Tag Archives: twitter

Weekly tweets from 2017-03-13 to 2017-03-19

Weekly tweets from 2017-03-06 to 2017-03-12

Weekly tweets from 2017-02-27 to 2017-03-05

Weekly tweets from 2017-02-20 to 2017-02-26

Weekly tweets from 2017-02-13 to 2017-02-19

Weekly tweets from 2017-02-06 to 2017-02-12

Weekly tweets from 2017-01-30 to 2017-02-05

Weekly tweets from 2017-01-23 to 2017-01-29

Weekly tweets from 2017-01-16 to 2017-01-22

  • RT @gideonrachman: Extract from brilliant/bleak piece on meaning of Trump by Jonathan Kirshner. Read it all https://t.co/DycUq10KCM https:/… ->
  • RT @EnriqueKrauze: Hace 170 años, mientras las tropas yanquis nos invadían, las facciones políticas mexicanas peleaban entre sí. Nada han… ->
  • RT @Strykerian: For mothers of 2 month olds who've been back to work for 1 month we pray. @UnvirtuousAbbey ->
  • RT @SERIELIZADOS: El escocés Sunday Herald se corona con esta descripción… Twilight Zone meets Trump.(Foto de @moo67) https://t.co/uHq45i… ->
  • RT @TheEconomist: Donald Trump’s presidency is about to hit Mexico https://t.co/rEnEmgLmdG ->
  • RT @alfonslopeztena: 4,853,000 jobs supported by trade with Mexico in the U.S.
    Check your state (in thousands): https://t.co/23pkFMci5h ->
  • Me dueles México. En serio ya no la friegues. https://t.co/JKeRHT4I82 ->
  • RT @plegrain: UK has big trade surplus with US, ie, US has big deficit. & Trump wants 'fair' trade deals that eliminate US deficits. Prepar… ->
  • RT @Viri_Rios: Dejemos a un lado la fascinación por discutir si Trump hará o no lo que dice, eso no importa. Hay mucho que hacer https://t.… ->
  • Finished judging at the #GulfCXAwards for best digital strategy and best integrated approach. Very interesting submissions. @GulfCXAwards ->
  • RT @GulfCXAwards: One of the first presentations done! @Jumeirah how did your presentation go? ->
  • RT @GulfCXAwards: Presentation @NovoCinemasUAE in the Digital Strategy Category #GulfCXAwards. What a great initiative. ->
  • RT @PandaFeroce: Problema: "antojo de tacos al pastor"
    Solución: "leer noticias de seguridad y economía en MX"
    Acciones: "comprarse su croi… ->
  • RT @Viri_Rios: México no se nos puede caer. Estoy segura que somos más los que queremos verlo crecer con justicia, sin corrupción y sin des… ->
  • RT @veronicalderon: Los videojuegos y las redes sociales son los responsables. No el hecho de que en este país llevemos 10 años en violenci… ->
  • RT @veronicalderon: Dato importante: el niño sufría depresión. La depresión NO la causan los videojuegos. Y es un tabú hablar de ella. #Mon->
  • México, ahora sí me dueles un friego. ->
  • Prepárense / Canada given advance notice of Trump’s NAFTA demands https://t.co/2D9s7xgDFT ->
  • Ready for the 10k at the Dubai marathon… or as ready as I'm going to be. 😝 @ Dubai Marina https://t.co/8pWloNQ2OI ->
  • Did the 10 k at the Dubai marathon in less than an hour 🙂 https://t.co/iXuKWkU9Ro ->
  • RT @andreslajous: Tantas decisiones de gobierno tomadas asumiendo como premisa incuestionable: "la integración con EU es un destino inevita… ->
  • RT @ahope71: To our friends in the United States: if you treat other countries as enemies, that is precisely how they will behave. Don't go… ->
  • RT @prchovanec: Rarely said, but one of chief goals of US post-war policy was to remove the NEED for Japan and Germany to pursue interests… ->
  • RT @vpkivimaki: In other Finnish breaking news, a man has left a pan on a hot stove and went to the store. I say again, this is breaking ne… ->
  • #running #10k #últimojalón #finish #dubailife #nofilter #run @ Dubai, United Arab Emirates https://t.co/sh7wD7nqUI ->

Weekly tweets from 2017-01-09 to 2017-01-15