Tag Archives: movies

The 13th warrior

Even though this is not the greatest movie ever, I feel quite identified with the main character, as I was also a southerner living in the northern lands (though I’d be more of an Aztec amongst Fenni instead of an Arab amongst Norsemen). The whole scene where the guy starts to understand their language was especially strong to me, as I went through the same process.


Babel, originally uploaded by Chiva Congelado.

Best movie I’ve seen in a while (and I’ve seen a few lately). It is really striking how González Iñárritu uses the theme of misunderstandings in such a recurrent and striking way. If this movie doesn’t win at least one Oscar then I really don’t understand the committee that awards them.

If you haven’t seen it already, go!

Pulp fiction dialogue

Jules & Vincent are talking about Vincent’s European experiences.
Vincent: …But you know what the funniest thing about Europe is?
Jules: What?
Vincent: It’s the little differences. I mean they got the same shit over there that they got here, but it’s just – it’s just there it’s a little different.
Jules: Examples?
Vincent: Alright, well you can walk into a movie theater in Amsterdam and buy a beer. And I don’t mean just like in no paper cup, I’m talking about a glass of beer. And in Paris, you can buy a beer at McDonald’s. And you know what they call a, uh, a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?
Jules: They don’t call it a Quarter Pounder with Cheese?
Vincent: Nah, man, they got the metric system, they wouldn’t know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is.
Jules: What do they call it?
Vincent: They call it a “Royale with Cheese.”
Jules: “Royale with Cheese.”
Vincent: That’s right.
Jules: What do they call a Big Mac?
Vincent: A Big Mac’s a Big Mac, but they call it “Le Big Mac.”
Jules: “Le Big Mac.” [laughs] What do they call a Whopper?
Vincent: I dunno, I didn’t go into Burger King. But, you know what they put on french fries in Holland instead of ketchup?
Jules: What?
Vincent: Mayonnaise.
Jules: God damn!
Vincent: I seen ’em do it, man, they fuckin’ drown ’em in that shit.
Jules: That’s some fucked up shit.

The Butterfly Effect

I saw this movie some time ago in Finland, and couldn’t help but think about those little events that changed the course of my (so far not very long) life. I think the largest one was me picking up a magazine around 1997 at my parents’ business. Had it not been for an article there, my dad wouldn’t have reestablished contact with an old friend of his, who was the one who suggested me to go to study to Finland. The rest, as they say, is history.

What about you?

Mexican film directors in Hollywood

I came accross an article depicting the artistic relationship between Alfonso Cuaron, Guillermo del Toro and Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, and couldn’t help to be a little moved by their self-professed admiration for each other, and the assistance and cross-pollination they’ve given to each other.

“Babel”, “Children of Men” and “Pan’s Labrynth” will be released during this fall, and I for one plan to watch them.