- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: ABBA (3), Mexican Institute of Sound (2) & Miles Davis (1) #music http://t.co/xFBbXDkF ->
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2012-11-12 to 2012-11-18: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2012-11-05 to 2012-11-11: … http://t.co/1RuyRxAG ->
- Overheard as @AlexStubb is brought to the main expo area of #Slush2012: "Tervetuloa uuteen Suomeen". ->
- Day 2 of #Slush12. I am excited and exhausted 😉 . ->
- The amount of @Nokia alumni at #Slush12 is huge, can't walk 5 meters without meeting somebody. Remember: the recession is an opportunity 😉 ->
- #Slush12 pretty interesting presentation by http://t.co/NBue9gxf . Quite a sales lead time they got there 😉 . ->
- Should we link w/emerging markets #Slush12? / 500 Startups Is Raising International "Micro Funds" For India And Mexico http://t.co/QKAQLxM0 ->
- The American picture of Mexico is outdated and doesn't serve either countries' interests: http://t.co/u0gHCJyk ->
- Inside the Secret World of the Data Crunchers Who Helped Obama Win http://t.co/Wt86Uzu4 via @TIMEPolitics ->
- HSBC has no presence in Finland. I was therefore quite intrigued when I saw their latest campaign: http://t.co/iVOY7Jxv ->
Weekly tweets from 2012-11-12 to 2012-11-18
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2012-11-05 to 2012-11-11: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2012-10-29 to 2012-11-04: … http://t.co/ko4ZqoHN ->
- #lastfm Artists: Nortec Collective Presents: Clorofila (12), Bostich+Fussible (11) & Nortec Collective (9) http://t.co/xFBbXDkF ->
Weekly tweets from 2012-11-05 to 2012-11-11
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2012-10-29 to 2012-11-04: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2012-10-22 to 2012-10-28: … http://t.co/Er9p1c49 ->
- Thank you Americans for electing the president the rest of the world would have chosen for you/us. Now let's fix this mess 😉 ->
- En un bed&breakfast en la Condesa trabajando en una ppt con una Tecate y Chet Baker de inspiración. ¿Desde cuándo me volví hipster? o_O ->
- Woke up at 6 am local time. Perfect for downloading Angry Birds Star Wars. Cc @saara @biggfill ->
Weekly tweets from 2012-10-29 to 2012-11-04
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2012-10-22 to 2012-10-28: Looky, looky… below zero temperatures starting in southe… http://t.co/NH63A3dz ->
- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2012-10-22 to 2012-10-28: Looky, looky… below zero temperatures starting in southe… http://t.co/1e7yzxzf ->
- 3 thoughts about #Sandy:
1. People from the East Coast, stay safe.
2. Why didn't we care while it was in the Caribbean? (Cont.) -> - 3. Eerily reminds me of "Forty Signs of Rain" by Kim Stanley Robinson.
http://t.co/SFHAjPYS #Sandy -> - Probando: http://t.co/1whzw69O – aprender ubicación, género, profesión, intereses y mucho más de sus seguidores. #KnowYourFollowers ->
- Even if the image is a little stale, the outlook is not: Schumpeter: The global Mexican | The Economist http://t.co/g1dLW9Rx ->
- Halloween / Día de muertos luchadores in public transport improv. Video coming soon 😉 http://t.co/sIfJpq2e ->
- Halloween / Día de muertos luchadores in public transport in Helsinki improv: http://t.co/BNH3gUqC / We did it! 😉 ->
- In case you missed it yesterday: Halloween / Día de muertos luchadores in public transport in Helsinki improv: http://t.co/BNH3gUqC / =D ->
- 24 hours and an unscheduled stop in Houston later, we're now back in Mexico City for the next couple of weeks. ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Esquivel (20), Café Tacvba (8) & Señor Coconut (6) #music http://t.co/xFBbXDkF ->
Halloween / Día de muertos luchadores in public transport in Helsinki improv
Posting it here for posterity. Maybe we’ll have more participants next year?
Weekly tweets from 2012-10-22 to 2012-10-28
- Looky, looky… below zero temperatures starting in southern Finland tomorrow, we might even have snow by the weekend: http://t.co/BQwgWqFt ->
- #NowPlaying la canción 1, 2, 3, 4 de Titan en #Spotify #KillerMood http://t.co/rtAJC79G ->
- For U.S. Diplomat, Culture Shock after Estonia Stint http://t.co/BCQtG0gY The internet works better in Estonia than the US. 😉 ->
- Found some Mexican praying candles at Moko Market. Are they considered a decoration element? http://t.co/vRb5OaaX ->
- Welcome to Jurassic Park “@alt1040: Confirman el hallazgo de tejido orgánico de dinosaurio http://t.co/y3EBL8j2” ->
- First below zero of the season and it's a gorgeous autumn morning in Helsinki. ->
- “@wonderhelm: Helsingin Sanomat closing down its international edition: http://t.co/uPvmoGXq” =( thankfully there's @ylenews ->
- Beautiful crisp autumn morning http://t.co/JGmNZV1H ->
- The data behind Gangnam Style: The rise and rise of PSY | The Economist http://t.co/ToAYVaf0 ->
- Wow, just wow: 'Only immigrants can save Japan' | The Japan Times Online: http://t.co/LkbpKALl ->
- Agreed / For Those Who Want to Lead, Read – @HarvardBiz http://t.co/XyBpydJx Also makes for more interesting small talk 😉 ->
- Wondering why your feed looks less active than it used to? / Facebook: I want my friends back http://t.co/X3iCu2KE via @dangermindsblog ->
- Book 30 minutes to watch this by one of the creators of Matrix: Lana Wachowski Reveals Painful Past in Emotional Speech http://t.co/0x8JgbmL ->
- If you're an expat and don't know in this week's municipal elections, check this out: http://t.co/SKuugPwn #kuntavaalit ->
- #Orvstyle puro y duro “@RaulOrvananos: Me pregunto, les habrán dado premio a los jugadores y cuerpo técnico de Chivas, finalmente ganaron” ->
- Goodbye cycling season. Skiing season, get on with it! ->
- First snow of the season in southern Finland #twittographers http://t.co/tjwrjmO9 ->
- 5 of 5 stars to Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon http://t.co/k5L0GMic ->
- Wake me up when we know who won. "All" is not an acceptable answer #kuntavaalit . ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Neil Davidge (22), Café Tacvba (20) & Pesado (13) #music http://t.co/xFBbXDkF ->
Weekly tweets from 2012-10-22 to 2012-10-28
- Looky, looky… below zero temperatures starting in southern Finland tomorrow, we might even have snow by the weekend: http://t.co/BQwgWqFt ->
- #NowPlaying la canción 1, 2, 3, 4 de Titan en #Spotify #KillerMood http://t.co/rtAJC79G ->
- For U.S. Diplomat, Culture Shock after Estonia Stint http://t.co/BCQtG0gY The internet works better in Estonia than the US. 😉 ->
- Found some Mexican praying candles at Moko Market. Are they considered a decoration element? http://t.co/vRb5OaaX ->
- Welcome to Jurassic Park “@alt1040: Confirman el hallazgo de tejido orgánico de dinosaurio http://t.co/y3EBL8j2” ->
- First below zero of the season and it's a gorgeous autumn morning in Helsinki. ->
- “@wonderhelm: Helsingin Sanomat closing down its international edition: http://t.co/uPvmoGXq” =( thankfully there's @ylenews ->
- Beautiful crisp autumn morning http://t.co/JGmNZV1H ->
- The data behind Gangnam Style: The rise and rise of PSY | The Economist http://t.co/ToAYVaf0 ->
- Wow, just wow: 'Only immigrants can save Japan' | The Japan Times Online: http://t.co/LkbpKALl ->
- Agreed / For Those Who Want to Lead, Read – @HarvardBiz http://t.co/XyBpydJx Also makes for more interesting small talk 😉 ->
- Wondering why your feed looks less active than it used to? / Facebook: I want my friends back http://t.co/X3iCu2KE via @dangermindsblog ->
- Book 30 minutes to watch this by one of the creators of Matrix: Lana Wachowski Reveals Painful Past in Emotional Speech http://t.co/0x8JgbmL ->
- If you're an expat and don't know in this week's municipal elections, check this out: http://t.co/SKuugPwn #kuntavaalit ->
- #Orvstyle puro y duro “@RaulOrvananos: Me pregunto, les habrán dado premio a los jugadores y cuerpo técnico de Chivas, finalmente ganaron” ->
- Goodbye cycling season. Skiing season, get on with it! ->
- First snow of the season in southern Finland #twittographers http://t.co/tjwrjmO9 ->
- 5 of 5 stars to Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon http://t.co/k5L0GMic ->
- Wake me up when we know who won. "All" is not an acceptable answer #kuntavaalit . ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Neil Davidge (22), Café Tacvba (20) & Pesado (13) #music http://t.co/xFBbXDkF ->
Weekly tweets from 2012-10-15 to 2012-10-21
- Listening to @leebryant of Dachis Group at WeeGee talking about social business. ->
- Si te interesa estudiar un doctorado en Finlandia checa esta convocatoria: http://t.co/hnwrLfeN ->
- Suomen kassavirta Meksikosta http://t.co/pHfdvi85 Haluatko myydä tuoteesi suuressa markkinassa? ->
- Sweden tied Germany 4-4 away, Finland couldn't beat Georgia at home. And they wonder why I'm raising #babychiva to root for Mex in football? ->
- Book an hour 50 minutes and watch this about the forgotten (in Europe ignored) War of 1812 http://t.co/uHcGnIWv via @youtube ->
- Carlos Slim en @elpais: http://t.co/A6JrCSKN i hear they also interviewed him for the FT today. ->
- Google translate doesn't make justice to this editorial of the Southern European crisis as seen from Latin America http://t.co/wqtPkBpA ->
- http://t.co/0ZJVOgPd ->
- En Finlandia en la iglesia luterana las mujeres pueden oficiar misa. No tengo ningún problema con eso pero no sé qué palabra usar (continúa) ->
- En español "sacerdotisa" suena a la antigua Grecia, "madre" a grosería. ¿Ideas? En finlandés la palabra es neutra y no tienen ese problema. ->
- That Barça away uniform is a crime, and so is also the state of their defense, even if the last two goals have been beautiful. ->
- Netflix as a service is scaringly good. Start watching something on the iPad, continue on the mobile, finish on TV with Xbox. Firefly FTW! ->
- Netflix just opened in Finland a couple of days ago. Pity the content library is not that awesome (yet). Get me Plaza Sésamo & CBeebies =) . ->
Weekly tweets from 2012-10-08 to 2012-10-14
- “@kultakattiina: Pelkääks suomalaiset voittaa jalkapallossa? Käsittämätöntä shittiä. Taas. #huuhkajat #fail” bingo ->
- Paradoxically, now might be the best time to launch your startup says the Economist: http://t.co/SVhbHCtc ->
- Watching the #livejump, feeling a bit of schadenfreude. Youtube hangs all the time. ->
Commuting by bike
As anybody who follows me on twitter will know, I’m an avid cyclist, doing around 17 km every day. I love the fact that most of the city has bike paths even to the point that they refurbished the old railroad into a bike and pedestrian shortcut into the city with the charming name of Baana.
Even if now I’m out of the bike paths because of a knee injury, I have been really happy to be out and about whatever the weather (and in Finland you know it won’t be tropical for 99% of the year). You only need the proper equipment and you’ll be fine.