- RT @page_eco: It’s incredible that some in the West keep repeating Putin’s propaganda about “Nazis in Ukraine”.
Truth: the far-right is sm… ->
- RT @ReinaRiikka: Mulla palaa hermot autokauppoihin jo ensi askeleella. Koska tämä linnake ymmärtää, että naiset tekevät päätöksiä ja ostava… ->
- RT @kajakallas: Today 73 years ago my mother (only 6-months old at the time) was deported to Siberia with my grandmother and great-grandmot… ->
- RT @JimMFelton: When JK Rowling sat in that cafe all those years ago, there’s no way she could have known she’d one day be endorsed by Vlad… ->
- RT @carlogarganese: 🚨 LONG THREAD 🚨
Italian football has a HUGE crisis in youth development and the end result of that is failing to quali… ->
- RT @jojjeols: 🧵For obvious reasons, I have started to read up a bit on military history, and will occasionally sum up things I find interes… ->
- RT @Alldogsaredead: I love when Gandalf finds out the magic ring Bilbo has is the one ring and he's like oh fuck no way. It must be like fi… ->
- RT @WUTangKids: Linkin Park released their second album “Meteora” filled with their biggest hits 19 years ago today…their live mashup with… ->
- RT @Biz_Ukraine_Mag: Glorious 19-tweet thread of Ukrainian tractors towing away Putin’s hapless invasion force ->
- Nooooooo. Rest in Power Taylor. 😭 https://t.co/UNb6JRNyqN ->
- RT @RAMONRAYA23: Voy a desglosar la jugada de Reyna para q el q quiera aprender lo haga y no se desgarren las vestiduras.
Primer recorte. Q… -> - RT @sopitas: QEPD, Taylor Hawkins. Cuéntale a Kurt todas las aventuras que viviste con Dave. https://t.co/bIOc6qTWDB ->
- RT @dsaadia: RIP Taylor Hawkins. Last performance in Mexico City March 15 2022 💔 https://t.co/M1xaSvt3VH ->
- Olé sus huevos https://t.co/1t96ppdT5N ->
- RT @korno: Velas en el escenario donde se iba a presentar Foo Fighters en Bogotá.
Qué triste noche. https://t.co/OrAvMJeVHq -> - RT @natemook: Today, the Lviv Philharmonic performed for the first time since the invasion—with refugees from across Ukraine joining the or… ->
- RT @IlvesToomas: People ask why Estonian, Latvians Lithuanians and Poles are at the lead helping Ukrainians.
We get it. We’ve been there.… ->
- RT @jackeparrock: This really is quite something. Wait for the total admonishment of Hungary’s Viktor Orban. https://t.co/zVrkwNY1eL ->
- También pueden contactarme a mí. Estos “representantes populares” deben entender qué país realmente representan. https://t.co/N1dEXk5yz7 ->
- RT @CarolBoquin: #RIPTaylorHawkins 😭I loved when he sang this song. He was an amazing performer. Foo Fighters feet. Rufus Taylor on drums —… ->
- This model only works if your demographics support it. The Russian population pyramid does not have enough young pe… https://t.co/grui4BG7uC ->
- RT @RottenInDenmark: Fascinating analysis of Sweden's "herd immunity" strategy in March 2020. Basically the government was taken over by CO… ->
- RT @Sotherans: in the spirit of the age, and because I couldn't rest until I had done it, I present
Trapped In A Cabin With Lord Byron, th… ->
- RT @onejasonknight: Welcome to Product Twitter where you simultaneously do & don't need to worry about marketing, sales, distribution, wher… ->
- RT @davidgambarte: Tienen el segundo ejército más grande del mundo y el primer arsenal nuclear. Itimidan, desestabilizan o incluso invaden… ->
- RT @theMadridZone: Keylor Navas welcomed a group of 30 Ukrainians refugees to his home in Paris to live temporarily.
He bought 30 beds tha… ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Seeing something I haven’t seen before in Finnish traffic: Ukrainian license plates. Ласкаво просимо. 🇺🇦🇫🇮 ->
- RT @alexstubb: In Europe we should not fall into the trap of thinking that the war in Ukraine is all about Russia v. the West.
It is as mu… ->
- The choreography was awesome but I couldn’t stop thinking about the knees 😅 https://t.co/7VCvGnbRg3 ->
- RT @MarkHertling: The objectives of Putin were fairly straightforward from the beginning: Subjugate Ukraine, Divide NATO, further divide th… ->
- RT @MonstersOfRock: Taylor Hawkins 💔 Somebody to Love https://t.co/guZyahvyLG ->
- RT @isosavi: Johtaminen on ilmeisesti NL-tyylistä. "Russians don’t empower their soldiers, they tell their soldiers to go from Point A to P… ->
- RT @lapatina_: https://t.co/QaPT7LDyrG ->
- RT @punk6529: 1/ On How Short Life Is
A few years ago, I was walking around in a blizzard in SoHo (New York). It was late, midnight, and… ->
- RT @kamilkazani: How sanctions are killing Russia?
Russia's falling. Old sanctions of 2014 sabotaged development of new innovative weaponr… ->
- RT @consequence: Dave Grohl introduces Taylor Hawkins during his final concert with Foo Fighters 🖤 https://t.co/bpGWO9iIj5 ->
- RT @Letterman: One of a few drummers our drummer Anton Fig would leave his kit to watch work when Foo Fighters appeared on Late Show. A tru… ->
- RT @JarnoLim: Ukrainan sodan 3 tärkeintä oppia Suomeen:
– Maanpuolustustahdon, yhtenäisyyden, puolustuskyvyn valtava merkitys
– Läntiset ku… -> - RT @US_Latino: 1/n
Mi enérgica protesta y reclamo a quienes nos llaman “héroes vivientes” cuando hablan de nuestras #Remesas, que están sa… ->
- RT @villecantell: Mikä on hienoa suomalaisten medialukutaito ja se miten täällä Twitterisäkin nopeasti reagoidaan ja huomataan kun joku lev… ->
- RT @alexstubb: When you are born and raised in country with 1340km of border with Russia, you quickly realise that your security cannot be… ->
- RT @timothyjgraham: I've been tracking accounts that 'liked' tweets from Russian government and embassy accounts. Sprayed a bit of sparklin… ->
- RT @DrJadeMcGlynn: Several people have put it to me that surely, once lots of young Russian men start coming back in body bags, Russians wi… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: Today is a good day to reminisce about our favorite @RealGDT #Oscar moment https://t.co/zQTi2bmOrt ->
- RT @shannonpareil: Meet Keenan Ramsey. Her LinkedIn profile says she sells software for RingCentral & has a business degree from NYU. She l… ->
- RT @maddiemcgarvey: My brother lived in Hawaii when this happened. His neighbor got into a bathtub with a mattress over his head, took a sh… ->
Tag Archives: social media
Weekly tweets from 2022-03-14 to 2022-03-20
- RT @Coruscant_Times: Today in Opinion | Why I Miss Nute Gunray
By Toomas Freedmuni https://t.co/S1ECQX84en ->
- 😫 https://t.co/6tRdMMMmVl ->
- This is like “the only proper Spanish is the one spoken in Spain” but weaponised as a policy of the state. https://t.co/NAiIpeysxx ->
- RT @johnholman100: at San Ysidro port of entry, Tijuana, Ukranian refugees are being allowed into the US with very little delay. this is th… ->
- RT @avalaina: THREAD: It's the best thing I have read for the current moment. My friend Yulia Chereshnya wrote to her mom publicly in very… ->
- RT @ErinMBOHalloran: Former #Syria reporter / Beirut bureau chief @ABarnardNYT is literally tracking all of the ways in which the current c… ->
- RT @CraigSilverman: NEW: Over a dozen Russian-language videos spreading on social media claim to debunk Ukrainian disinfo.
But they’re ac… ->
- RT @maraj60: "Suomen pitää ajatella turvallisuuttaan omasta näkökulmastaan, ei Venäjän, näkökulmasta, koska olemme suomalaisia." ->
- RT @IlyaMatveev_: I have collected some thoughts on the immediate impact of sanctions on the Russian economy (a long 🧵). TL; DR: 30 years o… ->
- RT @Rainmaker1973: This model visualizes the effects of gravity on a car on different planets of our solar system [video: https://t.co/ZNUc… ->
- RT @GeorgeTakei: When Russia sanctioned Canada, it barred leaders from all major federal parties, including conservative leaders.
But when… ->
- Fotomultas på svenska https://t.co/U00BnwRcYx ->
- RT @jmkorhonen: We used to laugh at the 1980s Finnish army’s primary means of tactical mobility – tractors – but who’s laughing now? ->
- RT @ArmandDoma: Putin's array of yes men convincing him his military was far more capable than it actually was and Xi's propaganda campaign… ->
- RT @maraj60: Esimerkki hybridivaikuttamisesta, mihin meidänkin tulee varautua. Deed fake -kuvamanipulaation avulla tuotettu video, jossa pr… ->
- RT @tommileskinen: @SarasvuoJari Krimin miehityksen jälkeen, äitini työmatkalla Venäjällä häneltä iloisesti kysyttiin, että ”koska voimme l… ->
- RT @johncutlefish: "We've silenced the HIPPO after all .."
months later
My god, holding ourselves accountable to do decision reviews, bei… ->
- RT @NathL: Thread about the finnish Star of Africa classic board game and Finns' refusal to see its obviously racist content. Reminds me of… ->
- RT @vivaciousvandal: The Asian representation that Hollywood has been lacking: https://t.co/kZYjowzhZW ->
- RT @JeremyCliffe: Future historians will study Zelensky’s speeches to foreign parliaments over these weeks as an exercise in precisely iden… ->
- RT @nexta_tv: Family conflicts are flaring up in ordinary #Russian families because of the war in #Ukraine. The older generation, drugged b… ->
- RT @christogrozev: One unexpected "fog of war" side effect is that Russian army forgot they were pretending they didn't invade Ukraine in 2… ->
- RT @OzKaterji: I hope Ukrainians learn the lessons Syrians had to against Russia fast. Never reveal the locations of shelters for women and… ->
- RT @irishelt: Checklist for trips from Polish border to EU countries:
The French guy that I've been advisin… ->
- RT @eperea: Memories https://t.co/h5hFZaHZyG ->
- RT @Schwarzenegger: I love the Russian people. That is why I have to tell you the truth. Please watch and share. https://t.co/6gyVRhgpFV ->
- RT @jmkorhonen: Many people have wondered how the Finns defend Finland today, so here's a very short introduction to modern Finnish defence… ->
- RT @sulkahattu: Puolustusvoimat ja eri yhteistyökumppanit on tuottaneet aivan upeita koulutusvideoita….1900-luvulla. Otetaanpa pieni kats… ->
- RT @SlavaMalamud: Here it comes, the long-ass thread about sports and politics in Russia. Strap in. This is a subject near and dear to my h… ->
- RT @Pasisillanp: Kun ulkomaalaiset uutistoimistot tulevat taas selvittämään sitä, miksi Suomi on maailman onnellisin maa, niin mahtaa niill… ->
- RT @FinGovernment: Хотим предоставить также русскоязычным информацию органов власти в виде фактов. Теперь информация о нападении России на… ->
- RT @ichbinilya: Russian writer and economist Maxim Mironov (@mironov_fm) has written an absolutely fascinating critique of the elite Russia… ->
- The race that I’ve prepared for the last two years is tomorrow. 54 km from Rena to Lillehammer. #Birkebeinerrennet… https://t.co/dWIwmd5Rg4 ->
- RT @carljackmiller: When we say Kyiv is winning the information war, far too often we only mean information spaces we inhabit.
Pulling ap… ->
- RT @uusilauri: Suomalaiset miehet: "turvapaikanhakijat toivat ahdistelu- ja raiskauskulttuurin Suomeen, ei täällä sellaista ennestään ollut… ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Birkebeineren Ski Stadium https://t.co/vktEWgxzO2 ->
- #Birkebeinerrennet 2022 is fine. I’m exhausted. https://t.co/5VXmA7iz3W ->
- And It should say “is done”. Damn you autocorrect. in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @KevinRothrock: The Yuri Gagarin memes are the gift that keep giving: “How are you doing, my dear descendants! Already on your way to Ma… ->
- RT @gustavofdelc: Aquí esta la conferencia de Zedillo, de manera concreta pero cuidadosa destroza a los gobiernos populistas , indirectamen… ->
- RT @HenriVanhanen: Russian aggression in #Ukraine has had a decisive impact on European security. Here in the North too, the development is… ->
- RT @GDarkconrad: Ukranian refugee children have already realized that in Spain respecting the personal space has never been our forte.
http… -> - RT @alainmizrahi: 🧵Estación de tren Amsterdam Central. Paso la puerta automática hacia zona de andenes escaneando QR de mi ticket. Del otro… ->
- RT @TrentTelenko: Alright Lady's & Gentlemen, boys and girls, it is time for another Truck logistics thread🧵 for this latest Russian Invasi… ->
- RT @SklRoma: It was my home.
Boulevard Shevchenka 359 - RT @kommanderkarl: Hey y’all! I compiled my best and favorite reloads! No robot voice and now widescreen format! Enjoy!! 🙂 https://t.co/fG… ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-03-07 to 2022-03-13
- If somebody wants me to distill the main cultural difference between Mexico and Finland, it's this. 👇🏽 https://t.co/sGnASw0fbV ->
- RT @polinaivanovva: BREAKING – Russia just started process of banning Instagram.
It’s huge because this is really a much loved platform in… ->
- RT @philipoconnor: Spoke to former #Finland captain @TimSparv today as he has given his apartment in Vaasa to a Ukrainian family to use. On… ->
- RT @IlvesToomas: It took a long time for younger East Europeans to get over the stories by grandmothers and parents of the Russians' indisc… ->
- RT @JuanGBarba: 1/10 La primera debilidad 🇷🇺 se manifiesta donde más importa en una guerra: en el campo de batalla. Esta afirmación resulta… ->
- RT @carlbildt: This report is impossible to confirm, but the Fifth Service of FSB has been at the very core of the preparations for the 🇷🇺… ->
- RT @aschapire: Todo el aparato ruso de propaganda desplegado. Desde sus embajadas a sus granjas de Trolls, por Twitter, Telegram, Instagram… ->
- RT @PhilipGomm1: On 11 March 1940 at #Kollaa during the #WinterWar things were desperate, the Finns worn down by "the constant drumfire and… ->
- RT @allthingskenobi: EWAN IS ALL OF US https://t.co/yAEV0BSVaT ->
- RT @Killa_ru: What's happening in Russia/Moscow rn. A pretty random thread: ->
- RT @OzKaterji: Sorry but it will never not be odd to hear British people complain that an Arab journalist has parachuted into a European wa… ->
- THE person to follow to understand Russia is this dude, @kamilkazani . His threads are a rabbit hole paved in gold. https://t.co/QKtcWoo1g2 ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: I do like to think of myself as someone who can coherently explain Finland and all its (many) cultural idiosyncrasies to… ->
- RT @nntaleb: So the same pple who believe that Trump won the election, weightlifting combined with hydroxychloroquine, cures Covid, masks a… ->
- RT @HellwiW: @johanbek En usko että ukrainalaiset kovin mielellään pyytävät kaltaisiasi kremlin kätyreitä voitonjuhliinsa sitten kun venäjä… ->
- RT @JuanGBarba: 1/10 La diplomacia se acelera cuando estalla una guerra, con una doble finalidad: para detenerla (mediadores, entre ellos O… ->
- La izquierda mexicana nunca se dió cuenta de que el muro de Berlín cayó hace 30 años, entonces es obvio que tampoco… https://t.co/c6gqb5jngy ->
- RT @maraj60: Talvisodan päättymispäivänä – kiitos vapaasta isänmaasta miehille ja naisille lumen ja jään. Oma isäni haavoittui Leipäsuolla… ->
- RT @senjalarsen: 🪦
RIP modernin globalisaation kukoistusvaihe
Kansainvälinen taloudellinen ja kulttuurinen yhdentyminen, toimi… -> - RT @lamonse: Es decir, no nos importan los periodistas asesinados ni la violencia en México.
Lo que nos importa es que no injurien a nuest… ->
- RT @spoiler4you: Ewan McGregor and Pedro Pascal fanboying over Star Wars is all I ever needed in life tbh
https://t.co/tggts0315D -> - RT @ComCodyCC2224: I legit just want to casually dress in Jedi robes and just act like it's normal so everyone can simply join me.
Would… ->
- RT @Noahpinion: Very sharp and reasonable thinking from the Chinese government here. Glad to see this. ->
- RT @helsinkiuni: We grant the right to non-degree studies to students who have arrived in Finland, whose degree studies in Ukraine have bee… ->
- RT @coldxman: Those who implore us to imagine what NATO expansion looks like from the Russian viewpoint never seem interested in imagining… ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-02-28 to 2022-03-06
- RT @lamonse: Impresionantemente bello escuchar poesía de poetas ucranianos leída por muchos poetas y lectores mexicanos.
🇺🇦🙏🏻🇺🇦 - RT @TheDailyShow: It's great to see Ukraine's neighbors welcoming refugees with open arms. But it's worth taking a look at why refugees fro… ->
- RT @miemo: Muistatteko vielä sen kaukaisen hetken, kun Suomi voitti historiallisen olympiakullan jääkiekossa?
Siitä ei ole vielä edes kaht… ->
- 😂🤣😂🤣 https://t.co/3goFgQdGYm ->
- RT @teemul: Like many who live in a country sharing a border with #Russia, I am anguished beyond words. To clear my head, here are some of… ->
- RT @koukkarijukka: 👊👍
Reserviläisiltä runsaasti yhteydenottoja Puolustusvoimiin – kokosimme ohjeita – Puolustusvoimat
https://t.co/f45zbS… -> - My wife's grandmother had to flee this city when she was not much older than my son, never to return. https://t.co/NoMePVpBqK ->
- RT @timkmak: Good morning to my friends waking up in the US:
Kyiv remains in Ukrainian hands. Ukraine warns Russia about to conduct naval… ->
- RT @BBCRosAtkins: THREAD 1/16 We all have so many questions about Russia's invasion of Ukraine that we decided to take an issue at a time i… ->
- RT @jylppy81: https://t.co/9txlIs99ZG ->
- RT @kppelastus: Maanantaina 7.3. testataan väestöhälyttimet ympäri Suomen. Nämä kokeilumerkit soivat jokaisen kuukauden ensimmäinen arkimaa… ->
- RT @pantone: https://t.co/n6N6AtWHjn ->
- ¡Mare! https://t.co/s6PgOQUeqY ->
- 🤣😂 https://t.co/gqYIlVZESo ->
- RT @JenAshleyWright: When they said “History repeats itself,” I wasn’t expecting all of the twentieth century in two years. ->
- RT @dreasaez: Product Marketing =/ Marketing.
Product Marketing is an extension of product, a brain child of PM and marketing.
It’s the… ->
- RT @__cosm0s__: Estás viendo el aterrizaje más distante jamás realizado en otro mundo. La sonda Huygens descendiendo hasta la superficie de… ->
- RT @KirstiSintonen: ”30% katsojistamme on Venäjällä, Pietarin ja Karjalan alueella. Nyt jos koska tarvitaan luotettavia uutisia. Sanomme so… ->
- RT @zoebchance: 1/ Understanding and responding to "whataboutism" (What about Syria? What about Palestine? What about Xinjiang?) 🧵:
This i… ->
- RT @jorge_guajardo: Imagínense la vergüenza mundial si los yates de los oligarcas rusos, esos que están siendo decomisados por todos los pa… ->
- RT @BBCTech: BBC News is available on the dark web in Ukrainian and Russian: https://t.co/KdCPfTTO7P ->
- RT @TrentTelenko: Lady's and Gentlemen, boys & girls, it is time saddle up for another installment of the "Mud and Truck Maintenance in Ukr… ->
- RT @b_judah: Moscow update:
— Facebook/Twitter blocked
— 15 year jail for "fake news" on war
— Liberals and Russian journalists fleeing… -> - Finnish national broadcaster Russian language news are not blocked by the neighbour and are available over the inte… https://t.co/JvcGZwcclz ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: The ferocity of Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s attack is already one for the history books. Really illustrates the huge… ->
- RT @Peston: One of Buffett’s most famous aphorisms is “only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked”. This applies… ->
- RT @jyri: Antti Paronen @AnttiParonen is an officer in the Finnish Defence Forces and teaches tactics at the Finnish National Defence Unive… ->
- RT @MaxCRoser: I think the visualization teams in many media outlets need to rethink how they map the war.
Most do maps like the one on th… ->
- RT @Journotopia: Outside Lviv station, which is thronging with exhausted refugees fleeing war in eastern Ukraine, an accomplished pianist i… ->
- RT @EliotHiggins: Many of you will have spent the week viewing massive amounts of potentially traumatic imagery. Bellingcat published a gui… ->
- RT @DartCenter: Editors working with reporters in Ukraine: this guide might be helpful. It is designed to help you understand and support y… ->
- RT @maraj60: Due to numerous requests and feedback, we publish the lecture on the Russian strategic culture with subtitles in 15 languages… ->
- RT @ThePleksi: Suosittelen jokaista ottamaan monivaihetunnistautumisen käyttöön kaikissa sähköpostitileissä ja somessa. Lähiaikoina tietotu… ->
- RT @lamonse: 👇🏼 Está es la realidad, hace mucho los mexicanos no huelen la pests en la que viven porque están rodeados de ella y se han aco… ->
- RT @beatrizapereyra: Hugo Sánchez Gudiño @hugosgudino, investigador y profesor de la UNAM, tiene más de 2 décadas estudiando a las barras d… ->
- RT @benedictevans: Russian App Store now versus last month. https://t.co/uL40eCd4BQ ->
- RT @arr1910: A ver David, es un reflejo del país porque no existe el estado de derecho, porque se desprecia la aplicación de la ley, porqu… ->
- RT @jyri: Latest #Ukraine update from @AnttiParonen, an officer of the Finnish Defence Forces (translated with permission): ->
- RT @pihanurmi: Kuinka hyväuskoisia hölmöjä me suomalaiset ollaan?
"Venäläisomisteisia kiinteistöjä löytyy kaikkien sotilaslentokenttien kyl… -> - RT @PhillipsPOBrien: A tweet thread on why we are almost certainly overestimating the amount of strength the Russian Army has on hand, and… ->
- RT @olgatokariuk: Parlo l'italiano ma non commento quasi più per i media lì. Ho cercato di raccontare l'Ucraina dal 2013. Mi fa fisicamente… ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-02-21 to 2022-02-27
- RT @JohnQuiggin: @SHamiltonian Attempted wars of conquest have been very rare in the era of central banking. Putin appeared to think he cou… ->
- RT @visegrad24: Today Poland does for Ukraine what nobody did for Poland in 1939. ->
- RT @pardoguerra: In this thread, an RT reporter uses RT reports to blame the EU, US, and pro-European Ukrainians for the conflict. He also… ->
- RT @JarnoLim: ”Turvallisuusympäristömme ei ole oleellisesti muuttunut”, on pitkään hoettu mantra.
– sota Ukrainassa ja Euroopassa
– h… -> - RT @cesarbelipe: En Rusia desafían la prohibición de protestar en su país contra la guerra tuneando ropa, accesorios y complementos. Este e… ->
- RT @akihheikkinen: Foreign and parts of Russian credit/debit cards are not working in St.Petersburg. ->
- Monday is going to be tough. It feels like we’re watching history in fast forward. https://t.co/qFQPFNikHi ->
- RT @kristofer_a: Astrid Lindgrens dagbok 7/12/39: ”Finland har vädjat till Nationernas Förbund men Molotov vägrar att delta i någon konfere… ->
- RT @AndrewPRLevi: Does anyone still think “NATO enlargement” has been “the problem”?
Does anyone still labour under the illusion our gover… ->
- RT @therriaultphd: I see a lot of tech people asking what they can do to help right now. Having spent most of my career in politics and gov… ->
- ¿Especialmente cuando lo comparas con este? https://t.co/s7UWx68pSz in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @agusantonetti: Actualidad RT, como se le conoce al medio propagandístico en América Latina, ha generado mucho daño en nuestra región. D… ->
- RT @jmkorhonen: Ihan vaan muistutus: venäläisten pitäminen tasaisesti vastuullisena itsevaltiaan toimista on paitsi väärin, myös strategise… ->
- RT @InspectorBaboon: @maxseddon War = "special military operation" to denazify yada yada yada
Bank run = "special bank operation" to try t… ->
- RT @KofmanMichael: One aspect of this war is that Moscow has generally been trying to keep it hidden from the Russian public. They not only… ->
- RT @RoryStewartUK: The way democracies conduct themselves in the months ahead will decide not only the future of Putin and Ukraine but also… ->
- RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Finland closes one of the last remaining gateways to Europe for Russian planes https://t.co/Rg80DRCFHo ->
- I have very close Russian friends. They are devastated since the war started. They didn’t want this. https://t.co/OqPYJo2cE0 ->
- RT @mustapipa: Perussuomalaisten ajama EU:n yhtenäisyyden rapauttaminen on muuten aivan täsmälleen sitä toimintaa, jota Venäjän johto on ha… ->
- RT @JeremyCliffe: Olaf Scholz is addressing the Bundestag. He starts: “The 24th February marks a turning-point [literally: Zeitenwende or t… ->
- RT @snadinadi: Muistatteko, kun eräs puolue halusi lopettaa humanitäärisen maahanmuuton kokonaan. Ei kiintiöpakolaisia. Ei naisia tai lapsi… ->
- RT @stephhegarty: Hearing from another student in Lviv this morning who says Africans are not being allowed to board trains to the border a… ->
- RT @ramiaaltonen: Hei kaikki Yangon halvoista taksimatkoista innostuneet! 🚖 Yangon omistaa Venäjän valtion hallinnassa oleva IT-yhtiö Yande… ->
- RT @davidmacdougall: There's quite a few Finnish Conservatives rushing to stick up for this sort of Timo Haapala nonsense. He writes a lot… ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: A reminder. ->
- I hate our timeline. This is going from “a country hates gays” to “our enemies are nazis” to “let’s invade and we’l… https://t.co/41YYp8tOmH ->
- RT @charlyjsp: Olen kuullut, että yksi puolue vastustaa aseellista apua Ukrainalle.
Puolue on voinut olla huolissaan tulevista 2023 ja 202… ->
- RT @Martha_Barcena: En estos momentos de crisis es una garantía tener diplomáticos de carrera y experimentados al frente de las embajadas e… ->
- Leer https://t.co/wjspqLm78X ->
- RT @Angry_Staffer: Listen, Apple screen time report — nobody wants to hear your shit this week. ->
- RT @carmen_pacheco: No sé vosotros, pero yo no dejo de pensar en Merkel. Me la imagino podando unas hortensias de su jardín y pensando: «es… ->
- RT @madrid_mike: All of Trumps attempts to undermine NATO were for this moment. ->
- RT @biryaniforone: @fatimazsaid @BBC The blatant racism in the media coverage of the invasion of Ukraine does not shift my solidarity with… ->
- RT @gabegarf: In 2022, Ukrainian President @ZelenskyyUa became the leader the world needs and Putin can’t stand it. But its Zelensky’s rise… ->
- RT @JaaJanne: Jos Ukrainan tilanne ahdistaa, voit parantaa omaa tilannettasi keskittymällä toimintaan, koska se torjuu ahdistusta. Seuraa k… ->
- RT @DougJBalloon: I’m a columnist turned epidemiologist by trade, but I’ve spent the past 36 hours watching YouTube videos about successful… ->
- RT @michaeldweiss: Just spoke to a high-ranking European intelligence official who tells me Russia has "deployed several mobile cremation t… ->
- RT @jukkalindstrom: Vuonna 2020 näimme, miten vihreiden sisäministeri laittoi Suomen rajat kiinni. Vuonna 2022 saatamme nähdä, miten Jussi… ->
- RT @SarahAndCo3: As many of my tweeps know, I inherited a house last year & let it to a family of Afghan refugees for a nominal sum.
This… ->
- RT @tier10k: Putin going through the binance KYC rn https://t.co/zrvoj9Fi90 ->
- RT @shaneharris: Worth taking a deep breath re: Putin putting his nuclear forces on alert. Current and former officials I'm talking to are… ->
- RT @pburtsoff: We’re still grateful for that help from 🇸🇪 It helped us turn the tide in the war, which, among many other things, ultimately… ->
- RT @Chi_con_carnage: Berlin and Helsinki right now https://t.co/OfOKewKLiU ->
- RT @TheRealHoarse: Russian media published a pre-planned piece gaslighting Russians on what happened in Ukraine.
Okay he problem: it reve… ->
- RT @lapatina_: I am utterly appalled at some individuals who dare to call themselves reporters referring to refugees from the Middle East a… ->
- RT @alexstubb: I admit that I am an EU nerd. Been doing the EU as an academic, civil servant and politician since 1989. Have never seen the… ->
- RT @eperea: https://t.co/5JwoWz32IK ->
- RT @APHClarkson: Ukraine's current predicament feeds into the national survival narratives of most Central, East European and Scandinavian… ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-02-14 to 2022-02-20
- RT @rodger: everybody born between 1985 and 1995 saw the Super Bowl halftime show lineup and was like “sweet, instead of doing a show for o… ->
- Dos cosas:
-65 mil personas en Twitter les dieron mucho miedo (aunque sigan diciendo que no)
-Este tipo de desplega… https://t.co/0QjLiiNAGD -> - RT @miblogestublog: Same energy 🙏🏽 https://t.co/S6aZPJr6oJ ->
- RT @IAMTHESLIME_: "Why must I, a STEM major, take an ethics class?" ->
- RT @BillGardon: @LlamaInaTux Most winter Olympic sports can be an answer to the question, “ How do Swedes get home from grocery shopping in… ->
- Mi esposa me hizo enamorarme del esquí de fondo cuando empezamos a andar y yo llevaba poco tiempo acá en Finlandia.… https://t.co/Ej5Jjo7Va5 ->
- RT @stephanie_leue: Investing in junior product managers is a very rewarding experience. While they may require a lot of assistance at firs… ->
- RT @NataliaVartan: Hoy hace 32 años que la sonda Voyager 1 tomaba una de las fotos más famosas de la historia de la astronomía. Aquella que… ->
- I miss gorditas (corn dough with assorted savory/spicy filling). Or a Colombian/Venezuelan arepa at the very least. https://t.co/TQOGSCZhxT ->
- RT @Ohra_aho: It's good to do this on Twitter from time to time although https://t.co/x5B8rCIYxB ->
- El apóstol de la honestidad valiente no era ni honesto, ni valiente. 🤷🏽♂️ ->
- RT @campossuarez: It’s in the Playbook https://t.co/3QoO94XAAo ->
- RT @luisantespino: Muchos seguidores de AMLO han hecho una inversión emocional demasiado grande. Han cerrado sus ojos a la evidencia. Se ha… ->
- RT @javiermalagon: 🎶Te pareces tanto al PRI…🎶 https://t.co/9vWEsJVtE8 ->
- RT @eperea: Esta pregunta es importante, y me trae a la cabeza una teoría que llevo masticando mucho tiempo: Los Mexicanos No Tenemos Conce… ->
- RT @evacide: Somehow @GreatDismal did not include "your retinal implant is no longer supported by the company that manufactured it" in his… ->
- Some takes from Lapland last weekend #levi #finland #lapland #lappi #suomi #winter en Levi, Lappi, Finland https://t.co/ZyC7WCOk8P ->
- RT @ValterSkarsgard: It’s hilarious that I’m here but not dad ->
- I’m seriously considering going to LA just for this. Like, wow. https://t.co/WP99EynsdC ->
- RT @gersonguizar: Me parece muy poco productivo echarle la culpa a los extranjeros por buscar una mejor calidad de vida en nuestro país. La… ->
- RT @forrestbrazeal: Facebook employees are now "Metamates". (?)
Can't wait for:
LinkedIn -> Inmates
Amazon -> Primates
Tinder -> Intimate… -> - The times people have been surprised enough about Mexico City to ask all their friends to remote work from there co… https://t.co/2dMe9e08ua ->
- RT @MoalusiVictor: "Today is when I found out that in the 1940s Albert Einstein allowed African Americans to stay at his house when hotels… ->
- RT @historiaparaque: Qué sorprendente ha sido para mí la nostalgia que tiene la joven generación de obradoristas por los modos del priismo… ->
- I learned of recursion when I was a kid helping my mom (or sister) bake. https://t.co/hXKHn1QR8u ->
- RT @HistoriaPTontos: Llevo 10 minutos viendo El Estafador de Tinder y lo primero que pensé es “¿¡quién verga acepta una invitación en jet p… ->
- RT @TheSWU: Waking up on Wednesday when there’s no new episode of #TheBookOfBobaFett: https://t.co/9b4lRkVHVt ->
- RT @rusimiikka: Ansaitsemme Extreme Duudsonien rinnalle maltillisen linjan Moderate Duudsonit, jotka eivät hyppää moottoripyörällä järveen… ->
- RT @ShaanVP: what are some common, BAD startup ideas that people have?
eg. "our app makes it easy to find new music you love!" ->
- RT @veronicalderon: “El presidente siente el peligro. Desde que saltó la noticia el mes pasado, en sus conferencias de prensa matutinas de… ->
- Running 5000 km across Mexico. 1000 km longer than from Helsinki to Lisbon. https://t.co/NCWgpzh5A1 https://t.co/MczcYNR6tv ->
- The classic “La Chona” by @maboroshi_def https://t.co/1hwfwrsNOE ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Lahti, Finland https://t.co/dELEuiBQYq ->
- #finlandiahiihto 20km done. General rehearsal for #birken. Should hold my horses more in the beginning. Great track… https://t.co/dAsZOjWGeJ ->
- RT @SlavaMalamud: The Russian TV announcer at the end of the game: "The Finns are grabbing gold medals with their little rats' paws."
In ca… -> - Muy, muy cierto. Mis referencias musicales y culturales son muchísimo más agringadas y recuerdo no sorprenderme de… https://t.co/fQK22A9qGB ->
- RT @CiroMurayamaINE: Apreciada Jefa de Gobierno:
Se le ordenó desde el @INEMexico respetar la Constitución, no renunciar a sus conviccione… ->
- RT @joshgondelman: I want a movie where Batman takes on white collar crime. Just auditing dudes with his bat-culator, still wearing the who… ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-02-07 to 2022-02-13
- RT @kaustoFI: Korona-ajan lukiolaisten penkkarilakana on surullisinta, mitä olen hetkeen nähnyt.
Kuva & juttu: https://t.co/WCRA1WGfZ7 htt… ->
- Minulle on todella vaikeaa ymmärtää suomalaisia jotka eivät tykkää talvesta eikä talviurheilusta. Hiihtäminen keske… https://t.co/oox8lqgJTl ->
- Even if it’s only for a domestic flight, I hadn’t realized how much I missed flying. I have traveled by car & train… https://t.co/wvc2zKJC6x ->
- This is the first time I’m flying since January 2020. In the meantime HEL has been thoroughly revamped, giving it a… https://t.co/3puzJPEcjt in reply to chivacongelado ->
- I think, however, the biggest thing for me was seeing flight stewardesses again. We all know how the travel industr… https://t.co/8eBBAYW4AP in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Restrictions are lifting in Finland, and I’m going to be able to return to the office from next week I think. While… https://t.co/PNCuN9649e in reply to chivacongelado ->
- I know there’s plenty of literature of airports as soulless places and travel as the modern purgatory but I can’t h… https://t.co/f2l1Eadskt in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @johncutlefish: “Finding experienced PMs is so hard”
Meanwhile …
“I have ten years of experience and I haven’t gotten a single call… ->
- Something broke in Mexican democracy today and the Mexican Twitter sphere is mobilizing. I don’t know if it’s going… https://t.co/IoDi5H8fsU ->
- Sadly I can’t listen to it right now on the plane, but I’m with you folks. I’ll try to catch the recording. #TodosSomosLoret in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @CarlosLoret: Un “space” de récord mundial para ponerle un alto al aspirante a dictador @lopezobrador_ . Gracias por esa solidaridad y e… ->
- RT @AzafranConMiel: No te tiene que gustar Loret.
Lo que te tiene que gustar es la libertad de expresión y la seguridad de que tus datos… ->
- RT @Arturo_Sarukhan: This past fortnight in #Mexico has been witness to some of the most flagrant examples of an imperial president let loo… ->
- RT @Olympics: After finishing last in the #CrossCountrySkiing 15km, Carlos Quintana 🇨🇴 was embraced by #Gold medallist Iivo Niskanen 🇫🇮.
“… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Y lo de usar información privada de la Secretaría de Hacienda lo hacía el PRI más autoritario. ->
- RT @martinezmau: Cuando canceló el aeropuerto, cuando anunció que haría una rueda de prensa diario, cuando empezó a atacar e insultar a la… ->
- RT @carlosbravoreg: Leyes que violó hoy el presidente con su represalia contra Loret:
– Art. 16 de la Constitución.
– Arts. 6 y 31 de la L… -> - RT @carlosbravoreg: Puedes odiar a Loret. Puedes creer que su periodismo es basura. Puedes creer que lo mueven las peores intenciones y los… ->
- RT @fleaskeys: Made a joke about Al Gore inventing the internet in class today and I thought the joke fell flat until a girl spoke up 5 min… ->
- RT @laila3145: Western Left, if you support Russian imperial ambitions over the independence of Ukraine and Eastern Europe, your leftie car… ->
- RT @BuenMadrazo: He sido crítico de @CarlosLoret durante años, por su papel en el telemontaje que llevó a Cassez y Vallarta a la cárcel.
Ho… -> - RT @carlosbravoreg: Lo que hoy hizo López Obrador #NoEsNormal y #NoPodiaSaberse.
Es tan grave que ya hasta terminó hermanando a @Viri_Rios… ->
- RT @ATGcast: We live in a world where we got to see a Mandalorian fly an N1 fighter to find his little Yoda-like friend training with Luke… ->
- RT @ValeriaMoy: He escuchado muchas voces y muchas reflexiones interesantes en el #Space del momento, pero la claridad de Vladimir, quién h… ->
- Dawn over Finnish Lapland https://t.co/9KV6m3pVmY ->
- RT @AztecDuncan: President Lopez Obrador’s violation of @CarlosLoret rights today and his unmitigated lack of respect for journalists is ye… ->
- And may we all have beautiful views in our destinations #thiswasnotanadbutlookslikeitIknowsorry https://t.co/JK7OWiumiK in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @lesalfredsson: Dear journalists in the Nordics, please help us raise awareness of the persecution of Mexican journalists by the preside… ->
- Foreign tourists were a little bit surprised by my white beard after 21km #xcskiing in Levi at -18C 😅. https://t.co/GCCFN2dMw5 ->
- En Europa ya se están dando cuenta que Putin busca amigos en Latinoamérica. https://t.co/m1kB8y8X7c ->
- RT @eperea: Last year, 9,000 Americans went to the ER for avocado-related injuries.
Tomorrow, my dear Gringo neighbors, before you start… ->
- RT @LeeFlower: I had a conversation the other day with someone who thought "soap is mechanical" meant it doesn't actually kill germs and j… ->
- RT @IlvesToomas: For some thirty years I have been waiting for this piece. @Anneapplebaum finally wrote it.
East Europeans have been sayin… ->
- RT @alexstubb: A balanced story about the important role of President @niinisto in international relations. Small countries can play a ro… ->
- RT @Edbarzanallana: Nature is healing ->
- ¿Y mi sala? ¿Voy con el señor interventor de la Secretaría de Gobernación para verificar la legalidad de este concu… https://t.co/arUWMG9Ti1 ->
- Roll with the punches, get stuff done, accept your surroundings aren’t perfect, love yourself. https://t.co/lQZA6aTCGd ->
- RT @alindguzik: People who can’t accept the pandemic as transformative seem to have no concept of trauma or grief. Old normal is gone! It’s… ->
- RT @TomiLounio: #Talviolympialaiset eivät ole näkyneet Kolumbiassa. Suurin osa kansasta tuskin tietää niistä mitään. Mutta eilen maan suuri… ->
- RT @eperea: Perspective 😞
- Ouch. Así muchos. https://t.co/60dk8Xp7od ->
- RT @rcm____: With inflation at 7.5%, you lose half your money in 9 years. The only way to outperform that consistently, that I have found,… ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-01-31 to 2022-02-06
- RT @ikuisuusprojekt: oak month
pearl month
earthen month
swidden month
spring sow month
summer month
hay month
living month
autumn month
di… -> - RT @LisaZane15: If you are a product manager or leading a product team, here is a quick reminder from @cagan about how to work with designe… ->
- Esto sería interesante si su DNA corporativo no fuera “televisión para jodidos”. El consumidor del mercado de strea… https://t.co/4j3xU3zCsZ ->
- 25 years ago. My parents still have the DVD box set, and I remember discussing these in the forums of @jedinet &… https://t.co/zAdsfik8dR ->
- RT @SketchesbyBoze: I review books for a living, and I’ve noticed a worrying trend of what I call “instagramming the Holocaust.” (1 / 9) ->
- Oh, the memories. Spelling Bee lists for six years straight. We didn’t have championships outside of my grade (I wa… https://t.co/hsqdRdV7kb ->
- I still remember that the books by Pearson or Scott, Foresman were so nice and so, so expensive. in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @johncutlefish: product takes a village
design, design research, development (across different areas), data expertise, marketing, prod… ->
- RT @govindajeggy: Well this is outstanding https://t.co/Rhct4e4aEY ->
- RT @ekp: Oof. https://t.co/Sc5MGDR8ni ->
- RT @Arturo_Sarukhan: Con el potencial de una nueva invasión de Rusia a Ucrania, ha habido muchos que en esta plataforma y en medios de comu… ->
- RT @andrewickstroem: Sad to say that this is a bit true. https://t.co/3dpENaKfAg ->
- RT @LucyLipiner: This photo is of my Jewish preschool class.
It was taken on Purim. I'm next to my best friend Rachel – we decided to both… ->
- Backyard with full Narnia vibes and the bird agrees #helsinki https://t.co/V8iDyl4nP6 ->
- RT @martindelp: Ahora, en cosas serias. La selección ha jugado del nabo desde que le pusieron el jorongo espeluznante como primer uniforme.… ->
- RT @bandanjot: How to become 1% better at Product Management everyday:
1. Meet and network with other PMs
2. Install new apps and understa… -> - Nope. I read like a man in Death Valley drinks water. Only books that bored me were psychology-related because I la… https://t.co/4I7VLZPuEz ->
- RT @miblogestublog: 👊🏽🇲🇽 https://t.co/aY8AHhPxbe ->
- Estuvimos paleando nieve entre tres vecinos más de una hora y veremos qué se necesita esta noche. También ayudamos… https://t.co/aSAP0bvYZl ->
- RT @GailSimone: What are the hit songs on Yoda's home planet?
Please use hashtag #YodaASong
- RT @poppy_haze: A Russian rally course has a bad corner https://t.co/0u2ZjL54fx ->
- This thread is hilarious. Certainly not a New Yorker but my most hilarious story was around 2007 when I was visitin… https://t.co/ifOwly8XeJ ->
- Get to the bagel shop and all the personnel behind the counter look like my countrymen (there’s so many people from… https://t.co/cLhsQD0OVB in reply to chivacongelado ->
- My colleague (bless her heart) doesn’t know what’s going on but I ask her for her order and tell the folks we’re on… https://t.co/hTzirzO8Te in reply to chivacongelado ->
- I explain to my colleague briefly what just happened and she says “You were a completely different person down ther… https://t.co/lNutPUqx6o in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Hei @HelsinkiKymp, helsinkiläisenä on vaikea myöntää kun Turku tekee jotain paremmin, mutta tällaiset kyltit varmas… https://t.co/4SpgtlqjLD ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-01-24 to 2022-01-30
- RT @tuuliel: Suomen pandemianarratiivi kiteytyy tähän.
Kaiken lisäksi osa suojatoimia ja rajoituksia vastustaneista yrittää nyt ottaa kun… ->
- RT @hugorifkind: It’s Holocaust Memorial Day. This year, I’m thinking of a woman called Sulamita Szapiro. Here she is as a student. We were… ->
- One of my most important jobs as a product lead is to take care of my people’s well-being. PMs self-select for high… https://t.co/ak01CN55LW ->
- I know what poor mental health caused by a toxic work environment looks and feels like and I actively steer my beha… https://t.co/hnGjeWfGS5 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Your people’s well-being, in turn, impacts the company’s bottom line and the sustainability of the business. There’… https://t.co/ZWzf23CfMl in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Radical candor, yes, but psychological safety as table stakes and in my specific case a very Mexican cultural urge… https://t.co/up84a8MEgw in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Of course there are many factors (competitive position, people’s previous experience, financial crises, pandemics f… https://t.co/07bJSLlEwW in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Product management is about innovation, innovation is about uncertainty, and handling of uncertainty can short circ… https://t.co/758V5pD7MY in reply to chivacongelado ->
- That school board would have gone apopleptic with me watching Schindler's List as school homework when it came out.… https://t.co/p1NuPyxTOA ->
- ¿Qué película viste más de 7 veces? Contesta (o cita) con un gif. https://t.co/PRw4KnUDzS https://t.co/4OeJWM3aUI ->
- https://t.co/Xy2Bp3Nr5H in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/gLCX1UmWcZ in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/DUzmM6mqQX in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/1JArXlwFwe in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: 🎬Te presentamos la tercera de 6 microhistorias documentales del proyecto "Desenmascarando la Lucha libre", “El rudo y el té… ->
- RT @ItamarGilad: Managing up: 1) Understand what your managers are optimizing for 2) try to articulate it as a goal (eg in OKR format), eve… ->
- El típico que no entiende que no es sólo que pique, sino también que sepa. Diferentes chiles con diferentes cosas,… https://t.co/yIokTL7qAQ ->
- RT @08181: México para extranjeros:
Sin chile = No pica
No pica = Pica
Pica un poco = Pica mucho
Pica un chingo = Vida en riesgo
Puta cómo… -> - Me hacia falta reírme así. https://t.co/zcu2cwZjNR ->
- RT @forssto: Any top seat job with any product development craft right now is 80% a talent acquisition job—and it’s a brutal one too. ->
- RT @jd_geeky: Naboo star fighter fun fact: designers were worried that it was too sleek to fit Star Wars’ rugged dystopian aesthetic.
They… ->
- RT @stephenkinsella: A little personal news. As of today I'm Professor of Economics at the University of Limerick. I'm not here to humblebr… ->
- RT @ErkkaRailo: Jos venäläiselle kertois, että suomalaisen korruption järkyttävin esimerkki on että virkamies pelaa Finnair-pisteillä, se n… ->
- RT @BeataWojna: “Hace mucho Kiev fue capital de Rusia”, hay que entender a Rusia, dicen por aquí. Respuesta: Kiev fue capital de Rusia hace… ->
- Marked as to-read: Empireland by Sathnam Sanghera https://t.co/V4c7BeeJ8x ->
- We’re being blasted by a snowstorm called #Valtteri in Helsinki and obviously my solution was to enjoy it outside c… https://t.co/QNjr80QcOj ->
- At least when I finally got to #Paloheinä park it looks properly like Narnia. #xcskiing https://t.co/VI9zFtMiBW in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @HelsinkiKymp: Varoitellaan mekin. Lunta tulossa viikonloppuna paljon. Kaikki kaupungin aurat valmiudessa auraamaan. Sinun kotikatusi au… ->
- The best part of it all? I was not the only certified insane person doing the same thing. Saw a few fellow cross-co… https://t.co/8W7rk22TiT in reply to chivacongelado ->
- There are a couple of consultancies that are our partners on building product culture and know how but they’re not… https://t.co/m4BssgYDta ->
Weekly tweets from 2022-01-17 to 2022-01-23
- Así yo cuando me contagie. Todavía mantenemos la puerta a cero pero siento que me están apedreando el rancho. Estas… https://t.co/PtwdxRScNo ->
- RT @NowWeAreAllTom: 2000s iTunes:
"hey buy this content! It has DRM!"2010s Bandcamp:
"hey buy this DRM-free content!"2020s N F T mark… ->
- RT @jzux: me, age 22 (hopeful): anything can happen!
me now (horrified): anything can happen ->
- RT @__apf__: my favorite part of my WFH setup is staring into a bright round light like I'm interrogating myself ->
- RT @Curtis_Cook: Covid has ruined sci-fi movies shit’ll be like “The year was 3004 and aliens were gonna blow up the sun”and I’m like “Make… ->
- RT @katie_sciences: @Curtis_Cook The refusal of the ministry of magic to acknowledge Voldemort's return in HP5 makes a LOTTTTT more sense t… ->
- My kids got their first dose of the vaccine yesterday and I feel such a sense of relief. Thank you #science & @THLorg . ->
- RT @denisemassar: I’ve managed to avoid COVID and Wordle.
- RT @EU_Commission: #ErasmusPlus turns 35!
Wonder where students went in 2019?🇪🇸48203
🇳🇱14… -> - RT @jynmystardust: 3 words every Star Wars fan wants to hear: https://t.co/SXPNz71yoI ->
- There were so many good Star Wars references in #TheBookOfBobaFett I can't even. From Wookiee behavior to Attack of… https://t.co/yS32a4Akxv ->
- Flashbacks a mi infancia sateluca, jajajajajajajaja https://t.co/NVrbFsHRSe ->
- RT @tenderlove: Back in my day, we used spare CPU cycles for folding proteins and searching for aliens ->
- RT @TheEconomist: Mexico’s official covid-19 caseload, which is undercounted, has risen more than tenfold since December https://t.co/sknYO… ->
- RT @pwnallthethings: So just to be clear Twitter wasn't super interested in finding a way to mark accounts of actual medical professionals… ->
- This thread is gold. The Finn abides. https://t.co/VZyMBJNgnU ->
- RT @petridishes: you would see my cryptocurrency? *lights a torch and leads you down a corkscrew stone staircase. the walls grow damper and… ->
- RT @SuchiPahi: Still true https://t.co/ELP6Xg9FAx ->
- Tämän twiitin quotit ja vastaukset muistuttavat miksi Suomeen voi olla tosi hankala integroitua. Jos suomalaisuus m… https://t.co/j35aeQpE9h ->
- Usein kuunnellaan että maahanmuuttajat ja pakolaiset eivät kelpaa mihinkään. Jos se on viesti mikä saat yhteiskunna… https://t.co/ku04hY0n4e in reply to chivacongelado ->
- lapsenlapset eivät koskaan
tulee kuulumaan tänne, ja viesti ei muutu? Olemmeko valmiit tulevaisuuteen, jos ajattel… https://t.co/sIMD4ShvHr in reply to chivacongelado -> - RT @brennan_decker: We talk too much about how great Product Management is (it is awesome) but don’t share enough of the challenges.
Shar… ->
- 5 of 5 stars to Caliban's War by James S.A. Corey https://t.co/Rv5cCzLWCZ ->
- RT @lolennui: do married people watch gen z dating and feel like they caught the last chopper out of Nam ->
- Happy to see work on the main Finnish newspaper today 😉 https://t.co/KDb81z6FZt ->
- RT @jarimakinen: I’m happy seeing Sir David in action in Finland, but would like to point out to this @DailyMailUK journalist that -18°C is… ->
- RT @TJoke: Näytin esiteinille isorokkorokotusarpea.
– Mikä on isorokko?
– Nimenomaan. -> - Se van a lavar las manos pero es criminal lo que han hecho con el país. Se suponía que iban a ser mejores pero se h… https://t.co/URoK2zTxKt ->
- RT @c0nc0rdance: Always limit your global variable changes. https://t.co/ec20uRth5I ->