After this post, I had agreed with Rafa Peñaloza to shoot a video, explaining the point better.
Here it is. Hope it helps.
Shot with my N93.
My first contribution to YouTube, and a bad joke as usual.
What happens when you mix the Imperial March with a terrible flu?
Shot with my N93.
Hilarious. I guess it proves that the usage of tools doesn’t always correspond with the usage of the brain…
Via Gwyn’s blog.
Heard from one of my English writing teachers:
“Yes, but, and this is a big, big but…” at which point, given that his hand movements resembled a homonimous word with an extra t, everybody laughed.
Funniest mash-up I’ve ever seen. They took some dialogue from other movies by James-Earl Jones, and put it together with Star Wars footage. Amazing result.
El celebérrimo video censurado de Molotov para Televisa Deportes abajo.
La historia aquí y aquí.
Lo más cómico del asunto es que en el portal de Televisa ya le tenían sitio guardado, pero no sé por qué no lo pusieron, ja.
Yo sólo me pregunto, si ya saben cómo son los de Molotov, y la relación previa que han tenido con Televisa (sólo basta recordar “Que no te haga bobo Jacobo” o “El Carnal de las Estrellas”), ¿cómo se les ocurre pedirles una canción?
La cadena mexicana de taquerías El Fogoncito ha decidido abrir sucursales en China. Yo me pregunto, ¿cuánto tiempo tardará antes de que salgan fotos de versiones piratas en Pinches Chinos?
Disclaimer: No estoy de acuerdo con algunas actitudes del site anterior que podrían ser interpretadas como racistas.
Actualización: Las fotos en Flickr. Como la de abajo. ¿A poco no se les antoja?
A great ad from Canal Plus, one of the funniest I’ve seen in years.
Link here:
I was explaining that many of the people studying with me haven’t seen Star Wars.
“Hey, now I know why capitalism is so screwed”, somebody else said.
“They haven’t seen Star Wars, so they don’t know anything about evil empires”
You’ve all heard the stories about the Mitsubishi Pajero (which is not sold with that name in Spanish-speaking countries because then it means the Mitsubishi Wanker), the difficulties when translating slogans and so on…
Eating in a corporate canteen, I noticed that in a drive to improve service they also changed the names of their different sections, so “World cuisine” became “Be global”, the vegetarian section became “be green”, etc. The problem is that the grill section became “be grilled”. I wonder why it looked so empty. 😉