Tag Archives: twitter

Weekly tweets from 2013-10-07 to 2013-10-13

Weekly tweets from 2013-09-30 to 2013-10-06

Weekly tweets from 2013-09-23 to 2013-09-29

Weekly tweets from 2013-09-16 to 2013-09-22

Weekly tweets from 2013-09-09 to 2013-09-15

Weekly tweets from 2013-09-02 to 2013-09-08

Weekly tweets from 2013-08-26 to 2013-09-01

  • RT @RGA: A lot of people will have to do a lot of redefining of themselves. 'Troubles ahead for Internet adv': http://t.co/7GmDbEg0IG via @… ->
  • RT @joonaslinkola: Otaniemi, Otnäs – tältä kuulostavat länsimetron ja kehäradan pysäkkien kuulutukset http://t.co/H2N9OkyDgC <3 #länsimetro… ->
  • RT @charleneli: The Disconnect Between Aging Management and the Younger Workforce by @briansolis: http://t.co/xkZlCZcgua ->
  • Olen aika yllättänyt että, vaikka Suomessa Aku Ankka on suuri suosikki, vaimo ei ollut koskaan aikasemmin nähnyt Kolme Caballeroa -elokuvaa. ->
  • Before we get in deep trouble, but won't be easy… =( / Finnish government plans to trim generous welfare model http://t.co/zcl9tQwUFm ->
  • Lonoool! / Government settles on ”painful” structural reforms | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/cgS7fTLaTI ->
  • RT @innocentdrinks: Real Madrid, have you really thought this through? http://t.co/gWGUv4VzBk ->
  • I have reached the point in my job search that I've had to create an excel spreadsheet. Anybody else interested in my skills? 😀 ->
  • I'm looking for new opportunities. If you know of somebody who needs a digital marketing expert, let me know. http://t.co/5iFGTBLDA8 Pls RT ->
  • RT @atmasphere: What happens when you mash up 3D printing and Amazon’s same-day delivery?
    http://t.co/qEey3VTVkM ->
  • RT @stevelosh: HTTP status ranges in a nutshell:

    1xx: hold on
    2xx: here you go
    3xx: go away
    4xx: you fucked up
    5xx: I fucked up ->

  • RT @SBNationSoccer: PSG recorded 15 shots on target to Ajaccio's one on Sunday and still didn't win because Memo Ochoa is superhuman. http:… ->
  • Regresandomde una boda en Turku. El equivalente de una boda en Cuernavaca. ->
  • Cuando regresas de una boda en México por carretera te dicen "Ten cuidado con los borrachos". En Finlandia es "Ten cuidado con los renos". ->
  • RT @chriswhitewrite: The best news I've heard today: 3D scans of fossils being released for home 3D printers. http://t.co/GD3hPWen59 @Tezza->

Weekly tweets from 2013-08-19 to 2013-08-25

Weekly tweets from 2013-06-03 to 2013-06-09

Weekly tweets from 2013-05-27 to 2013-06-02