Not nearly as shocking as Daemon, but a worthy conclusion to a very interesting plot nevertheless. Its ideas on distributed systems, oligopolic capitalism , the hero’s journey and distributed economic & social networks will stay with me for a while.
I saw a friend of mine had recommended this book and I had to check it out. Its mixture of IT security, philosophy, gaming, mobile technology, economics and intrigue makes for a very engrossing read that mashes up all sorts of disparate ideas into a very exciting plot.
The only downside I can find is a certain ignorance of Hispanic culture and Spanish spelling where relevant, which struck me as a little odd. Still,I cannot recommend it enough.
Somewhere between post-apocalyptic sci-fi, the Japanese classic Battle Royale and a teenager telenovela, this is a seriously entertaining page-turner in the young adult genre. Good escapist literature, even if sometimes I was annoyed by the pumped-up teenage girl drama and continuous cliffhangers.