1st presenter: Torsti Tenhunen
Marketing-making robot or channel?
VistaPrint as an example: customised per user, not general
Measure effectiveness: attract, nurture, prioritize, sell

Questions for today:
Can we forget target segments and segmentation?
Can we forget campaigns?
What happens to creatives?
What does an advertising agency do?
Success stories?
Can it be integrated across all marketing communications?
Role in customer journey?
How does it increase sales and marketing cooperation?
Social media as part of automated marketing?
2nd presenter: Susanna Juusti, ID BBN
Iron Mountain case: Where’s your tipping point?
Different needs. Prospects helped along the customer journey with automated nurture emails.
Main objectives: 2k markering qualified leads from SMEs around Europe/ nurture leads with right messages.
Target audience:B2B stakeholders: business owners, records manager, IT manager, HR, etc.
Campaign visualized through creative execution in marketing communication.
Messages for needs mapped across audience profiles, buying journeys, job functions.
Messages for awareness, interest and consideration phases.
Campaign website: landing pages for 7 different job functions and 6 different product areas: TECS-mapped clearly which content was leading to which page, etc.
3k leads and 7:1ROI.
Atos case
Partner in the London Olympics
Personal bests: 5 different solutions using every possible channel, but digitally-led.
Bilt to take advantage not only of the event itself but a huge before and after contact plan.
Eloqua used for automation:41k mails, 140 different mail creatives, 130 landing pages, 6 languages, 5 solutions.
Results: 5k contacts, 10% new, some became active, 2.5% super active. 1bn€ pipleine, 100m€ already sold.
No more digital marketing as a separate channel.
Tecnology-enabled contact strategy (TECS)
Framework for contact strategies to help clients see big picture and build up and integrate all marketing channels.
Systematic working process.
Content, content, content.
3rd presenter: Heikki Karjaluoto, Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu
Has traditional marketing reached the end of the line?
Moving from leads to quality leads.
Nike: our best athletes help us create better products, at the end of the day, it’s all about the product.
Connect with the customer: let’s be where the consumers are and prove them with great content and great stories.
From one to many (product, price, place, promotion) to many to many communication (customer solution, customer cost, convenience, communication).
Marketing: managinng profitable customer relationships: CRM
Keeping customers and acquiring customers.
Social corporation, social CRM in the future: because customer is in power
Marketing auitomation: customer recognition, customer classification, communication and offering customisation.
Inbound vs outbound marketing: soft sell vs hard sell.
Example: ollijunes.com, micro company creating leads through social.
Case: HubSpot, 50k leads/month!
Marketing has changed, focus on relationships, service and digitalization.
In a nutshell: Strengthening of multichannel comminication, customer dialogue facilitation and measurement.
4th presenter: Riina Kirmanen, Vaisala
Why is marketing being reborn, marketing automation, digital ecosystem, case studies and measurement.
Vaisala has a Digital Center of Excellence!
From traditional marketing to relationship/digital/content marketing
From sales support to lead generator to business partner.
Marketing objectives in line with business strategies.
Roles of sales and marketing are changing because of: marketing technology, engagement, targeting, conversion, analytics.
Marketing digital ecosystem

Content marketing: leads/sales opportunities from all sources (see picture)

To be developed vs. sales-qualified leads.
Case Vaisala knowledge eNewsletter programme: small reach but very well targeted, unsubscription rate below 1%. Planned with conversion points. Integrated with sales so that salesperson knows when visiting a customer what he/she has done on website for the last year and a half.
Case Vaisala nurturing programmes: what is the path that I want a customer to take, depending on solution? Content assets. Not campaign thinking here, just keep it going! SEM campaign thinking of triggers. Thought through together with sales in terms of messages and role of each.
Lead scoring: explicit and implicit data!
Webinars: 50 per year, excellent assets for conversion.
Social media: not a priority channel, but gives good leads and helps with thought leadership.
Measurement: how well do we help implement execution. Currently 445 active campaigns, less than 1% hard bounces. 6k€ company subscriber value for newsletter. 2/3 of leads through digital channels. Some segments more mature to start the customer journey digitally than others.
Change management by flying below the radar, get results, then tell everybody.
5th presenter: Mika Autio, Ruukki
Installation service, ruukkiroofs.com
Ruukkiroofs before used to be about getting a roof off through a form. Now it has approachable, professional and local. Built on top of eloqua and salesforce. Etsi kattomestari or tilaa kattomestari. Traffic driven from display, sem, newsletters, own webpage, exhibition materials, facebook.
Automatic email confirmation to customer and lead sms to roof installer.
Campaign planned and ready-made for different scenarios, sales on board for a developing campaign, ab testing done, deployed in under 6 weeks, 100% sales increase YoY.
Measurement to be improved, as it wasn’t defined in the beginning. Do now, ask for forgiveness later ;-).
6th presenter: Susanna Repo, Veikkaus
Systematic customer feedback for improving customer service and business results.
1000 customers every day. They cannot advertise, but need to differentiate through product and service development.
Case Jokeri: huge customer feedback numbers when the game changed, advertising changed, character changed, but didnt’t immediately analyse so lost two months since feedback was quite bad. How to change?
Worked with Etuma to change situation and do proper feedback analysis.
Case Lotto & Viking Lotto: smaller prizes available after customer feedback, increased sales and revenue. Later expanded to all players.
Bettable events: added NBA & Jukolan Viesti after customer feedbaack. However, cannot do everything: Indian customers asked for cricket.
Custom benefits: no more codes, only click a button for customer recognition.
Customer service: while customers wanted longer hours, it was not profitable.
Customer feedback processing further automated in real time in the future, included in business processes! Currently using Whitevector for monitoring.
7th presenter: Timo Kruskopf, Idea Development Oy
Marketing automation and creative
A idea is always needed, brands still need a story, a point of view, automation helps with message repetition.
Now it is simply easier to reach more audiences through different channels.
Content needs to be planned to for use at different parts of the consumer journey.
Idea needs to work at each stage of the consumer journey.
Evaluating big long ideas: head, heart, holy shit.
8th presenter: Heikki Karjaluoto, Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu
Measurement needs to not be too much, or danger is to lose the forest for the trees (no red thread).
On the contrary, measurements can give peace for creativity.
9th presenter: Torsti Tenhunen
A brand needs to have a personality and a story.
Long, reactive campaigns that are always on.
Simpler to get different leads.