#mlseminaari Facebook becoming more of a paid media channel due to stock market pressures. "Our users are still in our best interest".Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari people don’t drink the kool-aid that easily anymore, users becoming more critical.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari full @kurio study at http://kurio.fi/ajankohtaista/tutkimus-somemarkkinoinnin-trendit-2013/Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari Matias Vaara talking about the intersection of mobile and social. Yeah!Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari @matiasvaara talking about N2Luis Orozco
Kaverit taskussa – some ja mobiili yhdessä, mitä tarkoittaa markkinoijalle @matiasvaara kertoo #mlseminaariAsta Anttila
#mlseminaari dude, where’s my cheese? How do people use social now?Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari 50% of social media users log in though their smartphones.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari ja @matiasvaara aiheelle "Kaverit taskussa" [pic]: http://4sq.com/VyaAhKPetri Mertanen
#mlseminaari even compared to "mobile-first" services such as @4sq, @Instagram or @twitter, Facebook has over 6 times the users.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari results of research by Finnish mobile operator DNA: 42% use facebook on mobile at home, 89% at home at night, 46% @ work/schoolLuis Orozco
#mlseminaari social media basically follows us everywhere, even when we’re with friends physicalllyLuis Orozco
#mlseminaari now showing a great diagram I can’t describe ;-)Luis Orozco
25 % käyttää älypuhelinta ennen nukkumaan menoa sängyssä. Statuspäivitys: "pakollinen viikkoseksi lauantaisaunan jälkeen". #WTF #mlseminaariPetri Mertanen
#mlseminaari convergence between social computing and smrtphone hardware/software.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari how does brand-created content work on mobiles.? usually not that well…Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari facebook newsfeedis the most important, but some content doesn’t work on mobile.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari pics, text, ads and sponsored stories work. Polls, tab-apps, long texts and banners don’t work on FB mobile.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari sponsored stories seem to be a brand’s best friend?Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari Facebook page post add also works.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari mobile app install ad: format only available for mobile.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari Twitter:Promoted tweets. Native ad format.Luis Orozco
applikaatiotko eivät toimi facebookissa mobiilisti? toimii, jos tekee responsiivisen alustan. #mlseminaariElina Patjas
Kaverit taskussa – mitä sosiaalisen median ja mobiiliteknologian yhteentörmäys tarkoittaa markkinoijan kannaltaN2:n strategi Matias Vaara puhui Mainostajien Liiton seminaarissa sosiaalisen median ja mobiiliteknologian yhteentörmäyksestä. Aiheina mm…
#mlseminaari next: content and earned mediaLuis Orozco
Arvioita: instagramia käyttää 8% suomalaisista, 12-18-ikäryhmästä jopa 40%. #mlseminaariPerttu Iso-Markku
#mlseminaari @idahakola nextLuis Orozco
#mlseminaari intro to earned media. @DaGood would be proud.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari 31% of brands working on content marketing as their priority in digital. Planning is now emphasising own and earned.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari content planning according to target group, building processes to reach them continouously.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari earned media lies in the intersection of the messages that are important to brand and the topics that are matter to customer.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari 3 strategic success factors for content marketing:Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari 1. Know your target: who they are, what do they do, how they behave, what do they share.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari 2. do you know the digital market? What is being done, what is the value add we bring?Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari 3. Do you know what the conversation topics are? And how can you join in in a way that is value-adding, not just spam.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari goats screaming like humans meme FTW.Luis Orozco
Oh My Goat. #funny Super Bowl ad winner: http://bit.ly/Yrv22v #mlseminaariPetri Mertanen
#mlseminaari and how doritos used the meme: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=4d8ZDSyFS2g&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D4d8ZDSyFS2gLuis Orozco
sisällönsuunittelussa tarvitaan lisää reaktiivisuutta ja joustoa. couldn’t agree more. #mlseminaariElina Patjas
#mlseminaari content plans are made to be broken if the brand’s procdses are built to react.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari who is your brand’s Felix Baumgartner? And to think I was involved on that in the beginning…Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari trial and error: wash, rinse, repeat.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari if all else fails in social media you can always jump from space.Kalle Hiitola
#mlseminaari 4 ways to shake it like Felix ;-)Luis Orozco
Miten yhdistää markkinoinnissa pitkäjänteinen suunnittelu ja reagointi relevantteihin ajankohtaisiin ilmiöihin? @idahakola #mlseminaariMainostajien Liitto
#mlseminaari 1. Be fun: hands on tikkurila example.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari 2. Be informative: tutorials, infographs, etc.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari 3. Be time-relevant: avokado tukku Safka example.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari 4. Be networked: Nokia x Burton example. @Blether would be proud.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari content for content marketing is planned more from a journalistic perspective than form an advertiser’s hard sale perspective.Luis Orozco
@idahakola : Olisi syytä miettiä jo sitä, miksi meillä on verkkosivut. Mitä verkkosivuilla halutaan saada aikaan? #mlseminaariPerttu Iso-Markku
Sisällöt ja ansaittu näkyvyysSISÄLLÖT JAANSAITTU NÄKYVYYS 5.3.2013
#mlseminaari now my man jussipeach @jussipekka will bring @Valio examples to the house,Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari food and food conversations are the thing.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari talking about the main attributes of the Valio brand and their business.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari valio focused on building own media channels: Valio.fi mobile, FB, twitter, youtube, newsletterd, Pinterest, Google+, InstagramLuis Orozco
#mlseminaari youtube Finnish launch enhancing its role for Finnish brands.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari social media factors: company culture, tools, people, metrics, governance, processes to add value to business.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari company culture: how can any valio employee get something out of digital tools? How to behave? How to erase the siloes?Luis Orozco
@jussipekka: Isoin asia sosiaalisen median tuomisessa organisaatioon on kulttuurin muutos, ei työkalujen opiskelu. #mlseminaariPerttu Iso-Markku
#mlseminaari reward participation in the web.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari processes need to define boundaries, roles and behaviours.Luis Orozco
@jussipekka #Valio osallistaa työntekijöitään sosialiseen kanssakäyntiin. Sosiaalisuuden pitää toimia läpi eri osastojen! #mlseminaariIda Hakola
#mlseminaari people: roles and responsibilities, open leadership, competences and competence developmentLuis Orozco
#mlseminaari community of experts: help when in need, cheer up, comfort, expertise development!Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari valio listens to customers and answers as actively as possible.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari customer feedback also used in product development! Yes! ;-)Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari HR and recruitment using LinkedIn. Important channel where relevant organisation has taken full resposibility.Luis Orozco
Osaajien yhteisö firmassa tärkeä – jakaa oppia ja tukea @jussipekka #mlseminaariAsta Anttila
#mlseminaari internal blogs and forums for intra-company communication.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari social presences across services, where things are tried out.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari metrics: reach, polarity, conversion KPIs for activity iteration. Metrics dependent on strategic goals.Luis Orozco
@jussipekka: Siilot nurin ja some-henkilöstöstä uskaltava osaajien yhteisö. #mlseminaariPerttu Iso-Markku
#mlseminaari integrated campaign example: rakkaudesta suomalaiseen maitoon. Digital is not a separate channel. Yes! ;-)Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari also important for comms purposes: kilpailuvirasto, maitosota cases.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari @janicky talking about FB marketing planningLuis Orozco
Kommentteja ja kysymyksiä saa laittaa myöhemminkin 🙂 #mlseminaariJussi-Pekka Erkkola
#mlseminaari toinenphd sees that advertising efficiency is decresing.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari digital marketing success factors: concept, contact, and conversion.Luis Orozco
Konsepti, kontaktointi, konversiolaskelma -> tulokset by @Janicky #mlseminaari http://pic.twitter.com/HL9PClEbvqJussi-Pekka Erkkola
#mlseminaari digital consumer behaviour, analitics, concept and media planning and production need to be on the dame page.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari FB advertising is one of the fastest growing media advertising forms in Finland.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari FB advertising will increase the reach of your fangroup posts, as organically it is around 7% (FB says 16%).Luis Orozco
Jani Halme: yrityssivujen fb-päivitykset näkyvät keskimäärin 7% faneista. (Fb väittää että 16%lle.) #mlseminaariPerttu Iso-Markku
. @Janicky : Analyysin mukaan 7% faneista näkee postaukset orgaanisesti. #mlseminaariAsta Anttila
#mlseminaari FB advertising formats: standard ads, page posts, sponsored stories and mobile app install.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari FB standard ads are up to 70% less effectivethan News fiid ads.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari page posts or sponsored stories work best.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari FB offers require, well, a good enough offer for a good CPA.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari log out ads have a fixed price: 6k€/ day but reach millions.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari content is king. FB itself wants ad-like content out of the service. Pictures however work beautifully,Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari number of likes doesn’t matter, quality of likes of a page is everything (couldn’t agree more).Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari Newsfeed photo ads work best: page posts or sponsored stories.Luis Orozco
Jani Halme: fb-tykkääjien laatu tärkeää. Lisää orgaanista näkyvyyttä ja laskee mainosten hintaa. #mlseminaariPerttu Iso-Markku
#mlseminaari effectiveness varies widely in FB campaigns: campaigns can go from 0.02% to 10% CTR.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari FB changes the rules all the time and is a challenging partner to work with.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari e.g. A picture can have up to 20% text.Luis Orozco
@Janicky: Facebookin uusimman määrittelyn mukaan postattavasta kuvasta saa olla vain 20% tekstiä. #mlseminaariPerttu Iso-Markku
#mlseminaari retargeting coming to facebook this spring.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari FB bringing their own conversion measurement tool. Layout will be emphasize pics more. Targeting will become more granular.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari custom audience tool: bringing FB info and customer’s CRM system info together. (Very interesting!)Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari the ability to track the full consumer journey of a customer through FBs customer audience tool is the holy grail of marketing.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari FBindex tool shows what kind of content works in FB.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari facebook wants to be everything for everybody. Will it blend? ;-)Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari budget planning needs to change: 25% recommended for innovation and pilots.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari Näin juuri, kiitos Jani Halme! http://pic.twitter.com/kzfP6v6hszjohanna tonttila
@DirtyTarmo @matiasvaara Nykybudjetoinnissa aika=raha.Omien ja ansaittujen kanavien tehokas hyödyntäminen vaatii enemmän aikaa. #mlseminaariJani Halme
#mlseminaari FB haluaa olla tv:n korvaaja by @Janicky – ainakin omaa aikaani se vie jo enemmän.Meri Asikainen
Toimiva Facebook-mainontaEsitykseni 5.3.2013 Mainostajien liiton "FACEBOOK-SEMINAARI: Tykkäämisestä tehokkaaseen vuorovaikutukseen" -seminaarista.
#mlseminaari @mertanen next, talking about insights from analytics.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari making the analogy between a silent person and a silent brand.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari mobile facebook, once again. ;-)Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari facebook tabapplications can use tagging, othwise we are held ransom by facebook insights only.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari facebook offers can be used after 100 fans have been reached.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari integrate FB with othermarketing channels (nice, but lind of obvious).Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari examples: FB buttons in wbpage or newsletter, commenting using FB login.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari SEM for facebook fan page (intresting, would that be something that drives brand awareness for repurchase?).Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari physical POS promotions and TV ad mentioning of own fb fanpage.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari video ads (e.g. youtube, Ruutu.fi)Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari from a measurement standpoint, integrated campaigns are a problem if everything happens at the same time.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari facebook insights for fanpages tells more than just number of likes: trends,engagement, activity.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari set up goals in google analytics if you are driving traffic to your website (good point, often forgotten).Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari talking about tagging per activity.Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari look at multi-channel funnels, not only the final click. (Lots of different variations coming, then).Luis Orozco
#mlseminaari measurement framework: strategic objectives, goals and kpisLuis Orozco
#mlseminaari interesting kpi: interactions per 1000 fans IPM. Screenshot from conversocial.Luis Orozco
I joined Marketing Clinic, the largest marketing consulting firm in the Nordics, a couple of months ago to help setting up their digital marketing practice. As mentioned in their site, my focus area is integrated digital marketing across own, bought, earned and traded media, its influence through the consumer journey and its relationship with other marketing activities.
The team is a lot of fun and the work is very varied, so it looks like it was worth it to look for the right opportunity after all. If you are a company trying to make sense of the opportunities digital can bring to your business outside of advertising campaign development or are looking for ways to develop your digital marketing expertise get in touch. 😀
Aunque en algunos pasajes se nota que el libro fue escrito hace cuarenta años, su aguda crítica y excelente sentido del humor lo hacen más vigente de lo que debería para un país que ha cambiado tanto (y tan poco) como México. Recomendable.
Looking for a job in the current job market (especially in Europe) is a daunting prospect. As someone who recently went through the whole process, I wanted to share with you what I learned. Bulletpoints galore.
Learn how to write a CV either with the help of blogs, books, outplacement courses or personalised help. Make sure it clearly describes responsibilities and measurable results if possible and that it is easy to read for someone who is not an expert in your area of expertise (like most HR departments).
Use the web. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date and that you know what does the system use when matching candidates and showing search results.
Use your networks, but don’t be annoying. Friends and acquaintances will naturally try to help you if they see a way to do so, don’t push it too much but give them the tools.
Have your elevator pitch ready.
If you don’t have a portfolio of projects you’ve done, make sure you create a compelling one!
Remember interviews go both ways so don’t take it as a life and death situation. Interviewers smell (and are turned off by) desperation. You are also making sure you would like to join the interviewing company, so ask the questions that interest you and get a feel for the hiring manager/team. In time you will develop a “feel” for interviews.
Use all fact-finding tools at your disposal: company financial reports, LinkedIn profiles, Glassdoor…
Have a plan. Don’t succumb to despair, boredom or burnout.
If your life situation allows, widen your geographic scope: depending on your area of expertise there might be a place for you in Germany, Sweden, Singapore, the US, Brazil, Mexico, China, Finland…
Remember searching for a job is a full time job.
Evaluate your opportunities to freelance or become an entrepreneur. That might also be a way to find a position you want by freelancing for that company first.
Remember the hidden job market. Many, many positions aren’t advertised, get to those first through your network.
Relax every once in a while. I know it is stressful, but wasting energy being stressed won’t help you. As the Brits would have said in the event of a German invasion in World War II: “Keep calm and carry on”. 😉
The miracle of life and sleepless nights. They say it’s a little bit easier the second time around as you already know how to handle a baby and so far it’s proven to be the case. Also the marginal cost in terms of lifestyle changes is quite minimal, which was something I hadn’t thought about. 😉