- RT @HRmuseo: Taitelija Pedro Peraltan museolla rakentama Meksikon kuolleiden päivä matto toimii porttina elävien ja kuolleiden välillä. Esi… ->
- RT @benedictevans: If your smart home is hacked, you have a poltergeist, but if your AR glasses are hacked you’ll hallucinate. ->
- RT @WUTangKids: Steve Buscemi wins Halloween giving out candy in Brooklyn dressed as his epic GIF….”How do you do, fellow kids”
- RT @starwars: Every galaxy has an underworld.
Experience the new trailer for The Book of @BobaFett. The Original Series starts streaming D… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: LO QUIERO. https://t.co/VdZ9huLd4y https://t.co/tysgmlMTpv ->
- RT @Johnny_suputama: All right ya’ll buckle up it’s time for this year’s round-up of Japan’s #地味ハロウィン (mundane Halloween) costumes. Outfits… ->
- RT @ElizabethEThorp: A little boy just came to the door in sweatpants and a sign that says, “I don’t have a costume because of the stupid s… ->
- RT @sam_lavigne: the experience https://t.co/PCIZnRorlL ->
- Bienvenidos.
#díademuertos #díadelosfielesdifuntos https://t.co/hO6KLGSqj8 -> - #díademuertos https://t.co/Kcj5AzDb1y in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @redbullracing: When you decide to take the bus to work 🚌 @Max33Verstappen 😄 #MexicoGP 🇲🇽 https://t.co/KY4fKVI32s ->
- RT @forssto: When Finland sees this meme, we might have a declaration of war between 🇫🇮 and 🇺🇸. https://t.co/LO4qjSkPWT ->
- RT @freezydorito: voldemort: so yeah suck it my soul is split across seven unique objects
harry potter: what the hell how why
voldemort:… ->
- RT @jon_moore: Happy Halloween! https://t.co/6rFHWFQe4n ->
- RT @SwiftOnSecurity: Microsoft Teams is becoming Third Life https://t.co/UblOdc5BFa ->
- Los que lo vieron hace 21 años y lo retrataron de cuerpo entero. Wow. https://t.co/kuPuMMitiu ->
- RT @johncutlefish: the problem with large enterprises copying models/frameworks from Silicon Valley companies
…is that structures optim… ->
- RT @yayalexisgay: when you definitely understand NFTs https://t.co/39I5EZ6Kde ->
- RT @benedictevans: It’s not ‘Metaverse’ unless it’s made in an office park next to a freeway in Menlo Park. Otherwise it’s just sparkling VR ->
- RT @johncutlefish: "Leader 1 is playing it safe. No one ever got fired for hiring McKinsey. Leader 2 thinks BigTech is a panacea, and lacks… ->
- RT @alexstubb: Admitting basic facts and realities is a good starting point for any government. The permanent damage of #Brexit is minus 4%… ->
- Would like to see the same from a Finland perspective, too many people here still believe that racism doesn’t exist. https://t.co/zYreedVUFy ->
- RT @eperea: Van 6 veces que decido ya no quejarme del gobierno, porque me pongo insoportable, y cada vez responden con una atrocidad nueva.… ->
- RT @alexstubb: A short thread where I test three hypothesis and would appreciate your comments:
1. We have entered a tripolar world revolv… ->
- RT @Majora__Z: @Trey_Explainer Not Bronze age, but someday I'm gonna go on a wikipedia editing spree and make a ton of pages for battles, r… ->
- 4 of 5 stars to The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson https://t.co/bdkyhSv3Mg ->
- RT @SahilBloom: The greatest life hack:
Be nice to people. ->
- RT @wes_kao: ✅ Rigorous thinking: "Hey boss, I recommend we ___. It's worth the time, effort, and budget because ___. The downside is ___.… ->
- ROTFL https://t.co/RtAvrlpQox ->
- RT @johncutlefish: allergic to "bring me solutions not problems" ?
"First I wanted to explore our shared perspectives on the probl… ->
- RT @HistoryMuppet: What Sesame Street did today is nothing new for them 💛
This is from July 1976. https://t.co/Z0FuinbJ8L ->
- RT @j_aaltonen: Onko Legolasin pikkuveli Duplolas? ->
- RT @mikeduncan: I know it's like the most infamous cliche of revolutionary history, but it's still bracing to read a series of thumbnail bi… ->
- RT @TheSpaceshipper: Starship Troopers was released 24 years ago today.
Would you like to know more? https://t.co/YYnPwsjimS ->
Tag Archives: social media
Weekly tweets from 2021-10-25 to 2021-10-31
- Finlandia también tiene la mayor proporción de población haciendo teletrabajo de toda Europa. En las comunidades do… https://t.co/kbpMbrTgIs in reply to chivacongelado ->
- El gobierno se tomó la pandemia muy en serio y siguió en buena medida las recomendaciones de la agencia de salubrid… https://t.co/SH6xYSg9Bp in reply to chivacongelado ->
- restricciones que en otros países de Europa (siempre pudimos salir de casa a hacer ejercicio, por ejemplo), la mayo… https://t.co/sdwLP2nhjf in reply to chivacongelado ->
- y se le pidió a la gente que evitara contactos fuera de su casa. El uso de cubrebocas eventualmente se volvió casi… https://t.co/AJuDRQzJdB in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Para evitar que el sistema de salud en ciudades menores colapsara, durante el mes de abril 2020 se instalaron reten… https://t.co/TcSCbsqlIB in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Podías salir de tu casa, pero no de la provincia. Hubo muchos chistes locales sobre “el domo de cristal” o la “Repú… https://t.co/uU8xPRTxbz in reply to chivacongelado ->
- El gobierno también tiene un andamiaje legal previo que le permitió tomar varias acciones en estado de excepción co… https://t.co/1C4VgxZy7F in reply to chivacongelado ->
- También por herencia de la Guerra y por su situación geoestratégica la población (y la clase política) es muy disci… https://t.co/1DEXR8Ni6E in reply to chivacongelado ->
- El estado según entiendo ha apoyado un poco a las personas que han perdido su trabajo pero aún así ha habido varias… https://t.co/MAsNO1aREc in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Ha habido un sistema de rastreo de contactos y pruebas gratuitas a cualquier caso sospechoso desde verano del año p… https://t.co/Wv3C0PZHW6 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- El sistema de salud también ha puesto mucho énfasis en la vacunación. Se empezó por la población en riesgo (por con… https://t.co/wAe6HLl1Sd in reply to chivacongelado ->
- La economía se digitalizó muchísimo. Todo lo que sea compras o servicios online se volvió normal para mucha gente.… https://t.co/sOtKGCf5fL in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Incluso con el regreso a oficinas, hay muchas empresas que seguirán trabajando en híbrido, ya que durante la pandem… https://t.co/qGrMg9ZMt7 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Aunque la crisis no ha terminado, el estado de excepción expiró hace un mes y poco a poco estamos empezando a regre… https://t.co/be7O1eOOof in reply to chivacongelado ->
- La gran mayoría de los hospitalizados actuales son antivacunas (también los hay), y este año con el cansancio ha ha… https://t.co/sEN2LcaFER in reply to chivacongelado ->
- En mi opinión Finlandia ha sido un poco víctima de su propio éxito. Hay gente que no entiende la gravedad de la sit… https://t.co/8QUmsV7ezA in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Una cosa que se me olvidaba: las escuelas cerraron de Marzo a Mayo de 2020, pero las primarias abrieron en Mayo y d… https://t.co/0wl1GQleFh in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @jbenton: In the Pfizer vaccine trial for 5- to 12-year-olds, there were 4,647 participants and only 5 "severe adverse events," none of… ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: I’m not sure I’ve ever met an immigrant in Finland who didn’t have an opinion on Migri and their service, so here’s the p… ->
- RT @pickover: Evolution of an Alphabet. Source: https://t.co/r2M6sUDBvl https://t.co/Q8hLBBUyK9 ->
- RT @diazbriseno: Mexico is a basket case of the limits of Biden’s climate diplomacy. Early in 2021, they said climate would be an “essenti… ->
- RT @ParikPatelCFA: A shitcoin of a memecoin of a cryptocurrency is just CDOs for crypto folks ->
- RT @typesfast: What caused all the supply chain bottlenecks? Modern finance with its obsession with "Return on Equity." ->
- RT @veronicalderon: La industria mexicana del Meme trabaja sin descanso para llegar hasta ustedes. 😂 ->
- That sounds like me and my wife 😂🤣 https://t.co/j7BbGeBYst ->
- RT @BrandyLJensen: this all happened because zuckerberg never meta girl until college ->
- RT @helenistica: Creo que la vida de muchos mexicanos mejoraría si en el sistema educativo se pusiera más énfasis en desarrollar el órden,… ->
- RT @MaxKaiser75: Volaris dice: “está bien, yo me someto voluntariamente al capricho del señor”
El mercado dice: “Pero NO con mi dinero”… ->
- RT @Carnage4Life: FAANG is now MANGA ->
- RT @withhearts: @Facebook @meta https://t.co/tt7eTj0F00 ->
- RT @designomatt: @Facebook @meta #Feta seems like an odd name https://t.co/tjueZlz7cG ->
- RT @enzocavalie: 1/ Ola de adquisiciones en el ecosistema startup de LatAm 🌊
En las últimas semanas:
Loft 🇧🇷 adquirió a TrueHome 🇲🇽
Jüsto… -> - RT @ErkkoMeri: Legendoja on myös Veikkausliigan ulkopuolella: Tuomas "Mude" Mustonen. Tällä kaudella auttoi PPJ:tä Kakkoseen, viime vuonna… ->
- RT @mc_lotta: https://t.co/7JNex92cgV ->
- RT @fred035schultz: Squirrel proof bird feeder. 😏😂🐿 https://t.co/TyoybriD6R ->
- RT @benedictevans: Me to my US bank: How do I transfer to someone else’s account at your bank?
Answer: “We will mail them a check.”
Half… -> - RT @alexgarcia_atx: What do Airbnb, Facebook, Spotify, Hubspot, and Slack all have in common?
A North Star Metric that influences their lo… ->
- RT @VeneziaFC_EN: Why is ESPN editing these photos? Guess the fashion photographers from Venice and Milan needed someone in world art capit… ->
- La realidad sobre la cobertura médica en muchas de las partes más pobres de nuestro país. Recuerdo haber escuchado… https://t.co/oq31aQLaCM ->
- RT @Martinpdisalvo: Hoy me pasaron el twitch de una profesora de matematica, que de forma muy tierna y desinteresada ayuda a la gente que p… ->
- La chancla no perdona https://t.co/N9RqJibfC4 ->
- RT @archaeologyart: The Aztec Sun Stone – also known as the Aztec Calendar Stone – is an enormous circular stone carved from basalt, covere… ->
- RT @Lord_Arse: DOOM… on an ultrasound scanner. https://t.co/PzC98YPbjX ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-10-18 to 2021-10-24
- RT @History_LigaMX: 2014 – Cristo Fernández @cristofernandez con el Guayama FC de Puerto Rico, fue subcampeón en 2014 y anotó uno de los go… ->
- RT @Arturo_Sarukhan: “The Great Resignation Is Accelerating”, @TheAtlantic https://t.co/Kmc0b54Ikx ->
- We all live in a yellow submarine #suomenlinna #helsinki #finland en Suomenlinna https://t.co/xZiB4eY1Ay ->
- RT @fatimdiarra: Puhutaanko hetki Afrikan Tähdestä.
Minulle soitettiin eilen ja kysyttiin mielipidettä Afrikan tähteen liittyvästä kohusta… ->
- RT @NetflixGeeked: COWBOY BEBOP: The Lost Session (ft. John Cho, Daniella Pineda and Mustafa Shakir) https://t.co/PNJDuOxwTb ->
- RT @MissaPlascencia: https://t.co/QguhEbBhoj ->
- RT @RaroVHS: https://t.co/J6pjox97jW ->
- RT @malcubierre: Attempt to charge Mexican scientists with ‘organized crime’ prompts international outcry https://t.co/GaJ5cIkLTb ->
- I’d like to say yes but no mames cabrón, I’d be v happy with next Uruguay. These bullish pieces on Mexico every few… https://t.co/txmsXbfYlE ->
- RT @TimSparv: Hei, menkää ottamaan se rokote. Mieluiten jo huomenna. Kiitos. ->
- RT @johncutlefish: Me: "It's fractal and messy"
Amazing. @misaelneto combined ideas from myself, @cagan, @herbigt, @slidbook, @gibsonbiddl… ->
- RT @HagelinHeidi: Jätän tämän vain tähän.
Ottakaa rokote, ennen kuin puhekyky menee. https://t.co/DRvlkxEXsA ->
- RT @oapaza13: Cuando Optimus Prime puede contra todo menos con la geografía del Cusco. #AsíEsMiPerú https://t.co/BY0tZHpqSL ->
- You love to see it https://t.co/pkrdxMfQ1v ->
- New logo unveiled https://t.co/5UWTGfdAwI https://t.co/wqNiCrhzC9 ->
- RT @Kanika_Dutta_: Did it hurt ? When someone called you a project manager instead of a product manager ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: Debates over board games don't generally make headlines, but Finland has been having a very interesting one over the last… ->
- RT @inafried: Dear Facebook:
We've received your request to change your name. However, due to our real names policy, you will first need t… ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: And as if being at the centre of one racism story this week isn't enough, Iltalehti now reporting that Helsinki Universit… ->
- RT @HaneMaung: a short thread of Nicolas Cage as various philosophers
1. Spinoza https://t.co/jsWv3149ko ->
- RT @e_alcarazp: ¿Cuáles son los nombres más populares de las y los 🇲🇽 por generación?👶👧👩🧔👵
Esta es la evolución usando los nombres de la po… -> - Less critics, more supporters https://t.co/76nNm2teY2 ->
- Being skeptical of vaccines is starting to be close to doubting reflectors, bike helmets and as you can see here (i… https://t.co/wQKgPGnchT ->
- Me next week after spending two weeks with my parents for the first time in over two years and going back to my dai… https://t.co/W6lvysiOd6 ->
- The importance of a winner’s work ethic 😂🤣 https://t.co/Ajlxuf4BAy ->
- 4 of 5 stars to From a Certain Point of View by Elizabeth Schaefer https://t.co/sC4GjNsNyb ->
- RT @jaythechou: I Photoshop Paddington into another movie until I forget: Day 206
#hansolo #StarWars #SoloAStarWarsStory https://t.co/E6UR… -> - RT @LeonKrauze: Las cadenas de valor globales abren una oportunidad única para México.
La vamos a desperdiciar, explica @jorgesuarezv https… -> - RT @frasalazar: Sin duda uno de los momentos cumbres de la cinematografía https://t.co/nMcuXA0dsM ->
- RT @VicioNez: La presencia vikinga en América es conocida desde 1960. La aparición de nueva evidencia ayuda a conocer en qué condiciones se… ->
- RT @anothercohen: Nicholas Cage as tech CEOs, a thread: ->
- RT @typesfast: Yesterday I rented a boat and took the leader of one of Flexport's partners in Long Beach on a 3 hour of the port complex. H… ->
- RT @wes_kao: Three tips to manage your boss:
Offer solutions, not problems
Make requests, not complaints
Keep your boss in the loopRemem… ->
- Serrano/Jabugo ham. So fancy, expensive and difficult to get when/where I was a kid. https://t.co/8WjIHsqIXP ->
- RT @lorenacupcake: @imjasondiamond Did you read this piece when it came out? I still think of it (obviously) https://t.co/CDevr28w4u ->
- RT @mattcolville: I love it. https://t.co/110Vvg2h1k ->
- RT @SteveStuWill: Accelerating cultural evolution: This fascinating animation shows the world’s cities appearing, one-by-one, over the cour… ->
- RT @benedictevans: Smartphones: done!
Drones, 3D printing: no consumer use case
Smart home: absorbed by existing vendors
Voice: only works… -> - El Barça no trae absolutamente nada pero nada de nada. Da penita. Ouch. #ElClasico ->
- We’re in serious danger of getting old before we get rich, and our governments as usual do not understand this, pre… https://t.co/GqZynfPrXw ->
- RT @ForeignPolicy: Competition for talent will change immigration policies as much as the underlying need for demographic balance. Some cou… ->
- RT @alexstubb: Apologies for a long, but hopefully reflective thread about modern politics. It is partially inspired by a documentary about… ->
- RT @NathanielParish: 🇲🇽🚴one of the most amazing things about Mexico is that the Formula 1 race track lets cyclists train on it. I did 22 mi… ->
- RT @amartino: Esto es una bomba (1/2) ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-10-11 to 2021-10-17
- First day at the office since June and finally trying the “new normal” hybrid way of working this is how @Schibsted… https://t.co/olqniSDQqk ->
- Este imbécil que quería desarrollar una “red social 4T” hace ver a Chava Iglesias cono un superdotado.… https://t.co/ph9iaM4lpL ->
- RT @beccarosen: Incredibly perceptive and entertaining piece by @elcush about Slack's takeover of the workplace, and the future we now have… ->
- Voisitko kuvitella Liiga-lähetys somaliaksi Suomessa? 🤔 https://t.co/78Gvu1zvK9 ->
- RT @mims: I've been a remote worker longer than most young millennials have been working, here is my #1 tip:
Figure out how to protect you… ->
- RT @abbygov: i went indian clothes shopping today and i didn't like any of the stuff the women at the shop were showing me and when i showe… ->
- Multipass for COVID 😂🤣😂🤣 https://t.co/R89V3kdtxy ->
- RT @toivohaimi: MSMSPTTH MTHRF ->
- RT @JavierGraciaM: Prohibido hablarle italiano a la cabra https://t.co/sagRq7csGr ->
- RT @SahilBloom: How to Win (without talent or luck): ->
- Showing the best Finland has to offer to my parents #nuuksio #finland #hdr #nature en Nuuksio, Etelä-Suomen Lääni,… https://t.co/bpPzR6M0NI ->
- RT @sambhigham: Uncomfortable reality for PMs:
You will never have all the information.
The skill is to recognise when you have enough ne… ->
- RT @cstross: Mashup novel ideas:
"Around the Ringworld in 80 days" by Jules Verne and Larry Niven ->
- RT @SlavaMalamud: OK, now that you ask.
Here is the kind of community food shortages and bread lines fostered. I hope you don't mind your a… -> - RT @DeBeskar: 🔴Hilo con Todos los Planetas que Visitamos en las 11 Películas de #StarWars🔴⬇️⬇️ https://t.co/k80OoCeAGf ->
- 5 of 5 stars to The Barcelona Complex by Simon Kuper https://t.co/0ZHgj2rZNp ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-10-04 to 2021-10-10
- RT @JenKatWrites: wait sorry, I found one exception, this man has to continue working, for his bird wife https://t.co/15IrmWWd82 ->
- Many do not know that "Chicharito" Hernández's @CH14_ grandfather also played for @chivas and @miseleccionmxEN …… https://t.co/HBiIL7AWMa ->
- All the folks coming to Twitter from Facebook & Instagram yesterday. 🤣😂 https://t.co/60yBpIIzux ->
- RT @MXProspects: 7 futbolistas de esta convocatoria cuentan con doble nacionalidad:
-Héctor Holguín/🇲🇽🇺🇸
-David Ochoa/🇲🇽🇺🇸
-Leonardo Se… -> - RT @julian__araujo: Mi corazón está con México 🇲🇽 https://t.co/zSYqontOpU ->
- RT @brearkeologi: BREAKING NEWS! We have just made an incredible discovery at the Digervarden ice patch, Norway. We have found the best-pre… ->
- RT @mims: UNREAL:
A giant tanker containing 4x as much oil as Exxon Valdez is on verge of collapse, when it goes it could block a shipping… ->
- RT @BeataWojna: De lo que se quejan embajadores acreditados en México 1) no hay acceso a la mitad del gobierno federal 2) poca interacción… ->
- RT @benedictevans: As anyone who's worked a big company knows, there are big gaps between what any given mid-level employer thinks is happe… ->
- RT @onlydole: An enlightening apparition from a colleague 🎃 https://t.co/3KhHQQiZK4 ->
- You know you're Mexican when you get a robot vacuum cleaner and it's obvious you're going to call it "Robotina". https://t.co/d8jUzLbGWB ->
- I hadn't realized the robot vacuum cleaner can connect to Google Assistant. I never expected the machine takeover w… https://t.co/LqgecVzKY1 ->
- RT @ByDonkeys: A message to Conservative Party members from Tomasz, an HGV driver. (Location: Manchester city centre) https://t.co/9bIOqAnI… ->
- #ProjectFear turned out to be Project Fuck around and find out. #brexit #ProjectHere I'm so sad for my British frie… https://t.co/UOaThfWamg ->
- Dear Finland, seriously get your act together. It's gotten worse rather than better it seems sometimes. https://t.co/2mjQj3Rv9F ->
- Dear Finland, you've handled the pandemic reasonably well. WTF is this? https://t.co/kpmMBcdlQl ->
- RT @Cassetteboy: New! Cassetteboy vs Boris Johnson 2021 #cpc21 https://t.co/klsNSi0wir ->
- RT @pmpohjanheimo: Nyt aloitamme, tulethan mukaan! Latinalainen Amerikka uuden edessä – Suomen suurlähettiläiden tapaaminen. https://t.co/… ->
- RT @vllry: I'm amused at how "a configuration change to routers took Facebook down" is scarcely believable to a lot of people outside of te… ->
- RT @sonjatwilson: Miten voi olla mahdollista, että Suomessa olevat ulkomaalaiset opiskelijat eivät saa Suomesta töitä. Tämä mainittiin A-St… ->
- RT @anildash: This is one of the most monumental headlines of my lifetime. This may abate more suffering and improve more lives than any ot… ->
- RT @EdwardShawcross: The irony of a foreign prince re-enacting the moment when Mexicans challenged the Spanish empire which Maximilian’s ow… ->
- RT @deannaraybourn: "English doesn't obfuscate." Have you met our language? It's six cats in a trenchcoat. ->
- RT @lite_thespark: Bloodline readdressing Leia's slave costume and rebranding it as her 'Huttslayer' outfit was the best thing Star Wars ev… ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: Finland's government has launched a 'Museum of Contemporary Emotions' to help people reflect on and recover from the Covi… ->
- RT @killersundymann: Irish and German people offering things https://t.co/AoPgWJpK6L ->
- RT @IamAustinYang: Tip for product managers:
If you see a company splitting PM/PO roles or running SAFe, run as fast as you can!🏃🏃♀️🏃♂️ ->
- RT @VincentPavero: @IamAustinYang For all the people who wonder why SAFe is bad. https://t.co/oXvOqSbA0S ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Oulunkylä, Etelä-Suomen Lääni, Finland https://t.co/o6TzeckTX5 ->
- Of the things you don’t read about Mexico in the international (or national) press.
@eperea te va a gustar https://t.co/GkboQUUrfo ->
- RT @AJolines: En 1705, Marjorie McCall murió de fiebre y fue enterrada lo antes posible para prevenir la propagación de la enfermedad.
La m… -> - RT @eperea: -Morena es la variante Delta del PRI. @chivacongelado dixit 🤣 ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: #FINUKR https://t.co/31TW9ZdiTC ->
- Yo espero ir a México el año que viene en cuanto mis hijos estén vacunados. Dudo mucho que podamos usar el Felipe À… https://t.co/ZCK6qLtsql ->
- RT @carolecadwalla: Brilliant, savage, righteous piece from @SimonKuper on how the Saudi butcher’s purchase of Newcastle United is a metaph… ->
- I ran the Vantaa Marathon half and improved my PB by half a minute: 1:59:01. I’d like to be faster but I realize my… https://t.co/uMqcBQHsSr ->
- RT @johncutlefish: Mind blown
Daycare teacher
“The two year olds who only have know their pandemic are less verbal and social and seem… ->
- As long as our environment is considered an economic externality (not accounted on the price of things) emissions w… https://t.co/cQolUyoLc9 ->
- RT @monicaihibert: ¿Han intentado jugar uno con un abogado? https://t.co/mMj0Nkl9o8 ->
- This is the final iteration of my #pandemic #homeoffice. It consists of a space of less than 1.7 square meters in t… https://t.co/yXmCMoo0pD ->
- Looking forward to seeing my colleagues in 3D at the office tomorrow. in reply to chivacongelado ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-09-27 to 2021-10-03
- RT @TheFirstOkiro: A Jedi like his father before him https://t.co/MQzF0lu8Rr ->
- RT @RexChapman: Bill Nye destroying racism in one minute.
“We’re all one species.”…
https://t.co/Moc7qLsjNq -> - RT @GergelyOrosz: One of the perks of no longer working at big tech, and having no plans to go back: I can write *very* honestly about some… ->
- RT @andurings: I CANT FUCKING BREATHEJSV https://t.co/PoDE0pGnn4 ->
- RT @Cuauhtemoc_1521: Feliz cumpleaños 200 a nuestro país,
a México. Solamente para tener algunas comparaciones, el Virreinato duró 3 siglos… -> - RT @SahilBloom: By now, you’ve probably heard that global supply chains are in a state of disarray.
Here's a simple breakdown of what’s ca… ->
- RT @DeMemoria: #Hilo 🧵📺'DON GATO', hoy estamos celebrando que hace 60 años salió al aire en EE.UU. una serie animada que en México es consi… ->
- RT @lionelbarber: 👀 “Why would you want to go to Britain, jump all these hoops…if you could go to Ireland or Holland and earn more, be resp… ->
- RT @SWContinuity: Star Wars #8 (1977) / Star Wars Gamer #4 – “The Starhoppers of Aduba-3” (2001) / The Essential Atlas (2009) / Star Wars V… ->
- RT @Dimmu141: Minkäläinen meno Suomessa olisi jos PS olisi saanut tahdon läpi ja Suomi olisi eronnut EUsta.. ->
- RT @eperea: Any fintech startup interested in doing Buy Now, Pay Later should look to LatAm for education. We've all been doing it for deca… ->
- I am surprisingly excited. They got this. https://t.co/2VyIckz8HM ->
- A friend of mine died of cancer a few months ago. She may have lived longer but her surgery was canceled due to war… https://t.co/xRO1JbtDL5 ->
- RT @DudespostingWs: https://t.co/Ya8tIRyuJ6 ->
- Puebla de Los Ángeles de Nuestra Señora de la Porciúncula, Alta California. 🤷🏽♂️ https://t.co/S2x8GndasU ->
- More highly qualified Mexicans in Finland. I’ve met marketing executives, logistics PhDs and engineering researcher… https://t.co/whvoHib4ex ->
- RT @shreyas: In your 1st month at a new place:
-start using the product
-read key docs & summaries
-learn people's names
-build rapport wi… -> - RT @Stiff: Brits in Finland – today is the LAST DAY to do your Brexit Application.
I know you all already have but JUST IN CASE you were… ->
- RT @IanDunt: "The pound is beginning to behave as though it were an emerging market currency" https://t.co/fo8CWj1wvq ->
- RT @robertotaboada5: Son las 5 de la tarde —me dijo Ana casi susurrando.
—¿Cómo sabes? —le pregunté desde la celda de al lado.
—Por la proy… -> - Creo que la última vez que me fui de antro por gusto fue con uno de mis mejores amigos hace 15 años en Acapulco. Ni… https://t.co/4sRZfW37RW ->
- RT @ytzmaya: Nadie:
Yo a la menor provocación: Deja te lo organizo en una hoja de Excel. -> - Reminds me of sourcing the Star Wars Radio Drama for our listening comprehension exercises in English class in juni… https://t.co/gwQKmVLG2T ->
- RT @nameshiv: My family is giving me grief because I talked my dad into watching Ted Lasso and now he is apparently starting all conversati… ->
- RT @tobiasrogers: I went down a @shreyas rabbit hole so you don't have to.
Here are 11 timeless lessons on product leadership that will h… ->
- RT @MKiesilainen: ”Minut kutsuttiin työryhmään, jossa pohdittiin, miten Suomesta saataisiin houkuttelevampi ulkomaalaisille huippuosaajille… ->
- RT @DaniNovarama: Ayer me pegué una juerga. Una de las de verdad, de decir "te quiero tío" a los colegas y volver a casa hecho unos zorros.… ->
- RT @HuevoPorSopa: 1ro de octubre
Los de Green Day: https://t.co/iUBzdRmiUY ->
- RT @pmpohjanheimo: ¡Feliz aniversario de relaciones diplomáticas de países socios 🇲🇽🇫🇮!
México y Finlandia compartimos una rica agenda bi… ->
- RT @JPablo_Juarez: Mira @chivacongelado lo que me acabo de encontrar. Salieron fotos del viaje a NYC. https://t.co/qNI3crmGLH ->
- RT @lablegal101: Los términos y condiciones de Amazon (AWS) tiene una cláusula en caso de que estalle una hecatombe de zombies. 🧟♀️🧟♂️ ht… ->
- RT @rands: Let's be clear. Video games are becoming more compelling than real life. It's a problem. A huge problem. ->
- RT @alexstubb: This is what happens when #Brexit meets the reality of an interconnected world. Impossible to ”prenez un grip”, let alone ”d… ->
- RT @AshFR: alright https://t.co/EqXYjNWGAj ->
- México City’s Iztaccíhuatl volcano https://t.co/H3wgKrNi5y ->
- RT @AnimalsBeingB: https://t.co/EqIBtD6lWt ->
- RT @avestruzeterea: Y teniendo licenciaturas y maestrías y doctorados y cubículos y espacio en medios y acceso a INTERNET, los que querían… ->
- RT @korhonen_klaus: Syria | The Secret Teacher of Al-Hol – How Finland Ran a Distance School for the Finnish Children in the Syrian Detenti… ->
- RT @GergelyOrosz: "Why are you looking to leave your current employer?" is a question I've asked hundreds of times when hiring at Uber. The… ->
- I bring you the prime minister of the United Kingdom, who is so dim-witted his answer to ridiculous amounts of wast… https://t.co/bKHa5xwhXK ->
- RT @johncutlefish: why you can't just show up, figure out the "right" strategy, and hope that by "empowering" teams everything will work ou… ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-09-20 to 2021-09-26
- Just in time for climate change 🤦🏽♂️ https://t.co/EwONzw3heD ->
- RT @RexChapman: Happy 21st day of September, everyone… https://t.co/hmrfCwhGJM ->
- RT @profjuliette: este 🧵 sobre la más bella y caótica ciudad del mundo 🇲🇽 ❤️ ->
- RT @michaelxpettis: 1/4
Another useful article by Zhou Xin. Among other things he estimates that Evergrande's on- and off-balance sheet obl… -> - RT @KarlMathiesen: BREAK: Xi Jinping says China will stop building coal plants overseas. This almost completely ends the international fina… ->
- Nuestro entrañable (es un decir) Dr Muerte https://t.co/4SRC2PSXSm ->
- Y mientras tanto tenemos un presidente que no ha salido de su rancho. 🤦🏽♂️ https://t.co/vMgAw5NLsQ ->
- RT @imightbemary: Every so often I see a Twitter thread where a new manager asks for advice, and inevitably, someone in the comments below… ->
- Just found out a previous employer from the Middle East who still owes me money (and were very cavalier about the w… https://t.co/xGSKvjU3vr ->
- RT @imaginmatrix: My dad made a “meme” and asked me to spread it as far as I can so here you go https://t.co/4MS3qnqSvN ->
- The #Foundation Series is now live on @AppleTV and I can't wait for the evening to arrive so I can watch it. https://t.co/gauuvNt8jY ->
- I didn’t freak out with Trantor, Terminus, Hari Seldon or Eto Demerzel but the Prime Radiant made me go 🤯. So many… https://t.co/IBcagFOGyx ->
- RT @zeitgeistzest: @Dimmu141 😅😬😅 https://t.co/Lvnxm3agpN ->
- RT @miblogestublog: It’s Happy Hour Friday! https://t.co/eea35N214R ->
- RT @johncutlefish: Cards Against Product Management https://t.co/OVdlia7EOi ->
- RT @xkcd: Symbols https://t.co/U9rv1IjsNK https://t.co/jd4NWH1rql ->
- RT @Antimio: CUANDO EL PRESIDENTE DICE ESO, HAY QUE VOLVER A EMPEZAR. Cuando @lopezobrador_ dice que la ciencia no hizo nada antes de ellos… ->
- RT @IanDunt: Hard to imagine a more comprehensive collapse of the Vote Leave argument than what we're seeing here. ->
- With the kid of talent crunch going on, this is the most counterproductively shortsighted bullshit I have ever seen… https://t.co/RwN169vWhj ->
- Companies that realize that diversity is a competitive advantage will win. https://t.co/1vtJ6Qu6TA ->
- RT @Foundation_: @chivacongelado The Prime Radiant makes me freak out too, don't worry. ->
- If you’ve only read @hsfi you’d think there’s only killers and robbers there. Their favorite word to describe it be… https://t.co/SnEaWkKnqU ->
- RT @ahope71: Estamos como a tres mañaneras de que el presidente se ponga a leer en pantalla los insultos que encuentra en los baños público… ->
- 4 of 5 stars to The Dope by Benjamin T. Smith https://t.co/yY5JuAwXFJ ->
- RT @martindelp: Los aficionados del Wolves reconociéndole el gol y el sufrimiento a Raúl Jiménez. Que día importante para la carrera del 9.… ->
- Just finished listening to @benjamintsmith7’s history of the Mexican drug trade “The Dope” and I can’t help to be a… https://t.co/k50xFfSPF4 ->
- especially of violence (ibid.), but what I didn’t know is that it is over a hundred years old, that the Americans a… https://t.co/c8BBItQ0b4 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- American intervention and that the Kiki Camarena case was tied to the Iran-Contra scandal. Harry J. Anslinger (form… https://t.co/mjFYRNZ226 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- I am especially pissed by the feeling that it does not have a chance to get better because the rot is too deep and… https://t.co/AP4IbutthV in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @bilbeny: Dejaré esto por aquí. https://t.co/o5VZiEjrcR ->
- Finnish politicians would be wise to read this thread cc @filsdeproust @MarinSanna @MariaOhisalo @KristaKiuru https://t.co/8Yr6Rsd4mj ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-09-13 to 2021-09-19
- RT @TheFirstOkiro: "Politics has no place in Star Wars"
George Lucas: https://t.co/r6MUPaSQjk ->
- RT @xkcd: Vaccine Research https://t.co/4sFeKOG2CB https://t.co/TjtRGWjcxZ ->
- RT @MattGarrahan: What a quote https://t.co/F7CNGMxhDD https://t.co/XAGxnKTQ0G ->
- RT @HNTurtledove: Actors talking about composers they want to play.
Sly Stallone says, "I'll be Vivaldi!"
Jean-Claude Van Damme says, "I'l… -> - Tech bro culture was here already during the dot com / telecoms bubble, the difference is that it now makes the new… https://t.co/Kdv8ghr4wF ->
- RT @CarinZissis: The Columbus/Tlali statue drama continues.
Act I: Mexico City's government removed a Columbus statue from the capital's… ->
- RT @TheSWU: *Sad Beep* https://t.co/7CRaE9Auph ->
- RT @miemo: Jos jotain Piilaakson ominaispiirteitä olisi toivonut jäävän sille puolen palloa, niin tech bro -meininki on aika lailla kärjess… ->
- RT @romoraleselcoro: Una despedida demoledora de David Shields
"Oponerse a la transición energética y, en cambio, construir una refinería… ->
- RT @DeMemoria: #Hilo 🧵🇲🇽‘Mexicanos, ¡Viva México!’, es la consigna que nos acompaña cada noche del 15 de septiembre y que convierte a nuest… ->
- RT @kniggem: 🇩🇪🗳 Leader of far right AfD: youth should “learn more German folk songs, more German poems” in school.
Kid reporter: “I think… ->
- RT @LaMalaC: SITATYYYYYR https://t.co/9sT47PdQf9 ->
- RT @pictoline: Maíz + carne + picante 🌮
Carne + dulce + picante 🤤¿Cuál es tu mezcla perfecta de sabores en la comida mexicana? 🇲🇽 https:/… ->
- RT @AnttiMatiasKosk: Tänään on historian yo-koe.
Abiturientit olivat:
– sikiöitä, kun markat vaihtuivat euroiksi
– vauvoja, kun Yhdysvalta… -> - 👀 https://t.co/TxTENsgkHR ->
- El presidente @lopezobrador_ con su manera de predicador de conmemorar el Grito de Independencia en lugar de sumar,… https://t.co/IvOnzMdbKn ->
- RT @nicadispatch: Mexico has received 77,559 asylum requests so far this year. That shatters the country's single-year record by 10%, with… ->
- "Siivooja kuulemma saisi työluvan, mutta esimiestehtäviin yritysten "pitäisi palkata suomalaisia"."
Kuullut kielte… https://t.co/bGzZdQ3tyX ->
- Jajajajaja debería de ser ilegal hacer reír tanto a estas horas de la mañana. https://t.co/TbG9V9K5Q5 ->
- RT @HumansNoContext: https://t.co/hZA07aSQfS ->
- Dos niños con fútbol 4 veces a la semana (3 entrenamiento y 1 partido), un papá que entrena 5 veces a la semana y l… https://t.co/bFtA2hj2de ->
- RT @PippaMusgrave1: @BorisJohnson Hello Boris. Weights and Measures Inspector here. Sorry to dispel your latest bit of kite flying.
1. T… ->
- Meanwhile, in Dos Bocas… https://t.co/7zYdoP8QUn ->
- Going back to the office will be nice but also a little bit awkward, and that's OK
https://t.co/rZ7Xg8l5mn -> - Top: Mexicans in Mexican movies
Bottom: Mexicans in American movies https://t.co/6tLPLCpLbG ->
- RT @miblogestublog: Tell me you’re chilango without telling me you’re chilango https://t.co/YrNzo0YJqL ->
- RT @eperea: Every startup in the world should have this IBM memo framed up on the wall https://t.co/J4XCurVvUO ->
- RT @DrPragyaAgarwal: Tried to explain imperial measurements to the 5-year olds this morning. https://t.co/fovYeItiUS ->
- This kind of goals shouldn’t happen in a professional league. Like, seriously, letting the ball bounce like that fr… https://t.co/jHCFWE8JLC ->
- For those not familiar with this: a company run by two white dudes that was not even looking for funding raised $50… https://t.co/iGlw0nVZgd ->
- RT @lamonse: Indigna que una mexicana en el extranjero sea acosada por una Cónsul que se supone fue enviada a ese cargo para proteger a los… ->
- Dime con quien andas y te diré quién eres. https://t.co/0ob3R4bbCe ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Helsinki https://t.co/rlzpKPYE5W ->
- Mi mamá me estaba amarrando las agujetas de los zapatos cuando pasó esto. Tenía cinco años y es de mis primeros rec… https://t.co/JZMUEHgi8L ->
- RT @Santiago_Arau: Frida (2017). https://t.co/5LcPNQLo79 ->
- RT @Bundesliga_EN: Speechless. 😱 @ErlingHaaland
- Not enough countries split arbitrarily for this to be biting enough. 🤣😂 https://t.co/BAFG5e0QQb ->
- Dark https://t.co/DhvqdMp6aE ->
- RT @chivacongelado: @piagitta Vanha kollega 10 vuotta sitten firman pikkujouluissa täysin kännissä laitoi kädet hartioideni ympärillä ja sa… ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-09-06 to 2021-09-12
- El antepenúltimo párrafo es demoledoramente cierto. @lopezobrador_ nunca entendió nada. Ni siquiera entendió que no… https://t.co/QTcSWnWG3s ->
- Me as a Mexican-born person who learned American in elementary, British in junior high, then moved to Scandinavia (… https://t.co/PGg64Cfng1 ->
- RT @Tecnorama: Cuando tengáis un mal día, recordad a Sam Bartram, el portero que en 1937 se pasó 15 minutos en su portería sin enterarse de… ->
- 4 of 5 stars to Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge https://t.co/UFBPLWtTb6 ->
- RT @sana_qadar: ‘The pernicious thing about systemic racism is that its effects are often about things *not* happening: the mortgage applic… ->
- Where were you 20 years ago on 9/11? I was leaving one of my first work meetings with a partner (we were discussing… https://t.co/Jp0iBPxlG6 ->
- bulletin to my English colleagues. We went to my boss's hotel where all the TVs in the lobby were blasting CNN and… https://t.co/F24C0ToqTH in reply to chivacongelado ->
- One of our colleagues hurried directly from the meeting to his plane back home to London. He ended up landing late… https://t.co/E0HrHDcdVn in reply to chivacongelado ->
- as usually people are quiet in public transport in Helsinki. I remember somebody saying "who knows how will the world change". 4/x in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Esta portada de @TheEconomist me gustó. https://t.co/CGVnu5MRye ->
- RT @TrungTPhan: You've def heard of "The Hero's Journey", the narrative structure dating back to Homer's Odyssey in ~7th century BC.
A gre… ->
- RT @eperea: Pendejo no lleva acento, pero en algunos casos se va acentuando con los años. ->
- RT @griner: Tremendous example of how creative process is evolving in a remote world:
https://t.co/u1xfFno2AS https://t.co/eV6QOYEv6D -> - Para los que les da flojera googlear: https://t.co/PinhSiIR14 https://t.co/hkzWDMGIaN ->
- RT @sonate_bleu: Hacer deploy en viernes, solo para sentir algo. ->
- So, Hey Ya can vote now. https://t.co/UDS07OOi1X ->
- RT @shreyas: 7 attributes that differentiate the best product people I know:
– Curiosity
– Obsession
– Courage
– High Standards
– Ownershi… -> - RT @eperea: If this doesn't change your mind… ->
- RT @clairevo: PM leader cliches I said this week:
1. What problem are we solving
2. How do we know it’s a problem
3. Do we have data to in… -> - RT @JFrankensteiner: Hunter S. Thompson wrote this one week after 9/11, basically called what the 21st Century would become https://t.co/jt… ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Helsinki https://t.co/UBeWPg72ue ->
- Las respuestas a este tweet son lo más. Como cuando me enteré que a la Estela de Luz todos la conocen como la Suavi… https://t.co/mUWbQknxSB ->
- RT @forssto: Any Finnish expat at a company party when North American colleagues apologize for how drunk they are. https://t.co/9G2t4U994x ->
- RT @flamingpetty: 100% serious when I say the Onion’s 9/11 coverage deserved a Pulitzer https://t.co/s8RPvLsEYc ->
- RT @IndivisibleMich: @flamingpetty Amazing piece on this issue of @TheOnion and how it came together. https://t.co/DtpDZQSGRY ->
- RT @CouchNish: A person called OwlKitty changed the Business Card scene from “American Psycho” to the guys showing each other pictures of t… ->
- We’ve known that Finland is getting old. Problem is that if we’re not smart about it we’ll be getting poorer. Inter… https://t.co/scqbr8hLVT ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-08-30 to 2021-09-05
- RT @veronicalderon: Bueno, al menos duró poco.
Los #InformeDeGobierno de mi niñez (80s) eran largos, se declaraba el día feriado, no vend… ->
- RT @johnspacemuller: I am dead, Simon Kuper has killed me. https://t.co/5ssRfB9Gtp ->
- RT @axcayacatl: Photos from a parade held in Mexico city in 1910. Oh do not 100% the clothing depicted here are far better and more histori… ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Summer 2021 was Finland's hottest in over 80 years https://t.co/UCnMGiWICH ->
- RT @rmayemsinger: Powerful. https://t.co/QPgoXEm1aw ->
- RT @albertolati: Con esta imponente imagen llegó la medalla catorce de México en los #Paralympics de Tokio.
Juan Pablo Cervantes se queda e… -> - Welcome to a whole new world of flow, speed, pain, blood, and double poling. Thank you @hiihtokoulu.fi and… https://t.co/uHL07fWRqV ->
- RT @joseacevez: Hoy es un buen día para recordar que Tijuana está más cerca de Alaska que de Cancún. https://t.co/AET8P74tQh ->
- RT @Javi_Sancho_: Cansinismo positivo. 🥲 https://t.co/1T9D5Mp3wU ->
- Mi primera chamba fuera de ayudar en el negocio familiar fue de vendedor de páginas de internet. No pude cerrar una… https://t.co/kpSsvPRWbc ->
- The struggle is real https://t.co/0YV1Fg8Wzg ->
- RT @hazeljennings: Remote work is so weird. I just wrapped up an 8-year run at Instagram; one of the most impactful chapters of my life so… ->
- RT @Cienciaymas_: Una de las capturas con mayor resolución que se han hecho sobre Júpiter en la historia de la NASA. https://t.co/vWvJOy30ef ->
- RT @Giorgioromero: Estamos jodidos. El partido más importante de México apoya a Maduro y el segundo le engorda el caldo a Vox. Esos son los… ->
- Read this thread until the end and avoid disappointment. https://t.co/CQ2Bi1BQNX ->
- Suomi! Suomi! Suomi!
Oi Suomi on
Oi Suomi on
Oi Suomi on niin ihanaa
On meillä sauna, viina ja kirves
Oi Suomi on n… https://t.co/q7UU9ndBKb -> - 😬 https://t.co/fllwnt84iP https://t.co/p6YvOXMBxC ->
- RT @amyecheetham: Wild to me that interviewing candidates isn't a skill that's taught broadly even though hiring is perhaps the most import… ->
- Hearing similar stories from companies trying to attract talent in Finland. The pandemic has driven the demand for… https://t.co/8zVzsvKkTe ->
- I understand that may be the case in a sales/marketing communications job for the local market, but I strongly beli… https://t.co/MsljnH67Ha ->
- RT @MaxCRoser: The Economist journalists updated their a model of the true death toll of the pandemic, corrected for underreporting.
They… ->
- If they invite you to a birthday party (and it’s not someone creepy or you have v. important stuff otherwise), go t… https://t.co/MGGC06BCYr ->
- RT @goodnewsfinland: Today we get to know senior UI and UX designer Yoshi, who moved to Finland from China to do her master’s degree at Aal… ->
- 5 of 5 stars to This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends by Nicole Perlroth https://t.co/gpIewyxyZQ ->