Tag Archives: star wars

Happy Birthday Star Wars!

Darth Vader
Originally uploaded by Chiva Congelado

Today is the 30th anniversary of the release of the first Star Wars Movie. May the Force be with you!

I would really, really like to have a Star Wars marathon this weekend, but given that my DVDs are in Finland and I’m writing my final project, it will not be possible, so, geeks of the world, please do it on my behalf.

More information at the Official Site, TheForce.net and Wired.

Never tell me the odds

I just heard about a very good friend of ours that separated from her husband (my best wishes to both of them).  As asiduous readers of this blog might know, I'm getting married as well in a couple of months, and hearing that news coupled with my preparatory discussions where I learned the divorce rates in Europe (1 out of 2 separate) and comparing it to my family history, where there have also been a couple of divorces, I couldn't help but get slightly worried.

Then I remembered who is it that I'm getting married with, who am I, and what have we been through in the past seven years.  We bridged the chasm between cultures, languages and temperaments, we learned from each other and we went through the experience of living in different countries from each other for a total of around a year and a half.  And guess what?  We're still here.  It hasn't been easy, but we still believe.

There are of course many challenges coming in the future: work, family life, and the like, but as one famous Corellian once said: "Never tell me the odds!".

Star Wars: from I to VI

What do you do when you're alone at home, with flu, for 4 days?

I finally had some time to sit down and watch all Star Wars movies in the order they are supposed to be, according to the flanneled One, Mr. George Lucas. I have to say that I was actually quite surprised, because even though I consider myself a real Star Wars geek there were certain things that “clicked” when I finally dragged my ass to watch them all in a row on the same day. If you haven’t yet seen them all, stop reading, as spoilers follow:

* Yes, I know everybody considers Episode I an insufferable piece of crap, but I have to say that without it jumping straight into Episode II would make III far less dramatic. You wouldn’t know that Anakin is good. That it may suffer from overexposition and a, say, uninspiring plot, well, that’s another story.

* III becomes much sadder when you see Order 66 being carried out, and you realise that Anakin is just a pawn, he’s deceived by a lie, by his own luck, and by his own egoism, but he ends up being just a pawn. Tarkin is “holding his leash” by the time we reach IV, when he wanted to be much more powerful and important than that.

* IV’s title as “A New Hope” is much more inspiring if you’ve just seen III and the mess the Star Wars universe is embroiled in.

* V’s changes to the Hologram scene, where Palpatine starts rambling about Luke, even though small, give the movie a sense of cohesiveness with the rest of the saga.

* VI has much more suspense, especially when Palps says that “everything is proceeding as I have foreseen”. I mean, if the guy was able to mastermind the downfall of the Republic with shitloads of Jedi, he’ll surely be able to wipe the floor with the Rebellion, right?

* Wrong! Because we have been shown (as opposed as having been just told) that Vader used to be Anakin who used to be a good guy, so when he sees his own son, he’s got to remember Mace receiving the same sort of “shock treatment” , and then he takes his decision. It becomes much more powerful stuff.

* Lastly, Anakin’s Force ghost before the end credits of VI wraps up the whole story pretty neatly, and gives a sense of hope I can’t remember feeling last time I saw VI.