Weekly tweets from 2012-12-24 to 2012-12-30

Weekly tweets from 2012-12-17 to 2012-12-23

  • Sad. http://t.co/D8QRv7fg ->
  • Self-improvement courses, Indian style http://t.co/qrzLQoJA ->
  • Is the world booming where you live? Europe and the US should look at the success stories of the past five years http://t.co/qUMGHotS ->
  • Ola ke ase, el Edgar se cae de 2012 😉 ->
  • Factual errors notwitstanding, this is how ad agencies work 😉 The Last Greeting Card Ever http://t.co/q4ZjZHHH ->
  • Y en otras noticias, el Error de Diciembre de 1994 cumple hoy la mayoría de edad. Ahora sí me siento ruco. ->
  • Hello 14th b'ak'tún. For the Maya and other Mesoamerican peoples, time was a series of interconnected cycles, not a straight line. ->
  • Integrated value chains, ousourcing, worldwide logistics, corporate alliances: How a cartel makes its billions: http://t.co/eYto92Gd ->
  • N.R.A. Calls for Armed Guards in Schools to Deter Violence http://t.co/E2I3HhBR / WTF. ->
  • La cuenta. Kuka maksaa? Excelente documental finlandés de la crisis española http://t.co/N7nTFST4 ->
  • How Wal-Mart Used Payoffs to Get Its Way in Mexico http://t.co/wlAba2w0 ->
  • The NRA's emperor has no clothes: http://t.co/FajFRNRd ->
  • I'm now ranked Dedicated (top 40%) in FIFA Soccer 13 on Raptr! http://t.co/Kff2Ya7p ->
  • I'm now ranked Dedicated (top 40%) in FIFA Soccer 13 on Raptr! http://t.co/Kff2Ya7p ->

Weekly tweets from 2012-12-10 to 2012-12-16

Weekly tweets from 2012-12-03 to 2012-12-09

Weekly tweets from 2012-11-26 to 2012-12-02

  • Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2012-11-19 to 2012-11-25: My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: ABBA (3), Mexican Institute of… http://t.co/9Y8MKSq6 ->
  • My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Weezer (11), Mexican Institute of Sound (5) & Miranda (2) #music http://t.co/xFBbXDkF ->
  • Punnitse ja päästä (@ Punnitse & Säästä) http://t.co/FeEd0g6l ->
  • I'm now ranked Experienced (top 60%) in FIFA Soccer 13 on Raptr! http://t.co/Kff2Ya7p ->
  • Now that the snow is here, I'm thinking about training to do half of Finlandia hiihto this season. Anybody who would like to join? ->
  • Had the #Nokia marketing alumni meetup. Really glad to catch up with so many friends, former colleagues. ->
  • . @Angrybirds Star Wars releases their Hoth levels just before Helsinki gets 40 cm of snow. Coincidence? Cc @biggfill @saara ->
  • Blog Post: Looking forward to November in Finland is akin to eagerly expecting a tooth extraction:
    No related posts. http://t.co/7vBtiDqW ->
  • Blog Post: Mexico trip, November 2012: Visited Mexico for business and pleasure during November. We stayed in th… http://t.co/vNnmT1xc ->
  • Blog Post: Halo 4 Mexico City guerilla campaign: I’m pretty sure some of these executions would break the law in… http://t.co/G9xtomV9 ->
  • Blog Post: New HSBC emerging markets campaign: HSBC has been running its In the future campaign for some time bu… http://t.co/iGtJlTnq ->
  • #Snowpocalypse in Senaatintori, downtown Helsinki. #Finland #twittographers http://t.co/flTZ24OO ->
  • Blog Post: Digital marketing framework: My friends and former colleagues at Nokia have been talking about the ow… http://t.co/VenWNEiB ->
  • Kimi Räikkönen starring in the new commercial for Apple Maps for iOS 6 http://t.co/bt8ro71r ->
  • The new president of Mexico has been sworn in and he's addressing the nation. I didn't vote for him, but only hope the country does well. ->
  • Viendo la conferencia de prensa de @m_ebrard sobre los incidentes en el centro del DF. Se ha ganado mi voto para 2018. ->
  • Economista imita al Lonje Moco al hablar del tercer trimestre en Brasil: "Fue horrible, fue horrible" http://t.co/bUTrgHlD via @janinakaas ->
  • I know they mean well, but sometimes I get annoyed when people complement me on my Finnish. I can both vote and serve in the army, dammit! ->
  • Uma nova estrela na vizinhança
    http://t.co/ASN7GgEb via @folha_com brazilian newspaper talking about the rise of Mexico. ->

Digital marketing framework

My friends and former colleagues at Nokia have been talking about the own, bought and earned digital media model for a long time, and it has significantly evolved from its earlier incarnations (for reference see 1, 2, 3 & 4). While the thinking behind the models has been very useful to me when planning and executing marketing campaigns, there is something that has been bothering me for a while about the whole thinking of digital, brazenly exemplified in these columns in the Finnish Marketing and Advertising site (here and here, suomeksi).

The fact of the matter is that both the digital and traditional channels of a brand are at the end of the day talking to/with the same consumer. Furthermore, digital channels, techniques and more importantly, thinking, can and should become embedded in the overall marketing strategy and executions. Nowadays there are different digital activations applicable for outdoor (interactive outdoor), events (solutions such as Uplause), TV (social media as a backchannel), and even print (see Kooaba Shortcut). Therefore digital is not separated from traditional channels, but becomes either the glue that binds them or the spread you put in your bread to give it flavour, be it butter, cajeta, mätitahna or Créme Bonjour ;).

I’ll have to turn this eventually into a deck for further clarity.

New HSBC emerging markets campaign

HSBC has been running its In the future campaign for some time but only in my recent trip to Mexico was I exposed to it as they have no presence in Finland. The core message is an evolution of their classical “The world’s local bank”. Now that their audience should know that HSBC knows how to make business happen in different markets they bring home the fact that while the developed world is undergoing the Great Recession, people in emerging markets are still doing well, thank you very much, which is changing where business opportunities come from, how they develop and scale, and what kind of new flexibilities the smaller entrepreneur would need.

The campaign touches on themes such as emerging market growth, technological startups, currency hedging and the fact that, obviously, HSBC is the bank to help you make it all happen. Having just visited a country that is expected to grow 3.7% this year and 3.9% the next, the message really resonated.

The only sad part is that their touchpoint strategy seems to be focusing on a very traditional marketing mix with plenty of media buys, but then again, I wouldn’t expect a totally revolutionary campaign from a bank 😉 .

Halo 4 Mexico City guerilla campaign

I’m pretty sure some of these executions would break the law in places other than Mexico City, but I found it very interesting that Halo 4 is so mainstream they would consider doing a grafitti guerilla campaign in the city. Some executions below.

Halo 4 guerrilla campaign
“Wake up John, we need you” under a traffic light

Halo 4 guerrilla campaign
Similar execution accompanied by artwork in a building site.

Halo 4 guerrilla campaign
More standard outdoor execution in an underpass. The whole underpass was covered in Halo.

I even saw the slogan stenciled in the main ringroad of the city. Crazy! Although, admittedly, being the marketing manager responsible for that budget must have been a lot of fun ;).

Mexico trip, November 2012

Visited Mexico for business and pleasure during November. We stayed in the Condesa neighbourhood in Mexico City and a short time in Acapulco. All the photos here in Flickr, as usual a selection below.

Day of the Dead candy
Day of the Dead candy

Day of the Dead altar in Plaza Satélite
Day of the Dead altar in Plaza Satélite

Bikers' pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Bikers’ pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe


Day of the dead altar
Day of the dead altar in the market square

La suavicrema
La estela de luz, a.k.a. la suavicrema

En camino
On our way

Day of the Dead altar at the hotel
Day of the Dead altar at the hotel

Parque México
Parque México in Condesa


Mexico Stock Exchange
Mexico Stock Exchange

Day of the Dead decor
Day of the Dead decor

Sushi street stall
Sushi street stall

Day of the Dead decor

Alebrijes, nightmare creatures

Cochinita Pibil en Azul Condesa
Cochinita Pibil en Azul Condesa

Driving to Acapulco
Driving to Acapulco

Tough life
Tough life part one: coconut juice, coconut “fruit” and piña colada

Tough life
Tough life part two: the Mexican Pacific
Dawn sequence
Dawn sequence

Dawn sequence
Dawn sequence

Dawn sequence
Dawn sequence

Autopista del sol
Driving back to Mexico City

Autopista del sol
Guerrero State landscape