This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
Strong beer with a full taste including a hint of fruits. Nice dark colour.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
Strong beer with a full taste including a hint of fruits. Nice dark colour.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
Sweet and sour raspberry beer, with a very nice colour. A favourite of some people I know.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
Lemony, refreshing blend of white wheat beer with lambics. Since they are two of my favourite beer types, I really enjoyed it. Drank at La Bécasse in Downtown Brussels.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
Sorry for the delays. I’ve had these in my N93 for quite a while, but hadn’t come around to posting. Now to our subject:
Sweet, tastes a little like cider. Not for you if you don’t like lambics or sweet beers. Clear, apple juice colour.
Hemos shegado a la conclusión que los monjes trapistas belgas eran una bola de borrashos… Con cervezas de 8° pa'rriba, no me extrañaría que tuvieran problemas hepáticos.
Eso sí, según información que he leído, en los monasterios solamente se toma cerveza de 3° con las comidas, y la más fuerte sólo se destina a la venta. Como dicen ellos, hacen cerveza para tener dinero para ser monjes, no al revés, como dicen los de Westvleteren (aunque su cerveza sea considerada la mejor del mundo).
¡Salú hermano!
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
A beer witha very nice abmer colour and an interestingly soft fruity flavour. Easy on the palate and very enjoyable overall.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
A beer from Antwerp with a very nice amber colour, and an interesting edgy malt and fruit flavour. It is refreshing, light and easy on the palate.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
An excellent, sweet kriek: simple taste with a little bite. Highly recommendable introduction to the world of cherry-flavoured beers, which of course are a Belgian specialty.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
A relatively easy-going blond triple beer. With a creamy touch and a pleasant aftertaste.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
is a famous Belgian trappist beer. It has an interesting caramel colour
and a nice aroma. Its taste starts very smoothy in the mouth but
afterwards becomes far too bitter for what I usually like. Still worth a try.