This is a post in the Belgian beer review series
.Belgian Beer Review: Brigand, originally uploaded by Chiva Congelado.
This beer has a very strong alcoholic taste (9%), too bitter for me, though. Nice colour, has been refermented in the bottle.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series
.Belgian Beer Review: Brigand, originally uploaded by Chiva Congelado.
This beer has a very strong alcoholic taste (9%), too bitter for me, though. Nice colour, has been refermented in the bottle.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
Another in the Leffe abbey beer family, this light amber-coloured beer has a fresh aroma and a strong flavour with more than a hint of chocolate. At 8.5% alcoholic content, it’s a beer for tasting.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
A Witbier with a nice aroma, but a rather unremarkable witbier taste. The artertaste was not particularly pleasant, with hints of cough medicine.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
A very refreshing beer with a slightly citric, acidic taste and an unremarkable aroma.
My fiancée commented once that I was probably more “international” than she was (if there is such a thing) even though she has lived in 3 other countries besides her own, and in my case it’s one less. I wouldn’t mind moving from country to country that much, as long as the job is interesting, the pay and the quality of life are good and we are together (which of course entails her filling her requirements list as well). However, she referred to a valid point: I’m not attached to the places themselves anymore, but to the people in them. A place is just nature, buildings and maybe a nice view or two, but the people I know (and the people I love) are really what is important.
One example are my feelings to the place where I was born. Even though I consider myself to be healthily nationalistic I don’t have an urge to go back and settle there, but just to see my family and friends. The same is the case with Finland. I’m very grateful for my experiences there, but it’s a place as good as any, what is important are the friends and family there. Belgium is the same story: if it fills the criteria detailed in the first paragraph I’d stay after my studies are finished, otherwise I’m willing to search for something somewhere else.
The problem with freedom, as a friend says is that “you don’t know what to do with it”. I hope that’s not my case.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
Another Belle-Vue beer, this is a Gueuze Lambic beer, with a very nice amber colour, and a sweet and sour taste. Even though Gueuze beers are originally from the Brussels region, the flavour reminded me of a Michelada (a Mexican beer prepared with lemon and salt).
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
Another in the Leffe abbey beer family, this beer has the same nice amber colour and a very similar taste to its siblings, but more of a punch at 9% alcoholic content. Not a beer to be drunk if you’re going to be on a long drinking night, but more of a beer to sit down and taste.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
My favourite witbier/bière blanche/weissbier. Made from wheat, has a very clear colour and a very refreshing taste with a touch of lemon. Excellent for a summer day.
Hope you like the change in picture format.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
Interesting beer with a funny name and an unconventional taste. Very nice amber colour, the taste has some frutal notes but is also very strong in the back of the mouth, so I frankly lack the vocabulary to describe it. Was glad I tried it, but it is not one of my favourites, as I prefer a more orthodox palate.
This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.
Leffe Blonde is another of the Leffe abbey beer family. With a clear colour and a full flavour, it is surprisingly easy on the palate. For clear Belgian beers, it is one of my favourites.