- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-01-21 to 2013-01-27: My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Daniela Mercury (5), Timbalada… http://t.co/BOcqRVl0 ->
- Blog Post: Recommended book: Why Nations Fail: Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty b… http://t.co/nIK8iBoJ ->
- Gun Violence in U.S. Cities Compared to the Deadliest Nations in the World – Politics – The Atlantic Cities http://t.co/YM27GDti Ouch ->
- The impact of technological advancements in the current economic and employment situation http://t.co/1jDaHlh3 ->
- 😉 / Dramatic moment Prince Harry runs for the Oaxacan Tamales car during Afghanistan interview http://t.co/WsaDxMoX ->
- =( #TorredePemex in Finnish news: Meksikon pilvenpiirtäjäräjähdyksen kuolonuhrien määrä nousee | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/RpOBcYIu ->
- Esta rola en serio me hizo reír: Llévate el mantel para la mesa, 10 pesos, color que le agrade http://t.co/biExkcA7 ->
- Watching the #TorredePemex press conference live through the @NTelevisa_com app mirrored on Apple TV. ->
- #babychiva's brother was born few hour ago and we're all happy. 🙂 ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Wakal (20), Fatboy Slim (18) & Cri Cri (17) #music http://t.co/xFBbXDkF ->
Recommended book: Triggers
Triggers by Robert J. Sawyer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Very interesting premise, well-paced plot and an ending that left me gobsmacked for a little while. Minus one star for almost stereotypical characterization in some cases that ended up distracting me from the book. A good effort from the dean of Canadian Sci-Fi nevertheless.
Recommended book: Why Nations Fail
Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty by Daron Acemoğlu
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Maybe a little oversimplified in its application of their model of inclusive/exclusive political and economic institutions, but an interesting idea nevertheless.
Zürich, Switzerland
Visited Zürich for work. The city was its usual neat self. The rest of the photos, as usual, in Flickr.
Weekly tweets from 2013-01-21 to 2013-01-27
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Daniela Mercury (5), Timbalada (5) & Control Machete (4) #music http://t.co/xFBbXDkF ->
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-01-14 to 2013-01-20: -20C for tomorrow morning. My balcony will be colder tha… http://t.co/8FMiHrct ->
- Crazy, crazy shit: What should we be worried about? http://t.co/vMwMFDmc ->
- Sound a lot like New Jedi Order: What We Can Expect From a J.J. Abrams Star Wars http://t.co/gWJ5Hvz1 via @sharethis ->
Weekly tweets from 2013-01-14 to 2013-01-20
- -20C for tomorrow morning. My balcony will be colder than the freezer. 😉 ->
- The weather forecaster was right. -20C (-4F) this morning in Helsinki. Too cold for snowspeeders, we'll have to use tauntauns. ->
- Watching Mole cartoons comfortably while it's -25C outside. 😉 ->
- 5 minutes of almost fame: tweet of mine in page A7 of today's Helsingin Sanomat. Now if only it had been something really insightful… 😉 ->
Visited Zürich for work. Nice, easy to understand (if expensive) city. The photos, as usual, in the Flickr set.
Weekly tweets from 2013-01-07 to 2013-01-13
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2012-12-31 to 2013-01-06: My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Raya Real (10), Plastilina Mos… http://t.co/r1AwjNqZ ->
- #lastfm Artists: Frank Klepacki (24), Mexican Institute of Sound (9) & Instituto Mexicano del Sonido (8) http://t.co/xFBbXDkF ->
- Hao Ge, a Nigerian, Becomes a Pop Star in China: http://t.co/upb94Uv5 ->
- Teaching IBM's Watson how to behave like Bender of Futurama http://t.co/fCNKvX7l ->
Career planning in uncertain times
Related to the Me Mindmap for personal development, this is a simple model I’ve used to define what I want in my professional career and especially to evaluate job opportunities. The weighting of each factor varies per person and also depending on what stage of your career you find yourself at, but at least those are the three main things to keep in mind.
- Tasks and expertise: Usually the only thing a job description will contain. If you don’t like your job or you are not particularly good at it, you will not enjoy it. Standard stuff.
- Team and environment: Depending on the job and the person this might be more or less important. As I am a very sociable person and I have seen what a noxious work environment does to you eventually, I tend to value this quite highly.
- Future development and match with own life plans: As said, not everybody wants to “go up in the organization ” (or would be good at it), so your position needs to match that.If there is an area of expertise you want to develop, make sure you can do so in/with your job.
The interesting part is then really listing all the possible influence factors for these three areas and then assigning priorities for each. While it sounds straightforward, it should help you understand what are the things you value professionally to make sure you are happy and perform in what you do.
Weekly tweets from 2012-12-31 to 2013-01-06
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Raya Real (10), Plastilina Mosh (7) & Christmas (6) #music http://t.co/xFBbXDkF ->
- 2013 is here. So far no changes. 😉 ->
- Angry Birds doing a Hello Kitty cc @petervesterbacka http://t.co/il3jYyIY ->
- First world problems: Christmas presents cause arguments between parents and grandparents http://t.co/cTMjLYoM ->
- Jugando futbol en la nieve #twittographers http://t.co/4vYuJpcB ->
- ¿Los acordeonistas gitanos de Tapiola serán hispanohablantes? Uno tocaba "Bésame mucho", el otro "Peces en el río". ->
- Paraguay's awful history: The never-ending war | The Economist http://t.co/i0SKiO5E And here I was thinking Mexican history sucked 😉 ->
- #babychiva graduated from @KapuToys to @AngryBirds. At this rate he'll be beating me at @easportsfifa by the time he's 4. ->
- The Day William Shatner Tweeted at an Astronaut (and the Astronaut Replied) – The Atlantic http://t.co/JDlsEuVp ->
- Two medical pioneers aim to trial a cancer-killing virus. I aim to help out | Alexander Masters http://t.co/kTCyGOOu via @guardian ->
- Good luck getting students to come, then stay / MPs call for fees for non-EU students | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/n2qHSVGd ->
- Näkökulma: Lottovoitto on lunastettu | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/5pOoQr9s ->
- Ruben Stiller: Herne nenässä | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/dN2sgpo5 ->
- Merry Christmas in Russia! 😉 ->