Tag Archives: blog

Blog post avalanche

You know that horrible feeling when you start writing drafts you haven’t finished and they start piling up?  After four months I have finally freed this blog’s backlog, with the list of newly-published posts below:

Roll call / Pase de lista

For a long time I’ve wanted to know who my readers are, where do they come from and what kind of stories and insight you would like to read in this space, since I’ve so far only covered whatever crosses my mind (which can be quite varied when you look at the tags).

Whereas Google Analytics and inbound links can give me an idea, it’s of course more human (and the whole point of this blog) to have  a conversation with you, dear readers.  That said, let’s get started now that you don’t need to register to comment as it was in bloody Vox.

Durante mucho tiempo he querido saber quiénes son los que aquí visitan, de dónde vienen y qué tipo de historias o pensamientos les interesaría leer en este espacio, dado que hasta el momento sólo escribo sobre lo que se me ocurre (que puede ser bastante variado si uno checa las etiquetas).

Aún cuando tanto Google Analytics como las ligas entrantes me dan una idea aproximada, pienso que es más humano (y la razón de ser de este blog) tener una conversación con ustedes, queridos lectores.  Con esto, podemos empezar ahora que ustedes ya no tienen que registrarse para comentar como era con el Vox del carajo.

To all my readers

I apologise for the infrequent posts, and have to say that this will be the tonic for at least a few days (most probably slightly over a week).  My personal life is about to go through one of the most important rites of passage, and of course it will take some time.

I can assure you I'll be back with more insights later on.

Back online

Dear readers:


Sorry for the delay, but as you can imagine, these last 7 days have been rather challenging.  I've changed country, moved into a new address and started working.  I do have plenty of insights to share with you but I just need time to sit down.


I'll keep you posted.

Twitter & Jaiku

I have started using at the same time Twitter and Jaiku.  Whereas the benefit of telling the world what are you doing/thinking in 140 characters or less may be dubious for some, I find it quite addictive.

Since both services are very similar, there is some healthy competition between them.  Twitter has going for it the fact that it's very heavily used in the States, and, crucially, has Facebook integration.  Jaiku, on the other hand, has a more European user base, the interface is in my opinion more appealing and, interestingly, has the option to add other RSS feeds, so you can see not only my Jaikus but also my blog posts, public Flickr pictures, the music I've been listening to (thanks to Last.fm) and even my Twitter posts at the same place.

Both also have Widsets available to be used in my N93 (review upcoming), so I can update my status on the fly.

To compare both, you can check my Twitter and my Jaiku.  You're welcome to add me to your contact list if you want.  Which one do you prefer?  Or do you think it's useless?


Dear 4 readers:

I'll be spending a long weekend in Paris from tomorrow, so most probably won't be able to post until Sunday.  I'm sure I'll be full of new insights and experiences to share with you when I'm back.

In the meantime, you might want to browse the archive, starting from September 2006, or by tags.


Things I don’t like about Vox

I have been here for almost three weeks, and won't move back to Blogger.  However, there are a couple of thinks that I really don't like about Vox:

  • No comments from unregistered members.  Even though I understand that it is for privacy reasons, maybe the use of OpenID and some sort of comment moderation would be much more effective (and I would have my old readers commenting here; who knows, maybe they'd sign up too).
  • No HTML/CSS editing.  I cannot add anything else to the template than what I am allowed by the tools, so I cannot move my old counter, my visitor's map, my mybloglog community roll, nor my FD Flickr Badge… Argh!

I think this sums up in one phrase: not all my readers use Vox!  And instead of making it easier for me to interact with them, I'm inside this walled garden and they are out.  Not unlike some telco services I know of…

However, I still stand by my decision, as video/mobile posting and design in general are easy to use.  The fact I can have private posts is also a plus, and those people have already joined.  However, I'm still annoyed.  I sent feedback to the Vox team, but I don't know if they listened. Ugghh…

Tarina peilissä

Sattumaisesti törmasin Ulrikaan blogiin eilen.  Hänen tarina on niin kuin peilin toisella puolella: suomalainen nainen joka muutti Meksikoon.  On tosi mielenkiintoinen lukea minkäläisiä kokemuksia hänellä on ollut siellä, kun tiedän miten minulle sujui Suomessa, ja miten olen kasvannut sen jälkeen.

Hyvä oli lukea että molemmat voimme sanoa, että perisuomalainen- ja a la mexicana tavailla on hyvät ja huonot puolet, mutta tärkein on ottaa vaan parhaat palat niistä.

Public Service Announcement

To all my dear readers:

This blog has moved over to Vox at http://chivacongelado.vox.com. Why? For a number of reasons.

  1. The interface is more user-friendly to post certain things such as video.
  2. It does look funkier (genkier a good friend would say).
  3. I am able to post straight from my N93. No small matter given that most of the ideas that come here I write down to my mobile device anyway, as I don’t always carry my PC.

Please update your bookmarks and RSS feeds.

I’ll leave all the previous posts in this blog, but it will no longer be updated. Thanks for the ride so far, I hope you come along to the next adventure!