Tag Archives: twitter

Weekly tweets from 2018-02-26 to 2018-03-04

Weekly tweets from 2018-02-19 to 2018-02-25

Weekly tweets from 2018-02-12 to 2018-02-18

  • Why Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google Need to Be Disrupted https://t.co/7MykZq0VIO ->
  • RT @Muna_Mire: 2018 is watching children live tweet mass shootings while other kids who've survived school shootings talk them through it ->
  • RT @ShaunKing: The United States is not #1 in much.

    Not education, not healthcare, not economic equality, none of that.

    We're #1 in mas… ->

  • The portal to the future, the past, old friends not gone 😉 en Pankkimuseo https://t.co/RuFbShzGdr ->
  • RT @morganw_44: I still can’t comprehend this. This is my classroom. I’m in this video. I have no words. https://t.co/3UAS4nCvQH ->
  • RT @DonkhodeHelio: — We, yo te dije que la construcción de las relaciones en base al amor romántico ya no daba para más, está condenada al… ->
  • RT @car_nove: I was hiding in a closet for 2 hours. It was about guns. You weren't there, you don't know how it felt. Guns give these disgu… ->
  • RT @AeroDork: Ever wonder what happens when you yank the pull cord on an aircraft emergency slide?

    Wonder no more. https://t.co/872diWGEGQ ->

  • RT @raflescabrera: AMO 🙌🏼 https://t.co/jea32LtFzB ->
  • RT @EmbaMexFin: Tänään ensi-illassa! 🎬 @DisneyPixar'in koskettava uutuus #Coco vie kuolleiden päivän värikkäisiin tunnelmiin! 🇲🇽#Meksiko #e->
  • RT @NickSzabo4: Security has a concept called attack surface: the more kinds of exposures, the greater the attack surface. Similarly we can… ->
  • RT @EmbaMexFin: Today the Finnish premiere of #Coco, @DisneyPixar's latest #animation inspired by the Mexican #DayOfTheDead! Please note th… ->
  • RT @EmbaMexFin: Todellista urheiluhenkeä! Meksikolaishiihtäjä Germán Madrazo sai sankarin vastaanoton maaliin saapuessaan! 👍 "#Maastohiihto… ->
  • Sé que muchos cangrejos van a echarle tierra porque llegó último. No saben de lo que están hablando. Teniendo en cu… https://t.co/lDa9mWD5QW ->
  • RT @MomentsES: ⚡️ ¿Terminar en último lugar? No importa, @madracus celebró por todo lo alto haber completado su competencia olímpica de #Cr->
  • RT @ianbremmer: This is heartbreaking. https://t.co/AWRYEEjcsz ->
  • RT @RiverettiMX: Aprendió a esquiar hace poco más de un año, calificó a sus primeros Olímpicos de Invierno, terminó último lugar pero con e… ->
  • RT @neiltyson: Evidence collected over many years, obtained from many locations, indicates that the power of Prayer is insufficient to stop… ->
  • RT @Dada13: En México el engrudo, la cochinita pibil y la birria están antes que el amor. https://t.co/v5LS4VdEkD ->
  • RT @MarkManly: The # of asylum claimants in #Mexico was up 66% in 2017. In contrast to recent years, the increase was not due principally t… ->
  • Skiing in the frozen sea with the full bunch #espoo #finland en Haukilahti, Etelä-Suomen Lääni,… https://t.co/iZxsvfKhuu ->
  • Zapopan: 20C, 9 pm, sábado
    Helsinki: -10C, 5 am, domingo
    El apoyo es el mismo aunque sea con corn flakes en lugar d… https://t.co/u1DmFRysEb ->
  • RT @diasporicblues: Thread on African tribes/cultures featured in #BlackPanther. #Wakanda ->
  • RT @gabosama: Please don’t tell hipsters & millennials this is better than toast… https://t.co/bJP9WCzpEm ->
  • RT @sleemo_: me avoiding star wars fandom discourse https://t.co/5tNfSXm0ED ->
  • ¿Para esto se desvela uno? ->
  • RT @Chivas: 🇵🇱 ¡Adeeeeentroooo! Con potencia y seguridad, @os_alanis empató el partido. ¡Vamos Rebaño, con todo por el segundo! ⚽️ https://… ->
  • RT @harrikumpulaine: "At the very beginning, a lot of parents didn’t appreciate the innovation (2v2 games at U6-U7 age) because they were s… ->

Weekly tweets from 2018-02-05 to 2018-02-11

  • RT @Noste: Suomalainen insinööri ei olisi lähettänyt autoaan avaruuteen. Hänen Skodansa edullisimmat kilometrit ovat vasta tulossa.

    "Muute… ->

  • RT @veronicalderon: Ojalá haya un día que en México se reconozca el enoooooooooooorme clasismo y racismo de este país. ¿No, güerito? #Elecc->
  • RT @FinancialTimes: Between the end of 2015 and 2017, the MSCI’s index of Latin American stocks rose by more than 50 per cent. Since then,… ->
  • RT @kashhill: I made my house smart. It was terrible and I think @trevortimm kind of wanted to divorce me https://t.co/JtQ2aBFtIa ->
  • RT @MaxCRoser: One year ago today Hans Rosling died.
    To remember him I want to share some links in this thread.

    Of the many talks he gave,… ->

  • RT @BenedictEvans: So many lessons for the car industry in this chart. And a parable of what happened to phones, too. https://t.co/FxSbPh2u… ->
  • RT @helfitzgerald: multiple generations who grew up in superhero movies and james bond and no one can recognize a supervillian when he laun… ->
  • RT @ianbremmer: Nebraska, we have a problem. https://t.co/sQFuk21p0D ->
  • RT @thisisFINLAND: The Finns make the most out of a cold #winter by using the frozen ocean as a park for walking, skiing and more. https://… ->
  • RT @OP_Ryhma: Muistathan, että jos lähetät autosi ulkoavaruuteen, niin autovakuutuksesi ei ole siellä voimassa. https://t.co/eAG73DrEJ5 ->
  • RT @ameri_naco: El gringo ya es Mexa! https://t.co/Rxeg8lQEXH ->
  • RT @AdrianSantuario: entrené un algoritmo de TensorFlow que mide tu tono de piel para el interactivo de Data Science que hice junto con Chi… ->
  • RT @adrianayee: El señor que le renta a Nadia cree que Nadia se llama Mirrumi porque su roomie la menciona así con él y no por su nombre. H… ->
  • RT @lukew: lines crossing https://t.co/a03TVrOOWm ->
  • RT @FourkindNow: The misrepresentation of AI is is reaching peak ridiculousness. It's embarrassing, and it's harmful to the field. https://… ->
  • RT @vpkivimaki: Scientists at Sarov nuclear lab arrested for attempting to use a supercomputer to mine Bitcoin. https://t.co/YibZUwFhzX ->
  • RT @NBCOlympics: When you trick your kid into cleaning #EverydayOlympics https://t.co/jzMbq0nnaq ->
  • RT @mexicoworldcup: Seem to be asking this every week these days … but … Que pex with Chivas? #ligamxeng ->
  • RT @PaulMMCooper: I ordered this book from my library, & it finally arrived yesterday.

    It might not look like much, but it feels really em… ->

  • RT @CarlaMorrisonmx: Fui a los tacos y una chica susurro: mira ahí esta Carla Morrison… su novio dijo: claro que no! Que haría ella aquí?… ->
  • RT @GustavoArellano: Hipster etymologists as of recent have obsessed over Australian English's supposedly unique method of creating nicknam… ->
  • A group of Ex-#Nokia ns translated a book of the last days of the company’s mobile business. You can find it here: https://t.co/ZJqQ7aM915 ->
  • 15 km of cross-country skiing is a fantastic way to end the weekend #helsinki #paloheinä… https://t.co/vYhzjy5ddV ->
  • RT @mareoflores: "Lo del eeeh puto no es homófobo, estamos echando desma".
    "Decirle prieto a alguien no es racista, así se dice".

    A veces… ->

  • RT @page_eco: Striking pictures of the East-West divide in Europe:

    – attitudes towards migrants
    – attitudes towards same sex mariage
    – air… ->

  • RT @carlosbravoreg: Más allá del ángulo racial del “prietos”: Ochoa dijo en un mitin del PRI q muchos priistas se están llendo a Morena. O… ->
  • RT @ThatEricAlper: You wake up in 1918. What job are you qualified to do? ->

Weekly tweets from 2018-01-29 to 2018-02-04

Weekly tweets from 2018-01-22 to 2018-01-28

  • RT @villepeltola: Vuoden 2018 parhaan hankenimen voittaja on jo valittu! 👏🏻🙂 #kiradigi360 https://t.co/7j65pZKpme ->
  • RT @jarkkotontti: Eight ways to divide Finland. #maps #Finland https://t.co/13IEWliHEI ->
  • RT @Dimmu141: "Mulla on myös maahanmuuttaja kavereita!" puolustus https://t.co/qt82yVfWPO ->
  • #coco #cempasúchilmágico https://t.co/IPSHyGSsxO ->
  • The problems of find-replace. https://t.co/WAVExOppO9 ->
  • RT @warkentin: Cuando el presidente de un país no puede ir a una región de ese mismo país porque la violencia está desbordada.

    Pero claro,… ->

  • RT @samin: Huhtasaaren fanilaumat käyttää hashtagia #siksilaura. Tässä kohtaa on ihan validia kysyä et onko tällä köörillä mitään mikä EI o… ->
  • RT @davidmacdougall: Laura thinks that immigrants would vote for her. Do we really need to start a thread here listing all the racist, xeno… ->
  • RT @davidmacdougall: This is a huge embarrassment for Keskusta & SDP. With all the money & resources & campaign volunteers, they're getting… ->
  • RT @VaalitFI: Huomenna on vaalipäivä! Tarkista äänestyspaikkasi postissa tulleesta ilmoituskortista tai soittamalla oikeusministeriön vaali… ->
  • RT @badass_w: a 16-year-old girl became the youngest person to complete a 600km trek to the North Pole, the South Pole and Greenland. This… ->
  • RT @simongerman600: The stereotypical image of the lazy Mexican could not be more inappropriate. In no other country do people work longer… ->
  • RT @MikeStackpole: A Brief History of the Star Wars Expanded Universe https://t.co/ZRNnuiOWEE ->
  • RT @IlmarMetsalo: Kun mietin kodeistaan paenneita isovanhempiani, joiden perheenjäseniä teloitettiin, pakkovärvättiin puna-armeijaan kuolem… ->
  • RT @HamillHimself: @pxorellana Si. ❤️ 🇲🇽!!! ->
  • RT @Rainmaker1973: "A Man Feeding Swans in the Snow" is a photograph taken in Cracow, from the Grunwald Bridge by photographer by Marcin Ry… ->
  • RT @Imamofpeace: The Jew is not my enemy. At the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC.

    #NeverAgain #WeRemember #AskWhy @HolocaustMuseum http… ->

  • 5:30 de la mañana en Helsinki, 0 C, pero viendo a las @Chivas por @chivastvmx cc @gabosainz @JFGiaccardihttps://t.co/cY8ElRsnf4 ->
  • RT @elonmusk: When the zombie apocalypse happens, you’ll be glad you bought a flamethrower. Works against hordes of the undead or your mone… ->
  • RT @biolojical: Mass in grams

    10^5… ->

  • RT @chivastvmx: Así fue el gol de @puliidooo. ¡Dale, Rebaño! 🐐🇦🇹 https://t.co/Eo0R3dxlF4 ->
  • RT @rachlikesbands: Rey & Kylo Ren fighting the Praetorian Guards to "Knights of Cydonia" by Muse https://t.co/5FJeyzngvp ->
  • RT @lockwooddewitt: How did the mansplainer get injured?

    They said he fell down a manhole, but it was a well, actually. ->

  • RT @tobiaschneider: Fitness and social media company Strava releases activity heat map. Excellent for locating military bases (h/t to @Nrg8->
  • RT @pekkakanerva: One of the most successful entrepreneurs of the last century has passed. Just like in Jobs, Musk, Bezos etc, #Kamprad was… ->
  • RT @4everNeverTrump: The Holocaust didn't start with concentration camps and gas chambers.

    It started with "us vs. them" demagogic rhetori… ->

  • RT @noleesheep: 🔥 HILO: Hoy he leído el titular de que los jóvenes que están viendo “FRIENDS” por primera vez la consideran “machista” y “h… ->
  • RT @TobsonHelsinki: Finland’s presidential election 2018 – possibly the least exciting election on record. ->
  • RT @mareoflores: Persona no gringa que vive en otro país del que no es originaria, para los gringos: "Migrante".

    Gringo que vive en otro p… ->

  • 4 of 5 stars to Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff https://t.co/CdNhBAJIMz ->
  • RT @isosavi: Persut+Väyrynen saivat 2012 vaaleissa 26,9%. Nyt saivat n. 13%. Ei siis mitään vaalivoittoa tullut. Voi lopettaa puheet "uudes… ->
  • RT @EganRichardson: Admire the gall of Huhtasaari to claim this one as a win when she lost about a quarter of the Finns party's voters (bas… ->
  • RT @nytimes: President Trump used Davos to urge business leaders to invest in the United States. But during the meeting, it was clear that… ->
  • RT @VilleNiinisto: Kansainvälisessä vertailussa Suomi torjui presidentinvaaleissa selvästi ääriajattelun.

    Maltillinen, suosittu president… ->

  • Kiitos Suomi, kun #vaalit olivat ns ”tylsiä”. Parempi olla järkeviä kuin mitä muualla maailmalla tapahtuu. Maahanmu… https://t.co/wTw3kAEqAS ->
  • RT @LatteCosmique: Tänään vaalilautakunnassa ääntenlaskennan yhteydessä käyty keskustelu: "Ajattele kuinka moni on tänäänkin tullut äänestä… ->
  • RT @yanarozan: Pitäisikö meidän puhua "toisen polven maahanmuuttajien" sijasta ensimmäisen polven suomalaisista? Tämä kuvaisi Suomessa synt… ->
  • RT @isosavi: Niinistö suosituin joka alueella. Toiseksi suosituimmassa hajontaa. #presidentinvaalit2018 https://t.co/0x8eQb9jRG ->

Weekly tweets from 2018-01-15 to 2018-01-21

Weekly tweets from 2018-01-08 to 2018-01-14

Weekly tweets from 2018-01-01 to 2018-01-07

Weekly tweets from 2017-12-25 to 2017-12-31