Tag Archives: society

About honesty

You may have heard already that Finland is a country rather free of corruption in general.  I have one anecdote that can support the view that it starts from society itself, and it all happened on Friday.

My wife dropped her mobile at the bus stop by mistake, and a person picked it up.  The founder called me (being the last person she had called) and eventually he returned me the device.  I actually tried to arrange the delivery by text message but the person never checked them, explaining that he wouldn't even open them as it was somebody else's mobile.  I know for a fact that he never used it for anything else but calling me and and another person as I didn't answer his first call, and he would have been horrified if I had tried to offer him a reward for it.

I'm sure this wouldn't have happened in many places I know, and the fact that I know plenty of people who would have acted in the same way makes me feel more convinced to say that the fact there is little perceived corruption in this society because the people so demand.

When will we make other places change?


One of the best things about Finland is sauna. The word itself, as many a Finn will point out, is the only one in their language that has been adopted internationally (beats "bastu" in my book).  There is a certain etiquette to be followed while in sauna, and it is indeed an integral part of the culture, to the point where the most serious discussions and the closest relationships (no sean malpensados, canijos) will take place there.

The language also has certain words that have their origins in sauna.  For example, löyly means steam, but the kind of steam that comes from throwing water at the sauna stove.  Furthermore, in line with unfortunate recent events, verilöyly, composed of the words "sauna steam" and "blood", gives a very grisly picture to the listener and accordingly means massacre.  Saunakalja is used for beer drunk in sauna and they even have a saying that "Jos ei sauna, viina ja terva auta, niin tauti on kuolemaksi", or "If sauna, alcohol and tar don't help, then the disease is deadly".

Now you know: in order to understand Finnish culture one has to experience and feel sauna.


One of the few things I really don't agree with regarding the way things work in Finland is the whole tax circus every year. Not only do I find it extremely sad that a whole country can be built at the same time on the principles of equality and jealousy of your neighbour, but I find it appalling that this information is public without my permission.

Furthermore, since this info is available in the net, it's an enormous security risk, it's a disaster waiting to happen.
How long before we see a Finn (or a Finnish resident) being held for ransom or worse on a trip abroad with his captors perfectly aware of his/her total ability to pay?

It is a breach of my privacy, my rights and it is reckless. When will they understand?

La Generación Agotada

Me encontré este artículo de Rosaura Barahona en el blog de la Chica Regia.  Aunque puedo definitivamente ver que describe muy bien el entorno que dejé en México, yo no me identifico tanto. 

Como mi desarrollo como adulto ha sido en su mayor parte en el extranjero, en muchos aspectos me salí del círculo de las amistades por conveniencia y el tener para presumir. 

Nunca fui muy conservador en mis convicciones políticas ni religiosas y aunque trabajo durísimo, trabajo para vivir, no vivo para trabajar. 

Aunque me gusta vestir bien de acuerdo a la ocasión eso no necesariamente significa tener ropa de marca ni nada por el estilo, sino seguir un estilo propio. 

El dinero, más que un fin, lo considero un medio, y la gente que se preocupa por el qué dirán, la frivolidad y qué me voy a poner mañana me da la misma flojera que a ellos los problemas de nuestro país (aunque tampoco tengo idea de cómo cambiarlos y cada vez me convenzo más que no tienen remedio a menos que cambiemos nuestra cultura de raíz).

Aunque también me estreso de vez en cuando, la verdad es que he aprendido a vivir la vida mucho más tranquilamente.  En el trabajo me aprecian e incluso me preguntan cómo le hago para sonreír todo el tiempo.

Obviamente, no soy ni perfecto ni nada por el estilo.  No creo que conozca todas mis limitaciones, y a veces tiendo a ser demasiado tranquilo, pero estoy contento conmigo mismo y con mi entorno.

Muchas de esas actitudes ya las tenía y muchas tienen que ver con vivir donde vivo.  Cada quién habla de la feria dependiendo de cómo le fue.

Social Networks of all sizes and purposes

Was reading the Groundswell blog and found a series of different online communities for all sorts of different purposes.  One that definitely caught my eye was Design your portion of the border fence, where people are invited to submit designs for graffitti that would be placed on the American or Mexican sides of the barrier the U.S. government is building between the U.S. and Mexico.

Definitely a creative way to raise awareness of a current issue.

Mexican Independence Day

After all these years, my relationship with the country where I was born and its traditions is different from what it used to be. For example, I'm not afraid to criticise those things I don't agree, however sacred they may be.

However, that doesn't mean that I stopped feeling myself Mexican. On the contrary, I believe I'm more aware of certain aspects of our culture and am proud of it, but I've learned to keep what is worthwhile and discard the rest, which for me has had more to do with attitudes than with popular culture. I've kept the joy and the ability of improvisation, but added some further planning. I've conserved the family ties and my friends, but have become more open to new people and ideas. I've kept listening to Mexican music (traditional or otherwise) and still wear guayaberas or my tejana from time to time (in my wedding I've even used a full charro outfit), but it doesn't mean I won't use something else (Japanese yukatas are great after sauna, for example).

However, this is about Mexican Independence Day. This year I won't be able to attend the reception given by the embassy since it is on Monday and I'll be travelling, but usually I go and have a good time. My wife will represent our family. To make up for that, we decided to cook Mexican tonight and have the appropriate music with my wive's family, and it all went well.  You can judge the results below.

As I've said, I'm not a typical Mexican, so what relates me to Mexico is different than otherwise would be. When I think about it, I think about my family, my friends, the food and the music. I would also like to use this occasion to remember those parts of the country we don't usually think about, like our countrymen abroad, the indigenous peoples and the immigrants to the country that are making a better life for themselves there. All these and more are also Mexico.


Este fin de semana es 16 de septiembre, la fecha en que todos los mexicanos sacamos la bandera, los trajes típicos y nuestras mejores recetas nacionales.

Hasta ahí todo bien y sin problemas, estar orgulloso de las raíces de uno es algo muy positivo. Sin embargo, algo que me preocupó bastante es una encuesta que me encontré en el Reforma, donde por desgracia se demuestra que tenemos un concepto de identidad nacional en el que no aceptamos las influencias del extranjero. La respuesta que más me pegó de la encuesta fue en donde la mayoría de los encuestados expresaban sus recelos de aquellos extranjeros que adoptaban la nacionalidad mexicana y de aquellos mexicanos que adquirían un pasaporte extranjero. Otra respuesta que me sorprendió fue aquella en la que la mayoría se expresaba contraria al comercio internacional, cuando buena parte de la economía de eso depende.  En dicha encuesta también se expresaba el temor que tienen muchos mexicanos a que su identidad sea afectada porr "la globalización", y el 62% expresaban que la gente que critica al país o su forma de gobierno lo hacen porque no aman a la patria (punto que me parece en extremo incoherente, porque si por algo critico lo que veo en mi país es porque creo que se merece una mejor realidad que la que tiene).

Tal parece que queremos que el mundo se abra a México pero no que México se abra al mundo.  Esto en un país que es el producto de la confluencia de culturas me parece tan contradictorio como estúpido.

“Foreigners steal our women”

I have heard plenty of times that before the advent of Nokia one of the main exports of Finland were its women, and that still today Finnish women will tend to marry foreigners.  Notwithstanding whether I agree with this sentence or not, it is true that the stereotypical Finnish male has a lot of sisu but lacks in his communication skills. 

Therefore, I suggest that in order to handle the perceived threat to the status quo, instead of complaining, the stereotypical Finnish male demonstrates the same determination to improve his situation.  Some advice to follow could include the following:

  • Listen to what she has to say.  She may not want your help in solving her problems (she's an independent, proud Finnish woman anyway), but a little bit of empathy goes a long way.
  • Leave the bottle.  Really.
  • Use your natural advantages.  The stereotypical Finnish man is handy, so be handy.
  • Telling her "I love you" more than once in a lifetime is acceptable, as long as you mean it.
  • Hug her.  Hugging doesn't need to preclude intercourse.  Other sorts of physical contact like holding hands are fine too.
  • Respect her.  Which doesn't mean leave her alone to do all the housework.
  • Surprise her.  Yes, it might include going to the theatre or some other activity you might not like, but be a man and stick to it.
  • Be there.  Because if she's the right woman she'll be there for you too.

Don't worry, it might sound difficult at first but you might be surprised how low-maintenance the stereotypical Finnish woman is, since she's used to being quite independent too.  You will both learn a lot.  Good luck.

Disclaimer:  I know very few men (and women) who do reflect this stereotype, but if you feel referred to it's not my problem.