- RT @bilbeny: Quién de los dos será? Kénerbios. https://t.co/d2f6WnaMl5 ->
- After the disallowed goal still hoping for #PukkiParty #huuhkajat #finlandia #EURO2020 https://t.co/jOnW9ZUS4m ->
- RT @krisilmasti: Pelottavimmat peli-ilmeet. https://t.co/6TyUoF7C0N ->
- RT @victormartin98: Es de un valor altísimo todo lo que le ofrece Kamara a Finlandia. Con balón: movilidad para abrir líneas de pase y capa… ->
- RT @Eurovision: 🇫🇮 Mr Lordi leads a monstrously talented Finnish team, while superstar DJ Darude will be playing a 90 minute set from goal.… ->
- RT @JussiPullinen: Jotenkin oudosti sähköpostin tulo käytännössä loppui klo 15.48 eikä laatikossa näy uusia tiedotteita tai vinkkejä. ->
- Hradeckyyyyyy!!!! #Huuhkajat #finlandia #EURO2020 #fin ->
- RT @PepedelBosque: Hasta es raro que #FIN no haya marcado. La cantidad de veces que ha podido correr y llegar a posición de remate en la fr… ->
- Eissssss #Huuhkajat #fin #finlandia #EURO2020 ->
- RT @pbsportswriter: Find someone who loves you as much as Paulus Arajuuri loves singing the #FIN national anthem 😍 #Huuhkajat #FINRUS https… ->
- RT @flowtiina: Nää pistespekulaatiot jatkon kannalta on mulle aina niin vaikeita.. #emfutis #huuhkajat https://t.co/JBw94uXwv8 ->
- RT @amerikapa: Vamos mal. https://t.co/frkUgSYgxb ->
- One of my happiest football memories ever. https://t.co/xDJl6RFQ3u ->
- RT @omarg294: Hoy no fio, mañana sí https://t.co/hHL2QKF4MC ->
- RT @MitreSports: Must’ve been some header… https://t.co/BPNkZQLzzh ->
- Literally this. I stopped answering the “we’re are you from” question with anything else than “here” if I’m in Hels… https://t.co/kQbHpqLven ->
- Finnish humour to the max https://t.co/iMfmxMqUdC
#epictaxparty #vero #verokarhu @Verouutiset -> - Acaba de publicar una foto en Oulunkylä, Etelä-Suomen Lääni, Finland https://t.co/8JcmOsnw0M ->
- RT @luisrha: Imagina lo que sería tener una prensa y afición que recuerden el 3er aniversario de vencer a la campeona del mundo, el 7mo de… ->
- RT @martindelp: FIFA veta a México dos partidos sin público en las eliminatorias. Y a la próxima perderemos puntos. Hay que ser realmente e… ->
- Me recuerda a la historia de un amigo mío (piloto también) que se quedó varado con un jet de ejecutivos mexicanos e… https://t.co/rn4t9F6p9K ->
- RT @TimSparv: When you and your friend are trying to get into the nightclub but you’ve had a few too many and the bouncer is having none of… ->
- RT @ShitUserStory: As an…
– excel user
I want to…
– have fractions automatically converted to dates
so that…
– I can spend 01-Oct of… -> - RT @latinus_us: Tenochtiland
#SátiraSurrealista de @vampipe
#Latinus #InformaciónParaTi https://t.co/LCnUzn1CTb -> - Repeat after me: A demographic-based market segmentation is not a persona. If you don’t know what problems your cus… https://t.co/2IHHdof3ME ->
- Los comentarios a este tweet me hacen pensar que México se va a terminar quedando sin mundial porque como sociedad… https://t.co/FtetZDQSVP ->
- RT @bwecht: The secret to a successful creative life is to care deeply while simultaneously not giving a fuck. ->
- RT @mansacalab: Si https://t.co/DF05XauDFJ ->
- RT @FalseKnees: https://t.co/yjNNWINbIJ ->
- 3 of 5 stars to Alternate Peace by Steven H. Silver https://t.co/iQ3Ls0Qc2T ->
- RT @WholesomeMeme: https://t.co/FyChNfDRGK ->
- RT @WholesomeMeme: We're onboard for this message from 'The Oatmeal' @Oatmeal https://t.co/JBW8UUrZUL https://t.co/RWgssqnuN5 ->
- RT @abasave: El debate ortográfico sobre la palabra México es anacrónico. Hace un siglo los mexicanos decidimos quedarnos con "La X en la f… ->
- RT @olafurw: Weird way to do subtitles for the Formula 1 race. https://t.co/L4tFE25l0a ->
- RT @RevistaPanenka: Hoy cumplimos 10 años. https://t.co/IJ2BApavkq ->
- RT @SoVeryFinnish: When the sauna's not hot enough https://t.co/QSGT7syG1R ->
Tag Archives: social media
Weekly tweets from 2021-06-07 to 2021-06-13
- RT @SuomiFutis: Koko Suomi on tukenasi, Christian Eriksen. 🙏🏼🇩🇰🇫🇮
#Huuhkajat https://t.co/Cf7UYPtEUu -> - RT @UEFA: Following the medical emergency involving Denmark’s player Christian Eriksen, a crisis meeting has taken place with both teams an… ->
- RT @MLL_fi: Ajatuksia Huuhkajien pelin yllättävästä lopusta keskusteluun lasten kanssa. #emkisat #huuhkajat https://t.co/CuntArw4uL ->
- RT @DBUfodbold: Christian Eriksen er vågen og er til yderligere undersøgelser på Rigshospitalet.
Kampen er midlertidigt udsat. Ny melding… ->
- RT @HenriPitkanen: Suomen ja Tanskan kannattajat osoittavat hienolla tavalla tukeaan Eriksenille. Pohjoismaista yhteistyötä ja solidaarisuu… ->
- RT @nsnielsen: Finske tilskuere i parken råber “Christian”, mens danske fans svarer med “Eriksen”. ->
- Finnish fans chant “Christian”, Danish fans answer with “Eriksen” https://t.co/jsBnHduzvP ->
- RT @DimmanJr: Simon Kjaer tar en spurt på 100 meter. Kollar om Eriksen svalt tungan och påbörjar hjärt och lungräddning. När medicinsk pers… ->
- RT @brfootball: The players are back on the pitch, with the Finland squad applauding the Denmark team on to the field 👏 https://t.co/5KIGpL… ->
- RT @JussiNousiainen: Terveisiä Parkenilta 2: kun kuultiin, että Erikseen elää, Suomen fanit aloittivat "Christian" , tanskalaiset vastasiva… ->
- Maaaaaali!!!!!! 😭 ->
- RT @brfootball: Joel Pohjanpalo scored Finland's first goal at a major tournament but held back on the celebration. https://t.co/krUIOSwlh3 ->
- Torjuiiiiiii!!!! #Huuhkajat ->
- RT @JussiPullinen: Tätä katsellessa ja tunteita käsitellessä todella ymmärtää, miksi jalkapalloa usein verrataan itse elämään.
Iloa, surua… ->
- RT @HakaLasse: Elottomuudesta selviämisen kannalta keskeistä on
– havaita elottomuus nopeasti,
– soittaa 112
– aloittaa välittömästi paina… -> - RT @LariVesander: Suomen maali oli kaunis tilataideteos, jota rakenneltiin lähes puolen minuutin ajan taitavin liikkein ja yhden kosketukse… ->
- RT @fathermetro: Tästä ottelusta kirjoitettuja juttuja ei kukaan tule uskomaan. #huuhkajat #emfutis ->
- Suomi voitti. En mä usko. #Huuhkajat ->
- Hradecky presidentiksi! #Huuhkajat #EURO2020 #fin ->
- Nights like this are just way too much. I’ll have a long sleep tonight. #Huuhkajat #EURO2020 ->
- RT @alexstubb: Today was not about football, it was about life. The most important thing is that @ChrisEriksen8 recovers. 🇫🇮❤️🇩🇰🤝 @Huuhkaja… ->
- RT @suviauvi: Arvostan Pohjanpaloa: Suomen eka arvokisamaali, ja ainoa asia jonka ottaa voittohaastattelussa esiin on Eriksenin kunto. Empa… ->
- RT @helsinki: Moni lapsi ja nuori on tänään seurannut odotettua futispeliä, joka keskeytyi järkyttävästi. Ethän jätä lasta nyt yksin. Kuunt… ->
- El equivalente finlandés de ir a celebrar al Ángel de la Independencia (y sí, así son las noches de verano a las 11… https://t.co/0A1OWPlQxv ->
- RT @fathermetro: Muistakaa empatia, muistakaa välittäminen. Tänään, huomenna, varsinkin huomenna.
Hieno joukkue jonka pelaajat puhuvat mat… ->
- RT @Paco_Villa_: Fue una imagen terrible ver a Eriksen caer, pero también fue una gran labor de hermandad de todos en en campo.
Eriksen s… ->
- RT @kainutero: Tanskalla on upea kapteeni. Simon Kjær varmisti ettei Eriksen nielaise tajuttomana kieltään, piti huolen, että hän on oikeas… ->
- RT @GaryLineker: In 25 years of doing this job, that was the most difficult, distressing and emotional broadcast I’ve ever been involved wi… ->
- RT @Goal_en_espanol: ¡Admiración y respeto! ❤️
Los jugadores y aficionados de Finlandia se comportaron de la mejor manera posible. Corearo… ->
- RT @TimSparv: What an emotional roller-coaster this day has been. Our thoughts are with Christian Eriksen and his loved ones during these d… ->
- RT @TuomasYleva: Omalle pojalleni oli eilisestä jäänyt mieleen se, että Tanskan maalivahti Kasper Schmeichel oli mennyt halaamaan myös pall… ->
- RT @JaakkoKolhi: Suomen eilinen maali oli upea. Omasta maalipotkusta 11 syötöllä 10 eri pelaajan kautta vastustajan verkkoon. Ei tätä voi k… ->
- El ministro de defensa de Dinamarca le manda esta carta al ministro de defensa de Finlandia después del partido de… https://t.co/aTEK1oOC29 ->
- RT @kevinguilfoile: They've just beamed down and I gotta say, I don't like Merkel's chances. https://t.co/NfGDjIRqQu ->
- Please don’t do this. Even if you’re career-oriented, life is for living. Things you learn outside of work can be v… https://t.co/r7jgbC4PRR ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-05-31 to 2021-06-06
- I do not understand this but it’s certainly epic https://t.co/7Yr6Q2B4ZJ ->
- RT @mseltzermayr: Masks, buckets and matching handgels: @Berlaymonster has the skinny on the new post-pandemic press room rules https://t.c… ->
- If you know anything about Finnish public life, this video is 🔥🔥🔥. #OiSuomiOn #Huuhkajat #euro2020 https://t.co/JZQlkgQ3Dl ->
- I personally know three of the folks in this video (and it’s not like I run around trying to meet celebrities). Fin… https://t.co/D4ccYnFLOi in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @martindelp: Duden. Duden de todo. Incluso -o sobre todo- de ustedes mismos. Cuestionen sus certezas. El conocimiento, de cualquier tema… ->
- RT @GondorHasNoKing: @catvalente https://t.co/fj8VsgfzJR ->
- RT @PriitSilm: @MrFrankDGonzo @simongerman600 This is exactly for you: https://t.co/UBVU1VlbRo ->
- RT @WoodyW00dlegger: Moni suomalainenkaan ei muuten tiedä tätä: 👇 ->
- RT @mluiselli: Los funcionarios de casilla SOMOS tu amigo, tu vecino, tu prima, tu abuelo, tu mamá, tu colega, tu cuate, tu novio, tu espos… ->
- RT @pmpohjanheimo: Hoy he usado mi derecho y mi deber ciudadano. La #votación anticipada para las #elecciones municipales de #Finlandia de… ->
- Euro 2020 team guides part 7: Finland https://t.co/OIRBIoci9c
#Huuhkajat #OiSuomiOn #EURO2020 -> - RT @TimSparv: Merci beaucoup @sofoot et @ArthurJeanne. It’s a privilege everytime I get the chance to share our story to an international a… ->
- The answers in this thread are amazing. I haven't laughed so much in ages. https://t.co/qJfi017iJ7 ->
- RT @martindelp: Hoy @dariocelise en @ElFinanciero_mx hablando sobre Cruz Azul. Para que vean por dónde van los tiros. Y que no sólo soy yo.… ->
- RT @StorySlug: Canonically, the Lord of the Rings is a memoir by hobbits, which has several detailed descriptions of meals throughout, so m… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: ¿En Brasil también se pondrán tan histéricos como aquí cuando son portada de The Economist? ->
- RT @ArnoldcommaJon: Liga MX final second leg Sunday was the most-watched soccer match in nearly two years & top club match on any network s… ->
- RT @pmpohjanheimo: ¡Buenos días! Hoy las tierras de Santa Claus #santaclausfinland y el punto más norteño de #Finlandia en #Laponia disfrut… ->
- RT @disneyplusla: Viajero del tiempo: *se queda con el Teseracto*
Línea temporal: Le hacen una serie. -> - RT @L_S_poliisi: The #police wish to remind voters that the right to vote, or not vote, is personal and every voter has the right to exerci… ->
- RT @JoePompliano: A professional sports gambler used analytics to turn a $700,000 loan into more than $300 million.
This is the wild story… ->
- There’s a Mexican phrase that defines how @leijonat won today: Nos apedrearon el rancho pero ganamos. OMG, what a w… https://t.co/gfOfJFhU0i ->
- RT @MerjaNiilola: Olin päättänyt, etten koske tikullakaan "aamupalakohuun", mutta tämä on pakko laittaa.
Ranskalais-turkulainen ystäväni… ->
- 🤘🏽 https://t.co/WObFcddPBD ->
- RT @mims: In a soon to be classic example of disruption, Turkey is reshaping battlefields and geopolitics by making cheaper, less capable k… ->
- Mientras tanto en México ni siquiera sabemos cuánto se está robando el gobierno actual o los anteriores. 🤷🏽♂️ https://t.co/VWreYUFjoT ->
- RT @siirisalo: Tämmösestä työelämästä ei kyllä kukaan huaweile. https://t.co/Tu1qezpvEZ ->
- Discover Uusimaa, go #cycling. The only problem is that you’re still expected to go running afterwards.
#nurmijärvi… https://t.co/GLkwzc983U -> - RT @JTollandCAN: What is a diplomat to say on a day like today? No matter the outcome tomorrow, my Finnish colleagues and I can confidently… ->
- RT @TigerDiaz: Una Joyita.. https://t.co/1bUXHr1Yhz ->
- RT @sf_boswell: I hear Simone stuck her triple double at nationals, so I AM REUPPING THIS THREAD ->
- RT @EscapeToSuomi: On this day in 2007, Bubi the eagle owl flew into the Olympiastadion during the win against Belgium – and the #Huuhkajat… ->
- It was a tough game but yeah, great fake. https://t.co/idLURbdJrc ->
- RT @veronicalderon: La primera vez que voté, mi abuelo me dijo que debía valorar mucho que “no había soldados vigilando por quién votaba” c… ->
- Acabo de ver una parte de una entrevista a @ahope71 en las noticias finlandesas de @Maikkari hablando de la violencia en las #Elecciones2021 ->
- RT @angelitoconchia: Mi casilla está en una primaria y miren el Pizarron https://t.co/IgcBfLeAej ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-05-24 to 2021-05-30
- Me daría ternura su carita de ilusión de niño con juguete nuevo… si no tuviera tantas dudas sobre la rentabilidad y… https://t.co/HMvX6teHUY ->
- Not a surprise. Great song. @_Go_A_ https://t.co/xzxRuY8AM8 https://t.co/ochIhKpAME ->
- RT @2_UR13L: Un chingo de mi infancia, los recuerdo como el del monumento a la revolución, el partido del gallo, el de la estrellota roja y… ->
- RT @eperea: This thread is 💎
(h/t @davemcclure) ->
- RT @MarcoASolis: Gran parte de la problemática de las generaciones actuales, es que más que saber o conocer la verdad, lo que realmente anh… ->
- RT @AnnaGHughes: *ruining an interview* Wow this quantum computing job sounds like a super position! ->
- This… is interesting https://t.co/jigupjOqq2 ->
- RT @LourdesMelgar: 👇🏼Así ando desde la madrugada del lunes, no quepo de asombro que @gdehoyoswalther haya recomendado la columna.
Es una mu… -> - RT @eperea: Cada vez me siento más de vuelta en los 80s:
Apagones de horas
Bartlett al mando
Jeans bombachos
Luismi en la tel… -> - RT @miblogestublog: who did this? 😂 https://t.co/989XyO41Pl ->
- RT @jorge_guajardo: Como ya lo había comentado antes, el distanciamiento entre México y Estados Unidos no será a base de pronunciamientos p… ->
- RT @bilbeny: La banda emocional se que se escandaliza auténticamente por videos de robots que echan maromas se nos va a morir con este vide… ->
- RT @doctorow: Jesus fucking christ, I'm STILL hearing from people who think viruses "adapt" by becoming less virulent over time, and that o… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: Friendly reminder https://t.co/tqUTOwgQMd ->
- I call my kids “mijo” when I’m breaching a serious subject 1-1 https://t.co/ddIRVtMR44 ->
- This is a perfect example of why diverse teams and psychological safety to share your opinion are super important.… https://t.co/YFiag2TATQ ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Ouch. https://t.co/kktJTx8Q8a ->
- RT @TheEconomist: Mexico's president pursues ruinous policies by improper means. Our cover in Latin America this week argues that AMLO is a… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: “En otros países, poner al Ejército a manejar dinero público con poca supervisión ha sido catastrófico, como podría adv… ->
- RT @michaelreid52: Just as a reminder, this was my take on Peña Nieto en 2015 https://t.co/mVn43GGnps ->
- RT @premierleague: What is your favourite Chicharito moment in the #PL? 🇲🇽
- RT @temoris: Al respecto de The Economist y su portada contra AMLO: https://t.co/XclmlA4UJf ->
- RT @huidobropacorro: Llevan 4 horas enseñándole cómo pronunciar “Economist”.
Es para mañana. -> - RT @eperea: This is terrifying, in the full sense of the word. See page 17.
(Those who don't know h̶i̶s̶t̶o̶r̶y̶ science fiction are doome… ->
- RT @jorge_guajardo: El punto no es si el Economist representa intereses, o si el presidente los ve venir y se ríe porque a él no lo hacen t… ->
- RT @guillermo_ga: Les hice una portada que sí se puede ver #theeconomist2021 #Cheems https://t.co/sExYq2GagN ->
- RT @aracelibs: Les duele mas un artículo del @TheEconomist, que la venta de niñas en Guerrero, que las víctimas de la línea 12 del Metro y… ->
- RT @VirpiFlyg: Listening to a Finnish podcast episode about Sweden. In 🇸🇪's neighbouring countries the question is not if or how 🇸🇪 has bee… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Con todo lo de The Economist confirmo que casi nadie lee los artículos, nomás ven las ilustraciones.
🤷🏻♀️ ->
- RT @MarketingRags: The good, bad and the ugly! The latest research from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) does not hold back on the diversity c… ->
- RT @ianbremmer: Who’s been vaccinated?
The world’s rich. https://t.co/fChNlf1XwE -> - Esto siempre lo hacen con su reportaje de la semana. Que cale en ciertos círculos en México les es intramuscular. S… https://t.co/ZGq9Wr450U ->
- RT @jfruh: literally the plot of a DS9 episode ->
- RT @martindelp: No tiene que ser hermoso, solo efectivo. Chelsea campeón merecido. Y dudas de nuevo sobre Pep. Revolucionó el fútbol sin du… ->
- RT @lionelbarber: Watch Brazil ->
- RT @FrenchHist: Too good not to share. https://t.co/H0j0HN1ssx ->
- RT @Birdyword: My favourite joke from last year was Finns saying they were excited for the two metre distance rule to end so they could go… ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-05-17 to 2021-05-23
- RT @toivohaimi: https://t.co/m2HUJNXnNQ ->
- RT @catvalente: AHAHAHA.
Oh you sweet summer child.
This is RISK: Glitter Edition. ->
- UK zero points. Ouchhhhhh 😬 ->
- Germany 0 points. Ouchhhhh. ->
- España cero puntos. Lo siento pero siguen mandando lo mismo. #Eurovision #euroviisut ->
- RT @jussiwacklin: Audience points are brutal at #Eurovision ->
- RT @catvalente: My newbie darlings, I don’t know how to break it to you, but the UK getting nil points is completely normal. No need to see… ->
- We love you Europe! 218 points! #Eurovision #euroviisut ->
- Bravo Italia!!!! #Eurovision #euroviisut 🤟🏽 ->
- RT @solobasssteve: Y'know what? That's a properly great top five songs. ❤️
#Eurovision -> - RT @pedrosola: Estoy viendo el festival de Eurovision y no cabe duda de ahí si hay presupuesto y que saben hacer espectáculo. Tengo envidia. ->
- RT @iamchititi: El jurado: Francia y Suiza nosequé.
#Eurovision https://t.co/Kmo7FkLIP8 -> - RT @jke: Trinity & Neo ->
- RT @pvnkisdead: leggende che supportano altre leggende #Eurovision https://t.co/BkoPR2rVt6 ->
- RT @Miguelahc92: El top3 del televoto compuesto por un tema en italiano, otro en francés y otro en ucraniano, para que digan que hay que ir… ->
- RT @Ohra_aho: Deja vu #Eurovision https://t.co/WUapB4W80O ->
- RT @Redblaster: Como empezó // Como va #Eurovision https://t.co/c0XVqPwIDa ->
- RT @bbceurovision: The world: Italian music is love songs and opera
🇮🇹 at #Eurovision: Hold my drink https://t.co/lNiWAGGvRt -> - RT @bbceurovision: 🇫🇮 Me at the slightest inconvenience
- RT @DuncanWeldon: My actual Eurovision take (then I will stop for a year): Britain and Ireland did very well 1977-1999 when contestants wer… ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: I'm not really much of a fan of #Eurovision, but I am a fan of Finnish culture, so I am going (to try) to live-tweet each… ->
- RT @Natures_Voice: After a long wait… it’s the #Eurovision final! We’re celebrating the only way we know how – It’s time for Eurovision fin… ->
- RT @LeenaMalkki: Ennen kuin aletaan kuopata pohjoismaista yhteistyötä niin kannattaa katsoa yleisöäänet. #euroviisut https://t.co/vVGprkGD3h ->
- RT @ErkkaRailo: Nämä nuoret on ihan hemmoteltuja, kun ne ei ymmärrä arvostaa sitä, että Suomi ylipäänsä saa pisteitä. 😉 ->
- RT @HNTurtledove: I hate Capchas. Everybody hates Capchas. https://t.co/4G6dslrHmZ ->
- RT @TriciaLockwood: a dj who travels through time … having to find the job that is closest to being a dj in every historical era ->
- RT @RobertSundman: You get zero points! And you get zero points! #Eurovision #Eurovision2021 #euroviisut https://t.co/Qgx1mskXpN ->
- RT @iroughol: Yessssss someone made this
https://t.co/aFO2ajxjM1 -> - RT @jonwillchambers: The BBC BMG team only have to look at the Dutch, the Swiss, the French to see a turnaround is possible. Heads down, mo… ->
- 4 of 5 stars to To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis https://t.co/7LtTw1SuvI ->
- Café Tacuba no lo entenderían, pero algo onda María Daniela y su Sonido Lasser con producción de escenografía frego… https://t.co/AXzzzNp8Ry ->
- RT @earcos: ¿Qué es esta fantasía y por qué no había visto a Lebron bailando salsa antes? 😮😮😮😮 https://t.co/LbzDLWeIFV ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Oulunkylä, Etelä-Suomen Lääni, Finland https://t.co/pgPlpJE63g ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-05-10 to 2021-05-16
- RT @shreyas: Product people who pooh-pooh instinct would experience extreme cognitive dissonance if they realized how many iconic products… ->
- Eid Mubarak to my buddies who are celebrating the end of Ramadan today. ->
- Aaaages, and I saw it at the office of a (now defunct) ISP so I had a great connection at the time. https://t.co/cwvITptRBV ->
- RT @thought_grime: I will never forget the guy who came into my work this past December with no mask on saying "can somebody please tell me… ->
- RT @SusannaLHarris: Some random business bro at a bar a couple years ago asked what my PhD research was. I just replied "bacteria on plants… ->
- RT @VotoChilango: 🔴#DebateChilango -> Conoce las propuestas de quienes contienden por la #DiputaciónMigrante https://t.co/UOPYZwJm1I ->
- Me toca votar por uno de ustedes. ¿Qué propuestas tienen para los que NO vivimos en EUA? #diputacionmigrante… https://t.co/VFvDux0ZbC ->
- RT @dmofengineering: It’s only Scaled Agile For Enterprise
if it’s from the Âgile region of France,
otherwise it’s just Sparkling Waterfall. -> - RT @ChuckPastrana: El final más inesperado que recuerdo en mucho tiempo
https://t.co/ixWJleUckr -> - RT @amy_geek: I just realized you can still visit a virtual version of the Smithsonian's Star Wars: The Magic of Myth exhibit and it is so… ->
- RT @vadersanakin: hayden christensen anakin skywalker https://t.co/W9CSRHKnk0 ->
- RT @jeeveswilliams: now THIS is a fitness influencer 👏 https://t.co/SnGDNombw3 ->
- RT @kennethn: Product management was born 90 years ago tomorrow (maybe, sort of). Follow along. 🧵👇 https://t.co/x8h5h8HBoL ->
- RT @DrEricDing: 📍My god… the upgraded warning #B16172 variant (magenta) is surging so fast. Epidemiologists now estimate it is 60% faster t… ->
- RT @ApacheQQ: Oravat tehneet pesän ikkunalaudalle. Hyvä on siinä oravien nukkua 🐿️#oravat #luonto #oravanpesä https://t.co/2zcXhCAizW ->
- Jajajajajaja por favor ayúdense. México necesita una oposición, no payasadas. https://t.co/ZLjvJ0dUd5 https://t.co/0Uam2MeCQm ->
- RT @sonate_bleu: No les deseo el mal pero ojalá no tengan que normalizar bases de datos. ->
- RT @OutMochis: https://t.co/d820sgWtHe ->
- RT @martindelp: Pase de Lainez, gol de Guardado, power mexicano 👊🏽🇲🇽👊🏽 https://t.co/mzeaHoFND3 ->
- RT @MaxCRoser: The Economist built a model to assess the death toll of the pandemic, corrected for underreporting.
https://t.co/fJRSRcxtZy… -> - RT @EganRichardson: More than 30,000 people are running for election in Finland's local elections next month. In England last week there we… ->
- Trying (and somewhat failing) to draw the map of Finland on my run today
#kuvahaaste #unelmienliikuntapäivä… https://t.co/HorL6WUJaK -> - RT @80s_y_90s: Beakman te explica cómo funcionan las vacunas. 🔬🦠💉 https://t.co/EU2wOsWBhe ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Tervajärvi https://t.co/jH1vmfeHKQ ->
- RT @HumanBeingBros: https://t.co/Av1wzV68PL ->
- RT @Amy_Fallas: What can a Salvadoran hairdresser teach us about the history of U.S. political & evangelical interventions in Central Ameri… ->
- Gamla Borgå, modern cykel 🤪.Took the long way back from Porvoo today, sunny, beautiful and not too much traffic on… https://t.co/YBUoWNtWti ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-05-03 to 2021-05-09
- RT @Reuters: It’s #StarWarsDay! What started as a pun for fans has become an annual celebration of the galaxy far, far away. Here are some… ->
- RT @08181: En la desgracia quiero siempre a un mexicano cerca. De corazón lo digo.
https://t.co/eHd6gpHnga -> - RT @miblogestublog: #MayThe4thBeWithYou https://t.co/ukSLAjsb0f ->
- Our local libraries have been mostly open (except for the worst wave). People have naturally avoided crowds and ind… https://t.co/k3Kkx83FSt ->
- No puedo dejar de llorar escuchando a este muchacho. No solo por su testimonio, sino por la lucidez, empatía y educ… https://t.co/BMocxGO3gh ->
- RT @DaGood: Some much-needed humour back in pandemic-related advertising! Great ad from @ExtraGum https://t.co/idKim057Gj ->
- RT @AaronSerna: Growing up Catholic means every time “May the 4th be with you” rolls around, you say quietly in your head, “and also with y… ->
- The markets nowadays are all for the lulz. 🤷🏽♂️ https://t.co/u9di6ZZqHm ->
- RT @SchibstedGroup: Can you imagine no traffic in Stockholm for 24 years? That's the equivalent of what @Adevinta 's and our marketplaces u… ->
- Not only is #CincodeMayo not Mexican Independence Day. It's barely celebrated in Mexico and I personally find all t… https://t.co/gHXHj3SS0G ->
- Do you want to celebrate Mexican culture with Mexicans? Approach your local community on September 16th and then be ready to party 😁 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @DeMemoria: 📽 ¡Justo en el dolor de articulaciones!
Hace 43 años, 'La Guerra de las Galaxias', estaba en las carteleras de cines en… -> - RT @josedenigris: @miblogestublog This one is good also —>
#CincodeMayo2021 https://t.co/LONPyIw6vw -> - RT @El_Cline: @miblogestublog Andaba en chinga. Ahí va: https://t.co/ZIgH5pNsCS ->
- RT @thelindazhang: Why does everyone want to do strategy? What’s really behind execution problems? How is everyone so confident in this mee… ->
- If you have ever watched sports and are a dad you will identify with this. https://t.co/1IGJleK88r ->
- RT @jdragsky: what if the pandemic happened in 2009 instead https://t.co/2FQsBkvTJv ->
- RT @Cuauhtemoc_1521: Hoy recordamos la gran victoria mexicana sobre las fuerzas invasores francesas, la famosa batalla del #5demayo. Este H… ->
- https://t.co/J0DaOnncrV https://t.co/1Ad8X7MoWP ->
- RT @econokafka: Se requiere cierta edad, pero con que recuerdes algo de Echeverría o López Portillo sabes que esta película ya la viste.
Y… ->
- RT @Medium: English is the most widely spoken non-native language in Europe. Here are a few examples of Euro English and a breakdown of the… ->
- RT @MegClement: Since we're on the subject of Napoleon today, please enjoy my favourite and extremely relatable Bonaparte moment: complaini… ->
- RT @chazhutton: Todays Comic: Sleeping, or rather… not. https://t.co/SufLCQxQ4i ->
- RT @ErkkoMeri: Lasten ja nuorten urheiluseuroissa hankittiin v. 2020 27000 lisenssiä vähemmän kuin v. 2019.
Tuo määrä vastaa mm. kahta täy… ->
- I had heard of cases like this in Mexico. All those COVID deniers can eat my shorts. This is terrible. 😔 https://t.co/iHeNFQNFXe ->
- RT @Sifuentes: Avengers: Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history…
Bic: https://t.co/rCAGy42IZw -> - RT @NASA_es: Casi el 85 por ciento de México está experimentando sequía. Grandes embalses del país, como la Presa Villa Victoria, están en… ->
- Eastern Finland with 20 cm of snow in May. https://t.co/jMcJVA1rt2 ->
- RT @macariomx: Al señor presidente… https://t.co/yNhXm8uqsH ->
- RT @DavidAvromBell: From my Facebook feed, the definitive argument for the Oxford comma. https://t.co/lMeMBgdVJO ->
- RT @AlfredoLecona: Ya podemos empezar a jugar un bingo en México. https://t.co/YQyeZG0x5F ->
- RT @beco: En mi sueño de hoy, por primera vez, había gente con cubrebocas y nos saludábamos de puñito. La pandemia ya llegó hasta el sueño,… ->
- RT @MaryRobinette: It's… It's time for a game of #marygoround. Since it's been over a year, let's review the rules.
1. When my travel go… ->
- RT @DudespostingWs: https://t.co/tBnR7yd1to ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-04-26 to 2021-05-02
- RT @FearEconomist: Boomers: ¿Por qué los niños no juegan afuera?
El afuera que construyeron 👇 https://t.co/DQNkz9jQuo ->
- RT @gpwigglesworth: Gary Larson here, casually summing up Twitter in The Far Side. https://t.co/Nx2hwQDz8J ->
- RT @SpaceCityPl4net: @Ryan_Ken_Acts https://t.co/3q9RxGv890 ->
- Needs more cowbell https://t.co/auf6qE11w9 ->
- This is also an illustration of something Europeans don’t understand: many things that are considered quintessentia… https://t.co/PJEDqjZvog in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Influences go both ways (Mexico is quite Americanized, especially the further north you go), but one of my favorite… https://t.co/e7RQrWvZOl in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Mexican politician (I almost entered politics in my youth, until I saw the bog).
Spy (experience with 8 languages,… https://t.co/TG3ZGTJHFh -> - A little bit less evil (but not by much) would be product/marketing for a tobacco/oil/gambling company. Those skill… https://t.co/lbEAGKznyT in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @Lnatera: Pequeño hilo sobre como podemos disminuirle riesgo de contagio en nuestro entorno.
El SARS-CoV-2 es un virus de trans… -> - RT @xkcdComic: Types of Scientific Paper https://t.co/dKRewc3zdQ https://t.co/JtjfOwJUzn https://t.co/hJkmwZFUFr ->
- RT @libbyanelson: Sometimes I think about how @xkcd has just been out here writing a perfect social history of the pandemic in real time. h… ->
- Näkyvä etninen vähemmistö, opin suomea aikuisena. Muuten sisimmissä piireissä. https://t.co/n50zy0IE4h ->
- Esto es perfecto https://t.co/CL69vO92Ec ->
- RT @IFckingLoveMaps: Hypothetical map of modern Mexico City if Lake Texcoco hadn't dried off.
Source: https://t.co/GmTS8KHtPr https://t.co… -> - Acaba de publicar una foto en Oulunkylä, Etelä-Suomen Lääni, Finland https://t.co/UvYbUxV7gf ->
- RT @oneunderscore__: This is absolutely bananas. ->
- This is talking about India but there’s a couple of other places ruled by populist governments that come to mind. https://t.co/vFGglNClPo ->
- RT @amolado: Nunca me hartaré de este meme: https://t.co/T3Gf6hAsFv ->
- RT @xkcd: mRNA Vaccine https://t.co/n7qzm6BTdM https://t.co/ysntgMFnv4 ->
- RT @ferlelo: Sergeant Lopez Obrador
https://t.co/R18jCyGFin -> - RT @dreasaez: Things that are not roadmaps:
❌ A sprint plan
❌ A release plan
❌ A kanban
❌ A release timeline roadmapThings that are a… ->
- RT @cubbie9000: Gonna be one craaazy summer. https://t.co/VvMDl2Ut8S ->
- RT @TommiHNieminen: #Bhutan on kyllä hämmentävä Himalajan valtio. Varsin köyhä ja sulkeutunut. Uskoo bkt:n sijaan kansanbrutto-onnellisuute… ->
- #HauskaaVappua! https://t.co/XT7p6Z21am ->
- Cómo empezó / cómo va
#FelizDíadelNiño https://t.co/FzNyxIbzSK ->
- RT @samuel_pollen: European out-of-offices: “I’m away camping for the summer. Email again in September”
American out-of-offices: “I have l… ->
- RT @UjuniAhmed: Tässä on vieraskielisten uutisten nais uutisankkurit. Koronapandemian myötä Suomen moninaisuus on ollut näkyvämpää kuin iki… ->
- RT @mims: this whole pandemic has felt to me like a succession of self-owns by isolated, stuck-at-home managers who didn’t have anyone imme… ->
- I really dislike American Cinco de Mayo BS (it’s not Mexican Independence Day etc etc) but I’ll never get tired of… https://t.co/5w8ljdos5e ->
- Student cap ✅
Comfy apparel (@huuhkajat & @chivas) ✅
Theme-appropriate music ✅
Refreshments of choice ✅
Food ✅ - We’ve always been able to go outside. Schools were closed for secondary school, elementary and younger are open. Ma… https://t.co/2Z9IRtvhcO ->
- Got a little overenthusiastic. First 100km of the season #willswimcyclerunfortacos #helsinki #spring en Helsinki https://t.co/WrtlXZ1amr ->
- RT @jorge_guajardo: Esto es lo que les pasa a los países cuyos presidentes (todos hombres), en plena arrogancia, le dicen al mundo que lo q… ->
- Suomi-Twitter, voisitteko auttaa tässä? Suosikkini kirjailija kysyy aika tarkka ja mielenkiintoinen kysymys alla.… https://t.co/zCJt0UTy6i ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-04-19 to 2021-04-25
- RT @NASAJPL: We're all spun up! Get up (or stay up) and join the #MarsHelicopter team live in mission control to find out if the first powe… ->
- RT @ajpiano: who decided to call them NFTs instead of GIF Certificates??? ->
- RT @ceronne: Gravé en la penca de un maguey…..tu nombreeeee https://t.co/oA6fNYdTKs ->
- RT @joao_batalha: How it started: How it's going: https://t.co/xCwdX23yQk ->
- RT @contodonetflix: Today is Luis Miguel's 51st birthday 🎉
In honor of the man known as ☀️El Sol de México☀️ we're celebrating with a 51-ho… -> - RT @david_perell: A guy from college just cold emailed me, and mentioned all the people who used to mock me.
In retrospect, I realized tha… ->
- RT @MuseoMexicano: https://t.co/KKdcKsDlBG ->
- RT @willsh: Mars as a bean-counting crypto-factory planet, populated by endless cities of energy-hungry super-hot servers endlessly crunchi… ->
- RT @akiriihilahti: Regardless where you come from if you just keep winning enough the dream of playing against anyone and the unlikely stor… ->
- RT @SpiderPranker: Allow me to repost a repost because this was too good not to share further https://t.co/5OK101zSSi ->
- RT @MaryRobinette: I can't be the only person who hears Ingenuity going "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" while watching this, can I? ->
- RT @john_vassiliou1: There is always a visa angle.
The 6 English clubs' plans to join the ESL may be scuppered by their foreign players re… ->
- RT @NoMansSky: just saw my youth pass by 🤯 https://t.co/8SS1NpTIuk ->
- RT @eperea: Yo creo que es hora de que hablemos sobre una realidad perturbadora de este país. Se nos ha mentido durante décadas. Gente pode… ->
- The rise of the traditionalists: how a mystical doctrine is reshaping the right https://t.co/5PXjVb4j26 ->
- RT @AstroKatie: Nice article by @uncertainquark for @exploreplanets about why terraforming Mars is probably a lot harder than you've been l… ->
- RT @andr3oid: Me salió este tiktok de unos trabajadores que hacen competencias para ver quién lleva el mejor lonche y me dio mucha hambre.… ->
- RT @JohnMoynes: Rage Against the Machine never specified what type of machine they were furious with but I reckon it was probably a printer. ->
- RT @auroraggf: Me tocó vivir en un país en el que Pemex y CFE eran monopolios, no había INE, ni INAI. La Suprema Corte y el Congreso hacían… ->
- RT @SimplyDavy: American producers when the scene of a movie takes place in Mexico https://t.co/epe9M31K7Y ->
- Que me entierren con la banda https://t.co/KQMRQWSmv7 ->
- RT @BrianSuomi: @JJDodders My OH is Finnish. Finland has a population of about 2000 European brown bears. I enjoy their presence. They larg… ->
- RT @lamonse: Esta ha sido la idea desde el inicio de su transformación. ¿Sorprendidos? Ni la Ley ni las Instituciones les importan.
¿Quier… -> - RT @DanielPink: The best mentors don't offer specific skills and specialized knowledge.
They pass on unwritten rules and tacit knowledge.… ->
- RT @diazbriseno: Normally, a Mexican Govt would be proud that a young Mexican-born activist was featured in a world stage. Instead, the arm… ->
- RT @NathanielParish: In Mexico, accounts promoting President #AMLO are already working to discredit and troll @xiyebastida for her speech u… ->
- RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: India reports 344,845 new coronavirus cases, the largest daily increase of any country since the pandemic beg… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Hace dos años tuiteé que el presidente querría reelegirse. En las respuestas hubo todo tipo de insultos. Ahora tengo el… ->
- RT @tjukanov: A map of Finland. In the blue areas the distance to the closest lake is less than 1 kilometer.
Data: @Maanmittaus, analysis… ->
- RT @charliejane: I was talking to a writing class, and I mentioned that until my mid-teens I heard a "narrator" voice in my head narrating… ->
- RT @winston_lobo: Cuando desarrollas una aplicación y se la das al usuario https://t.co/PAxZxwTwhM ->
- RT @VarskySports: Banfield🇦🇷, Atlético Nacional🇨🇴, Betis🇪🇸 y Santos Laguna🇲🇽 crearon la alianza internacional Amor Verde y Blanco🟩⬜️. Se pr… ->
- Meanwhile there’s a worldwide shortage of bikes and bike parts because the pandemic has incentivized biking. 🤦🏽♂️ https://t.co/04XAlnLCkv ->
- RT @roger_velav: Come play with us, Mexico https://t.co/Qq4qwLfa9P ->
- RT @EscapeToSuomi: Teemu Pukki being named in the EFL team of the season has made big news in Helsinki, EA publicising it in the centre of… ->
- 3 of 5 stars to And the Last Trump Shall Sound by Harry Turtledove https://t.co/Vp0Wk8KBnB ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-04-12 to 2021-04-18
- Good follow up thread. The process is still broken, though. https://t.co/605b06xMS2 ->
- RT @harrikumpulaine: Kansalaiset,
Suomi on EM-lopputurnausmaa yhtäaikaisesti niin miesten kuin naisten jalkapallossa sekä miesten futsalis… ->
- RT @iamarqui: “Why isn’t your camera on”
- RT @OutOfContextMex: https://t.co/81kzRrnwAs ->
- RT @ValeriaMoy: 💉Suponga usted que la vacuna más cara cuesta 40 dólares. Si cualquier otra vacuna fuera 100% mas barata, costaría 0 dlls. A… ->
- RT @Alexander_Avina: Everyday struggle https://t.co/evVxcM0bK6 ->
- RT @thetomzone: It genuinely never even crossed my mind that this would qualify as the worst global crisis I will face over the course of m… ->
- Do stuff as well as you can but don’t take life too seriously. You will not escape alive. 🤪 #alpineskiing #lapland… https://t.co/H934OtxCu2 ->
- Ärsyttää, hävettää, ihmetyttää https://t.co/Gx9aR2juCf ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Ylläs https://t.co/kU3EKWrJVo ->
- The cross-country skiing race I have been training for the past year (@YllasLevi) was canceled due to the pandemic.… https://t.co/KaXueNpm2N ->
- RT @pvesterbacka: Awak Kuier on tekemässä temppua, johon yksikään suomalainen ei ole pystynyt – historiallinen hetki koittaa ensi yönä: "Ni… ->
- RT @ianbremmer: Risk of blood clots
J&J vaccine .00001%
Birth control pills: .05%
COVID infection: 16%(CDC) ->
- RT @sreece76: A photographer was lying on his back to shoot a picture of the ceiling when he was approached by curious pigeons.🤩 https://t.… ->
- RT @iancdavieseval: An Astra Zeneca first shot was made available a few weeks ago to a very close family relative who declined, wanting to… ->
- This is very sci-fi. Switch your face via AI to gain notoriety on networks because social mores will make you a bor… https://t.co/vRIInvhLQv ->
- RT @DJJudd: Very nice of the Finnish to send candy, and very rude of them to absolutely roast us for being miserable https://t.co/wTEKQJO47g ->
- RT @OwenPence: Hi.
I wrote about Awak Kuier for @Winsidr: https://t.co/idTcrXqmwg ->
- Starting to look like a tourism promotion board account 😅 #lappi #lapland #ylläs #finland #visitlapland en Kesänkij… https://t.co/8R6CX5nqEN ->
- This is going to come back and bite all of us in the ass, but immigrants are going to feel it first. I shudder thin… https://t.co/UCeRuU0M7S ->
- RT @biologistimo: “Bobcat” is trending and I feel like I’ve been training for this my whole life.
A thread. ->
- Si alguna vez te encuentras un gato que es más grande que un gato ¡aguas! Es un lince rojo y puede ser peligroso (r… https://t.co/0b5mtNDyaV ->
- RT @forssto: Product Leader!
You've got the SUPERPOWER of product skills. Why not use them to solve your other problems?
The classic "I'… ->
- I can’t stand capirotada. Maybe because I haven’t had a good one. https://t.co/JZkdYD71DV ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Ylläs https://t.co/kp5Q6AFuFM ->
- RT @jyri: "I’m sorry, but… why are you doing this in Finland?" 🇫🇮 This week on a pitch call with Silicon Valley, I watched a deeptech fou… ->
- Acaba de publicar un video en Ylläs https://t.co/qNUR93fEbR ->
- RT @martindelp: Esto lo hace A LOS CASI 34 AÑOS. A esa edad Pelé y Maradona estaban casi retirados. Messi es el mejor jugador de la histori… ->
- RT @Tine531: Mun suosikkini 🥰eilisen Hesarin ’Lasten tiedekysymyksistä: https://t.co/cfntbqIEtR ->