- RT @alanferrier: “Surely *this* must mean the end for Boris Johnson.”
—Ancient British proverb ->
- RT @tclarkmedia: $202,000,000
8,200,000,000 views on TikTok
Minions: The Rise of Gru has taken over the box office by taking over social… ->
- RT @noclador: The sound of russian ammo blowing up in Donetsk.
What does this mean for russian logistics?
A thread 🧵:Since 2014-15 russ… ->
- RT @TuomoHammarberg: Tämäkin päivä piti nähdä. @hsfi lehti on tullut postilaatikkoon 36 vuotta ja tämän päivän printissä 18 sivua @Helm… ->
- RT @DrChavezDiaz: Con la homeopatía nunca tendríamos desabasto de medicamentos, literalmente solo se necesita agua y azúcar. ->
- RT @babycosette: @stephamiceli @svershbow Gen Z has appropriated Elder Millennials teenage wardrobe, and want to act like these styles are… ->
- RT @eperea: BREAKING
Previously unseen footage of Boris trying to hold on to his job https://t.co/xRDdGlRMUI ->
- RT @therapistlauren: If you were called “mature for your age” as a kid, you’re in therapy now. ->
- RT @ECedercreutz: Si "westsplainer" es un occidental que le "explica" la historia del este de europa a la gente de allá sin conocimiento de… ->
- RT @MetalClassicist: I’m in a British supermarket for the first time. There is literally an aisle of Indian food made for white people next… ->
- RT @steefenstein: @sambutlerphoto @Kyatic @MetalClassicist I don't understand how mexican food can get so fucked up. I know it does, becaus… ->
- I HATE Old El Paso. Those jerks deserve to burn in eternal damnation with habanero forever irritating their mucous… https://t.co/ajlI47J10S ->
- RT @TomHourigan: In case you missed it, #Newsnight replaced its end credits tonight with a list of all the ministerial resignations so far… ->
- RT @laraisuncool: I just wish people who work in tech would read more books about philosophy of technology and less books about productivity ->
- RT @Nouriel: The forces that inflated the crypto bubble: “80 per cent greed, 20 per cent ideology and zero per cent technology”.
Will the… ->
- RT @shashj: Heads of MI5 and FBI gave their first ever joint speech at Thames House in London this afternoon to audience of business & acad… ->
- RT @davidgambarte: Esta entrevista es interesantísima. https://t.co/ujuDJ7JdjW ->
- RT @Ky1eKatarn: "I was always here, Obi-Wan. You just were not ready to see me." https://t.co/XclzzZdsxb ->
- RT @onejasonknight: Boris Johnson this morning https://t.co/ntOjQTE4mH ->
- RT @davidmacdougall: Right now in #Finland 😂 https://t.co/sf3dvLMxNu ->
- RT @kimbojorque: I am a victim of this 🥵 https://t.co/9gamEsdyEQ ->
- RT @KarlreMarks: It's great that the British are discovering how difficult it is to get rid of British rule ->
- RT @RTGameCrowd: Larry the Cat, the appointed Chief Mouser of Downing Street, has now outlasted 3 UK Prime Ministers. He holds the true pow… ->
- RT @Illustrious_Cee: I note the resignation of the British tribal leader Boris Johnson. The United Kingdom's political stability is of utmo… ->
- RT @sonate_bleu: Everyday is a new *musiquita de peligro de Mario Bros* https://t.co/946rRUkVjL ->
- RT @perros_shidoris: Cansadito en su primer día. 🥹 https://t.co/osrEbbyIC3 ->
- RT @BrankoMilan: (long thread on global inequality).
Selected slides from my yesterday's presentation at Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) 30th… -> - RT @isosavi: Was it you @chivacongelado there? ->
- RT @veronicalderon: La represión de 1968 y 1971, la inflación más alta en décadas, la primera devaluación del peso en 20 años, la persecuci… ->
- RT @davidmacdougall: Don't even try to pretend that your prime minister is anywhere near as effortlessly cool as Sanna Marin at Ruisrock Fe… ->
- RT @mcgregorhehe: obi-wan as pictures of puss in boots
a thread 🧵 https://t.co/dkmE77rXk8 ->
- RT @SarahCAndersen: https://t.co/WQGT2FITUr ->
- RT @veronicalderon: No entiendo por qué hay quien se empeña en negar los orígenes de AMLO en el PRI de #Echeverría. El presidente nunca lo… ->
- RT @edubayon_: 🇱🇰 La multitud ha asaltado el palacio presidencial en Sri Lanka en medio de las protestas por la grave situación económica q… ->
- RT @JonnyGabriel: Instead of mocking people for finding out about Kate Bush and Metallica through Stranger Things we should teach them the… ->
- RT @Gerashchenko_en: TV host Bruno Vespa exposed Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyev on Italian TV.
#StandWithUkriane #UkraineWar https… -> - RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Luis Echeverría Álvarez, político mexicano que pasará a la historia por fraguar la matanza de Tl… ->
- RT @FieraIngenieria: Escaneo para hacer empaque a la medida https://t.co/CxBJmcUFaU ->
- RT @giselefetterman: I make him do this at every rest stop. https://t.co/KWgoXxKV75 ->
- RT @audicion: https://t.co/1p8yiIndEz ->
- RT @desimonemartin: Antes de la pandemia, el 50% de los chicos de 10 años en América Latina no podían leer y entender una historia simple.… ->
- RT @Ikeruga: The international press keeps alive the lovely tradition of labeling presidents of Mexico as "leftwing" who are about as leftw… ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-06-27 to 2022-07-03
- 4 of 5 stars to Reign of Terror by Spencer Ackerman https://t.co/XvC8eIWfwZ ->
- RT @saintjavelin: Turkey now supports Sweden and Finland joining NATO.
Ukraine is an EU candidate country.
Meanwhile, Russia has lost 800… ->
- RT @Ulkoministerio: Finland lends its strong support to the important Mexican🇲🇽 initiative to prevent discrimination against women and girl… ->
- RT @niinisto: One step forward. https://t.co/fEP88uSQtq ->
- Otra entrevista sobre el tema que di hace unos días https://t.co/RW5qhOm1bl in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Y como les decía antes, este arroz prácticamente ya se coció: Finlandia entrará a la OTAN una vez se haya pasado po… https://t.co/cNWqFZ5vAY in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @PhilRosenthal: From our #Helsinki episode, this is the Prime Minister of Finland, @MarinSanna. It was a joy to listen and learn from t… ->
- RT @isosavi: Turkki+Suomi+Ruotsi -MoMin voi jokainen lukea haluamallaan tavalla, vaikka mitään konkreettista ei luvattu? Paitsi jonkinlaine… ->
- RT @jensstoltenberg: We now have an agreement that paves the way for #Finland & #Sweden to join #NATO. I thank Presidents @RTErdogan & @Nii… ->
- Esto es horrible https://t.co/qACEABRXhb ->
- Me volví a acordar de este viejísimo tema. Ojalá y pueda explicarles a mis hijos lo privilegiados que son y las res… https://t.co/mQqkUSpj6b ->
- 🤣😂🤣😂 Työpaikka on Keskuskadulla joten tämä osui ja upposi https://t.co/guvFyyfObD ->
- RT @minna_alander: This was actually a really good deal for everyone: Erdogan can definitely present it as having forced 🇫🇮&🇸🇪 on their kne… ->
- Best worst dad joke I’ve heard today: the MoU between Sweden, Finland & Turkey declares 28.6, to be known from now on as National Kebab Day. ->
- RT @maxfras: This thread has done more for European integration than Maastricht and Lisbon Treaty together https://t.co/eCRHXGDBGd ->
- RT @BeijingPalmer: that dumb 'why don't Americans just move to Europe' thread is a reminder that most people who haven't done it wildly und… ->
- Y lo tengo tatuado en el brazo izquierdo https://t.co/xtsAECfGGZ ->
- RT @ncrmalpeople: always thinking about ryan gosling and guillermo del toro skipping the oscars in 2015 to go to disneyland instead https:/… ->
- RT @minna_alander: Quite fascinating, according to AFP Putin said yesterday that 🇫🇮🇸🇪 NATO membership is not a problem and a domestic issue… ->
- RT @HusaJaakko: I have seen tweets saying that Finland was pressured into NATO.
That is absolutely true. Russia did all the pressuring. ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Finland, Europe https://t.co/8QggP2GoGa ->
- RT @Tuukka97: @tervoniida @SuperNynny https://t.co/fj3wDFb2NV ->
- RT @davidmacdougall: There was a discussion about abortion on Yle TV in #Finland this morning… *facepalm* https://t.co/lp1o3zkVGO ->
- For All Mankind is the best series nobody I know is watching. The first season was nice, the second season was inte… https://t.co/KTfyjF6QT6 ->
- How do you know someone skips leg day 👇🏽 https://t.co/YnQ8dlR1W2 ->
- I’ve met neighbors I didn’t know existed because of the ice-cream van. https://t.co/PBYL5gxmGy ->
- RT @ahope71: Un aeropuerto sin vuelos, una refinería sin gasolina. Sigue un tren sin pasajeros. ->
- RT @muminprogress: Been watching this on repeat this weekend – definitely have the sound on https://t.co/VgU6Z4gsUp ->
- RT @minna_alander: Again a reminder: Putin seems to have missed that the 🇫🇮🇸🇪-🇷🇺 relations are already tense, not because Finland and Swede… ->
- RT @lijukic: Interesting map showing how many years regions were a part of the Roman Empire (east & west). https://t.co/iS1xzyYRhL ->
- RT @BielGrimalt: Un dia de este curso me dijo mi hija: tenemos que hacer una foto de un cuadro para el cole pero conmigo. Me emocioné. Reco… ->
- RT @solobasssteve: For those uninclined to click the link, TL;DR is I have cancer. Probably lymphoma. Waiting for biopsy results to confirm… ->
- RT @eperea: Strong opinions, loosely held
Ignorant opinions, strongly held ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-06-20 to 2022-06-26
- RT @veronicalderon: https://t.co/pqntJ2kDqa ->
- No puedo esperar a tomar la misma foto de mis hijos. 😅 https://t.co/m370338H6B ->
- RT @shreyas: Beyond a certain level in your career, there is no permanent solution to a lack of time. The best way to cope with this new re… ->
- RT @onejasonknight: I just saw an article that said that one way product managers can get better at saying "no" (🥱) is to "explain the prod… ->
- Been saying this for ages, duh. https://t.co/THALfm8f73 ->
- RT @roslemusmartin: "Estados Unidos es el país donde las armas tienen más derechos que las mujeres"
El sentimiento de mucho(a)s hoy 😢 -> - RT @danprimack: Abortion now illegal in Missouri, even in cases of rape or incest. ->
- RT @TimoStewart: USAn korkein oikeus kumosi juuri 50v vanhan Roe v. Wade päätöksen, joka takasi aborttioikeuden. Nyt asiasta voidaan päättä… ->
- RT @jorge_guajardo: While I was growing up in Mexico, those who could (a minority) came to the US for medical treatment they could not get… ->
- RT @ginasue: Right now, and I mean this instant, delete every digital trace of any menstrual tracking. Please. ->
- RT @PunchitChewie77: R2 after the Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War and the second Galactic Civil War: https://t.co/av26sXkoL6 ->
- RT @evacide: The difference between now and the last time that abortion was illegal in the United States is that we live in an era of unpre… ->
- RT @gisbanos: ¡Feliz verano, nerds! 🏖️
Y recordad que hacer del mundo un lugar mejor no está reñido con ser un chuloplaya rompecorazones.… ->
- Hyvää Juhannusta!!! ->
- RT @GuerraenlaUni: Hay tres pelis que cambiaron la ciencia ficción hace 40 años: Star Wars, Alien y Blade Runner. Y las tres tienen algo en… ->
- RT @jasoncordova6: Married gay people in red states: start getting all your paperwork together *now.* Children’s birth certificates, title… ->
- RT @DiegoCastaneda: Con lo que esta pasando en Estados Unidos, de verdad necesitamos empezar ya a construir un país más fuerte de este lado… ->
- RT @snadinadi: Ollaan siskon kanssa Oslossa viettämässä Prideä. Kaikki tapahtumat peruttu. Oslon Pride-kulkue mukaan lukien. Kaksi kuollutt… ->
- At 16 years old I was just a teenager not ready to live on my own, much less travel thousands of kilometers over ye… https://t.co/mKXRVF07e8 ->
- #Midsummer in #Finland at its best #juhannus #SanJuanBautista #midsommar https://t.co/UuZo75NA2A ->
- RT @acweyand: In case you missed it the US has been subtweeted today by the WHO, Canada, France, Spain, Norway, and Denmark. ->
- RT @El_Hincha12: ¡GRAN IMAGEN!🫶
Edson Álvarez pasando sus vacaciones en Tlalnepantla con sus amigos de la infancia.
Nunca olvides de dó… ->
- RT @VFinnishProbs: When you arrive at the summer cottage for #midsummer and it's not raining 🥂🌞🌲🎉 🔥 https://t.co/lgRWYeEEgR ->
- 23:33 50 km al este de Helsinki https://t.co/BAu9rfCSsR ->
- RT @lamonse: Cosas hermosas entre la mugre de este mundo. ->
- RT @DavidOAtkins: Letting every state functionally be a country unto itself while leaving Congress rigged and broken is a horrifically bad… ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-06-13 to 2022-06-19
- RT @LivFaustDieJung: THE CHOSEN ONE RETURNS https://t.co/vLzlJkeMy7 ->
- RT @WSBChairman: In hindsight, a picture of a monkey selling for $3.4M, 109x the average US annual income, was an obvious sign the market w… ->
- Blockchain is full of scammers, part 3484732. Don’t get me started on the NFT BS. https://t.co/Xj9R4CebXq ->
- Hoy por fin me pude poner una guayabera en Helsinki. Después del larguísimo invierno que tuvimos llevamos ya varios… https://t.co/mmpVCKhsUS ->
- RT @IlvesToomas: OTD, 14 June 1941 tens of thousands of Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians were rounded up by the NKVD, stuffed into catt… ->
- RT @fchollet: To put the "scale" narrative into perspective… The brain runs on 15 watts, at 8-35 hertz. And while we have ~90B neurons, u… ->
- Y los murmullos se vuelven estruendo… https://t.co/TF46DoGRhN ->
- RT @davechensky: Jeremy Renner was supposed to interview Josh Brolin for a Variety piece but he no-showed last minute so Variety asked Josh… ->
- RT @dhtoomey: Influencers right now
for @MorningBrew
- RT @minna_alander: Interesting opinion data via @ecfr ⬇️
Q: Who is mainly responsible for the outbreak of the war in Ukraine? (In %)
Also… ->
- RT @artcrimeprof: The label on this stunning sculpture in London's Victoria and Albert Museum notes it was "collected by the Ex Younghusban… ->
- RT @tomwarren: Microsoft ended its Xbox Games Showcase Extended with the beginning of Stalker 2. It has been delayed to 2023 due to the Rus… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: En la historia de Internet, la primera etapa de Napster quedará para la historia como esa etapa en que los humanos nos… ->
- RT @anothercohen: Matt Damon calculating how much he lost investors since shilling crypto at the top https://t.co/5ri4tGJNi1 ->
- RT @nope_its_lily: Crypto winter started with a Ponzi collapsing (Wonderland), culminating with an EM currency crisis (LUNA), the collapse… ->
- Been there done that got the t-shirt. https://t.co/IA0lT46u63 ->
- RT @tucatrap: Yo después de ver Ms. Marvel y Obi-Wan con un intervalo de 25 segundos https://t.co/nzBosPzvKb ->
- RT @losimplenovale: Entrevista a @chivacongelado sobre la posible entrada a Finlandia en la OTAN, como se ve la guerra desde allí, las adve… ->
- RT @christogrozev: Tell me you're a Russian spy without telling me you're a Russian spy.
"Nationality – Brazillian." https://t.co/QGe9pWLofG -> - RT @onejasonknight: Retros can be punishing experiences, especially if people are working in silos and people are bottling up resentment. D… ->
- RT @Stonks_dot_com: With the recent collapse of the crypto markets, we put together our own version of the Sequoia Black Swan presentation… ->
- RT @davidmacdougall: This is quite the scandal for @kokoomus and some of the quotes make @willerydman sound like the tip of the iceberg…… ->
- RT @SarioTuula: En tunne #Rydman’a enkä ota kantaa tähän gateen, mutta häntä kiihkeästi puolustavien miesten ulostulot hämmentävät. ”Katker… ->
- RT @onejasonknight: It's the year 2093 and crypto fanatics are still holding out for that one killer use case. You'd have more luck looking… ->
- So you’re telling me a politician who doesn’t see immigrants as people also doesn’t see underage women as people? W… https://t.co/SLt1cZI3HX ->
- What I love about @kokoomus is that they don't even realize how many times they've lost me as a voter. Someone like… https://t.co/cPzCwTOhHB ->
- This is truer than I’d like to believe, and really depressing for that reason. https://t.co/lmsg6tywfk ->
- RT @BowTiedCocoon: Something no one tells you when you're 20 years old..
MD at investment bank= sales
Partner at consulting firm= sales
Pa… -> - RT @juanmajg98: Cuando Spiderman actúa como un adolescente cringe / Cuando Ms. Marvel actúa como una adolescente cringe https://t.co/ixqx5p… ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Finns often whine about their trains, demand privatisation and suchlike, but they really don't know how lucky they are ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-06-06 to 2022-06-12
- The original thread where this comment comes from is good, but this image is *chef’s kiss* 😘🤌🏽 https://t.co/IR6ny8EgCl ->
- The comments are life https://t.co/9TvGHr3AqW ->
- RT @katvoltage: Everytime I try to sleep, I keep seeing Earth. The curvature, the colors, the clouds… it’s changed my outlook on life.
Ca… ->
- RT @goldman: Every product manager has had the experience of someone joining your project and assuming the unsolved problems are trivial an… ->
- No sweaty-hands-in-the-library for me then, but I had my first ridiculously humongous crush way back when. I was to… https://t.co/8o2RSJEEso ->
- RT @BDHerzinger: Sometimes IR can seem as simple as “Man we really, really do not like you guys and we haven’t for a long, long time.” ->
- RT @xkcd: d65536 https://t.co/LEmYO7AkEh https://t.co/OfwyvDOZJ2 ->
- RT @jmkorhonen: I've written before about Turkey's duplicitous behavior regarding Finland's and Sweden's NATO applications. Today, a Finnis… ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: 𝐄𝐒𝐏 | En el marco del #85aniversarioMexicoFinlandia descubre en dónde ha estado localizada la Embajada de México en Finland… ->
- RT @thePiggsBoson: A brief history of Physics https://t.co/hV1NC8AM52 ->
- That’s Käpylä, Helsinki. Tram line 1. https://t.co/7c9JK9v9Ir ->
- The Nauvo vaquero & the next generation, 2022. #nauvo #finland #ajúa #summer #nagu en Nauvo https://t.co/XhdGTASgyu ->
- RT @tauriqmoosa: A Predator film set in the Comanche Nation 300 years ago, starring a Native American woman, with a cast almost entirely of… ->
- RT @Prvnsi: Influencers descubren lo que es gobernar. https://t.co/m02Uu0fsvd ->
- RT @HelmaritFI: 𝟐𝟑 𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐤𝐮𝐚 – 𝐘𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐚! | 𝟐𝟑 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐬 – 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦!
Tässä on Helmareiden EM-kisajoukkue! | This is t… ->
- RT @xkcd: I asked #dalle for a painting titled “The Great Ship Fire” by a made-up artist, who I described as “widely regarded as the greate… ->
- RT @Lucky_BunTTV: The prompt was: "Courtroom sketch of the xenomorph from Alien on trial for felony jaywalking" https://t.co/4FBhgYpEzn ->
- RT @jmkorhonen: One more update about Finland and NATO. This one is about the reasons Finland wants to join and the security situation in t… ->
- RT @TadeuszGiczan: Wow, Putin basically just stopped pretending: "During the war with Sweden, Peter the Great didn't conquer anything, he t… ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: Sunsets in Finland, exact same place, exactly 6 months apart
Slightly different time of day though: 3pm (on your left)… ->
- RT @SMarttinen: Aborttia vastustavat äänekkäimmin ne, joita se ei edes kosketa.
Rasismikokemusta vähättelevät eniten ihmiset, jotka eivät… ->
- RT @francis_scarr: Putin has told "startuppers" that foreign companies will regret leaving Russia, "a country of enormous opportunities" ht… ->
- Este le va a gustar a @Edbarzanallana, no sólo por que son tenistas sino por el continuo cuatrapeo bilingüe que han… https://t.co/OZxLTu0YQg ->
- RT @DunkinDAOnuts: Them: “Name a few use cases for web3”
Web3 bros: https://t.co/SCOtfWif41 ->
- RT @J_Jaraczewski: Russia spent the last 20 years (at least) bamboozling the world that they're indeed in support of global governance that… ->
- RT @JesseCox: Reddit user GetBillDozed has the best #StarWars idea I’ve ever seen and I’m outraged it hasn’t been made yet @starwars https:… ->
- RT @jmkorhonen: Retweeting my thread from 2nd of March. I feared then, and I fear now, that the brave Ukrainian resistance is failed by the… ->
- I may not necessarily agree with the point of view and conclusions, but a very interesting thread nevertheless. https://t.co/kpdjTQanWJ ->
- Why diversity in your teams is important part 345653 https://t.co/JP1Yd8mQf7 ->
- Don’t go through the motions when you prepare for a big meeting and learn to say people’s names ffs. My (and my kid… https://t.co/piJsp2aBju ->
- RT @ErvastiPekka: @MikaAaltola Suomalaisten kannattaa muistaa, että Pietari Suuren aikaan sattuu mm. Iso Viha, jota Suomen hävityksen osalt… ->
- RT @AngryBlackLady: this is just the greatest https://t.co/hA3qeyZHqq ->
- RT @TimothyDSnyder: Russia has a hunger plan. Vladimir Putin is preparing to starve much of the developing world as the next stage in his w… ->
- RT @TimothyDSnyder: Russia is planning to starve Asians and Africans in order to win its war in Europe. This is a new level of colonialism,… ->
- RT @bruja_coruja: Mi técnica para despreocuparme de todos los supuestos fallos, agujeros de guión, etc de Star Wars, es tener super claro q… ->
- RT @pmpohjanheimo: Hoy hace 472 años de la fundación de #Helsinki. La capital de #Finlandia 🇫🇮 se sitúa a las orillas del mar y está rodead… ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-05-30 to 2022-06-05
- RT @stammekann: Länsimuuri on murtunut. Manta on juhlakansan armoilla. https://t.co/Rp1cPgidqm ->
- RT @Tero_Hoo: Fanit haluavat nähdä tuollaisen finaalin. Huikea peli. Kunnioitamme suomalaisia todella paljon. [–] He tuntuvat uskovan samo… ->
- Today taught my team at work how to cook a full traditional Mexican meal: mole poblano con pollo & arroz a la mexic… https://t.co/tCOOPAnlsy ->
- I forgot to mention they also did the tortillas by hand 😁 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/xNIBzLRGkN ->
- RT @WallySierk: This is blowing people’s minds, so as an amateur historian and sociologist I’m going to try to explain this development/ cu… ->
- RT @malki: Today I taught the 5yo the phrases “letter of the law” and “spirit of the law” because I asked him to pick everything off the fl… ->
- RT @J_Jaraczewski: 🇵🇱🇺🇦 Absolutely loving this visual guide to reading Polish train tickets for Ukrainians. https://t.co/oQOs8zO0tu ->
- The folks being portrayed believe they’re showing their freedom, but what I see is that they’re ready for civil war… https://t.co/kthIPNC6P4 ->
- RT @TheSpaceshipper: Each new design is added to the previous ones in relation to its geographical, social, utilitarian and temporal origin… ->
- RT @MisterABK: Fascinating cultural differences https://t.co/gVsU7m63FD ->
- RT @olafurw: Is this the new meme template? https://t.co/yuGLLpVWt1 ->
- RT @kestinen: @olofzonmarcus @SiyandaWrites And this is not simply true, the ”colonisation” of Finland was not colonisation in the modern s… ->
- RT @LeChouNews: Von Der Leyen Says Winner Of Ukraine v Scotland Football Match Gets EU Candidate Status https://t.co/w1oQ28g9Mm ->
- RT @ECedercreutz: If you didn't love me at my "come over to my house but don't touch the food" you don't deserve me at my "630 metal bands… ->
- RT @jmkorhonen: Folks living in Finland: these mushrooms can kill or seriously injure you unless they are prepared correctly, yet the instr… ->
- RT @need_more_meta: okay, let's talk about the first Soviet ethnic deportation of an entire nationality.
disclaimer: I'm neither a histori… ->
- RT @JoeGoJoeGo: Layoffs generate bad press and demoralize the remaining team. I think we will see more companies end remote work programs t… ->
- Been there, done that, got the t-shirt… and actually learned the effin’ language 😂🤣 https://t.co/O26Ik3lA59 ->
- The chorus:
“Oh how I wish
You were alive
Your little eyes would have never closed
and I would be looking into th… https://t.co/bnsC7nBser -> - RT @jmkorhonen: The reason Finns in particular are now extremely pissed off at Turkey is because we feel betrayed by Erdogan. For decades i… ->
- RT @stephenpollard: This is not just the best anecdote about the Queen. It's the best anecdote ever. ->
- So, how about the benefits of #brexit? I hate saying told you so, but… https://t.co/L2PapbLas1 ->
- RT @OrwellNGoode: https://t.co/RUf67MjSlQ ->
- RT @Stiff: Mmm, Finland. https://t.co/EIXByoOlAN ->
- RT @minna_alander: Being part of European integration is so essential for Russia’s smaller neighbours bc for the first time in European his… ->
- All the apes stolen. I insist, crypto is a solution looking for a problem, and in the meantime is chock-full with s… https://t.co/W9evsHMwCx ->
- RT @katvoltage: This is the face of a woman who kept a promise she made at 7 years old.
Esta es una mujer que cumplió una promesa que hiz… ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-05-23 to 2022-05-29
- RT @pmpohjanheimo: La Primera Ministra de #Finlandia 🇫🇮Sanna Marin visitó Kiev por invitación del primer ministro ucraniano. También se reu… ->
- RT @NicoleARizza: This is by far the funniest law book out there https://t.co/zWYOAsMIOM ->
- RT @MeidasTouch: American reporters, take note. This is how it’s done. https://t.co/6x0Fgo5vPs ->
- RT @JuliaDavisNews: Behind all of these nuclear threats and claims that America wouldn't help Europe if Russia decides to nuke it, there's… ->
- RT @depechemode: https://t.co/RlB7QM6ckW ->
- https://t.co/23s66fP3xx
Remember I was telling you I miss the food @SuperRozie? ->
- RT @jherrerx: Every year, an estimated 500,000 guns are smuggled across the border from the US into Mexico.
There’s one gun store in all… ->
- RT @ECedercreutz: 1/ 🇫🇮 En el siglo XIX se formó la versión actual del finés escrito. Fue una combinación entre variantes occidentales y or… ->
- On hassu että keskustelu tästä asiasta lähestyy mutta ei näe jotain mitä minulle on itsestäänselvä koska, noh, olen… https://t.co/fXkZeeF2VO ->
- *Maryanin, siis 😅 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @minna_alander: I’ve been trying to warn about the dramatic crash Germany’s image has gone through in the Nordics since the build-up of… ->
- RT @LuytenGliese: Memorial for Finnish civilian prisoners of war killed by Soviet troops in 1939-40. Makes your skin crawl when you look at… ->
- RT @SlavaMalamud: Just floored by this document, though I shouldn't be. This is an instruction for 🇷🇺 soldiers on how to talk to Ukrainians… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Las estadísticas dicen que uno de cada tres mexicanos tiene un familiar directo en Estados Unidos. Y que uno de cada do… ->
- RT @IIHFHockey: In a hard-fought, back-and-forth semis clash, Finland defeated the U.S. 4-3 in Tampere to advance to the 2022 #IIHFWorlds f… ->
- Courtois vistiéndose de Íker Casillas es impresionante. #UCLfinal ->
- I was in this race 3 years ago. https://t.co/rNxhUuQPkE ->
- The kind of mood when doing a 100 km ride and stopping at the café 😅… before a short run and swim. Great company we… https://t.co/XDo8j6PlDe ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Blood pressure of Finland currently at +300% of normal levels.
🇫🇮🏒🇨🇦 -> - RT @rynkrynk: I’ve only recently realised that many non-Ukrainians mistakenly see Russian-speaking Ukrainians as some sort of marginalised… ->
- Mikael Granlund! Uh oh uh oh uh oh (sing in the tune of “Barbra Streisand”.) #IIHFWorlds ->
- Graaaanluuund!!!!! #IIHFWorlds ->
- RT @lgbtqfc: omfg are Mexican drivers gonna win Monaco and Indy on the same day ->
- RT @niinisto: Taitaa tulla kevään kovimmat minuutit. Ja samalla hetkellä Armia keventää… ->
- RT @charlyjsp: When your Prime Minister can be just one of the millions of #Leijonat fans #IIHFWorlds. ->
- RT @minna_alander: The reason why people in NCEE are so suspicious of German & French mediation attempts is that there are genuine worries… ->
- #Finlandia acaba de ganar el Mundial de #Hockey en Helsinki con gol de oro en tiempo extra contra #Canadá. 4-3. Est… https://t.co/kmlx3RL0WP ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: So this happened
- #torille (¡a la plaza!) #leijonat (los leones) https://t.co/8MnSVXpsow https://t.co/YdZifoC7TY ->
- Me equivoqué, la final se jugó en Tampere, que es una ciudad de mucha afición al hockey. in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @minna_alander: Lessons about Finnish culture:
In Finland there’s currently a situation called
which is always triggered by… ->
- El hockey levanta pasiones en este país. Este es el centro de Helsinki ahorita. #torille https://t.co/Or0iWuRjpu ->
- RT @pmpohjanheimo: ¡Finlandia 🇫🇮 ha ganado oro en el Campeonato Mundial de Hockey sobre Hielo contra Canadá 4-3! El Campeonato Mundial es e… ->
- RT @HelsinkiPoliisi: Helsingissä on liikkeellä runsaasti juhlijoita, mikä aiheuttaa toistaiseksi merkittävää liikennehaittaa keskustan alue… ->
- RT @KupariUsa: Live stream of Finns in Helsinki celebrating the win. It's fun to see a normally reserved culture let loose for such a victo… ->
- RT @VFinnishProbs: What a prime minister looks like when their country wins the Ice Hockey World Championship!! 🏆🏆🏆😀🍻 #Leijonat https://t.c… ->
The reigning Olympic champions have won #IIHFWorlds on home ice 🥇
- RT @ElinaLappalaine: Ei, huomenna LinkedInissä ei puhuta Jukka Jalosesta. Vaan aiheena Sanna Marin ja tunteet johtajuudessa. Aitous, läsnäo… ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-05-16 to 2022-05-22
- Sólo añadiendo el tamaño de México para que tengan contexto. Finlandia es uno de los países más grandes de Europa e… https://t.co/ooGifA8jWy ->
- RT @VFinnishProbs: Meet Sweden's bravest man https://t.co/A60lUmWIud ->
- RT @beltrandelrio: Estamos hablando en @imagen con Luis Orozco @chivacongelado sobre la adhesión de Finlandia a la OTAN ->
- RT @Imagen_Mx: 🇫🇮 ¿Cómo ha sido la solicitud de #Finlandia para adherirse a la #OTAN?
Luis Orozco (@chivacongelado), mexicano en Finlandi… ->
- RT @ImagenTVMex: 🇫🇮 ¿Cómo ha sido la solicitud de #Finlandia para adherirse a la #OTAN?
Luis Orozco (@chivacongelado), mexicano en Finlan… ->
- RT @PleaseBeGneiss: front facing eyes are a key indicator of a predator https://t.co/hsykpoUVKm ->
- Acabo de dar una entrevista sobre el tema https://t.co/MTmcUHJgyk in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @CBSNews: Finland and Sweden "meet every NATO requirement and then some," Pres. Biden says.
The two countries "will enhance the securit… ->
- RT @Antonio_Cano_: He escrito esto sobre México y López Obrador en @LANACION de Argentina https://t.co/PJPx2NL6Ud vía @LANACION ->
- RT @MAM_Rytv: 90.5 FM – Grupo Imagen/ Imagen Informativa 1ra emisión/ @chivacongelado, mexicano que vive en Finlandia, comenta que Turquía… ->
- RT @eperea: Some Angry Cosmic God: How fare the humans?
His Dark Angel: They survive still, my Lord.
God: How interesting. Send them a monk… -> - RT @Ohra_aho: Struggling under the weight of Western sanctions, many Moscow movie theaters located inside shopping malls are now closing do… ->
- https://t.co/D8QsEbgxRB https://t.co/j7oNbXm7ii ->
- RT @HenriVanhanen: History does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes. For Finland, this harmony has often referred to the pivotal role of… ->
- RT @HenriVanhanen: 4. This "Russia dilemma" has been best described perhaps by the late President Mauno Koivisto (1982-1994). During a visi… ->
- RT @ben_mckenzie: Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the real crypto crash probably hasn’t happened yet. Good luck to players involved. ->
- Finnish humor sample #3454320 https://t.co/6XWyPyfYJc ->
- RT @THUotila: Erdogan didn't reveal who he is going to call tomorrow in Finland so remember to keep your phones at least on vibrate. ->
- RT @schrep: Nobody can predict what is going to happen over the next 12 months but we haven't had a real bad tech downturn since 2000 (2008… ->
- RT @olga_chyzh: It’s natural to be worried about the threat of a nuclear war, especially with all the rhetoric coming out of Russia. Here i… ->
- RT @saranormous: When people build internet products without assuming there will be adversarial actors I just send them this photo https://… ->
- RT @COdendahl: What I find most striking about the German debate on the #Ukraine war: how ignorantly it glosses over the fact that Germany… ->
- RT @minna_alander: There’s also always the automatic assumption that Finland must be totally dependent on Russian energy and also s***ting… ->
- RT @rmmckenny: 8yo: I have some advice.
Me: oh yeah?
8: Don’t waste your diamonds on a hoe.
Me: what do you mean?
8: well you can’t e… -> - Do not give leadership positions to people like these. We want more women in tech, not less. Misogyny should have n… https://t.co/Se4JUHj5GX ->
- RT @minna_alander: Although many people have learned a lot about Finland, its defence capacity and motivation to join NATO in the past week… ->
- RT @ISMOcomedy: FIN to EN dictionary:
Palais = I wish would burn
Perse = Ass
I have no idea what this means in French though. https://t.co/… -> - RT @ECedercreutz: El fútbol es a Colombia lo que la política exterior Rusa es a Finlandia: el gran unificador del pueblo. ->
- RT @IlvesToomas: Dearlove is no crank. Whatever the truth in his claim it’s not to be dismissed outright.
Putin’s irrational behavior in t… ->
- The was in Ukraine is making me lose respect for a lot of institutions: the governments of Germany, Italy & France,… https://t.co/keUssmSRKD ->
- This is the guy the German, Italian & French governments think you can negotiate with. We’ve seen migration-as-a-we… https://t.co/o9VDP3ufVy ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-05-09 to 2022-05-15
- RT @CorporalFrisk: We have taken these steps in close cooperation with Sweden. The president paraphrased the old WWII motto of the Swedish… ->
- RT @CorporalFrisk: Notable is that today is remembrance day in Finland, as the country remembers the fallen of the wars of last century. Pr… ->
- RT @minna_alander: Press conference by President @niinisto & PM @MarinSanna:
Niinistö says “a new era begins” – Finland will seek NATO mem… ->
- RT @PesuMatti: .@niinisto is ready to have a new conversation with his Turkish counterpart Erdogan about Ankara’s stand on Finnish NATO mem… ->
- RT @minna_alander: Another q on Russia’s rather mild reactions so far: Niinistö says it seems like Russia has already accepted Finland join… ->
- The Ukrainian media handling of the war has been an absolute masterclass. This is some seriously powerful stuff.… https://t.co/jjNLsvMRMz ->
- RT @emmanuelfelton: Like the El Paso shooter who targeted a Walmart in a Latino neighborhood, the Buffalo shooter, who went after a store i… ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Notable in the comments by the Finnish President and Prime Minister was the unity sounded by both in the deliberations, tog… ->
- RT @Ulkoministerio: 🔷 Finland's 🇫🇮 security environment has changed fundamentally.
🔷This warrants a reaction from Finland.
🔷NATO member… ->
- This year’s video was released a day *after* their victory to avoid accusations of politicizing the contest. When y… https://t.co/m7Q7WjJph1 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @niinisto: Uusi aikakausi aukeaa – syntyy suojattu Suomi osana vakaata, vahvaa ja vastuunsa tuntevaa Pohjolaa. https://t.co/XP7Ncbsrt6 ->
- RT @idreesali114: HELSINKI, May 15 (Reuters) – Finland's President Sauli Niinisto confirmed on Sunday that his country would apply for memb… ->
- RT @jmkorhonen: Greetings again from a Finnish leftist, especially to everyone identifying as progressive or leftist but living far away fr… ->
- RT @MarkkuMantila: Presidentti Niinistö on kyllä johtanut Suomen Nato-prosessin komeasti. Suomesta lähtee vahva viesti liittoutumalle. Tyyl… ->
- RT @charlyjsp: Toivottavasti Suomen #turpo historiankirjoittajat antavat Suomen kansalle sille kuuluvan roolin NATO jäsenyys asiassa.
Fak… ->
- RT @mar15sa: Reminder: If you WFH, please make sure to regularly get your blood levels checked.
WFH leads to changes in how you eat, move,… ->
- RT @FinGovernment: The President and the Ministerial Committee agreed that Finland would apply for membership in NATO after Parliament has… ->
- PS3: La decisión está hecha. Finlandia va a solicitar su adhesión a la OTAN. El Parlamento lo debatirá mañana https://t.co/JkCkjiXUTK in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @pmpohjanheimo: Finlandia 🇫🇮 nunca querrá ser atacada o invadida de nuevo. El entorno de la seguridad de 🇫🇮 ha cambiado fundamentalmente… ->
- Samaa kuulemma tapahtuu Itä-Helsingissä. ”Mä lupaan veli” on suora käännös arabista. https://t.co/tkn06z6YAf ->
- RT @minna_alander: Some important things to know about Finnish defence capabilities and why Finland now wants to join NATO:
Finland does N… ->
- Los titulares de los tabloides de la tarde en #Finlandia (mal traducidos por Google) https://t.co/TvyUQhAZva ->
- RT @inkerikoskinen: Tabloid: 1) Live broadcast: Finland is applying for Nato membership. 2) A man ate a bottle return receipt in Forssa. ht… ->
- Welcome new followers. Below a thread with my most popular tweets so you know what's on offer here. /
Bienvenidos n… https://t.co/mig3g1kDa2 -> - https://t.co/US92jlQOWV in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/UEUZlb5UIT in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/x39dMSpc9c in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/eeCRERdbCV in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/zAN2yLECCf in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/0B4qvYCaIg in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/kwG3ztHHj1 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/cjq5SgKAqR in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/ObFnBmKnRe in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/DAkSTG81XD in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/NwncfDlcEj in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/seGvgaXyW8 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/obzLTW72X0 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/uTJMZns7T6 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/oHkUSVhXCy in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/NqoLzvOE4Z in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @POhukainen: Kuten on nyt hyvin tiedossa, Venäjän suunnalta on odotettavissa kiukuttelua. Yksi näkökulma on mahdollinen #informaatiovaik… ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: “I would not doubt the Finnish spirit, nor their military capability, if it comes to the test”
Old Cold War fears have r… ->
- RT @alexstubb: Sequence of Finnish and Swedish @NATO membership:
1. Putin attacks Ukraine.
2. Finnish public opinion.
3. Swedish public op… ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-05-02 to 2022-05-08
- RT @pbockerman: 2 maailmaa https://t.co/LFj4ZIWJjw ->
- RT @DayTechHistory: 30 years ago today, Wolfenstein 3D was released. https://t.co/kBalAcmhJe ->
- RT @SmashingPumpkin: This is so on brand to happen to SP 😂See you soon CDMX! https://t.co/qFYctkccgh ->
- RT @HeikkiUutiset: Jos näet Suomen armeijan kalustoa kuljetettavan, älä kuvaa siitä yhtään mitään nettivideoita! https://t.co/iVFnCMsMu6 ->
- RT @ingcarlosflores: Ayer confirmó @lopezobrador_ que implementará una política de CONTROL DE PRECIOS.
Varios han señalado que esa polític… ->
- RT @johncutlefish: 4 year old overheard a work and jumbled OKRs, KPIs, and potty together into
OK pee pee Is ->
- RT @elbasti: Your team is hearing about layoffs. The ones on tech twitter have heard about them. The ones that are not will hear about them… ->
- RT @mikkoantero: Phishing-torjunnan Pro Tip meidän business controllerilta: jos vastapuoli epäilyttää, koeta vaihtaa pohojosen murteeseen:… ->
- RT @jtp802: Zelenskyy sporting this on May 4th https://t.co/8pqNM59AMS ->
- RT @soc4austin: For all the love that Paris is rightly getting for the pandemic transition away from cars, I am shocked that we are seeing… ->
- Never complain about hybrid work surroundings again 😅 https://t.co/l91XObz4NH ->
- This made my day. https://t.co/7C5dk9d1bB ->
- RT @lordsoftheseth: you will go to the Dagobah system… there you will learn from Yoda, the Jedi master who embarrassed me in front of a r… ->
- RT @RexChapman: 30-years ago today House Of Pain released “Jump Around” (1992) … https://t.co/aMvu7kZcsg ->
- RT @LetteDo: 👇🏼 https://t.co/8TEia8Z9EN ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Tengo la teoría de que el filonazismo mexicano tiene sus raíces en el odio a EEUU, un fenómeno similar al de los fans d… ->
- I’m today’s episode of “pinches gringos”… https://t.co/hHze514gEk ->
- RT @tulpengenieter: i been hacked
all my tulips worthless. dutch east india company please help me -> - RT @frozenaesthetic: Duck runs a marathon and gets a medal https://t.co/Dvas1Ofoqf ->
- I didn’t know Mariochi existed and now want to buy this game 😅. BTW, Cinco de Mayo is NOT 🇲🇽 Independence Day and i… https://t.co/y4nu8u59RH ->
- Couple of interesting downstream consequences:
-We will go from a seller’s to a buyer’s market for talent very quic… https://t.co/jFJOU7qX9d -> - -A lot of vaporware (hello crypto!) will have to show business value feasibility quickly or else
-The companies wit… https://t.co/prjabvR60f in reply to chivacongelado -> - -Tech will continue diversifying away from Silicon Valley if it’s too expensive to operate there and remote/hybrid… https://t.co/XU790Bd8e8 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- I’m an Oregon Trail Generation from Mexico, so was born right before the peso crash of 82, was a kid in the crisis… https://t.co/zaNo5NIsAl in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Bought my flat at the start of the Great Recession in 2008, was unemployed when it hit Finland in 2012-13 with the… https://t.co/8efVW2Pg50 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @Dimmu141: Jos mamu on töissä, niin hän vie työpaikan suomalasilta
Jos mamu ei ole töissä, niin hän loisii
Jos mamu tienaa lian vähän, n… -> - RT @aguirreryan: We must do everything in our power to make sure Michelle Yeoh wins the Oscar for Best Actress this year. https://t.co/CXP8… ->
- RT @valentinavee: This is the timeline for #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce https://t.co/9Hi3jTISQB ->
- RT @kati_katajisto: Finns are clear-headed people. #WeStandWithUkraine ->
- RT @Billy: At Museo Nacional de Antropología in Mexico City https://t.co/YHHyzW8Gag ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: En Finlandia el Día de la Madre se celebra hoy, así que,🌟¡Felicidades a todas las mamás desde Helsinki!🌟
Suomessa vietetää… ->
- RT @gechife: The world needs to have a meeting and decide on one Mother's Day. Happy Mothers day to you all celebrating today. ->
- Kun olin hiihtämässä Birkebeinerrennetiä monet norjalaiset näkivät kilpaasuni, olettivat minut olevan italialainen… https://t.co/QXciPJ7JjH ->
- RT @mangiotto: Give Ke Huy Quan the Indiana Jones franchise. I have it all plotted out. I wanted John Cho for it because I thought I read t… ->
- RT @eperea: And this is why, just like during the first years after the dot-com crash, the startups that thrive today will be the big winne… ->
- RT @tomisttk: Minkä takia kemian maisteri saa töitä vaan Wolt-kuskina? Minkä takia Suomi karkottaa työelämässä olevia? Minkä takia ely-kesk… ->