiminnan asiantuntijoita. #nokia ->
- RT @michaelmace: Microsoft + Nokia: No strategy can work if you execute it poorly. http://t.co/s3Y2A5HHOo ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Somewhat bittersweet that we were listening to the info by Elop, Ballmer & Siilasmaa in an empty #Nokia factory in Salo. ->
- #LEAD13 (@ Wanha Satama w/ 9 others) http://t.co/aeuasDRORd ->
- RT @ecyrd: So Nokia goes into patent licensing. Combine that with Trolltech brand they bought – Patent Trolltech! ->
- RT @verge: Nokians mourn the loss of their company to Microsoft http://t.co/mJmQ8V4oza ->
- RT @taehtinen: The former #Nokia headquarters in Espoo, *the* perfect location for the new #Guggenheim museum. ->
- RT @miemo: LOL! Nigerian spam email from Elop to Nokia: http://t.co/wXmRFV4epy ->
- RT @FSecure: Thanks for the memories, Nokia — from the world's first mobile antivirus software developer. http://t.co/eNGCIKJz4V ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Nokia isn't just a company in Finland. PM is talking of 'wistfulness and emotion' in the wake of the Microsoft deal: ht… ->
- RT @profLind: Thank you for your order! Choose shipping method:
☐ Fedex
☐ Drone
http://t.co/IxAhAEaq0F -> - There was only going to be one story in the headlines in Finland today #Nokia http://t.co/2TYKmQPmAs ->
- RT @arturovaldemar: El Secretario de Salud del Edo. Mex., César Gómez, "estudió" conmigo la prepa. Entrecomillé "estudió" porque voló todas… ->
- RT @Kurio_Marketing: SEO <3 Social. Search Metrics analysoi 300 000 saittia ja rankkasi hakukonenäkyvyyden faktorit. http://t.co/XcymksWwVa ->
- RT @ceronne: @arturovaldemar @chivacongelado compañeros y profesores de EPN durante maestría comentan que él no se acercaba ni al promedio. ->
- RT @andrewtghill: Ex-Nokian shows me what was once the future: prototype touchscreen #Nokia 7700, announced 2003, never released http://t.c… ->
- RT @cesc4official: In Finland 10 years ago. En Finlandia 10 años atrás. A Finlàndia 10 anys enrere. #greatmemories #WCU17 #16yearsold http:… ->
- Found out that #susijengi & #ElTriQueSíGana are playing well in their respective qualification tournaments for the @FIBA World Champs. Go! ->
- RT @FIBA: RT if you think Mexico will qualify for the 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup! #FIBAAmericas #RoadToSpain2014 http://t.co/XootURRrt4 ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Finland beat Turkey in the basketball yesterday, and Teemu Rannikko did this: http://t.co/ux8aF5UfGy #susijengi #… ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Ilta-Sanomat has Finland's formation for tonight's WC qualifier against Spain. #parkthatbus http://t.co/D1Z1kj2yTL ->
- RT @TheAtlantic: What it was really like to be a black butler in mid-20th century Washington http://t.co/i6VEkH9umx ->
- RT @escapetosuomi: Jordi Alba's goal for Spain http://t.co/fJDYY2PLqO #huuhkajat ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Interesting smartphone concept design from the folks at Ixonos. http://t.co/5WNjcZqpu8 ->
- RT @martindelp: RT @leon_krauze: Por allá de junio, esta era mi opinión sobre el Chepo. http://t.co/n8N4PQCDvF ->
- RT @piliglez: "@AoritaNo: ¿Quién le ha hecho más daño a México?
A) El Chapo ▓ 2%
B) El Chupe ▓▓ 8%
C) El Chepo ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ 90%" j… ->
- RT @martindelp: Como sea, el de Meza y éste han sido los peores Tri de nuestra historia reciente. Y el problema era mental, no de calidad ->
- RT @SergioSarmient4: Se une el Chepo a la CNTE. Dice que no quiere evaluación ->
- RT @TimSparv: #Huuhkajat watching #Susijengi http://t.co/lIN9gvEaek ->
- Autumn, the time of spectacular Finnish sunsets http://t.co/aSFMArtgWn ->
Nokia devices and services is gone, time for new beginnings for all
My social media streams this morning can be summed up with two German words: schadenfreude & besserwisser. So long and thanks for all the fish, Nokia.
Hang on, those still in the mothership.
My feeds are still full of Nokia-related stuff, and just watched another news broadcast with the story front and centre. Even if towards the end of my tenure it was not great, I can’t do more than feel thankful for the chances, the responsibilities, the crazy projects, the friends all over the place, the first-row seat in a globalised technological business and the memories. Many have said that it was the best business school you could ever have, and I have read of a sense of loss not only in Finland but for the whole of Europe. That’s how important what we built was.
It was not just a workplace: we believed and changed the world. Eventually the world caught up, and they will have to reinvent themselves. I will cheer on Nokians past & present, and will continue cherishing what that experience gave me.
I am a digital marketing expert looking for new opportunities
I am passionate about how the internet and digital technologies touch the lives of people, therefore impacting business. I have over 12 years of experience in the meeting point of the technology and marketing industries, and have both a technical and business background.
My specialties are partnerships, applications and integrated marketing. I have seen that as technologically-enabled behaviours become mainstream, digital marketing shouldn’t be thought of as a separate function but should work as the glue binding experiences together, while taking advantage of the main strenghts of each channel.
I believe digital is not only about tactical execution, but strategic impact. At the end of the day, whatever you do has to provide value to your business, your stakeholders and your audience. Otherwise, you will lose them.
I have a proven record in leading people and projects for excellent results and a strong international exposure, having lived in 3 countries in 2 continents, and varying proficiency levels in 8 languages. I am in intimate contact with different cultures and appreciate that.
I am generally able to see both the big picture and focus on the details. I have an open demeanor and a positive mindset. I am a natural networker and have as high expectations of myself as I do of others. I am agile in execution and work well across different organizational boundaries.
I am open to relocate depending on the role.
Weekly tweets from 2013-08-26 to 2013-09-01
- RT @RGA: A lot of people will have to do a lot of redefining of themselves. 'Troubles ahead for Internet adv': http://t.co/7GmDbEg0IG via @… ->
- RT @joonaslinkola: Otaniemi, Otnäs – tältä kuulostavat länsimetron ja kehäradan pysäkkien kuulutukset http://t.co/H2N9OkyDgC <3 #länsimetro… ->
- RT @charleneli: The Disconnect Between Aging Management and the Younger Workforce by @briansolis: http://t.co/xkZlCZcgua ->
- Olen aika yllättänyt että, vaikka Suomessa Aku Ankka on suuri suosikki, vaimo ei ollut koskaan aikasemmin nähnyt Kolme Caballeroa -elokuvaa. ->
- Before we get in deep trouble, but won't be easy… =( / Finnish government plans to trim generous welfare model http://t.co/zcl9tQwUFm ->
- Lonoool! / Government settles on ”painful” structural reforms | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/cgS7fTLaTI ->
- RT @innocentdrinks: Real Madrid, have you really thought this through? http://t.co/gWGUv4VzBk ->
- I have reached the point in my job search that I've had to create an excel spreadsheet. Anybody else interested in my skills? 😀 ->
- I'm looking for new opportunities. If you know of somebody who needs a digital marketing expert, let me know. http://t.co/5iFGTBLDA8 Pls RT ->
- RT @atmasphere: What happens when you mash up 3D printing and Amazon’s same-day delivery?
http://t.co/qEey3VTVkM -> - RT @stevelosh: HTTP status ranges in a nutshell:
1xx: hold on
2xx: here you go
3xx: go away
4xx: you fucked up
5xx: I fucked up -> - RT @SBNationSoccer: PSG recorded 15 shots on target to Ajaccio's one on Sunday and still didn't win because Memo Ochoa is superhuman. http:… ->
- Regresandomde una boda en Turku. El equivalente de una boda en Cuernavaca. ->
- Cuando regresas de una boda en México por carretera te dicen "Ten cuidado con los borrachos". En Finlandia es "Ten cuidado con los renos". ->
- RT @chriswhitewrite: The best news I've heard today: 3D scans of fossils being released for home 3D printers. http://t.co/GD3hPWen59 @Tezza… ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-08-19 to 2013-08-25
- LOL: Somebody got a little, erm, desperate when applying for a job: http://t.co/JnsC4zqf7a ->
- Blog Post: Recommended book: 2312: 2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I’m not a slow reader … http://t.co/qICHR92baL -> - RT @TuomasEnbuske: Nyt on poliittinen analyysi kohdillaan… http://t.co/pAC8uMcIOq ->
- RT @banton: Why Silicon Valley Funds Instagrams, Not Hyperloops | Jerzy Gangi – Why have we stopped moving as a… http://t.co/LKQxzCak86 ->
- RT @sheikkine: Oletko aina halunnut tietää, millaista oli 1970-luvulla, suomettumisen aikaan? Hyppää @Kaleva_fi :n aikakoneeseen! http://t.… ->
- BBC News – Swedish women don headscarves after assault on Muslim http://t.co/pcww69Ik7J / Meanwhile in Finland, an MP says Muslim=terrorist. ->
- RT @ilicco: RT @christiandolan_: TFL warning the public…brilliant!!! http://t.co/gimqJ46tcx << awesome OneDirection warning! ->
- Dusk over Tapiola http://t.co/xXCDthMIUz ->
- This is awesome, take that Carlos Slim: Una comunidad de Oaxaca crea su red de telefonía móvil entre las montañas http://t.co/jMwQ76Aaw9 ->
- What might have been: Visiting Mars and Venus with Apollo-era hardware http://t.co/n0w5FrOjl4 ->
- Not good “@qz: Four reasons why even more pain is coming to emerging markets http://t.co/1QyaK3R6ui” in reply to qz ->
- RT @qz: How different cultures say “I disagree” http://t.co/Jp0gLAly8C ->
- RT @AngryBirds: Price & platforms for #AngryBirdsStarWars2 now announced, with the help of The Emperor: http://t.co/OQ6rfgNo5S ->
- RT @TrooperTK421: Darth Vader would make a #BetterBatmanThanBenAffleck because he already has the cape, mask and menacing voice. ->
- RT @kyuri1985: @TrooperTK421 Also wears black and has major family issues, ->
- No me quiero ni imaginar si alguien aquí en Finlandia me pide que les explique lo del #CNTE. Lamentable y ridículo. ->
- RT @eallin: http://t.co/Aas32OTw8S ->
- RT @GrantWahl: Not sure I'd be happy as a Mexican player if Chepo de la Torre made our private conversations public. ->
- RT @daringfireball: Why Steve Ballmer Should Have Been Shitcanned No Later Than 2009: http://t.co/d6r9aJsVlw ->
- RT @blackbeak: Mobile traffic grows by more than 50% year-on-year compared to desktop/tablet, with Asia and Africa leading the… http://t.… ->
- RT @sdbj: More Americans today believe that God created the earth (46%) than 30 years ago (44%). Is USA the outlier here? Why? http://t.co/… ->
- RT @blogbrevity: Age of Context Changing Our World @Scobleizer : Wearable Tech, Big Data, Sensors, Social Data, Location Data http://t.co/… ->
- RT @Shivam_Saini87: The African community in Delhi is slowly finding its footing. My piece for Business Standard http://t.co/H6jb7RmjRs ->
- Me topé con una interesantísima entrevista a Tarja Toinila, traductora de Juan Rulfo, entre otros, al finlandés: http://t.co/SPhGCwHBOQ ->
- Traducción: espejo que no sólo refleja | Justa, lectura y conversación: http://t.co/G0J8zbazsX ->
- A surprisingly well researched & positive editorial on the Mexican energy reform on @hsfi this morning (in Finnish): http://t.co/I2Zy5TaULd ->
- RT @jorgesuarezv: The Economist | Latin America’s largest economies: Different kettles of fish http://t.co/pyEGDZ4JQB ->
- RT @dubizzle: dubizzle appoint Arto Joensuu as CEO while co-founders Whatley & Butler move away from day-to-day operations http://t.co/OoTi… ->
- RT @Finnfield: Thank you editors in chief of 4 prominent Nordic newspapers for yr open letter to David Cameron http://t.co/TOW5IcRu9j ->
- RT @el_pais: Los “representantes de México” no se parecen a los mexicanos http://t.co/ndjckF12Lf En un casting de Aeroméxico rechazan moren… ->
- RT @digg: The Middle East explained in one perfect letter to the editor ( http://t.co/7Op4hTxu6G ) http://t.co/h3ryNGbQEy ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Cri Cri (52), Frédéric Chopin (19) & Aldo Ciccolini (5) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->
Recommended book: 2312
2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I’m not a slow reader and still this book took me a year on and off. The world-building and scientific extrapolation are great, the plot starts very slowly and the style makes it a slog, but at the end is a rewarding book.
Porvoo, July & August
El Buque Escuela Cuauhtémoc en Helsinki
El embajador de los mares está justo ahora en Helsinki para la regata Tall Ships Races. Tuvimos la oportunidad de abordar y además uno de los oficiales amablemente nos dió un recorrido por el barco. La verdad es que está muy bonito y tanto la embarcación como su tripulación han hecho una excelente impresión en Finlandia, mejorando el perfil de México por acá. El resto de las fotos en Flickr, pero las mejorcitas acá abajo.
The first time I ever took beach holidays in Europe, and the first for the full family. The rest of the pictures here.
Summer house
Some time in the summer house. The rest of the photos here.