Tag Archives: travel
Visiting Mexico City
The lack of posts during July was caused by a well-deserved holiday in Mexico (pictures, videos) and subsequent return and catch up with work.
One thing that surprised me quite a bit on this last visit was the amount of new shopping centres opening in the city, and the amount of people visiting them not only for the sights but also with plenty of full shopping bags regardless of the fact that it was indeed that time of the year when sales and discounts are in full-force.
Given that and the strength of the superpeso (which is now trading at record highs against the dollar and has also gained against the euro) I saw a rather optimistic picture of the Mexican economy. Let’s hope it lasts given the U.S slowdown.
Vain yksi joukosta
Kun olin Seattlessa pari viikkoa sitten eräässä tapahtumassa, siellä oli muutamia suomalaisia, jotka tapasin lähtölennoilla. He olivat hyvin ystävällisiä ja näimme Yhdysvalloissa useita kertoja. Oli todella hauskaa että pystyin vaan hengailla sekä heidän että meksikolaisten kanssa, joita oli myös muutamia.
On tosi mukavaa kun voin olla vain yksi joukosta.
Space Needle
The view from up there is nothing short of spectacular, even though the food falls slightly short.
I was recently in the cradle of Grunge, but 15 years on, didn't really see much of it when I was there (I didn't visit the Experience Music Project then, so that's for sure a reason).
The climate, however, made me understand immediately why such a sound would find its origin there since it is pretty similar to what is found in the Nordic countries and as you may know hereabouts heavy metal, which can also be kind of depressing, is very popular.
I was very excited to visit the place of origin of bands I've liked since my teenage years, such as Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam & Foo Fighters, but I was not able to attend any gigs.
Seattle looks like Oslo
At least, given its flora, weather and orography, its environment definitely does. The city, however, is built in an entirely different order.
New York vs. Tokyo
State of fear
I was pretty surprised by the amount of fear I could see in the American media. I understand the shock caused by the unfortunate events of September 11th, 2001, but I think this doesn't only have to do with that.
The messages you hear in TV, in the news and in the street talk about fear: fear of terrorism, yes, but also of immigration, poverty, bad health, poor eductaion, peak oil, etc. I find it sad that such an entrepreneurial people can be held back by thinly veiled propaganda of fear. Awareness is extremely important, but frightening your audience won't take you anywhere.
I spent four days this week in New York City. It was the first time in almost 10 years I was outside of an airport in the US, as I've done plenty of transits but not many visits, and funnily enough last time I was in a city in the US it was NYC.
Funny way of closing circles, I guess…
Don’t watch these before flying
I guess it's not a good idea to watch the National Geographic channel before a week on the move if they have "Air crash investigation" and "Inside 9/11" on air. Stupid me.
It's just that it was so interesting. I guess it has to do with my typical trait of being curious about how things work and why they are that way.