- The Rise of the 'Aztec Tiger' http://t.co/0AJZdZRf1y via @WSJ ->
- Ready to wear a wrestling mask for Vappu? http://t.co/mOoq7JGp51 ->
- Youth unemployment: Generation jobless | The Economist http://t.co/GnYIjz5RO9 ->
- Pre-Vappu Mexican groove đ â« Suave Patria – EP â Mexican Institute Of Sound http://t.co/vtsqjQffDH #NowPlaying ->
- Dear World, Finland is closed for today and tomorrow. Apologies in advance / This is Vappu Festival http://t.co/8KZzPvDcd4 ->
- Los finlandeses tienen que aprender que las mĂĄscaras de luchador no tienen nada que ver con el sadomaso. đ ->
- Back to Marketing Basics: Market Research in the Social Media Age by @MarketingLetter http://t.co/wvgVskZM0o via @B2Community ->
- Pasi Rautiainen again behaves like he's high while Keith Armstrong is his usual snobby self. Finland needs better football pundits. ->
- Facebook on mobile – It's time to take it seriously. http://t.co/EMOaK1eCIA via @pinterest ->
- Amen to that / BBC News – Viewpoint: Five myths about Mexico http://t.co/yiHdNAl84H ->
- Horror / Twenty Numbers From Europe that Should Have You Very Worried http://t.co/6sq5ZpTmAJ ->
- Everything you need to know about Obamaâs mission to Mexico today http://t.co/ie7UWvp6Tt via @qz ->
- Has Mexico's film industry been helped or harmed by Hollywood? http://t.co/0dunJBmQx9 via @guardian ->
- Baby Born In Mexico City Subway Station Gets Free Transportation For Life | Fox News Latino http://t.co/529gOVf1zO ->
- 4 of 5 stars to 1491 by Charles C. Mann http://t.co/pSj1OiMwtZ ->
- Andres Oppenheimer: Obama should think North America – Andres Oppenheimer – http://t.co/fO6d43Knpk http://t.co/nWUf2znGCm ->
- Blog Post: Recommended book: 1491 The Americas Before Columbus: 1491: The Americas Before Columbus by Charles … http://t.co/z45IUZKi4Z ->
- Plutocrats and their progeny: A secretive fathers-and-sons knees-up for billionaires | The Economist http://t.co/vVB98FbWti ->
- I am such a beta tester / The 7 Types of Digital Marketer http://t.co/2HXvjDet02 via @mashable ->
- The Rise of the Digital CMO – @HarvardBiz http://t.co/JHeAnIK3tZ ->
- 5 of 5 stars to Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell http://t.co/T3PoUBxsWs ->
Digital shift news, May 3, 2013
Also published in the MC blog.
Friday again and time for our news roundup of the week.
- Facebook released its 1Q13 earnings report and reception was decidedly mixed.  This analysis breaks down 5 reasons why, from rising operational costs to lowering average revenue per user (ARPU) to the huge shift to mobile where advertising might be more difficult.
- An interesting roundup of technologies that are changing the world including 3D printing, mobile payments and software as a service.
- 10 years ago Apple launched iTunes and the music business was not the same ever again.  Between iTunes and Spotify, when was the last time you bought a CD?
- Rovio mobile launched Angry Birds Toons a month ago, and their cartoons have already achieved 100 million views through their own games (story in Finnish). Â This has enabled the company to launch their own advertising network avoiding other established players.
- A retailer tests an advertising concept internally for a new service offering and then makes a silent launch on the web.  Said retailer follows closely as the creative becomes a viral hit and the company decides to use it also in traditional media. When the brand involved is one that is perceived to be as boring as Kmart, one can only expect this approach to become more common.
Recommended book: 1491 The Americas Before Columbus
1491: The Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
While the book was not chock-full of shocking revelations as its publicity implies, it was a very amenable read on the state of the Americas before Columbus. The only really interesting thing for me was its explanation of the population collapse due to disease, something we’ve known but at least I didn’t quite fathom its scale.
Weekly tweets from 2013-04-22 to 2013-04-28
- Do Brands Understand What Motivates Sharing? http://t.co/fPl2ozZpKS ->
- Obvious, but still nice: SOSTAC – how to write the perfect plan (in 4 minutes): http://t.co/waT1SmZtpk via @youtube ->
- Word / The wrong kind of Caucasian http://t.co/J4EnT7LRcO ->
- TĂ€llĂ€iset jutut saavat minut ajattelemaan ettĂ€ asun barbaarien maassa đ /Suomalaiset ovat kosketuskammoista kansaa: http://t.co/nWzyMZuQgS ->
- A little heavy on stereotyping, but interesting: 5 Tricks for Working With Millennials http://t.co/jGXUn8CyJg via @Inc ->
- To sit at the board table, marketers need to own P&L #MoMaMa / Introducing the Modern Marketing Manifesto http://t.co/MLFhSxlnsT ->
- I don't have time for it now, but I certainly plan to read "The sucking manifesto" http://t.co/MUGIfPqLYA via @banton ->
- Samaa etsintÀÀ tÀÀllÀ. HyvÀt yhteydet KÀpylÀÀn ja Punavuoreeen iso plussa / Asuinalue lapsiperheelle pk-seudulla? http://t.co/arYnkd0pMr ->
- Took me 10 minutes to read a tweet with a book excerpt to buy the book and start reading it… On the bus ride home đ ->
- Anonyymisen vihan reportaasi YLE:llÀ http://t.co/rill9XZTYr ->
- .@Nokia outsourcing firings (again) Ex-Nokians on chopping block as Tata Consulting sheds jobs | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/ElpnV3lq47 ->
- Ouch! / "Tthere's no such thing as Big Data since big companies can't handle the cultural shifts required": http://t.co/XZE4RhU70D ->
- I see my friends at @AngryBirds licensing have kept busy: http://t.co/nb2xEuQt6F đ ->
- 3 of 5 stars to Dying for the Truth by Blog del Narco http://t.co/IUUvcu1obs ->
- I still get annoyed when Europeans say America referring to the United States. It's a whole continent, you know? ->
- How To Think Like An Engineer By @gabestein http://t.co/C1T4C0TFJg via @FastCoLabs ->
- Hello, my name is the Czech Republic!: http://t.co/62MuG0RAu9 ->
- I am so going to read this book. If it is as interesting as I hope, I wish the rest of the world would read it: http://t.co/U1j4w8zipI ->
- Oh that refuge of tolerance that is Soini: Homot ja avioliitto eivÀt kuulu samaan lauseeseen | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/zaCUYtFtPe ->
- Blog Post: Digital shift news, April 26, 2013: Cross-posting from the Marketing Clinic blog.
For the past few … http://t.co/TpOIKxWTAu -> - My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Daft Punk (9), Jamiroquai (2) & Rodrigo GonzĂĄlez (2) #music http://t.co/yQxooFcHlz ->
Digital shift news, April 26, 2013
Cross-posting from the Marketing Clinic blog.
For the past few months I have been curating an internal newsletter sharing external articles on digital marketing and digital business transformation, and we have decided to start sharing it with you, dear reader. Â Previous issues have dealt with Google Glass, Facebook Home, Banner & Display advertising, customer reviews, Bitcoin & digital experiences.
Please find this week’s topics below:
- Lean Analytics co-authors on data-driven marketing:  Quotes from the article: “If you take former Coca-Cola CMO Sergio Zyman’s definition of marketing, which is “selling more things to more people for more money more often more efficiently,” then analytics is how you measure whether you’ve moved the needle on one of those five “mores.” Everything we do leaves a digital breadcrumb trail, and that trail is available for marketers to analyze.  But it’s not going to be that simple. For one thing, even with all of this data, it’s unlikely most businesses will act wisely upon it. There’s no such thing as Big Data as big companies can’t handle the cultural shifts required.”
- How companies find out your shopping habits, case Target: Not a new article, but a great overview of how retail chain Target has managed to deeply model customer behaviour to anticipate their needs (to the point of creepiness, sadly). Marketers need to learn to use this information, but also make sure they keep a cordial relationship with the consumer.
- Analysis: Sleeping giant Amazon finally stirs: Amazon is become a true Internet advertising network, with access to data that even Google & Facebook don’t have on actual purchases. Â Two quotes from the article: âIn today’s marketing world, data is gold and Amazon is Fort Knoxâ / âAmazon is not a retailer anymore, it is the largest behavioral marketing company in the worldâ
- Coca-colaâs first digitally-led (and digital-only) campaign: Coke aims to reach teens where they are, and they are not watching TV.
- CNN is scared of Twitter: What happens when the cable news cycle is just too slow, and you do not own the platform news junkies turn to for breaking news? Â Quote from the article: “Last week, key moments in the Boston saga played out on Twitter, not mainstream television.”
- Opposing views on the effectiveness of crowdsourced investigation efforts in last week’s Boston events (Wired for,BBC against): When even law enforcement organizations are looking at harnessing external innovation, what can businesses learn from their dramatic effects? Â Do the benefits outweigh the risks?
Copenhagen, Denmark
Visited Copenhagen for work. The rest of the pictures, as usual, in Flickr.
Weekly tweets from 2013-04-15 to 2013-04-21
- .@ipaananen "Haluamme kertoa, ettÀ startupeista voi tulla taloudellisesti merkittÀviÀ asioita tÀhÀn maahan" http://t.co/jaBgiUp02s ->
- Oh, how hard it is to speak Spanish!: http://t.co/JihSfBISdC / QuĂ© difĂcil es hablar el español subtitulado en la lengua de Shakespeare. ->
- "@joaoluisc: #MobileTech – #Nokia faces the feature phone collapse it dodged in 2012 http://t.co/yCaWu9fFYh via @BGR" hmmm in reply to joaoluisc ->
- Reagan's charisma + Obama's intellect +Clinton's political savvy= @EPN… WTF?!?!? O_o http://t.co/ML2oaoJuiZ / somebody's high on kool-aid. ->
- Want to get lucky? Work with a mamu. | Ekonomi http://t.co/Im97b3iIds ->
- This Is the Modern Manhunt: The FBI, the Hive Mind and the Boston Bombers | Danger Room | http://t.co/ZjBMMfhpKY http://t.co/QQEbgytQo5 ->
- Sick idea: how rabies spawned vampires and zombies http://t.co/J5R7mh6p97 via @verge ->
- Los gringos no acaban de entender que Al Qaeda es como paleterĂas La Michoacana: cualquier fulano piede copiarlo http://t.co/qOpsb5205b ->
- 12 Most Basic Things You Can Do For Your Web Site Without Modifying It – http://t.co/es5c7mCSDe via @12Most ->
- RT @artsy: The largest museum show dedicated to Polaroid photography: http://t.co/kLMLvsBxxw ->
- RT @chematierra: VĂDEO: "Profesionalismo" de reportera en China, interrumpe su boda y con vestido de novia cubre noticia del terremoto http⊠->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Esquivel (4), Miles Davis (1) & Nina Simone (1) #music http://t.co/yQxooFcHlz ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-04-08 to 2013-04-14
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-04-01 to 2013-04-07: Keep them busy instead: http://t.co/64Nfn4x8Ix ->
BBC … http://t.co/bE08rVknMV -> - My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Trepsi (20), Mexican Institute of Sound (7) & Esquivel (6) #music http://t.co/yQxooFcHlz ->
- Facebook Home: Everything You Need to Know http://t.co/oAHFbn9Hjj via @mashable ->
- You didnât make the Harlem Shake go viralâcorporations did http://t.co/nZEiGf6cwx via @qz ->
- Unelma yhteisestÀ mediasta | stadi.tv http://t.co/cAf9pg6ln3 ->
- LOL, the pot calling the kettle back / US think tank: Not everyone cares for the Nordic "know-it-all" attitude http://t.co/95NRKZ0uDS ->
- Entrevista a Carlos Vela en El resurgir de la Real Sociedad parte 2 de 2: http://t.co/9JE3oP2Xud via @youtube ->
- ÂżA los #mexpats que regresan les va mejor? Lo dudo / Especial Migrantes: âMis hijos estĂĄn sĂłlosâ (tercera parte) http://t.co/O5e5JgK1xs ->
- Sometimes brain implants don't sound like such a good idea. Exhibit A: Hillary Clinton http://t.co/esv6Kzy4DY via @TheOnion ->
- MTV Finland seems to be buying FB fans: https://t.co/p4JRn0uoSe Story in @KauppalehtiFi http://t.co/jg6UIMFRbe ->
- Barça this season is a study on the dire consequences of losing concentration during key moments. ->
- Latin America is importing talent like crazy. Will it bring back its own as well? http://t.co/stQoR3psNH ->
- Man's journey from Los Angeles to Real Madrid good-luck charm http://t.co/5Wqgh75pAQ via @SINow ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Esquivel (6), Jack Costanzo (3) & Combustible Edison (3) #music http://t.co/yQxooFcHlz ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-04-01 to 2013-04-07
- Keep them busy instead: http://t.co/64Nfn4x8Ix ->
- BBC News – Mexico's urban youth culture explosion http://t.co/CMyRztMBhO ->
- Sizzling in Helsinki http://t.co/Tw3XCQwB7l #Kallio #gentrification ->
- Gijonin ihme by TeQonvarattu via #soundcloud https://t.co/ENRVwCV1sE via @huuhkajat ->
- Blog Post: Recommended Book: Barça: The Making of the Greatest Team in the World: Barca: The Making of the Gre… http://t.co/Nl1xTyJkru ->
- The outrageous way many Americans rewrite mobile phone history http://t.co/PXX56Ofacl ->
- " We are Mexico, we are good, and there are more of us." Dying for the Truth: Undercover Inside the Mexican Drug War http://t.co/EQuED6NAXH ->
- I know @CivisUrbis is going to love this one: http://t.co/QwiP7YcK6Y ->
- Do Millennials Stand a Chance in the Real World? http://t.co/rxs9c63KFE ->
- Finland: where snow in April shouldn't be unexpected, even if we all complain. ->
Recommended Book: Barça: The Making of the Greatest Team in the World
Barca: The Making of the Greatest Team in the World by Graham Hunter
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
If you are looking for an objective view, you won’t find it here. If you are interested in how FC Barcelona works and the main issues in the past 10 years (rise and fall of Rijkaard, the emergence and utter dominance of Messi, the Guardiola era) this is the book for you. I thoroughly enjoyed it, even if it did sometimes feel too fanboyish.